Furzonians chapter 2

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry


Chapter 2

The sea was a mysterious place so full of mysteries and unexplored territory and Alex had just been thrown into that world. He had been adrift on a piece of wood for several hours and he was getting pretty hungry unfortunately the wave had taken his suitcase with it where he had packed some sandwiches. He was passing in and out of conscious from time to time. He was pretty sure he was going to die that night so he closed his eyes for the last time and waited for it all to be over.

The sun was shining bright when Alex opened his eyes and it was pretty warm too. As he got up he noticed he was on an island but there were no building and with no buildings means no people.

"Hello?!" he yelled.

His voice echoed through the air but he still didn't hear any reply.

"Is anyone here?!" he yelled again, making sure that there were no people on the island.

He tried to move his leg but when he tried a sharp pain ran up his leg. It was probably broken and with no people meant he would starve to death since he couldn't walk. He laid back in the sand looking over to the other side of the beach. He didn't notice it till it came into view but there where two black figures running in his direction. He got up and waved his hands back and forth trying to get there attention.

"Hey! Over here help!" he yelled loudly.

They seemed to notice him and came running to him. As they got closer and closer he noticed something odd, they didn't look human. They both had muzzles and ears like a wolf and tails that followed behind them but they had hair like a human and they walked and ran like a human. Fear rushed through his entire being and before the two creatures reached him he passed out and fell back on the ground.

He didn't know what the creatures were although he had heard about creatures like these at his school they called them anthros. He never thought they existed but now he knew the truth but what was going to happen to him?

He awoke in a room that was lit up with -not light bulbs- but another energy source. He looked down and he noticed he was on a bed made of what looked like bamboo and giant leaves, even his pillow was made of the same material. Around the room were cabinets made out of wood -probably trees from the island- and through the glass he could see vials of liquid. He was about to get out of the bed when he heard the wooden door creak open. His eyes opened wide at the sight. He saw another one of the beasts again. He could tell it was a female from her body features. She wore a white jacket and pants but no shoes. She had all white fur and long blonde hair that reached the mid section of her back and she was curvy. She had blue eyes and a long tail. He didn't notice he was in fact sitting right on the edge of the edge of the bed and when he scooted back he fell to the ground and busted his ass.

"Oh my are you ok?" she asked walked towards him.

He back up until his back hit the wall then he placed his arms in front of his face.

"Please don't hurt me." he begged.

All he could hear was a little giggle.

"Hurt you? I'm a nurse I'm not going to break anything else."

For some reason he could sense the honesty in her voice and he put his arms down.

"Lets get that leg fixed up."

She grabbed his arm and pulled him back up into the bed. She then walked over to the sink and picked up a needle that looked like something a human doctor would use to inject medicine into the patients body. He took out a little vile of green liquid and pours it into the roof of the injector.

"Now you might feel a little tingle in your leg."

He pressed it to his leg and pressed down on the top button. He could feel in rushing through his leg and just like she said he could feel his leg tingle.

"Alright now try and stand."

Stand? She wanted him to stand just after that. He slide off the edge of the bed and pressed his foot to the ground preparing for the pain but when he didn't feel any he looked around and wiggled his leg.

"Looks like the medicine worked right."

He picked his leg up then put it back on the ground.

"Awesome I can walk again." he said excitedly.

She smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"I know this must be very frightening but were going to make it right." she said.

Just then the door slammed open and another one came running in. He had long black hair that was tied back, white and grey fur, he wore a black shirt and a red jacket that covered his entire body and on his back was a sword.

"Mom we need two crates of..."

But when he saw Alex he stared.

"Woe..." he said looking at him strangely.