Paperwork (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#245 of Short Stories

A gryphon visits a library.

~ The length of the room was a broad expanse of silence and dark, while the gryphon quietly reckoned that the floor was a great deal harder than it had been the moment before the net had arrived atop him. He struggled somewhat, and felt the soft burning of the iron woven into the bands alongside the chilling strands of moonsilver braided alongside. Whoever'd decided to lay a trap in this place had the foresight to be prepared for a magic user, and the knowledge to act on the prediction.

~ As the gryphon could hear footsteps approaching in the distance, his mind began to cross reference the various bounties he'd accumulated against himself with the possible hunters with enough skill and motivation to have so prepared. The lamps of the hall crackled to life, and the shadows of the library yielded to the sight of rows and shelves of books as the old dragon sauntered directly to crouch down next to the gryphon's head. For his own sight, he could discern the plain shoes and heavy fabric of a casual robe as she slid a plastic card down between the gaps in the net.

~ "We issued you this, last time you visited. You can check out two more items, before you're at the limit.", leaning over to start pulling off the net, "Be aware that your eldest withdrawl is overdue."