Quiet Awakening (Welded Sunset)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#241 of Short Stories

A mecha space whale wakes up, adrift.

~ From the current distance, the system's star was only a somewhat brighter speck from amongst the omnipresent sky of stars and empty. Just enough of the delicate beams of light from the distant furnace danced across the approximately blue surfaces of the great whale mech's outer layers of panel that she found herself rousing from a slumber from which she had not expected to awaken with the failure of her vacuum resonance drive. As power sputtered into a flow through her circuits and sensors, calculations began to try and tabulate the current time and location from the arrangement of pinpoints of light. The navigational matrix felt to rattle into form disgruntledly, most of its reckonings in the form of errors.

~ Flummoxed by her own interal senses, she reached out with a standardized communications burst of her own transponder codes, her logged travel route number, and a succinct summary of "My make-going-parts stopped somewhere.", across the seven standard frequencies and two moderate priority resonances.

~ The reply came back immediately as a mixture of disorientation, pieces of color folded into flavors of burrito, and something she decided must be what it feels like to watch a puppy fall onto a pillow.

~ After the pause to let her transmitter recharge the banks, she replied with a simple, "Err."

~ With a delay, the reply that followed included the sound that a sunset makes when being unfurled across an empty bathtub and a string of unintelligible numbers.

~ The whale's counter-offer was more nuanced, "Less Err."

~ The remaining months of the whale's drift closer into the solar system's reaches were calmer and entirely uneventful as the cries of information failed to volunteer themselves, until what seemed to be a diminutive tow-eagle daintily siddled up and alongside her path.

~ Along one of the original frequencies she had used, the eagle explained, "...Guide...Museum...Follow...Follow...Carry.", before he closed the remaining distance to bring claws to bear against one of her fins and begin to pull her towards some destination.