Stealth and Points (Welded Sunset)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#238 of Short Stories

A deer mecha lays a trap.

~ The mechanical deer crouched low into the pile of broken frame panels, as concealed as anything seven meters tall could manage. Nearly all of her focus was on silence, with the remainder dedicated to the observation of the lanky coyote frame some distance away and rummaging in the pile of spent axle charges and old ducting that concealed the source of the baton's signal.

~ With diligent inactivity, the moment of reward came as the frustrated coyote buried his face into the pile to try and pluck out the yet unseen baton. The deer launched out from the cover of discarded armor plates to whip a length of chain into the coyote's ankles, and thanks to a small amount of luck his tail. With the chain released and now the coyote's complication, the deer's path leaned down to pluck up the stretch of cable to which the baton had been tied. The pile of pipes and shafts scattered out of the way as the baton followed along after the deer. To her pleasure, the distant groan of a siren gave notice that she was confirmed in possession of the baton, and her team would be again accruing points.