Don't Pay for Water (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#219 of Short Stories

A bear and weasel consider the diner, and opt for action.

~ The bear's howl of laughter seemed to echo off the walls of the diner, while the ferret grinned sheepishly up to him. When he'd settled back down from the heights that the weasel's anecdote had taken him, the diner seemed even emptier. With a wide glance, the bear noted, "It is less crowded in here?"

~ The weasel's ears perked a moment, before he stood a bit to swing the other tables and bar with a gander, "Uh.. same as many people, now. No one else's here, and I've not seen the waiter since we got our waters."

~ They both glanced to the now empty glasses before the weasel ventured, "...we haven't ordered yet, right?"

~ The bear shook his head with a slow nod towards the door they'd last seen the waiter step through, "I don't really have the... papers... to talk with the cops, if ya' dig."

~ With a moment's silent consideration, the ferret pulled a couple of bucks out of his pocket, "Let's go get some takeout.", dropping the bills onto the table between the placemat menus.