The Month's Numbers (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#212 of Short Stories

A bear doesn't feel it.

~ The weather was a drab shimmer of gray skies and rain that didn't seem confident enough to do more than linger in the air as an oppressive humidity, the bear gazing out across the parking lot at the tops of the variously colored and shaped cars on the lot. With the lack of clear beam of sunlight beating down on him from above, the business casual suit seemed to fit him just a bit worse than usual though to the outside observer the tightness around the shoulders and ankles would be unlikely noticed.

~ In lieu of comment, he let out a long sigh as he glanced out at the highway. His ears perked as a car slowed and pulled off and into the lot. His face curled into something approximating a smile, the opening salvo of conversation being dredged from the coffers of his memory and practice as he strode out across concrete and towards where the potential customer looked to be parking.