Curiosity Inquired (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#208 of Short Stories

Cadet Clip, Jackalope who will become of the law, exchanges questions with a synth.

~ The dining hall was a chattering bustle of lunches being consumed and conversations engaged. Cadet Clip, her forehead and absence of an antler still aching from the day before, neatly declined to even approach the table full of dragons and carried her tray of meal off towards the wider considerations. As she hesitantly sauntered past the various tables, her eyes settled on a Synth who was gingerly sorting a pile of glucose wafers into smaller piles by the quantity of sides. The table across from him empty, the jackalope took the seat without request or invitation.

~ "So, triangles, squares, and hexagons?", the jackalope inquired.

~ The Synth's eyes indicated that his focus hadn't left the task of sorting, "Yeah. Number of sides indicates the flavor, and I don't like mine all mixed up."

~ "The squares are red; cherry flavor?", the jackalope guessed.

~ With an agreeable nod, the Synth confirmed her suspicions.

~ With a more confused tone, "But, the triangles and hexagons are both purple?", as she didn't even hazard a speculation as to the flavor of each.

~ With a motion towards the hexagons, "Grape.", holding up a triangle to shake it, "Orange.", the Synth clarified.

~ "Then why aren't they orange colored?", the jackalope remaining confused.

~ With a shrug of his glossy shoulders, "Lowest bidder. Factory error?"

~ Cadet Clip nodded, accepting this answer, as she started in on her salad.

~ With the completion of sorting, the Synth looked up to inquire, "You're missing an antler, and appear to be bleeding under that cloth."

~ The jackalope simply nodded. "He started it."

~ Crunching on a purple hexagon wafer, the Synth pried further, "I thought that only dude jackalopes had antlers, to begin with?"

~ Clip shrugged her shoulders, "Factory error?"