Efficiency Meal (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#207 of Short Stories

Detective Clip, jackalope of the law, selects a meal.

~ The shopping mall's food court wasn't exactly the cleanest or calmest setting for a lunch, but Detective Clip was in an unfamiliar city and always valued having a swath of options for a meal. She gazed across the row of restaurants, their signage a glow of letters, pictures, and pricing. She cautiously approached the location who's signs presented only the single image of a stick, "It's All On Sticks", in fine block lettering above the litany of options and prices.

~ Her eyes ablaze with curiosity, the jackalope lingered her way over to the booth, "So.. y'all put stuff on sticks?", directing her inquiry to the kobold behind the register.

~ With an excited nod, "Yup! Everything there, we put on a stick.", the kobold replied.

~ The detective seemed incredulous, "Watermelon?"

~ Firm nod from the kobold, "On a stick."

~ "Broccoli casserole?"

~ "On a stick.", the kobold clarifed.

~ "Bean and rice burrito?"

~ The kobold simply nodded in agreement to this.

~ "Cabbage Stew?", the jackalope fixing the kobold with an accusatory stare of disbelief.

~ The kobold met her glare with a reply thick with bubbly enthusiasm, "On a stick!"

~ After a pause, "How?"

~ The kobold made the motion of zippering his mouth shut, "Is a secret, until you buy! Curiosity is included in the prices."

~ Her face an expression of confusion, and her stomach clearly stating its own hungers, Detective Clip set to the task of making a selection from the booth's menu.