Part 17 – Flight

Story by starbtle on SoFurry

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#15 of Reincarnation: Dragoness


I must record that I am listening to HIM - "Uneasy Listening" incase anything gets slipped into this piece.


Also, thank you to all my readers for being patient with me and waiting for this next chapter. I hope the next won't take as long.


The room was dark as I opened my eyes. His dark presence blocking all light that escaped into the room, form the drawn curtains. I blinked in the darkness; unable to truly see him, but knowing he was there.

His hands moved across my shoulders. Making their way to my back, they release me from my nightdress pulling the material away. I lay there upon the bed naked, shivering under his gaze.

"I know your secret little one, there is no need to be afraid. You have shown me that I can trust you. All my other pets tried to escape. I want to see your true form now. Show me what you truly are."

My heart beat fast as my shape changed. In the dark, I could feel the bed shift under the weight change. I could feel his hands upon my chest as it expanded, the hardened scales covering it.

I let out a scream of pain as my transformation changed. It always hurt to some extent, but this time it was different. Almost as if I was in a new form, which I had never taken before. As it subsided, I raised my head to find where my master had moved too. He was standing by fireplace, which sprang to life.

"My beautiful pet. I glad you have come to me. Whatever form you find comfortable, take it here. This is your home now. The servants have been instructed to take care of any in my care, no matter what they may be."

He moved to my side again as I looked up at him from where I lay. He leaned in closer, his soft lips touching mine. I felt his hands beguine to move over my body again. He seemed to know every thing to do to me; despite the new form his touch sent sparks though my entire being.

"Now pet," his voice was soft in my ear. "I want you to shrink your form. Concentrate on being a dragon, but as smaller dragon. Do not revert to the humanlike form you have hidden in for so long. For though it is pleasing to you that I continue in this form, I need you to be a little smaller."

His fingers had found the warmth between my legs. He stroked it softly, making me whimper as I concentrated on shrinking. I felt his fingers delve deeper as he coaxed me on, finally moving to pick me up.

I wrapped my limbs around him as he rose, holding me in his arms. My tail whipped back and forth as I felt his hips press against mine. I let out a little yelp as I felt him press into me, his phallus larger than I had remembered it from the last time.

He stood there in the middle of the room, holding me aloft as if I weighed nothing. Even as small dragon I was not light. His strength was incredible. My claws ran across his back, digging into his shoulders under his wings. He chuckled as he began to thrust into me. Every movement seemed to be amplified by the fact that I had no control. I was at his mercy.

"Now this is what makes you special my dear. I have never been able to do this with a pet who could fly before."

He started to walk as he spoke, every step thrusting deeper into me. We came to the window which seemed to now be only an illusion as we moved though it, into the air it's self. Instinctively I spread my wings searching for balance. He laughed, doing the same as we tumbled though the air locked in our embrace.

Even with nothing to brace him self against, he still thrust into me. Supporting me from within, his hands running along my body, over my wings, my face, my rear... it seemed he touched every part of me at once almost.

We flew over the surrounding countryside, unaware of it below, but knowing it was there. All at once he shifted, now resting upon my back as he now began to penetrate my tail hole. I couldn't move my wings with him there... Panicking I began to struggle. He laughed, thrusting harder.

"Calm down Anna. I am here; I have wings if you have forgotten. Or maybe you tire of my attention?" He leaned across my back, kissing my neck, his flingers holding my wings. "Only a little longer and we shall go back."

I surrendered my self to him again, unable to do anything else. I was too scared that he would let me go, and in the panicked state I was in, I was unsure that I would be able to recover my self to fly free. I felt his thrusts quicken, almost if driven by my fears. It was not long before I felt him pressing back into my soft lips again. His hard shaft like a sword as it drove home, causing me to scram out in extract as I felt my orgasm coming. His soon followed, filling my being with his hot fluids. It was almost as if it flowed though my very being. As the rush reached my head I blacked out, it was too much to handle.


I awoke in my bed again. My breakfast try was laid out beside me, a hot bath drawn, my nightdress cleaned and over the back of a near by chair. Curious to that I rose, moving to look at myself in the mirror.

I gasped in surprise. Staring back at me was not a human, or a dragon... but something in-between. Powerful shapely legs, long flowing tail, softly fleshed out areas, covered in silky fine scales. My dark hair flowing over my shoulders and wings softly. Standing there naked, I did not notice the maid waiting at the doorway.

"It is good to see you up, M'lady. The master said to tell you he would be out for a few days. He is going to join the hunt. You are to remain here, inside the house. He apologizes for this, because he knows you love the gardens, so he instructed me to bring you this rose."

She set the little vase upon the table by the door, turning to leave me alone again with the memory of my master's touch, and questions that I knew only he could answer. After a little I bathed and ate. I then left my room, going to find his library again. If I was going to get any answers that would be the first place to look...

To be continued in part 18...