WDT Hell

Story by Faros on SoFurry

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I dont usually write yiffy stories much less see them as worthy enough to be posted online. But I believe this one along with a few others that will be coming shortly show some promise.

My talent isnt in writing yiff its more in writting plots and plot twists especially in coming up with fighting scenarios and the such. I try and put alot of imagination into it.

More specifically to give everyone an idea of where and what exactly this story is, is it takes place in hell. More or less the outskirts of hell outside the torturing realm of it and more towards the interactions and livings of demons and the realms other occupants.

Its a realm that a friend of mine came up with to use as a foreground for our more evilish characters. There are several plots we are developing using this and hopefully at some point Ill see fit to publish them here baring how well this one goes in ratings/comments.

One of the characters species are one of my own. One I created some time ago. A WereDragTaur species was one I developed through unique circumstances. Essentially it is a minotaur with a dragonic tail and wings with werewolf fur coving its entire form. I can go into more depth/history but Ill let the story do that for me.

Anyways onto the story, the format is somewhat different than what most of what you are used to. Its an RP that has been going back and forth between myself and a friend and rather than try and work it into normal story format Ive decided to keep it that way. The Page breaks '____________' are transitions so dont get too confused.

Enjoy. Comment and rate as always.

He'd planned this journey for months. Scouting the terrain, practising escape strategies, plans for everything that could possibly go wrong. Bored after centuries of torture, the lone grey dragon wanted to spy on some of hell's most dangerous creatures. This time it was a lone WereDragTaur, living in a rainy part of hell. A portion of this region was rainforest, and another was a deep ocean. Sea dwellers needed their own torture regions as well. Here it rained and stormed almost constantly. Wearing a deep blue hooded cloth cloak, the drake also carried a bow and arrow set, a pistol, a small mage's wand for focusing his spells, and wore silver and blue jewelled armour that covered most of him from his neck down to his claws. Through the rain, light as it was now, he was stopped by the appearance of hanging corpses, strung from tall poles erected here and there. The tops were hidden in the clouds. "Here I am in his territory now..." Sure he'd simply respawn if killed, but what bothered him was if the WDT would be able to put a freezing spell on him. What kind of hell would he wake up to, hundreds, even thousands of years from now? And what if he planned to torture him in the mean time? Just as birdwatching drew in many fans, so did his sport: demonwatching.


A soft low growl semed to trickle through the pitter patter of rain. The hulking WDT pulling his kill aside and letting the skin fall. A freshly killed boar anthro who had haunted in his lastarea. Strung up by the tree tops his bloody corpse soo found a home. Further ahead were hundred and hundreds of spiked wooden poles pointed out towards any ousiders coing in. Should a large dragon or demon decide to lnd it would prove quite difficult without imapling oneself. A very thick dense rainforest filled with eerie noises and stirrings. There of course layed several types of traps ranging from pits with spikes at the bottom to impale the hapless victims to trip wires that would set off alarms of sorts. He would know he was close when there was no sound. All critters quiet, but by then it would be too late. The WereDragTaur having excellent sense of smell knew of anything foreign in his land. And that wouldnt vote well for any intruder given he was highly territorial.


His pace slowed, watching the corpses hanging in the air. Even a few crow's cages, where a victim would be placed in a round cage high in the air, where they would eventually go hungry and die, leaving the corpses for the crows. Additional magic of course would be needed to override a demon's ability to not have to eat. Slowly, the area immediately surrounding him grew quiet, leaving sounds from further away, as if he'd suddenly dropped into an island of silence. Eyes narrowing, ears twitching at the slightest sound, he pulled his small wand. He was more or less equally skilled in magic and weaponry, but he figured he'd use magic first to weaken him before pulling out his bows and arrows. Perhaps his armour would be strong enough to withstand the first blow? Wings folded, he bent his knees and prepared for the attack, gritting his teeth. What a rush, he thought as his heart pounded.


The silence continued until the only thing that could be heard was the throbbing of ones heart. Even the blood pulsing through ones arteries and veins. Without warning there was a flash of blinding white light from all around intended to blind its victim before the ground seemed to erupt around him from all sides in violent explosions sending clumps of dirt and the occasional pebble in at the dragon. Simultaneous charges going going off. But would the dragon have spells over himself protecting him from being blinded and distracted by the explosions? A mental spear immedialy came after the drake impaling itself onto his skull making if feel as though something were clawing its way into him mind. Not only a physical attack now but a mental as well. The WDT attacking both angles without even showing himself. The mind spear of course was mended so as to be untraceable if the drake was able to ward it off.


A scream, very sudden, as his whole world turned white and full of pain. He nearly dropped his staff but used it to produce a general protection spell. He forced his maw to push the words out, and only then was he able to see outlines of objects beyond the white; he'd started falling backward, though very slowly, as if the spell were holding him up. It was the mental spear that got him; he'd never experienced anything like it before. He simply couldn't concentrate on his spell to ward off the attack any longer. And so he let go... Perhaps a quick and painful death, and regeneration was in order?


As if by simply sensing when the drakes defenses had fallen eveything had cease save for the mind spike. A mist beginning to form now surrounding the drake as a sense of great fear and dread filled the place. Several foot pads in the grass now approaching within several meters of the dragon before stoping. The fear effect only intensifying. A paw shooting out and immediately the drake was hoisted into the air with the mind spear still lodged in, intact as he was being taken away in the dense fog just out of sight of being able to see his captor. Did he know the WDT was capable to telekinesis? More than likely not being in the condition he was in now.


Through the pain, he was only able to concentrate on clearing his vision so he wasn't completely blinded by the white light. Here he could see faint traces of tree trunks, and the figure approaching him in the distance. "Why don't you just end me now!?" He roared out in pain, doubtful if anything bigger than a fly would be able to hear him. The pain was outright terrible, and what he feared most was the fact that he would end his life... without the ability to regenerate. Being lifted up with a simple thought now made him realize he'd well underestimated his magic. A simple pounce with body and magic in the blink of an eye was all he came to expect... but this... this was unimaginably worse than he'd expected.


The WDT keeping his prey conscious not wanting to give him the bliss of unconsciousness. He left the dragons remarks go unanswered simply pulling him along deeper into his abyss making sure to keep the mind spear in play throbbing in his brain blurring his concentration and thinking. Suddenly it seemed to all cease at once as the dragon had been placed in an odd sort of wooden stocks. This one held their prisoner down on their knees with their arms and ankles locked behing them in stocks encirling around each of his arms and ankles behind him forcing him to keep in an uncomfortable kneeling position in what appeared to be a sawdust pit which covered the floor. Dungeon walls surrounding him along with a few torchlights keeping the failr barely lit. A few foot falls giving away the WDT's position. Keeping a another mind spike within a tails twitch he gave the feeling that any atttempt at magic and the dragon would knnow no end of misery being permamnently impaled with the spike. Still the creature kept to the shadows with there being only one thing giving off his presence as well. His strong musked scent and a large hooveprint in the sawdust in front of him.


He tried to keep the spell going as long as possible, but soon he had worn himself out, too weak now to use the magic he had remaining. He didn't know how quickly it would regenerate here. What he did see was that the room around him got darker, his body now thrown into the kneeling stocks in question. As uncomfortable as the position was, the mind spike was much more painful. Now being indoors, the WDT's musk was more pronounced, and since he could only associate it with fear and pain, it didn't help the situation much at all. He tried to communicate to him mentally, unable to summon up the energy to move his maw, most certainly the mind spike being in the way. Forget being heroic or standing up to him, he just wanted the pain to end...