The End

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Taking trauma to a fresh rise, they turn on their abuser...









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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The End

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

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An experimental piece of fiction.

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People have sweet sayings and softening words, quotes that are meant to lift you up out of the aftermath of the darkness. Let it all go, they say. It'll be okay, they say. The best revenge on someone like that is living your life well. Everyone says that you have to be the better person after you've been hurt but what if that hurt lasts for more than just a moment? What if it's something that lasts for years? How are you supposed to just pack up your bags, decide you're all better, and move on from there?

Shut up. I didn't say you could talk.

I don't want to let the past go. It's not that it has its claws sunk into me still, no... No, it's that I remember, the anger sharpening, hardening, roiling and seething. I need it there to remember why I'm doing what I'm doing right here and right now. I need to feel it, I need to overcome it. It needs to be there so I know what I've put behind me, all that I've been through, just to know in my gut that it wasn't a lie.


Not yet...

Definitely not yet.

I don't want to let the past go. All I want is my fucking revenge.

You got away with it and now here you sit all pretty and shaking. How does it feel to be on the receiving end, for once? You're all but speechless. I don't really count blubbering as talking but, really, that's all you ever did, wasn't it? You were good at spouting shit and pretending that it was god's word. And that's only because you thought you were a fucking god.

I thought I was useless, didn't I? But that was you all along. Someone who brings such strife into the one would ever say that they deserve to live, would they?

Perhaps it was you all along, not me. Wouldn't that be a laugh?

You don't deserve to live a life where you get to jaunt about and hurt more people. How many souls have been cast down all because of you? No, no, no - I knew you'd take it like that but, believe you me, that's not a fucking compliment. From me, that's a goddamn death sentence. All the lives, all the days, all the hours and even the fucking minutes you stole from people. The fucking years from me. All of that. Isn't it come time, my dearest of dear darlings, that you paid due penance for all that you've done?

Oh, go on. It's good to see the fear in your eyes, your arms flailing, the curse on your lips. Run, my darling, run. You deserve to feel like this, stripped down to nothing, lost and useless. You made me feel like that, before. You made many others feel like their lives were no longer worth living. Why not you too? Why is your life more important than anyone else's, so much so that you bandy it about to trade and barter?

Well, fact is, dearie, it's not. It's about time you learned that.

Hush now. It'll be over soon.

Maybe that's a lie. Maybe it's not. Time for you to be the judge. It's one of the last things you'll ever get to be the judge of, after all. Seems fitting now, no?

Lies and manipulation... Well, I've got none of that here, not from you, but I've got a dose of control that you won't be familiar with. Take away all that you think you are and, well, this is what you're left with. Don't you like what you see? This is you: your bones, your blood, your sinew. The beating of your heart won't last for long, however. You never really had one.

Isn't that cute? Your blood dripping, trickling... You won't bleed out, not from a little nick like this. But doesn't it make you feel so powerless? Darling, oh honey... That was just a taste of what this knife can do. This isn't the end.

Well, just for you. But not yet. You haven't suffered enough yet to meet your end.

Drip, drip, drip. Oh, don't cry. Thought you were big and strong, the person that everyone wanted? You thought you were big and strong, that's it. You thought you were "all that" but, really, you're fucking nothing. Called me a bitch? Well, you're a worthless cunt. And this is for all those years that you made me feel like I didn't deserve to live, all the times you placed unrealistic expectations on me - expectations that were never meant to be met. You wanted me to fail!

I've got news for you. I'm your greatest failure. And that's why you're sitting there before me right now, blood dripping down your cheek, an eye swollen shut, maybe a few of your ribs are broken too. You're bound. There's nowhere for you to go. No one wants you anyway.

The world is better off without you.

So, here it is, the last hurrah from me that you'll ever see, the horror show played out before you. Try your restraints: they're not going to loosen. I know my job. Do you?

There's nothing left here for you. Close your eyes. Let the pain be. I'll cut deep. But I'll never be as cruel as you. No one ever could reach that level of viciousness, the darkness that evidently consumed your soul.

Sociopath? Narcissist? Psychopath? Which one are you? I don't fucking care anymore. It's time for you to go.

So, fucking go then. Go on. You wanted to die. You told me that I made you want to kill yourself. Wasn't that a joke? If it wasn't manipulation then, dearest, then I'm giving you the liberty to do it.

Your bonds are free. The knife's in your hands. Turn it over. Feel the blade.

Do it.

Just fucking do it.

It's your time, just like it was so long ago, but I'm not going to be the one with blood on my hands. You're not worth that.

So do it.

My story isn't over yet.

But yours is.