The Hive of Debauchery 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Continuing our little saga, the infested hive sends the horse off to the pervert agent that has been investigating the college. They're hoping that he's as bad a pervert as they think he is, but he's not. He's worse.

Commissioned by FlimFlamFun5

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (You are Here)

Part 4:

The Hive of Debauchery

Part 3

For FlimFlamFun5

By Draconicon

The Hive took the day to solidify its grip on the five earth anthros that it had already collected. Each slug clung tighter to the body that hosted it, forming a connection that was half-biological, half-synthetic to their hosts' prostates, and in the case of Grant the mouse, to his brain and skull, and to other places, as well. They made sure that they were tucked in deep, impossible to be removed without surgery, at least as far as their hosts were aware and as far as the DNA that they had absorbed gave them the ability to be.

Patrick was the least of them, unfortunately. As the first corrupted, so much of his mind had been drained to give the last of the old Hive the chance to build up something new for the others. He was not quite there, and the parasite in him had to take more direct control to force him to be good enough to pass for normal when others were around. It was a pity for the fox, but it meant that the Hive would live on due to his sacrifice.

The others were arguing, or rather, their slugs were arguing over who would be in charge after Patrick's slug was done. Grant seemed to be the one in the lead, due to having more slugs in him, but the others were more than willing to advance their own candidacy for the Voice of the Hive. The arguments went long into the night, the five Hive members sharing a room, sleeping with their asses up and facing towards each other.

By morning, the floor was stained with cum and more, the orgasms of the hosts milked free while they slept. The choice was made. Grant would speak for the Hive, at least until there were greater numbers to be concerned with. The mouse would be in charge.

Morning came, and other plans were conceived in the privacy of their room. The hosts shivered beneath their pleasures, their bliss given to them as a reward for being good drones of the Hive. Plans were made based off of what the giraffe inspector had told them.

According to the inspector, Roland, the college had been visited by an outside official. He wasn't one of the town zoning officials, but he had various bits of paperwork from them, stating that there were complaints of building code problems spread throughout the college. The school didn't like the idea of the frats or sororities being shut down, so they had pacified the guy - temporarily - by sending people like Roland out to see what was happening and if the buildings needed to be brought up to code.

According to the giraffe, again, that had seemed to be enough for the new guy, another fox. This one was a white-furred one, though, and he always wore sunglasses, even indoors. The Hive shared that information among them, blotting that image into their collective consciousness, making sure that each individual member would recognize him if they saw him.

The last bit of information that Roland had for them was that the fox had been, as was stereotypical, quite gay. He had the flamboyance, he had the fashion sense...and he had been eyeing every bigger man in the room when they were heading out. The giraffe had even gotten his package checked out.

With that information, Grant made the obvious decision. It was time to send Bret to earn his keep.

The black-furred Shire horse walked down the campus pathways, the clip-clop of his hooves making enough of a racket to keep him focused. He had almost forgotten about the parasite in his ass, the slug attached to his prostate, but it kept reminding him that it was there whenever he came close to forgetting.

Or whenever he thought that it might be a good idea to start mentioning it to other people.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe that I'm doing this.

He was more conscious than Patrick was. There was no doubt about that, considering the hosts had been dragged along with the slugs into the mutual hive mind. They had been sharing consciousnesses with each other, every one of them able to see and feel what the others were thinking. It had been...disorienting, to say the least. People were not usually meant to share that level of intimacy.

And it had been terrifying to see the fragmented nature of the fox after they'd been forced to be in contact that way. Patrick had been a great friend, a guy that was charming and on the ball about everything. He'd been well on his way to being an early graduate, and now...

He thought back to the patchwork mind that he'd felt against his, the ripped parts of the fox's memory sending a shiver down his spine as he realized that could easily have been him if he'd been the first person infested. The fact that he could still think for himself, even with his loyalty turned toward the Hive, was a gift that he'd owe Patrick for over the rest of his life.

But for now, he needed to stop thinking about Patrick and start thinking about the other fox.

Find. Flirt. Infect.

That was the order of operations. He had been changed, given the muscles to fight the Hive's enemies, but he had also been given a few other modifications. Ones that would make it easier to bring someone that they needed into the fold.

Bret paused at the administration building. There was a small part of him, one that was still just a bit outside of the Hive's control, that was tempted to go in and talk to someone. If he spilled the beans, then there was the possibility that the Hive might be stopped. If he had been more himself, if there was more than that little bit of independence left than the small amount needed to keep from looking out of the ordinary, then he might have done it.

But with so little of himself free of the Hive, there was nothing to tell him why it was a good idea. It wasn't like he had been overly harmed, unlike Patrick. He could still feel like himself. He could still do what he wanted, as long as it furthered the Hive's goals. Why did it matter that he carried something else inside of him?

Was that the Hive speaking? He didn't know, but if it was, he wasn't sure that he cared.

The horse turned away from the admin building, taking the path down the side to the caretaker and housecleaning centers. It was a smaller building tucked into the end of the bigger administration building, and it was easy to miss if you didn't know what you were looking for.

Thankfully, by pulling Roland into the Hive, Bret knew exactly where to go.

The building was a square thing, just one story tall and just big enough for a small cluster of offices and two meeting rooms, from what they had pulled from the giraffe. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but enough for their purposes. Bret stepped inside, a soft 'Ah...ah...ah...' slipping from his lips as he called out to the rest of the Hive.

Other than Patrick, the rest of the Hive were milling about outside the building. None of them were standing with the others, making sure that they didn't form a conspicuous group. He could 'hear' Grant at the south side of the building, waiting to come in the back door if he was required, and Derek and Roland were not far from the front.

All things considered, it meant that they were situated for a perfect ambush. The Hive was ready to gain a new member.

He walked up to the front desk, closing his mouth. The clerk looked up, her eyes half-closed behind her glasses, and the calico cat sighed.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm looking for someone that was here yesterday. An arctic fox, about so tall?" he asked, holding his hand up to his chest.

"You mean Mr. Gascon?"

"Yeah, sounds like him."

"He's not taking any visitors right now."

"Just thought he'd like to hear a report, that's all."

"He's not -"

"What's this about a report?"

A white-furred, narrow-muzzled face popped out of one of the meeting rooms down the hall. It had to be the same guy, considering he matched the memory that they'd extracted from Roland. He had the same sunglasses, had the same narrow, wiry frame, and he looked like the sort that would be eyeing up every big guy in the area. Certainly, his eyes dropped low on Bret's body, and the horse was pretty sure that the little guy was staring at his crotch.

The slug in his ass gave his prostate a good squeeze, and his cock responded, throbbing under the fox's gaze and getting just big enough to see through his pants. It must have done the trick, because the vulpine grinned.

"I think I can take the time to talk to this fine man. Let him through."

"...Yes, Mr. Gascon. You may talk to him."

"Thanks, ma'am."

Bret nodded at her, walking by the cat and making his way to the meeting room. There was nobody else waiting, which was not particularly encouraging. While the sanitation and groundskeeping part of the college was not particularly popular, he had thought that there'd be plenty of people wanting to file a request for something in their room or something like that.

Something was going on.

Mr. Gascon held the door open as he stepped inside, then shut it behind him. No locking occurred, but he had the feeling that the fox was one step away from ensuring that they had total privacy. Certainly the room felt different than it should, and it looked different from Roland's memories, too. The walls were padded more, and the floor seemed to be replaced from the carpet that they'd seen when they were all bonded together.

They did something here...just in the last twenty-four hours...

Bret wouldn't have gathered that before, but it felt like the slug was giving him information, too. Helping him think, helping him focus on the goals of the Hive. That was good. He needed it.

As the white fox gestured for him to sit down, Bret took a better look at their target. The fluff-ball was probably about five and a half feet tall, possessing a tail that was as fluffy as one could imagine and longer than average. He wore a suit that was halfway to being a tuxedo in terms of how formal it looked, and he had enough muscle to make it fit him properly rather than leaving it looking baggy on his frame.

It was the gun on his hip that gave the horse pause, though. Zoning officials didn't carry guns. Nobody in the civil government carried guns. That meant that he had to be from somewhere else, and he couldn't believe that Roland hadn't noticed something like that.

Yet, none of that showed on his face. He stayed calm, smiling as the fox sat down across the table from him.

"So, you said that you had a report for me."

"Yes, I do. It's got something to do with one of the frats out here."

"Really, now? What did you see?"

"Well, I'm not sure if it's important,'s kinda...weird."

He put on a blush, listening to the slug in his ass. It was giving him part of the plan, the plan that the parasites had hatched among themselves. He'd not known that there had been one, let alone one this...embarrassing.

But it was part of the job. He had to do what he was told, and if he was a good drone, then he would be allowed to feel good later.

"I found something, and it kinda...jumped at me."

"Something jumped at you?" the fox asked, cocking his head to the side. "What, like a...bug or something?"

"No, it was more...alien than that."

It was a gamble, according to the slugs, but it was one that paid off. Almost instantly, the white fox was sitting up straight in his seat, looking at the horse as intensely as one could imagine.

"Alien? Describe it. What was it like?"

"It was...well, kinda slug-like. Well, slug, and...snake...and eel...It kinda looked like all three rolled into one, you know?"

"And why do you say that it was alien?"

"It rose up and stretched, and...and it was..."

This was the embarrassing part. He looked down at his crotch, pretending that he was humiliated, but it wasn't much of a pretense. He was already feeling embarrassed that he had to take it this far.

"It kinda jumped dick..."


"It attacked my dick. It slithered inside, and..."

"You're saying that you...You have an alien in your..."

"In my pants, and..."


This was the crux of it. If the fox was as much of a pervert as Roland thought he was, then there was every chance that he would want to get a good look at the hunk of beef that Bret was. It was the perfect excuse to see a hot college guy in the buff, showing off his cock for the smaller fox. If he went for it, then they had the perfect opportunity to start corrupting him, changing him.

There was a parasite slug hidden in the horse's mane, one that had clung to the back of his neck in preparation for this. If they could just get Mr. Gascon out of his suit, then they had a chance to convert him right then and there.

The fox stared at him for a few seconds, his white-furred cheeks starting to burn. He gestured under the table.

"Take off your pants."


"Take off your pants. I have to...examine this."

"But...but sir..."

"Don't worry, I'm authorized to examine you."

Bret had serious doubts about that, but he was pretty sure that this fox had more authorization than the college knew. That gun definitely suggested that he was from somewhere much higher up than the city zoning board...and probably further up than the local police department, for that matter.

And it was working, too. As much as Mr. Gascon obviously wanted to stay professional, the fox's urges were getting the better of him. The arctic fox had gotten up from his chair, walking around the table, and there was no way that the horse could miss that bulge.

I'm going to be fucking a faggot...

You will expose yourself.

The slug's commands, and those of the Hive, were impossible to deny. Much as he didn't want to fuck another guy, he had to do as he was ordered. Bret's only consolation was that, he hoped, he wouldn't have to actually fuck the fox. He might just have to show off, get a small blowjob, and then he could be done.

He stood up as the fox gestured at him again, pulling his pants down. His underwear was already bulging from the slug's work on his prostate, forcing him to start stiffening down there, and the fox grinned wider than ever behind his sunglasses. Mr. Gascon reached for him, then paused.

"One second."

The agent darted to the door, pulling the lock on the knob into the proper position. There would be no interruptions, which meant that the fox had just sealed his own doom.


Can't believe I'm doing this, can't believe I'm doing this...

And yet, he was. He was pulling his underwear down, letting the briefs fall down to his ankles, and he stood there naked from the waist down for the fox's viewing pleasure.

If there had been any doubt of Mr. Gascon's intentions once he heard about the alien attack to the crotch, they were gone as soon as the fox grabbed him. There was no feeling around, no groping to see if there was a bulge or a tumor or something in the horse's sheath. There was just a grab, grope, and fondle, the fox seemingly eager to get Bret nice and hard.

"Mmmph, is this a real exam?" he managed to ask, trying to sound innocent.

"Of course. I have to see you...I mean, I have to see your cock hard to make sure that there's nothing wrong with it."

There was no way that anyone in the world would have believed the agent there, but the horse played dumb. He needed to take his time, to make sure that he was doing the job that the Hive needed him to do.

He wouldn't have been able to get hard for the short fox normally, but the slug was helping him. The pinches to his prostate, the sudden waves of bliss that came from his ass, they all worked towards pushing his cock further and further from his sheath, spilling out into the open. His cock had always been fat and long, an impressive piece of meat, but now?

Even Bret smiled as he looked down at his dick, thinking about how good it looked. Almost a foot long, it was a spire of horse-meat and it was something that he had loved showing off to the ladies. It wasn't that much different showing off to a guy, he supposed, even if it was something that he'd prefer to keep for pussy...

Mr. Gascon seemed to like it too, leaning in and nuzzling his cheeks against the head as it started rising further and further upwards. The white fox groaned, sniffing at the tip, panting under his breath.

" really are...gifted..."

"This...there's no way that this is an exam."

"No, aren't going to stop me, are you?"


"I didn't think so. Get on the table, huh? I can work better from there..."

The Shire horse did as he was told, sitting his ass down on the table and spreading his legs for the arctic fox. The way that he was so hungry for dick told him that this guy was going to be easy to turn, particularly with all the stuff that had already happened.

The Hive was telling him what he would do. His balls had been converted, his cum corrupted. It wasn't the same as making someone into a member of the Hive, but there were similar chemicals in his seed, things that would trigger massive blasts of brain chemicals that caused pleasure and lack of inhibitions. It'd be like getting drunk on cum, and it could be absorbed orally or...well, anywhere that alcohol could, and some places where it couldn't.

As Mr. Gascon got on his hands and knees, the fox opening his mouth to pull the horse's cock in, the slug hit. One quick 'nip' to the horse's prostate, and Bret was hit with a forced orgasm.


With a grunt and a gasp of pleasure, the horse came, and he came hard down the fox's throat. Mr. Gascon gasped, trying to pull away, but Bret was forced to grab him by the ears, yanking him down and forcing him to swallow the head of his cock down his throat.

Fucking...don't want to...

But the slug gave him enough pleasure to keep it from being more than a mild annoyance as he came. He panted hard as he felt his seed spurting down the other man's throat, knowing that it was already going to work. The initial struggle against his grip had already faded, and the grunts of complaint were shifting to moans of need.

In seconds, Mr. Gascon might as well have been drunk, and drunk on lust, for that matter. He giggled as he was released, pulling his head back and wiping his lips.

"Mmmm, is that all you got in you?" the fox asked.


"I hope not. I want to see how the whole thing boy cock."

The fact that the agent had been shifted from quietly perverted to fully perverted so quickly would have surprised him, were it not for the memories from Roland's time here. The giraffe had seen every glance that the fox had given the big guys, and his size queen nature had not gone unnoticed.

And now, it was being fed. The horse's cock twitched, not going soft as the slug kept him hard. The Hive was demanding that this man be seeded, that he be given everything possible to keep him docile for when the infection happened. Bret sighed inside, but knew that he'd have to go the distance.

He leaned back, allowing the fox to go back to sucking him off, oozing pre the whole time. If it wasn't for the slug helping him, the gay act wouldn't be possible for him. He would have shriveled away, as no woman would be sexy enough to tempt him in fantasy while this was going on.

Suck, suck, suck, went the fox's mouth, going past the medial ring of the horse's dick and all the way down to his sheath. The feeling of that much of his dick getting sheathed in another person's throat was nice, but...

Cum. Fertilize.

They were using both the earth words and their own, now, but the effect was the same. The horse groaned, arching his back against the desk, thrusting his cock further down the fox's throat. There was another blast of cum, another forced orgasm that ripped through him and left him gasping for breath.

Bret panted as he flopped out on the desk, his eyes closing slightly as he felt the pleasure of what he'd just done coursing through him. If he had toes, he would have curled them...

But he wasn't done. His balls churned, and he realized that the parasite was doing something to his prostate, flooding his system with need, making him recharge and ignore the rest period that his body needed. His cock throbbed right back up, and the fox grinned wider than ever.

"Man, you don't quit, do you? Where were you when I was in college?"

"Probably in high school..."

"I guess, but man...that is hot..."

Bret was thankful for the compliment, though not so much for where it came from. Man, if only the fox was a chick...

Mr. Gascon's inhibitions were long gone, though. The fox stood up, pulling his own pants off and his underwear, as well. His shoes and socks were tossed over his shoulders, and he turned around, backing his own flat ass up against the horse's cock.

"Mmmm, I can't wait to get a good stretch from that thing."

"Man, are you sure that you're not some sort of vixen in the wrong body?"

"I'm just a gay man...a gay man that loves big dicks."

"Well, I've got a big one."

"You sure as fuck do...holy cow..."

It was big, it was long, and it was fat. Bret's dick had split more than a few cheerleaders right down the middle with how wide it was, and more than a few changed their minds when they were unable to take more than half of it. The sheer thickness tended to scare them off.

This guy, however, was not only not scared off, but he seemed to be enticed by it. The fox pulled it down, grinding the dripping, flared head around his hole, and then pushed back.


The flare had never gone in that fast into someone else before, and for all that he had been annoyed at having to fuck a guy, Bret was starting to revise his opinions. The pleasurable grip of that pucker...holy fuck...

Bret didn't have to fake his arousal anymore, much to his shame. The Shire horse groaned as he leaned back, watching as the fox bounced on his dick, staring at that white ass as it pulled his cock in right up to the hilt every time. Mr. Gascon moaned happily as he rode the horse, pushing his hips forward, back, forward, back, each time taking it right to the base before pulling himself right back up to the flare.

It was a tight, hot hole, and he could feel his cock throbbing harder and harder. The slug in his ass was surprised, too, and had to pull tighter around his prostate. It was like the feeling of a cock ring around the base of his balls, something that cut off the flow of fluids so that he couldn't cum until he was required to.

"Mmmm, you like that tight little fox ass," Mr. Gascon said. "Come want to cum in there, don't you? You were cumming like crazy for my mouth."

"Mmmph...what about...what about the alien?"

"There's nothing down there. I'd have felt it already...go on...cum..."

The horse groaned under his breath. This guy...he honestly didn't know. He was obviously someone high-up, but whether he was actively looking for aliens or not, Bret didn't know. He seemed too unreliable for that.

But at the same time, they needed to know what he knew.

As the fox bounced on him, trying to encourage his cock to blow, trying to get him to cum again, Bret reached into his mane. He knew right where the hidden slug was, and pulled it out, cupping it in the palm of his hand. It stretched slightly, getting ready for its purpose, and it oozed with slime.

The fox panted for him, those flat ass cheeks pushing back, that hole opening up again and again. The agent's speedy riding was driving him up the wall, and only the tight grip of his own slug around his prostate was keeping him from blowing his load right then and there.

Be ready...Fertilize.

Bret groaned, biting his lips and blushing in a way that wasn't at all faked. It was the first time that he had ever fucked a guy, and more to the point, the first time that he had ever actually cum in one. For all that he had said that he wasn't gay, and for all that he had been pushed over the edge by the slug...

He had to admit, the fox's ass was almost better than pussy. Might actually be better, for that matter.


The Hive needed Mr. Gascon, and when the fox leaned forward, popping his ass off of the horse's cock at long last, they had him. Bret leaned forward, his hand cupping the fox's dripping hole. It gaped from having a horse cock pushed so deep for so long, and the slug had no difficulty sliding in.

" up for another round already?" Mr. Gascon asked.

"No, just...keeping you from making a mess..."

"You already made a mess. One hell of a mess,'m going to be feeling that for a while..."

It would take a moment or two for the slug to find the fox's prostate, he knew. It would find it, grip it. For that matter, it would take a while before Mr. Gascon was aware of the control that was being exerted over him. All those tingles that the slug usually made people feel would probably be attributed to aftershocks from his orgasm.

As the fox got up, stumbling across the room to collect his clothes, Bret watched and waited. It wouldn't be long now.

Mr. Gascon had managed to get his pants off the floor and his underwear up his hips before he paused. The fox blinked, tilting his head to the side before he shook it. Then he shook his head again, almost like he was trying to shake off something that was buzzing on or in his ears.

"Something wrong?"


"Something...pressing on you?" Bret asked.

"You - mmmph!"

The fox's cock jumped up in his underwear, suddenly thrusting forward and spewing pre-cum into the dark fabric. Bret jumped to his feet, pulling the vulpine agent back to him. One little thrust, and his cock was buried back in the fox's throat.

"No talking..."

He held him there, despite Mr. Gascon's sudden thrashing about. The slug would need a little time to get settled, even with all the lack of inhibitions that the horse's corrupted cum had allowed for. It needed time to link to the spine, to the rest of the body, and if it didn't have that time, then it would be easy to remove.


This time, his own slug knew the right thing to say. He came, and the blast of seed calmed the fox down, even if it left the horse panting softly.

"Mmmph...don't worry..."

Bret panted softly, feeling his own slug pushing out through his ass again. It would want to take the information the new one would have, induct the arctic fox into the Hive properly. He'd need to shift position, soon, but not yet. Not just yet.

"Don't'll understand...understand soon. You checked the - mmmph - you checked the wrong thing..."


"The Hive is All...all in our ass..."

Bret would have chuckled at that, if he had the brain space for it. As it was, he was focusing much more on the feeling of that mouth around his cock, trying to judge just how far down Mr. Gascon actually was. It was a hard guessing game, considering the fox's own slutty nature, but he needed to keep him from going too deep down. Too much cum, and the guy could be braindead before the new slug could get its information. Too little, and he might start fighting back.

Neither option was welcome.

Over the course of fifteen minutes, Mr. Gascon calmed down. He wasn't completely inducted yet, but he wasn't going to be a danger any longer, either. It would take another 45 minutes, at least, for them to get him to a point where he wouldn't be giving the game away in public, but they had time.

The slug in his ass told him what he needed, and he nodded, pulling his cock free and then putting his pants back on. He unlocked the door and poked his head out.


The calico looked up.


"Could you call, uh, Grant, Derek, and Roland from the Gold Boys frat house?"


"Uh, corroboration."

"Mr. Gascon's asking for more?"

"Yeah, so...if you don't mind?"

"Ugh. Fine. I'll see if I can find their numbers."


If she was searching the campus records, she'd probably find their cell phones before anything else. Considering how lazy she was, she'd probably text them and leave it at that. They'd be here soon, and then they could keep Mr. Gascon occupied until he was fully converted to their side.

And then they could find out who he really was.

The End