Chastity's Journal (a teacher's pet) Chapter Two: Memories

Story by Grym on SoFurry

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Mr. Jonathan Clawtooth sat at his desk in the second bedroom turned office of his small house. He absently reached for his glass as he slowly made progress through the latest test paper, sighing. Most of the students were doing well even if not excellent but there were a few in his class that he was obviously just not reaching and it disturbed him. He was a teacher for a reason, after all, and he wanted all of his students to succeed.

Lifting the glass to his lips, he was reminded that it had been empty the last two times he had picked it up. He kept meaning to refill it but put it off to try to get the papers done. After this, he still had a pile of book reports to go through, the grades to be properly recorded in his grade book and the history test for tomorrow to finish writing. He also needed to get some laundry done.

He sighed again as his mental to do list grew larger. It had used to be easier. Once he had had help. When he was getting his teaching degree, he had had never had to worry about his glass being filled or chores around the house. She had done them.

He let his head fall back as he remembered those times. She had been such a beautiful lioness, golden fur set off by the black leather of her bonds, green eyes glittering brighter than the small emerald placed in the marriage tag that had hung from her collar. Tula had captured his heart from the first moment they had met.

He had been on his way to his science class in pursuit of his teaching degree and she had been coming out of her aerobics class. His nose had been deep in a book reviewing for the test and her eyes had been covered by the towel drying her wet hair when they had quite literally ran into each other. He had, of course, apologized until their eyes met and then he was struck speechless by her sweet smile. They had both missed their next class.

Over the next years, they became inseparable, even more. They had discovered a matching desire in their lives and she wore his collar and kneeled beside him as his slave by the end of their first year. By the end of their second, they were married. She had been his mate in all ways. Her joy had been to serve him, to fill his drinks, clean his house, to kneel beside him as they studied, and to ease his tension before the finals. His body shivered as he remembered how they had celebrated graduation. He had marked all of her as his, with bites and his scent, and through it all she had begged for more. They had looked forward to their life, planned it. This small house would be a beginning and later would be filled with the sounds of children. The basement held the projects they would work on together as they made their perfect dungeon for their own pleasure.

Then, one rainy night, it had all ended. They had been coming home from shopping, planning. She was going to cook them a special meal while he finished grading the papers and then they were going to break in the new cuffs they had just picked out together. The teenage driver had been on his way from one party to another. He and his two friends had already been drinking so their horseplay was all the more dangerous. An ill timed friendly slap to the back of a young head and the car was out of control on a narrow street with nowhere for the married couple to go.

He didn't really remember the crash and afterwards was just a blur of searching for her. However, the moments after he found her were etched into his mind forever. Her spine had been injured and she couldn't feel the large rents in her skin that were bleeding out her life. At least she hadn't felt the pain. It was the only blessing that night. He had held he as they waited for the ambulance and heard her last words, telling him she loved him and making him promise that he would try to find happiness, that he would not keep his love from another. She had made him promise he would not live out his life alone. He had promised. What else could he do? How could he not give her what peace and comfort he could as they said their goodbyes?

He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He hadn't found anyone else. Though, truthfully, he had not really been looking. There just did not seem to be the time between his work at the school and tutoring and taking care of his house. However, at times like this, he felt the loneliness keenly and he longed for feminine hands to take his glass and fill it without him noticing, a soft cheek to rub on his thigh and tell him it was time for a break. Soft but firm paws to turn his chair and undo his belt and distract him from any troubling thoughts. A supple strong body under his paws, in his bed.

He groaned as his ligerhood swelled in his pants as he thought of a muzzle nuzzling lovingly at his zipper, soft murrs accented by the jingling of chains from cuffs and collar. Reaching down, he undid the belt and unfastened his pants, pushing them down his hips and rubbing softly at his thick shaft. He imagined the feel of long hair caressing his inner thighs as a willing mouth took his large arousal into wet heat, a tongue massaging the large vein along the underside, pressing each sweet spot. He groaned as he his paw moved more firmly over his aching ligerhood, the precum slicking his skin. He could feel the pressure building in his loins. Now would be the time he would grip the collar, urging his cock deeper, down into her throat, holding her where he wanted but careful not to gag her and she would murr around him, the vibrations making him want to growl and cum right then but waiting, breathing in her arousal. Her body wet and shivering in need just from the taste of him in her mouth, begging for release that only he could allow her. The chair was creaking under his movements but he was lost in bright green eyes staring up at him from an eager face as she swallowed him deep, pressing his sac just as he had taught her right before he filled her muzzle and throat with his cum, stroking her head as she drank down every drop, giving her permission to cum with him, her juices soaking the pillow she'd been kneeling on.

He opened his eyes as his breathing slowly returned to normal. The house was still empty and now he had cleaning up the floor, the chair and his hand to add to his to do list. He sighed as finished sliding his pants and boxers off, using them to begin cleaning up himself. The release hadn't really helped. He was still just as alone as he had been for the last fourteen years.