F.U.R. Part 4

Story by The Red-Ringed Umbreon on SoFurry

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#5 of F.U.R Part 1

Sorry it took so long, I had to travel from Idaho to Texas in a car, so I had no time to write, please excuse my absence of story.

All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence

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F.U.R. Part 4

The five of them stood flabbergasted in the doorway; Shawn was the last person they expected.

"Why are you here?" Michael says as they stare at the Ferret.

"To return this," he holds the purple resource charge with the cloud engraved on the side.

"BUT WHY???" Michael yells out.

"Can I talk inside, it's going to rain!"

As if on cue, a crackle of thunder is heard in the distance, "Sure, but don't try anything or we WILL use force." David replies, moving aside to accept him into the apartment.

Sitting on the couch, Shawn places the tube of purple light onto the coffee table, "OK, where to start...oh, I felt not right about this whole thing, so I decided to leave the other two, and return it," David, sitting in the loveseat across from him was listening intently, "I really don't have any desire to be a bad person, it's just who I am, so I hope you can trust me."

"OK, but I need to talk with my teammates first." David walks into his room, where everyone was waiting for him, "OK, anyone want to say something?"

May looks at him, "How did it go?"

"It went fine, and that's what worrying me..."

"Could that mean that he's lying?" Michael asks from the corner of the room.

"No, he's mentally unstable; why would he make such a rational move?"

They all sit there in quiet, "I think we can't trust him." Bones says finally.

"Interrogation is an option." Xavier darkly calls out. Back in his black ops training, he was taught to destroy people from inside their own heads.

"Again, he too mentally unstable to have that work." David rubs the bridge of his nose, "I've got to send him somewhere he can't hurt anyone...even himself."

May stands up, "You're planning on sending him to a hospital?" David nods his head.

Stepping out of the door, he heads back down the hall where he left Shawn, who was laughing at something on T.V., eating a bag of chips, "HAHA. I can't believe that Big Bother is running even in the past. I've got to admit, though, it got a lot better in season 570...Oh, David; What is it?"

"Look Shawn, even though you have said that you're good, we've got to put you away...for your own sake. You understand that right?"

"Yeah, but the trial I was supposed to go to never happened, so I'm still innocent until proven guilty...right?"

David sighs, "Yes, but your mental instability might make you change your mind for helping us."

"Yep, that makes sense..." Shawn appears to look past the TV and see something; something in the direction of Times Square, "Oh, GOD...what have I done?"

Shawn stands up, and tries to pick up the purple tube that was still on the table. His hand passes right through it, "This isn't the charge!"

"WHAT!" David stands up as the other four rush out of the room, "THEN WHERE THE HELL IS IT!?!?"

"I don't know, but...but..." Shawn trails off, still looking the direction of Times Square, "Lan has it..."

Over the buildings of Times Square, Lan throws up the capsule of violet light, and the yellow one, into the sky. Huge lightning bolts hit all over the place, people scattering to get away from the massive yellow streaks, "Shawn you fool! You have no idea what you just did!"

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The battle between brothers is bordering the becoming...so many B's today

The next part will have a fight scene, so B warned.