Black Mamba Vs. Arson (CursedArcanine)

Story by Amandala the African Gijinka on SoFurry

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(This was written in the Colleseum, between myself and CursedArcanine. It was an epic battle that I thought deserved to be seen by everyone. X3 So, that explains the strange style in which it's written. Copy and paste, baby, copy and paste. Enjoy. :D)

Noh Warrior Black Mamba sighed softly and stretches lazily, drawing his blade with his left hand. He chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes." he smiled, drawing the blade. He held the sword with ease, considering it was nearly as long as he was tall. He raised it and pointed at the Arcanine, reaching up with his free hand and pulling his mask down over his face. "Very well. Have at it, then, my fiery new opponent." he said, voice not even muffled by the mask. He placed one foot in front of the other, heel to toe. He cast a mild glance at Jules Dragoness, but wasnt terribly interested in hir. He focused back on his opponent, and waited patiently.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson snarled, his right arm sliding up his hand and to his wrist. "Don't worry, im not the only one youll be fighting this fine night.." he said, blood lust throwing his old eyes into oblivion, replacing them with dark orange cornea lacking marbles. He began to unwrap his arm's bandages, they fell like rivulets of water, expanding on the dusty ground and taking on the width and heigth of a television, starch white in appearance the ribbons formed a massive Serpent, ducking it's diamond head it unhinged it's detachable jaw, bearing the two massive fangs that dripped with venom capable of poison the earth. "Meet Orochi..." Arson sneered as he suddenly appeared atop the giant snake's head, arms crossed over his chest. "But don't get too acquanted, you won't know each other for long..."

Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He cocked his head lazily, studying the big snake thoughtfully. He took note of the giant fangs and could only smile, knowing that his blood was immune to the most poisonous of animals in the world. And this snake was no different. "Bak chuli tant!" he barked sharply, eyes suddenly hardening behind the eyeholes of the mask. The snakes around his waist and neck suddenly launched off of his body and into the sand of the arena, vanishing beneath it. "Really? How sad, because I so admire his great form. I adore snakes." he said easily, moving slowly to the side, every movement as graceful as a snakes, serpentine and gentle. His 'skirt' made soft swishing, and strangely, a few metallic sounds as he moved, pale legs standing out against the dark cloth of his wardrobe. He twirled his sword rapidly, his obvious skill in the factor of swordsmanship not to be contested. He suddenly launched himself, his speed making it so that he was a mere blur of color against the ground. He rushed the snake, and launched himself upwards, ramming his foot towards the bottom of the snake's jaw, intending to force Orochi's fangs through his own bottom jaw. Even if he didn't manage it, he would back flip and land, leaping away quickly.

[05:41:55] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson sneered, his eyes trained personally to see even the fastest of objects. The Arcanine tightened his right hand's tendons, his controlling arm for Orochi. The milk-white scales of the serpentine god narrowed, sharpening to the point of being to sharp for their owner to stand upon. Arson would leap forward, overbearing his opponent. The two mambas burrowing was a sign that he was not to touch ground often. The male landed flat against the side one of the four towering pillars in the colliseum's center. He began to run up it's surface vertically, dark energy trailing from his right arm in thick rivulets of clouds. "Like a sheep to the slaughter!" he roared, vaulting over the top and standing with jump-ready legs. His mighty summoning hissed bravely as it reared it's spike crowned head, it's two fangs dripping his beautiful venom, the sand below sizzling and disintegrating. A terrible consequence to those who so much as touched the viscious fluid. The scales retracted and shot up from the snakes skull, prepared to full impale the human with his rush attack.

[05:48:18] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He smiled softly at the Arcanine's little trick. Interesting. He tucked his legs in at the last moment and turned the kick into a backwards saumersault, avoiding the dangerous scales. As he landed, he leaped backwards, and landed firmly planted on the ground. Without warning, the two fourteen foot mamba's exploded from the ground, wrapped their bodies around his legs, and yanked him beneath the ground. He felt the ground moving around him like water, and jerked his hand backwards. The snakes obeyed his orders instantly, pulling him beneath the earth to the back of the arena, far away from Orochi and Arson. He appeared above the ground, but only from the waist up. He rammed his sword into the ground and quickly made many hand symbols, chanting softly. The earth rumbled and exploded with activity around him. The earth rose and fromed spear-like protrutions, all aimed for Orochi. They launched with the force of a volcanic explosion, kicking up a massive amount of dirt around him. He smirked and ducked beneath the earth again, pulled along by his faithful serpents.

[05:55:46] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: With a viscious swipe of his right arm a trail of purple would emnate form his finger tips. "Orochi!" he commanded. As the spikes impaled his legendary serpent each and every scales would part, tearing from the snake. From a distance Orochi simply exploded in a flurry of white. Each scale morphed, changing with exquisite beauty. Their reptilian forms changing into that of a white eagle, yellow gleaming eyes and feathers erupted from every direction as the massive flock circled the pillar the Arcanine was perched upon, they landed next to one another, lifting their mighty wings to recreate the Ancient Form of Orochi. It's massive scaled body coiled around the pillar until it's large head stood poised behind Arson, who had taken to the skies with a massive jump, his arm pulsing with pure dark power. "You Cannot Kill What You Cannot Grasp! Orochi is harder to capture than smoke is to a net!" Arson would taunt. his right arm extending somewhat as his claws lengthened into obsidian reavers. As his jump arced he begin to fall, right through Orochi. The birds appeared once more at his impact sight and scattered, only to rush back into place and recreate their master. Arson landed ominously in a crouched position, eyes changing to that of a thermal sight. His eyes locked upon that of the human below the ground's surface.

[06:02:23] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: He poked his head above the surface, many yards away from Orochi and Arson. He cocked his head, the ridiculous Noh mask seeming to be mocking the Arcanine. "You know....You have much fire, much spirit, but sadly, your bite has yet to match your bark. You make your snake do all the fighting, instead of fighting me like a man. I am forced to used trickery because you are using that lovely creature to do all your fighting. He cocked his head, a slightly impish gleam to his eyes from behind that mask. Even as he waited here, a third, smaller snake was slithering from its hiding place under his skirt in a hidden pocket, towards the cocky Arcanine. "You just can't fight hand to hand or weapon to weapon, can you? All that boasting and you are naught but a coward!" he laughed softly, as the snake crept up to the surface and launched itself from the dirt, towards the Arcanine's throat.

[06:08:16] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson scowled, his face darkening at these heckling words. He stood crouched, shielding his face with his arm the mamba would sink it's fangs directly into the males arm, venom pouring from it's glands and spreading through his arm, but something wasn't right, the snake seemed to hang there, unmoving. Arson snorted and shook his arm, the snake lifelessly fell to the ground a few feet in front of him, his jaw unhinged and it's gums a pure jet black, rotted, deceased. "Hmph.....Orochi fights for me becuase he is me.." he would say, growling with anger as the words stung harder than any sword. He stood at his full heigth, the yellow venom of the mamba had utterly no effect for he was undead, a cursed, one of untold secrets. "I will make sure that by this night ends....all your bones will be snapped but your neck. I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER!!!" he roared, almost howling as a furious dark aura surrounded the entirety of his serpent and him, he rose his right arm, it's deadly claws capable of tearing through buildings like butter. "Taste your own blood and know true pain!" he spat, his words like his own venom as a massive dark laser shot forth from his palm, it's power and speed unreal.

[06:14:18] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: The human cocked his head slightly, a grin playing on his lips behind his mask. He really was ever so interesting and easy to annoy. He, amazingly, did not move as the dark laser approached him. He actually rose from the ground to meet the laser, blue eyes gleaming brightly behind the mask. As the beam struck his mask, it seemed to hover there, just above the surface of the mask. "How quaint. Dark energy meets a mask of holiness, of light! And woe to my enemy, for he is nothing against my purity." he said easily, as a burst of light exploded from his mask and sent the energy repelling back towards its owner. His snakes hissed and writhed, convulsing around his neck and waist, but he didn't even notice, his attention all for Arson and Orochi.

[06:19:15] (>) CursedArcanine: Arson's orange eyes would widen at the sight of this reflection, he shielded his face with his arm once more. "I'm immune to death.." he muttered as the reflective blast collided with Orochi's side, blocking his master from harm, the energy from both attacks seethed and writhed as it flowed into Orochi, each scale flourishing with a different shade of black. "Orochi..." he scowled, slashing his hand through the air once more. His serpentine offering hissed one final time at his opponent before slamming it's nose into the dirt floor of the colliseum, burrowing deep into the earth and out of the battle's range. "Hmph..." he snorted, falling from the great pillar and landing. His fists slammed into the ground, thick stalagmites forming in front of him and protruding up faster as the trail of spears raced torwards your form. Arson's eyes pulsed with heat, even his body was shrouded in the surrounding heat waves.

[06:28:45] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He laughed softly and cocked his head, the mask covering his face unharmed by it's reflection of the laser. He was amused by how hard the young male kept trying. So, he would give him what he wanted. He watched the spears heading towards him and, at the last moment, spoke. "Bak!" he barked sharply, and his mamba's launched him upwards, out of the ground and out of the way of the spears. He flew straight towards Arson. His blade flashed as he landed inches from the Arcanine, moving like liquid silver in the hands of the master assassin, blue eyes glittering with battle rage. "Was this the face that launched a thousand ships? And burnt the topless towers of Illium?" he quoted musically, each word punctuated by the swing of his deadly blade. He knew where his snakes would be: writhing beneath the ground, just waiting for him to give the order, any order. He wasn't bothered by the heat. He seemed unfazed by the heat waves rolling off the Arcanine.

[06:34:17] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: As if in slow motion the scene unveiled itself to its' audience. Arson's look of pure hatred gripped his expression like a vice. He leaped back, avoiding th oncoming slash no matter what, for this was it, the moment where it all came down to. "Allright, Orochi!" he roared, the ground tremored, rocking the ground of the colliseum harder than any earthquake ever recorded, magnitude too high for the richter scale, Unaffected Arson flew through the air. Orochi was dedicated, burrowing deep within the earth's core as massive craters and fissures sprouted from the ground, his ultimate life ending attack would level this colliseum. With a roar hear round the country massive flowers of lava plumed from the earths core, Orochi himself soaring from the depths of the searing hot magma, heat of over five thousand degrees melting the rock in the colliseum, Arson howled as he dove through the lava that now completely bathed the colliseum, unavoidable and completely potent in its reality. Arson Dissapeared, lost in the heat of the earth herself.

[06:39:53] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: As he fought the young male, his feet felt the beginning tremors of Orochi's attack. He scowled in displeasure. He launched himself upwards, away from the ground, from the snake's he loved and Orochi. He disliked having to leave his precious creatures behind, but it seemed as if he had no choice. Not a moment after he managed to leap up into the bleachers, rushing up and up, he heard the lava explode from the earth. He did not look back, he merely ran and then bounded upwards, running up the wall of the colleseum. He ended up at the very top, looking down at th boiling lake of lava. He was disappointed with the boy. The cowardly way of fighting would earn him enemies, but no respect. Not from him. He sighed heavily and braced his sword on his shoulders, pushing his mask off his face to rest on the top of his head. He wondered if the boy was alive. If he was, he'd be mildly impressed, but would not respect the boy for the cowardly method of fighting, to destroy everything instead of facing him one on one. "Foolish." he murmured softly.

[06:42:56] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson's form appeared from the center of the Arena. An orb of air it seemed pushing the lava back. The Arcanine stood on solid grown, grinding his teeth back and forth as he looked at the human with rage in his eyes. Orochi was swimming freely in the boiling torrent of earth lava, it's scales searing red with heat. "What's...the matter...scared?!" he shouted, fatigue behind his words, his shoulders and chest rose and fell. His body was completely clotheless, burnt clean of anything foreign. Naked the male snarled at his unscathed opponent, eyeing him with seriousness.

[06:47:42] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: "I fear naught but fear itself, little man." he called softly, his voice just loud enough to be heard. "I merely know the limits of my human body. I cannot stand on lava, I cannot survive fire. I know my limits. Do you?" He cocked his head, lovely face totally serene. "The body is the Bodhi tree, the mind a clear mirror. At times, we must strive to polish it and not let dust collect." He cocked his head at the lava parted for the Arcanine, but dared not go down. "And you, Arson? You must fear. You make a moat around yourself of lava that would burn my poor, human hide away before I ever get close to you. For sooth, you must fear death terribly."

[06:51:36] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: "Ive seen it once or twice, i won't say i fear it...but i will say that i won't be seeing it any time soon!" he snarled, lifting his right arm the lava around him follow. "Lava is no more than water to me....just a different color." he would scowl, the earths fury flowing around his ankles as the lava began to bubble rising along with his arm, Orochi was sitting out, casually relaxing in the lava he loved so dearly. He thrust is arm at you, the lava coiling around his arm like a hungry anaconda it raced forawrd, firing from deep within the earth at you in a steady stream, as it neared you the outline of a dragon's head, maw sinisteringly open as it raced forward, ready to engulf you. "Burn!" he'd roar, heat waves pulsing from his fur like foam in a wave.

[06:59:26] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The human sighed softly, watching as the raging lava rushed towards him, the dragon's maw appearing from it. To him, time seemed to freeze as he considered his options. He could simply dodge and continue to dodge. To him, this battle was over. He could also dodge and leap into the center of the arena, but didn't think that would be a wise move. After all, if he got down there, the young male would be able to surround him with the earth's blood. He sighed a little and moved with his amazing speed, dodging the dragon's head of lava. "You tire quickly, young man." he murmured, smiling slightly. He slipped his hand into the hidden pocket of his 'skirt' and pulled from it a handfull of throwing stars. With a blurred movement of his hand, he launched two of the stars, with a second, another three.

[07:05:45] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson would snarl, barely able to see the shining steel stars as they soared through the air, thinking most were sparks he rose his hand into the air, a large arm of lava swiping over the stars, melting them and slowing thier progress to the point that they melted, however two of the stars pierced his heat shield defenses. His eyes wided and he rose his right arm, both shlinking into his arm's rotted flesh. He winced, whimpering quietly, even though the male looked older, he was only nineteen. Orochi reacted to his master's pain violently, he writhed in the lava, sending massive mortars of flames in every direction, coating nearly half the colliseum with the earth's blood force. "Damn you..." he'd curse, wincing as he tore the metal stars from his forearm. "I'm finishing this now..." he scowled, looking up with a wicked glare at the human in the stands as he danced to avoid the flaming balls of fire Orochi had mistakenly provided. Arson rose both arms, acting as if he was pushing a large object, the entire lava field stirred, with a massive roar Arson heaved forward. The earth's core shaking as he forcefully pushed the lava into a massive tidal wave, thick magma shadowing the entire colliseum as it rose higher than the birds fly. "This is the end for you.." he whispered, Orange eyes gleaming as the wave crashed.

[07:12:29] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He smiled softly and shook his head in amusement, watching as the huge tidal wave of lava rose above him. He pulled his mask back down and...went to his knees, clasping his hands before him in a strange pattern. "To every end a beginning, to each beginning an end, To what we know being lost, and then being found again. To strive to create, to hurry to destruction, to end this all, give to me the Divine Instruction." he murmured under his breath, mask glowing softly. The air aorund him seemed to waver, and a burst of light coated him as the lava crashed around him. Several long minutes passed as the lava settled around the entire area. Once it had, a large lump seemed to shudder in the center of all that and then suddenly launched itself through the lava, towards the Arcanine. Soft, glowing light shimmered up through the heat of the lava, the unknown thing attacking the male moving with the speed of light. It suddenly exploded from the lava only a few feet from the young male's body. It was a snake the size of a man, made up of white, glowing energy. It opened its maw and hissed, showing that it had black energy making up his maw and fangs. Amazingly clear blue eyes gleamed from the snake's eyes...familiar eyes. "I have no end, fiery one. The Black Mamba is as eternal as the heavens themselves." an ethereal voice whispered, before the massive snake struck at Arson.

[07:17:26] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson's eyes went wide, for that was all he could do. The speed of the attack to great for the Arcanine to dodge, he rose his arms and took the strike. The collision was massive, the arcanine soared through the lava, he would have collided with the colliseum had his lava not been present it slowed him down to the point of being stopped. Arson panted, completely out of sight beneath his fiery graveyard, he winced. An arm held over his stomach where a massive cut and bruise were forming. The lava burned the wound shut thankfully to the Arcanine. "An immortal..." he would sigh, stuck with another fighter that he could not kill. 'no matter.' he thought, simply treading lava for a few minutes as he planned his next move. Orochi reared his head, striking with great speed at the light elemental after it struck his master, for the enigma was open at this very moment.

[07:22:38] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The great snake whirled on Orochi as the other snake struck at him, but though the great serpents fangs sank into the light elemental's body, and it most certainly caused pain, he merely ripped away from Orochi. The mutilated body part began healing almost instantly and he hissed softly, lashing out with his tail instead, aiming for the other snake's head with whip-lash speed. He glanced towards Arcanine and smirked slightly,the expression vaguely sinister and gentle all at once. "You cannot defeat me, Arson. You either surrender or die." that ethereal voice murmured softly. "Admit defeat. A wise warrior knows when he is done." The shining white serpent rose up, seeming to grow as he lifted his massive head, eyes glittering with delight. "Of course, your mate would probably be sad if I have to deliver your corpse to him."

[07:28:42] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson's torso rose up form the lava, his head hung as he heard the harsh words of the basilisk like enigma. "Hmph....ill back down...." he said, slowly looking up with a scowl. "When this head is severed from my shoulders.." Snarling Arson would clasp his hands together, palm to palm. "Ready...." he would sigh, concentrating on his near perfect levels. "Elemental....Artillery..." he panted, suddenly the lava parted, all around Arson everything seemed to move, his power flicking off the lava as if it were dust. Orochi backed off, serpentining into the stands, crashing through the stands and slithering around the arena in circles, a trail of hundreds of colors following him. A massive vortex of every hue under the sun formed, emnating from Arson's seemingly possessed body. "Tho wilt fall backwards..." he would say, grinning wickedly as his body was engulfed in all 8 elements, the sheer level of his power was quite udderly...dare he say it...over 9000.....

[07:35:53] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He studied the power coming from the young canine, his triangular head swaying backand forth lazily. He knew he'd have to bring out all the stops to get this little creature to back down. He took a deep breath, focusing on his inner ki core, feeling the surging power with him. "A blank die is useless, for no matter how many times you roll it, you will never win." he murmured softly, that serpent's smile spreading over his lips once more. That long body began to writhe, arching and rearing. Without warning, he let out a bellowing scream, so high pitched that, had their been glass around, it would have exploded into dust. But that wasn't all. A burst of black, and white, energy erupted from his maw, a perfect mixture of the two most powerful of the elements surging forth in a beam of power. His entire body seemed to convulse as he forced out so much power at once, his body glowing even bright as his body was used as a conduit.

[07:42:47] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: In this infite climax, Arson saw everything. Every moment spent with his mate, spent training. All of it he thought, came down to this. Summoning forth all his strength he would roar, competing with that of your mighty screech, his ears began bleeding at the ampage of the resulting noise. Surging with each element Arson would punch the air in front of, A massive Cataclysmic wall of ice suddenly erupted from the earth, materializing almost out of nowhere the cold barrier trapped both of the males locked in heated battle, Arson surged once more, throwing another punch in your direction. Thunder of massive proportions chasming at you, speed equal to that of light racing towards you. Arson was not done, this onslaught meant all hell inside of him and every storm, eruption, plague, every riot on earth would gather, the sky darkened for he took from it's might. He turned kicking into the air at you. Enormous jets of water surging through the lava, creating blinding steam as it raced forward, doubling strength along with the lightning. Next was earth. He side stepped, throwing a devestating right uppercut. A massive stalagmite erupting from the earth, as tall as Mt. Fuji it would obliterate his enemy. He twisted again, his foot rounding his body as he delivered the next strike, fire. A bolero of searing flames rocking the colliseum as it soared into the air, causing the massive stalagmite to implode. Even though Arson was not done he was forced to stop.-c-

[07:44:03] (>) CursedArcanine: Arson panted, this almost nuclear attack he had brought upon his enemy was his greatest feat, one that took the forces of nature and punished his foes with unrelenting strength, all these attacks happened at once, for his movements were too fast, pictures and photos impossible for his feet moved past the sound barrier, cracking through time itself.

[07:50:44] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The barrage of attacks assaulted the Light snake with apparent effectiveness. He dodged what he could, and blasted away a little more, but not all of it could be dodged. He could move at the sound of light, but hsi opponent was moving at an equal speed, which meant, to each other at least, they were moving at a common pace. He knew what he had to do. As Arson stopped, he launched himself forward, belly slidding through the earth with enough speed to send sand and dirt flying everywhere. He was inches from the Arcanine's body, massive fangs about to shut closed when it happened. His real body exploded from the earth just behind the powerful Arcanine. The hand crafted blade passed down from his father to him aimed at the other male's back, to the right of the spine, just so it would miss most of the internal organs---though if it knicked a rib or two he wouldn't be disappointed. The mask was not on his face, why would it be? He'd left it in the snake still attacking Arson, which had slipped him out of his body when it had hit the earth to attack the Arcanine. His master had taught him that thinking on one's feet would help you to survive. He had been so terribly right. And, no matter that this was a dirty trick, he felt he had no choice but to do it. After all.... Life is fighting and survival. He was going to survive, no matter the cost.

[07:55:39] (>) The conqueror: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Benji Ashkenaze: ((not to butt in but what is frumpy? I heard and been grumpy but never heard od drumy.))

[07:55:45] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson looked up with raised hands just in time to activate the next part of the attack, the perfect element for the situation as the Lava form his first attack seeped back into the colliseum Arson roared, twisting his hips and raising his arms to both attacks. "AIR!!" he howled, a massive outburst of slicing air waves attacking faster than the world deemed possible for within these bursts of pure air were super heated microscopic blades, their surface haeted to the point of slicing through anything. Arson cried out as the force of the attack forced both attackers back, if not slicing them to complete ribbons, if they were sent back....a fiery death awaited them. "I'm not dieing....not YET!" he roared, anger and energy still coursing through his undead veins as the battle of light vs dark raged.

[08:03:12] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The human part of the team grunted and was blown back, but managed to ram his sword into the ground before he was forced into the lava. He tightened his jaw slightly, multiple cuts appearing over his body from the wind attack. It cut through his white bandages, once so pristine, now drenched with dirt, mud and blood. He side and ripped them away, revealing what they'd hidden. Beneath the bandages, his beauty vanished in a mass of scars and pits on his body, where his training had left his mark. Across his right shoulder, where bandages had hidden it away, a large hunk of muscle seemed to have been torn away, leaving a scarred depression in the man's arm. Even his back looked as if it had been lashed, branded, slashed and cut up in every manner possible. "Dear me, you've ruined my bandages." he said softly, touching his scarred and pitted chest. "Really, I'm glad my clothes are lined with steel wire, else you might have ruined them too." he murmured. He took a deep breath and, as the Light serpent slithered up behind him, becoming a living shadow, he released the breath. His blade came up, pointing at the Arcanine with a look of serenity. "You fight with passion, I with a cold heart. And yet, friend, we are much the same. We fight for the love of it, for the sheer drive to destroy and create, death and life! I am having the most fun I've had since my training." he chuckled.

[08:07:56] (>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson dropped his arms, almost out fo gas. The male was fighting to keep his vortex going. The lava was flowing down the rafters, foot by foot until the flames licked the flank of his opponent. Arson was almost unscathed, besides his gut had nearly been torn open. "No matter." he winced, quietly he stood up raising his fists and wincing. "Tis but a mere flesh wound!" he would say, grinning sadistically as he quoted Monty Python. "Allright then...let us finish this serenade of blades and we can get to pillow talk after..." he would mutter the last part of his sentence with a chuckle. He could not tell who was winning, but he loved it even if was about to die, the rush of battle simply getting the naked Pokemon going like nothing else could.

[08:15:33] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The white serpent slithered forward, touching its' master. That's all it took. The creature melted into his body, and his mask reappeared on his face. But it was different now, and so was he. His flesh began glowing a soft, white color and the eyes of the mask were filled with brilliant light. The terribly scarred ronin didn't flinch as lava slithered over his ankles. Instead, he simply shifted and placed his feet on top of it, thanks to the power of the Divine Instruction. He channeled that energy into his blade, causing it to glow as well. "Yes, let this dance end in the clashing of blades and magic, of blood and flesh! Let us be as true warriors, and let the world hear our battle cries!" he said, his ringing voice seeming to carry over the sounds of the room, though he didn't seem to be speaking loud. He suddenly shot forward in a burst of speed, putting everything he had into this final attack His blade was like white and silver flashes, there and gone, away and close. He was a blur of samurai perfection, his entire focus on his battle, in the delight of the stings from his cuts, from his racing heart and blood and best of all, on his opponent. His opponent's nearing exhaustion, his harsh breathing, and the knowledge that he, the Black Mamba, assassin of the shadows and snakes, was going to take this victory. He had held back until the very end, because he wasn't one to commit until he was sure of victory. He would not loose. He would not fail. Failure (c)

[08:15:43] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: was death, and he would not be killed!

[08:18:00] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Rayne Cyzio: (X3 Haha, I just have great inspiration going on here. I mean, I haven't had this much fun in FOREVER. Arson is just a fun fighter. X3))

(>) CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: The conqueror: Arson's Orange marble eyes glew with rage, his body trembled and he stepped back, throwing out his right arm to lay parallel with his shoulder his jaw would part from his maw. Roaring with an ancient warrior's great determination the Arcanine's arm would be covered in white spines of undeniably raw element. Not having the strength to carry on his most powerful attack he resorted to this, this final climax where two lives would be decided, where two lives would either be ended or continued. "Die!" he roared, lunging forward and clashing his arm with your blade, sword on flesh. His spines cracked under the pressure, Orochi threw his mighty head back and unleashed a mighty roar as he opened his gaping maw, a giant ball of white energy soaring at the two fighters. By command of his owner he was to fire upon him. The clash of powers erupted, a white eruption, starch white. All sound drowned the conversation and screams of fans, the two fighters scowled as their might and magic clashed with overbearing power. Arson leaned forward, slashing his hand to the side and passing by his opponent, in hopes he had cleaved his enemie's stomach, and in dread of the moment of when he'd feel his own split apart. He winced in deep apprehension, awaiting the moment of truth as his arm lay still, hanging from his shoulder, suspended in the air, suspended in the moment.

Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The master of the black mamba faced his most exciting opponent in years, sweat beginning to bead his brow. Despite the blast from Orochi, the softly glowing warrior was unphased. He was energy. He was light. He would not be denied his victory because the boy could not win a duel of arms---be they literally attached as his was or a blade as Black's was. He saw the slice of the canine's arm coming and sucked his gut in, arching his back a little. It wasn't enough. Claws ripped through his belly, just enough to make blood pour from his flesh, but enough enough to see intestine. He flinched behind the mask, but it wasn't enough to stop the warrior. Pain was nothign. Pain was life. As long as he was in pain, he knew he lived. If he lived long enough, he could make the pain go away. He could destroy what was hurting him. So, despite his wound, he gave a feirce roar and brought down his blade in a diagnal slashing movement across the Arcanine's chest, determined to leave the boy with at least something to remember him by. If he happened to cut to deeply, he might kill the boy. Was he alright with this? Could he kill the young man without regret. Oh yes. Yes he could. He would kill him and smile softly afterwards, remembering the fight with fondness, but he would not regret it at all. He was a delightful little sociopath.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson's eyes widened, he stammered. The fierce warrior dropped to a knee, gasping for breathe as blood flowed from his open flesh wound, clumping his heavy fur together. Wincing the adult would cough, blood trickling down his lips. Clutching his chest with his right arm the boy would look over his shouulder, using all his energy to lift himself up, his leg quivering as it supported his weight. "And i thought....i would live.." he would say, his eyes watering with the thought of death lingering among his thoughts. He almost dropped to the ground but he frowned, he leaned forward, catching himself with his right leg and wincing as his mighty serpent came to support him, It's white scales were splashed with crimson as Arson groaned, leaning against Orochi's mighty surface.."A....a draw..." he would say weakly...unsure of what to do next, both fighters were exhausted, and mortally wounded.

Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: The warrior never quivered, never shook, despite the apalling amount of blood that was staining his clothing. He took a deep breath, and let it out softly. "No, Arson. You loose." he said softly, reaching up an removing his mask. He pushed it back on his head as the glowing faded away, leaving him human looking as ever. "I stand here, no support, no help. I think we both can see that I am not the one who has failed this contest." he murmured, slipping his blade under his belt and smiling serenly at the other male. "A glorious and bloody battle, my friend." he said, gripping his green cloth piece and ripping a bit of the end away. He carefully began to stuff it into the wounds on his stomach to stop the flow of blood, at least until he could get stitches to it.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson's eyes widened, his hackles raised with anger. "A loss.....after all this.." he would whisper, death's cold hands gripping his fatigued body. If he wasn't so tired from his fight, he would be able to continue, to fight one. "Hmph...your one to talk...using venom....from serpents..." he would spit, looking over his shoulder as his great snake simply fell, its scales once more falling from it's body in a beautiful display, this time it did not create a flock of birds, but a horde of milk-white spiders, they crawled at his feet, several hundred moving forward like an army to defend their lord if need be. The rest climbed the male, observing the wound a tantilizingly using silk to mend the gash shut. A portable ambulance was what they were. "Damn.." he spat. "Maybe that's just in your opinion...but and i arent done here..." he would say, grinning with amusement.

CursedArcanine: He chuckled softly and slowly, carefully sat himself down. He sighed softly and slipped a hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, soft shelled egg. He pressed his lips to it and began singing softly. "Grow, grow, grow, become what I desire. Become a mighty snake, with venom of healing power." he breathed against the snake egg. The egg shuddered and grew, until the snake within was to big and it burst the shell. The snake continued to grow, until it was about teen feet long. The serpent hissed softly, opening its maw to display, not a black mouth, but a dark purple one. It lashed forward and bit down on its master's stomach, making him shiver, but not with pain. He smiled softly, his wounds slowly pushing out the cloth he'd used to close it up, and then scabbing over as if weeks of healing had passed instead of minutes. Once the snake had fnished, it released him and slithered up his neck, curling around his neck gently. "Good work, my little pet." he murmured softly, gently tickling the creatures chin.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: He would stand straight, still wincing from pain, however the thin silk threads of his little helpers greatly decreased his pain and ceased his bleeding. Arson grinned, still naked in the gleaming moonlight. "But what about pillow talk?" he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips. He still panted though, very tired and in need of rest from today's exercise. "Besides, i went easy on ya...

Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He looked up at the male, arching a delicate brow. "Hm? You did? Well then, I really should run my sword through you right now then, for wasting my time. If one doesn't fight with all one's heart and soul, then that person is a foolish weakling." he said easily, standing up smoothly. "You seem a little to tired for such 'activities', in any case. Wouldn't want you to faint in the middle of it all." he said, finally cracking a little smirk on his pretty face.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: Arson rolled his orange marble eyes, blinking before looking back at the human. His spiders soon retreated, gathering upon his both sacred, and accursed arm. They flattened theyre abdomens, pressing the young cepholothorax against Arson's arm they soon materialized back into his bandages, thin papyrus embalming his arm from wrist, to shoulder. "Hey now, i provide one mean mating service." he would boast, chuckling as he placed both arms behind his head. "But then again, wouldn't want to rock the bed so hard your intestines fall out." he'd joke.

Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He smiled lazily, amused. "Really? Not likely." he said airily. "I'm perfectly healthy now, thanks to my special little mamba." he murmured, trailing his fingers along the snake's skin. "But, if you think you can manage not to send your heart out of that little flesh wound I gave you-" One might had to think what he considered a real wound in that case. "-then maybe I'll give this 'service' a chance." he said, smiling sweetly.

CursedArcanine: Noh Warrior Black Mamba: He grinned proudly, turning back and moving back into the extreme chat. "Damn, arm hurts." he would complain, exitting the colliseum.

[09:03:45] (>) Noh Warrior Black Mamba: CursedArcanine: He laughed softly and followed at his own pace, humming soft, unfamiliar songs under his breath as the graceful, far to tough human padded out of the colleseum.