The Mind Control Conspiracy 5: Fixing a Problem

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mind Control Conspiracy

Having to do a few favors for his father to give his brother the chance to keep from being deployed, Sean is shoved into an espionage mission for his dad. The result? Having to help the deputy mayor commit insurance fraud and make it look like the mayor proper did it.

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The Mind Control Conspiracy Chapter 5: Fixing a Problem Sponsored by Asbeoth By Draconicon

The next morning, Sean had an ass full of cum and a plug to keep it in. The fox groaned as he rolled over on his father's bed, looking at the nightstand. A note waited for him there, pinned in place by a new pair of glasses. He smiled.

His old man wasn't around, though that wasn't too much of a surprise. The other fox probably had to get into work early to justify what he had done, to make sure that there was no paper trail that would expose the other pair of glasses that had been requisitioned. That, and he was an early riser, anyway. Sean doubted that the deputy mayor was even still in the house after that.

He rolled to the side, grunting as he pulled himself to a sitting position. The feeling of that plug inside of him wasn't making it easy to get comfortable, but it wasn't so bad as it might have been. His dad must have picked one of the smaller ones from the toy collection under the bed, and he could live with that.

Sean stretched his arms over his head, getting the kinks out of his back before getting to his feet. His body felt like it had been used hard, and indeed, it had been. His father wasn't as interested in the floggers and paddles as his brother was, but the old man sure knew how to get a lot of use out of someone before they ran out of energy. Knot-fucking was something that had come in handy, again.

That, and having a thing for working with feet...and with a bit of musk play...and with some watersports...and some other things that he was more than a little surprised to find the old man into.

Course, he didn't have to rip up my g-string, he thought, looking at the shreds of it on the floor. Old pervert...

Still, at least they had served a purpose, making sure that his dad was more than addicted to him. The frenzy that had taken hold of the deputy mayor, the hunger in his eyes, had made it clear that the older fox wasn't going to be satisfied pretending that he was fucking his son anymore. He would need the real thing.

One more bit of leverage that Sean could use in the long run.

He picked up the glasses, hooking them around his ears but not pulling them over his eyes just yet. Instead, he pulled the note up and read it.


I'm taking an awful risk giving you these glasses. They're for level 7s, and that means that you can start affecting people in public. I'm trusting you not to do anything stupid, and we both know that you're capable of being smart about this. I raised you to be an intelligent tod, not to be an idiot, and just because you've fooled most of your professors into thinking that you're a moron doesn't mean that the same trick will work on me. If you play the fool, I will take these back.

I'll give you a day to get used to them. You already know about Paul; I can fix that, but if you want me to change things around, then you need to do something for me. I'll call you with the details at noon.

If you decide you don't want to help, then...well, I'll figure something out. But I don't want to have to do that, so please don't make me._


It wasn't too surprising a letter when one got right down to it. Sean started to put it to the side, then stopped himself. Probably better to take it and destroy it, if he was honest with himself. That way, if his dad decided to rat him out, there wasn't a paper trail. Not to mention that the old man would probably prefer there to be a good bit of discretion on his part, too.

Sean walked naked to the bathroom, running the paper under the water until the ink bled off of it, fading and fading and fading until there was nothing left. He crumbled it up, then ran it under the water again, letting the paper degrade until there was little more left than raw pulp, which he tore apart before throwing in the trash.

That would probably be enough. Probably.

The fox stretched his arms over his head again, looking at himself in the mirror. The glasses on his head were slightly different from the other model that he'd used. More sleek, less used, and with a hint of a more efficient design. It had the feeling that it wouldn't need to work as long to get a grip on someone.

I wonder...

Sean pulled the glasses down. There was another shock, one that left him reeling slightly, leaning forward to keep his balance, but he forced himself to keep staring straight ahead, looking at himself in the mirror.

Just as he hoped, the glasses opened a file on him. He saw himself, Sean Decar, and he couldn't help but whistle at the dossier that they had on him.

A deviant, a prostitute, a trouble-maker...and someone that had been flagged as a potential dissident already. That was new. He opened the file, flicking through the information to see just what they had written down.

Not sufficiently compliant with professors...delay in trancing operations...sarcastic to a fault...recommend Black Hat action if behavior worsens...

Shit. So, his act hadn't been as good as he'd hoped it was. Someone at university had caught on and had made a mark of it in his file. Judging by the fact that his file was read-only, it was probably someone higher up the food chain than his glasses named him, or he might have been able to edit it.

That, or invoking the Black Hats meant that only they could edit that out. And he'd just bet that the Black Hats were his father's level of power or higher.

Damn, damn, damn...

He reminded himself that it wasn't a total loss. He still had a powerful pair of glasses - or, well, Authority Enforcement Apparel, as they were really called - and he could use them to get what he wanted. Either with his father's help, or on his own.

He exited his personal file just in time for Paul to show up. His older brother was still half-tranced from the night before, and he held a piece of paper in his hand. The topless fox offered it to him wordlessly, and Sean took it with a nod.

"That'll do."

"Yes, sir."

Paul waited, and Sean realized that his brother was looking at him with a bit more emotion than the trance usually allowed. His broader-shouldered sibling looked...sad, almost, and he was kind of surprised to see that.

Did I take it too far, making him this obsessed? he wondered. He wasn't supposed to get like this.

Then again, they had been apart for far too long, and then they were together for a long, lustful night. There was no getting around the fact that such a thing would have changed their relationship in one way or another, no matter how much hypnosis was used to hide it or try and stop it.

Sean sighed, rubbing his forehead. He put the paper down, looking Paul in the eyes.

_ Trance.exe engaged. _

The other fox stiffened up a bit again, staring straight ahead. More than that, he started to grow a bit of a boner in his pants, stiffening up further, tenting the sweats forward and making them look a bit more erotic. Sean did his best to ignore the solid bulge and look his brother in the eye, wanting to see for sure what was going on.

"Paul, are you upset with me?"

"...A little," his brother said, quietly.


"Because I wanted my whore...I wanted my bro."

"And you couldn't have gotten another one?"

"Nobody else is as good."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" It did, but it shouldn't.

"No, I just...I liked having you...and wanted to keep doing it..."

He sighed. That wasn't what was supposed to happen. Paul was supposed to be a cash flow, someone reliable and interesting for him to enjoy, not someone that wanted to form a relationship with him. The whole incest thing was going to make that difficult, and he knew better than to think that all his brother's negative traits would have disappeared just because of this little hypno shenanigan.

That said, it was clear that Paul did want them to be close again, and that was something that neither of them had shown to the other since high school. There'd been enough of their old relationship left over that he had been willing to risk a lot to try and get his brother back out of the military. Was there enough left over for him to care about Paul's feelings?


He shook his head, rubbing his brother's arm absentmindedly. There was no time for him to play now, but later, maybe...

He grumbled under his breath, shaking his head. No. He needed to stay focused, and thinking of his brother as anything other than a cash flow was going to fuck with that focus. He needed to get to the bottom of this, to use the glasses to do what he needed, and that...

That would have to be all.

"You can go back to your room now. We'll talk more about this later, and if there's time, maybe I'll let you buy another session with me."

His brother's cock twitched, and Paul smiled a bit, too, but not as much as he had hoped that his brother might. The older fox nodded, leaving the bathroom and the naked younger sibling alone.

Somehow, that didn't make Sean feel much better.

He left the house a few hours later, making his way to the town center once more. The plaza was a bit more packed today, considering it was Friday and most of the students were playing hooky to some degree or another. He was always surprised that sort of thing was allowed when the staff had the hypnotic capabilities to keep them in school, but he supposed that there was probably some rule or another that made them allow it to keep the students from getting too annoyed.

Maybe it was just a way to get them to blow off steam. They were surely more aggressive in public, showing their affections more when they were playing hooky than when they were on campus.

Sean watched as a big bull grabbed a dolphin woman by the ass, groping her, pulling her close as their coffees went cold at the café next door. They were one step away from dry-humping over the table, and he shook his head as he watched them get deeper and deeper into the whole thing.

Not great technique, really. She's trying, but not really sure how to handle someone that much bigger than her. He chuckled. Probably trying to convince herself that she's not a lesbian, too. Looks like she's not really interested in his bulge, either.

The bull was probably going to be disappointed at the end of his encounter, but that meant that there was a potential business opportunity there. He would look into it later, and made a mental note of the bull's face.

He was just starting to relax, feeling like he could go in and make an order for lunch, when his phone started ringing. Sean pulled it up, saw that it was coming from an unknown number.

Father, probably, he thought. Would be like him to make sure that the line wasn't traced, or registered. He opened the phone and answered.


"You're in town?"

"Yeah, where else would I be?"

"Don't get smart with me."

"Not what your note said."

"Why do I...Just listen."


Leaning back in his chair, he stared up at the sky. Several blimps were flying through the air, each one with a different slogan regarding the Federation. One praised the recent victories on the southern border, how the Federation was pushing ever closer to the enemy capital, while the other was saying that the victories of the soldiers were going to require some austerity on the part of citizens. Food supplies would be limited to make sure that victory came ever closer.

No surprise there. That was what always happened when the war started to hit a snag. Sean had always just taken what was said and reversed it in his head when it came to the military. It tended to lose a bit of fine detail here and there, but the actual announcement usually was closer to the truth.

"You're in the town center."

"I'm guessing you're GPS-ing my phone, so why would I say I'm not?"

"That's good. You're near one of the subsidiary city hall offices."

"First I'm hearing about that."

"It's a secondary thing, one that we don't usually use except for storing paperwork. I need you to go there and switch a file for me."

"That's all?"

"Consider it a test to see if you're going to be useful enough to actually be a good agent for me. If you can do this, we'll move on to the more extensive missions, the sort of things that will push me higher in the city government."

"And this will get Paul out of the military?"

"This will get his deployment delayed. Give me a few more successes, and I'll make sure that it's delayed permanently."

"That's not what we agreed, dad."

"No, but it's what I can do right now. If you want me to be able to fully withdraw him from the military, I need to be higher up the food chain. You want that, you help me get there, we all go home happy."

That was not the deal. Paul's deployment was only a month away, and a delay might only give him another month. That was nothing compared to what could happen, particularly if the conflict on either end of the country ramped up.

But what was his choice in the end, really? He had his father nudging him from one side, Paul getting all lonely and wanting on the other. Even with the new, better pair of Authority Enforcement Apparel, he doubted that he would be able to accomplish anything of note without his father's might behind him.

Double dammit...

"Okay, okay, fine. What sort of documents am I replacing?"

"A couple of insurance payment receipts. That's all."

"And whose insurance is getting defrauded?"

"The mayor's."

And that was the key. His father was setting up a criminal act that the mayor could be blamed for and he could be responsible for finding. It was a good way to start setting up a reputation for being a law-abiding citizen while also being clearly on the side of the party. One did not start messing with the higher-ups and stealing money without having a partial death-wish.

"Then you already have the rest of the money set up to make sure that it looks like he was paid?"

"Yes, all the ground work is laid. All I need is the paperwork in the right place for me to find it."

"And where is this paperwork I'm miraculously supposed to put in there?"

"There's a drop in a park half a mile south of your current location. Look for a willow tree and go to the south side of it, and dig about two feet down. You'll find a box with the paperwork buried there."

"...That's a little extreme for security, isn't it?"

"It's best to be safe these days."

"Can't fault you there..."

He shook his head, thinking about what would happen if his father was caught. In the best case, his father would be stripped of his position, thrown out on the streets, and then barred from any gainful employment by those at the top. Probably, they'd use their hypnotic powers to make sure that he never was able to apply for a job again, ensuring that he couldn't just change his name or screw with the files to be able to get around the restriction.

Worst case...well, financial crimes were not dealt with kindly, and neither was any attempt to push through the system or use those above you to your advantage. This could get bloody.

But considering that he was already dragged into it, there was no way that he was getting out without some serious help from another party. Sean sighed.

"I'll get it done."

"Good. I'll call you in two hours."


The phone line went dead, and he put it back in his pocket. Looked like lunch was going to have to wait.

The paperwork was surprisingly pristine and aged at the same time. It looked real, had the right seals and signatures along the bottom of the page to come from the Federation's premier insurance companies. All about some sort of car that was rather valuable, as far as he could tell, but the payouts would have been massive. Something akin to a few hundred thousand dollars every month for a year.

Yeah, the higher-ups aren't going to like this, he thought as he walked up to the half-disguised building that his father had mentioned. It was vaguely governmental, looking like a mix between an office and a temple with the domed roof and the stone pillars all around it. The mayor is going to be out on his ass if this goes through.

There was no guilt for that. The mayor, an older goat that had been in the system for a while, wasn't someone that he was particularly fond of. The way that the goat had ordered a full crackdown on prostitution last year had put a serious crimp in his business, and he didn't feel too bad seeing him go.

That said, it would still cause a power vacuum, and that would be good for his business, and others. He just needed to make sure that this whole operation went off without a hitch.

Sean walked up to the front door, waving at the Dobermans that stood at either side. They looked down at him, and he flicked his glasses, scanning the pair of them.

Level 9s, it seemed. His glasses were quick to open up their trances, and they stiffened again, looking like muscular poles as he walked between them.

"Good day."

"Good day, sir," the pair of them muttered.

And just like that, he was in the lobby of the secondary office. He was surprised that it was that easy, but he imagined that if someone had the level to trance you, it was assumed that they had the authority to be there. He didn't question it, just kept moving forward as if he was supposed to be there.

A lamb at the desk looked up to see him. Their glasses met each other, and for the first time, he had the chance to see what happened when two equivalent levels smashed against each other.

His glasses and the lamb's both sparked, a little burst of light at the point where the hinges were. They stared at each other, and he could feel an attack at his mind, almost like the lamb was trying to hack her way around his protections.

Sean forced a smile as he pushed back, pulling up all the extra programs that his father had installed in the glasses. He kept a standard trance push going, but threw up a few more defenses in the process, just enough to keep short-circuiting the little programs that were getting thrown his way. The spirals and such that appeared in the lenses of his glasses were annoying, rather than eye-catching, and he was able to avoid being snared.

The lamb, on the other hand, was obviously fighting her own battles, struggling to keep from being drawn down. Sean smiled as she slumped forward, then sat up straight, then slumped again, her struggles obvious.

"Shall we call a truce?" he asked.


The attacks ceased, the patterns stopped. He called his glasses to a halt, too, and they merely stared at each other. The lamb grumbled.

"You should be the one to submit, you know. This is my place."

"And I'm sure that you say that to your manager, don't you?"


"I'll overlook that attack on my authority, and neglect a report, so long as I may go about my business."

"What's your business?"

"Filing paperwork for the mayor." He held up the folder with the documents in them. "You mind?"

"I'll take that," she said, reaching for it and almost getting it before he snatched them back.

"Ah ah. I said that I had to file it."

"I'm the receptionist and head clerk. I have full authority over the paperwork in this building."

"Even the mayor's private documents?"

"...I could make an argument for it."

"An argument as strong as your attempt to take over?" he asked, tapping his glasses. "Let's not go back down that road, shall we?"

"You're an asshole."

"Yes, I am. And so are you. Now, where might I find his files?"

"I should call my manager. Make sure that they approve."

"You know, you're confusing me. First, you say that you have complete authority over all the paperwork, that this is your place. Then you tell me that you need the manager to make it so? Which is it, hmm? Are you a level 7, or a level 12?"

He was just throwing numbers out at random, but it definitely hit buttons for the clerk. She sniffed, hard, glaring at him over the edges of her glasses. Sean shrugged, merely holding his ground.

Finally, she grumbled and pointed down one of the hallways to the left.

"You can find it down there. The filing room is four doors down, on the right. You should have a key for the mayor's drawer, of course."

"Of course," he lied. "Thank you for your cooperation."



Shaking his head, he left her to whatever it was she was doing, pulling his glasses tight to his face. The last thing that he needed was for her to guess that he was as relieved as he was to have gotten through that without causing a real fight.

Dad, you could have told me that I needed a key for this. There wasn't anything else in the box...

That said, it was entirely possible that this was his father's way of getting rid of a loose end that might be more trouble than it was worth. The fact that he had the glasses, and that they worked, meant that Aston was going to give him a chance to go through with this, to prove himself, but the lack of key meant that his father wanted him to go the extra mile. The old man wanted him to be better than he was expected to be.

Well, if that was the case, he'd just have to do that. There was no other way forward.

The door to the filing room was unlocked, thankfully. As he stepped inside, he found a few other laborers working, sorting through letters and other official documents that needed to be recorded. Most of them carried keycards for their specific drawers, which made him think that they'd be useless for getting his files where they belonged.

But there might be another way. If he was lucky -

Sean smirked as he found the mayor's drawer. It was in the back of the room, part of a huge filing cabinet, and occupied the entire top drawer. Unlike the other drawers that were used for filing, however, this one had a mechanical lock rather than a digital one.

I might not be so screwed, after all, he thought, leaning in. Now, let's see...

The digital keys had been around for a while, but he still remembered his father keeping one of these things around when he was a kid, back before they were well-enough off to afford all the digital locks everywhere. The metal drawers and hard locks were great at keeping people from ripping things apart, but there was always a weakness to these things, and it was always easier to find than people thought.

He ran his fingers along the seam of the big cabinet, and he eventually found what he was looking for. There was a loose screw there, one that he could get undone, and as soon as he did, he was able to get a claw inside. And as soon as he did that -


Easy, he thought. All the protection from the front, never from the side.

The drawer opened, and the mayor's files were all lined up in a row. All that information, everything that the Federation was doing in this city, was there for anyone to take.

The temptation was overwhelming. Right in front of him was all the evidence he could ever want to prove to his clients - hell, to the whole school - that they were being brainwashed. He could take file after file, and they wouldn't be discovered missing until his father showed up to start blaming the mayor for something.

He didn't even need all of it. All he needed was one good file, and he'd be golden. His father could cover for him, and would have to, if Aston didn't want to risk mutual annihilation. The fox couldn't help himself, flicking through the different folders.

There were the standard budget meetings, the projected costs and burdens of the city when it came to gaining new lands, plans for a hypnotic shift of ownership in one neighborhood - that was tempting - but his attention came down on one of the other folders further back.

That one belonged to one of the city counselors, a plan submitted to the mayor to start utilizing a more direct form of slavery and service with the citizens. He pulled it out, flicking over the main points, and immediately tucked it under his arm. THAT was the one.

Sean moved quickly, putting the insurance paperwork into the drawer, and then shut it tight. He made as if to lock it again, merely putting the screw back into place, and then turned to leave.

He was more self-conscious than ever before as he kept the file tucked under his arm, under his shirt, hoping that the bulge that it made wasn't too obvious to anyone that happened to be looking at him. Logically, he was sure that he was completely fine, but with everything that could go wrong, worry was understandable.

The lamb didn't stop him as he left the building, but she certainly did glare at him the whole time. He wished that he'd done something to secure the drawer and insurance papers better, but he didn't have time or a good excuse to go back and do that now. He'd just have to hope for the best.

He'd barely left the building and made it halfway across the square when his phone started ringing again. Hissing under his breath, he fumbled in his pocket for it, pulling it to his ear.


"You did it?"

"Yeah. It's done."

"I'm impressed."

"You picked me for this. You think I would let you down?"

"You'd be tempted, if you weren't so motivated."

"You're right about that..."

"Well, I'm certainly impressed. I'll start the paperwork to delay Paul's deployment right now. We'll celebrate when I get home."

"I'm going to guess 'celebrating' means fucking."

"It doesn't not mean that."

"Why am I not surprised? See you at home."

He cut off the call, putting the phone back in his pocket. The temptation to pull out the file and read it in full was definitely there, but he knew better than to think that it would be safe to do that in public. A personal file from the city council? That would be like pulling out a gun and holding it to his head. It'd be like putting a target on his back saying "Shoot here."

No. He was going to wait until he got home, and then, maybe, maybe, take the time to read through it.

I'm gonna need a car at this rate, the fox thought as he walked to the bus stop. This just isn't going to cut it...

The only thing that the bus offered that a car did not was privacy. Not for clients, but for getting to and from different places. A car could be identified, tracked through records. A bus might tell the police the vague direction that someone was going, but it wouldn't give them a precise address.

And just for that, he made sure to take the long, circuitous way home, hopping to three different busses to make sure that he didn't leave an obvious trail. If anyone had seen him take the file, if anyone had seen him get on the first bus, they'd at least have a lot of work to do if they wanted to track him down.

All the while, he wondered what he was going to do with Paul. His brother was becoming a thing, and that meant that he needed to deal with it, one way or another. If he wanted to end it, or...

Well, if he wanted to allow it to go further. He was already on a rescue mission for his brother, after all. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to allow himself to feel a bit closer to him.

The End