
Story by Yugen on SoFurry

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** Thirst**

I wandered through the desert, the howling winds buffeting my cloak and pelting me with sand. It seemed I had been walking for an eternity, coming from nowhere and with no destination, the need for water my only driving force. The war of the era had driven an insatiable lust for violence deep into my soul, war corrupts, war destroys, and I had been both destroyed and corrupted. Hatred for the enemy ruled my heart and the unquenchable desire for power. I sought to become supreme ruler of all men, but alas, I was alone wandering the barren plain. Each general commanded a fleet and possessed an interdimensional vessel which was his pride and joy. Mine had been destroyed over the desert in a skirmish with the enemy. In one final effort to win a losing battle I had overcharged the engines and launched my ship at the enemy, the explosion destroyed everything within 100 miles and I had won. My wonderful ship would be forever lost beneath the sifting desert sands. With that final victory, all I had to do was survive and I would be ruler of this tiny planet so many wars had been fought over... earth. Though I had wandered for days, my body, even with its great unearthly strength, was starting to weaken. Though hunger constantly nipped at me it was the thirst that threatened to destroy me, the illusion of water constantly on the horizon, ever tormenting me with its faux hope. I fell to my knees as darkness closed in around me, I blinked it away, shaking my head, I had to go on, I was so close to my victory. Another illusion appeared before my eyes, the illusion of a small settlement. Forcing myself to remain conscious, each step required herculean effort and worst, it seemed as though the resistance grew the closer I got to the settlement. I could not let myself die now, so close, on the verge of salvation. As I entered the town, the men took one look at me and ran,

"It's a demon!" some shouted

"It's a god!" shouted others

"Run the leopard will eat us all!" men ran in panic.

"I mean you no harm!" I roared "Bring me your elder and I shall leave!" I stood on the edge of the settlement and waited, seconds seemed like hours minutes... years! An old man with a long white beard and still longer hair came out and greeted me.

"You look like a leopard yet you walk erect like a man, you tower over the tallest villagers by at least five feet, so do not be angry that they ran. I knew the gods were fighting nearby but I did not expect to see one here! What is your name, great one?"

"I go by many names, but your kind call me Pazuzu, supreme ruler of the wind!"

"Your lordship!" The man bowed, "what has brought you to our humble settlement?"

"Water, if you would be so kind... quickly..." I could feel the darkness closing in again and this time felt it may take me for good. The man produced a flask, seeing that I did not have the energy to open it, he quickly poured the water into his hands and healed them out for me to drink. Despite my thirst, I did not rush; I lapped gently at the cool water, felt ecstasy as it quenched my thirst and restored life to my body. My body shook with pleasure and desire as the cool water restored vitality to my organs. The darkness retreated and I looked up at the man as I lapped with thanks in my eyes. Perhaps it would be the only time I ever felt thus toward a human. My energy restored I stood at full height and looked down at the man. "You have saved me and for that I am truly thankful. From this day fourth, this city shall be known as Babylon the great, and shall be the center of my domain!" With those final words I left to return to the others and claim my victory!