Lost Legend of Agrok Ch.5

Story by Raust on SoFurry

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#5 of Lost Legend of Agrok

Ch. 5: Titania


             Clear skies to the east and clouds to the west with not a wind to move them. When one added the biting could of the unseasonable weather, the natural climate matched that of the political climate of the plains. A single word described them both, uncertainty. To the east, the promise of warm sunshine and the safety of unity, to the west were more clouds that would surely bring the cold of further segregation and possibly even snow. Only the consorts knew which way the weather would turn, only the chiefs knew how the negotiations of unification stood, and neither were willing to surrender their secrets. All Malehk could do was sigh softly as he approached his dwelling and thank the consorts that he had a warm bed and a beautiful mate to share it with. Tahkra was truly a gift from the consorts themselves, with a strong heart, a sharp mind, and a gentle soul. It was just yet another blessing of the Consorts that such a beautiful heart beat in the chest of a body to match such inner beauty.

             Malehk reached the flap of their shared dwelling and grasped it gently to pull it aside and peak inside in hopes of watching Tahkra in what ever she may be doing at the hours after his own patrol and training classes. His hopes were not in vain, she was there in the primary living chamber looking over many maps, scrolls and documents. Still hard at work to find the most tantalizing ways that the union of their peoples would benefit each and every tribe on their own levels. He knew she had the power within her heart and mind to achieve such an amazing and wonderful union. It was long over due that the peoples of the plains became one nation and Malehk was pleased and so very proud to see Tahkra pit the power of her heart and mind against the task of uniting the children of the Consorts. He promised her that he would back her at every step if her heart was not in it for her own benefit, but rather for the benefit of the gryphons as a whole. Never once did he ever question that vow, nor did he ever question the methods in which she tried to focus the hearts and wills of their people as one.

             "It amazes me that you never stop working toward the greatest of goals, even when we are on the eve of uncertain success or failure by the decisions of the hearts we must warm," Malehk spoke softly to his mate with a most loving tone.

             "I have to find some way to show every chief just how much good can come of uniting as one people. I can not sit idly by while they decide, nor can I ever give up if they decline this time. I will not, no, I can not simply accept failure if they do decline. This simply can not wait for another generation, the time is now. We need this as a species, more than ever before," Tahkra's tone was very calm and gentle, but her eyes showed a quiet desperation when she looked at him.

             Malehk nodded gently in agreement, even as he began to roll up her scrolls and maps, "Tahk, you are working too hard. Shh, I know some one has to do this, and you are doing a fine job. However, you are running yourself into the ground. What good can you do if you are too frazzled to think? I'm just as anxious about the chief's decisions as you are love, but I know there is nothing I can really do while we wait. Come, let me hold you and enjoy the warmth of your heart near mine. You probably need that as much as I."

             The lithe female gave a soft sigh as she helped her mate mark her places and pack up the scrolls nice and neatly. He felt a twinge of worry that she might have been just a touch cross with him for packing up her work, but that quickly vanished when she hooked the tip of her tail with his. Once their task was complete, he curled a warm wing over her back and she pressed lightly to his side to move as a couple to their bed chamber. Malehk lead Tahkra to their rather large sleeping cushion, a wonderful gift from Chief Asmaht. He had sent it when he discovered their mate ship, partially as a thank you for the peace Tahkra had brought to the Kreestak and the Reltuh. The large male settled down on his side at a diagonal across the light brown cushion's soft fibered surface. Tahkra nestled her way in against his chest beneath his forelimb where she could rest her head against his neck in a comforting pose. He curled his wing around her to shelter her from the stresses of the world and to hold her close with his beak resting over hers. The fit of her body against his was just perfect, like they were born for one another.

             "The more I wait, the more I worry. The longer it takes, the more there is to decide upon, and the more that can go wrong. I'm frightened Malehk, this is too important to fail," Tahkra nuzzled into his soft neck rough as she vented her fears to him.

             Malehk scratched softly under her wing as he purred to her, "It is probably something positive holding them up, like a flag, national anthem, naming the nation, or even who should be in charge. You know you pushed for a unification, but you never suggested who should be the ruling entity of such a nation. Selecting the correct person to be in charge is just as big a decision as deciding to give up their absolute rule over their tribes."

             "You are likely right about all this love, but you know how the worried mind works. It turns a drop of water into a world ending flood," she laughed softly before giving his neck a soft loving nip.

             Malehk gave a soft grunt at the nip as she had managed to tug on a feather, "Well, I know the hardest shell to crack has been convinced by our faceless foes. Markovich and his warriors have found another of those displayed villages just outside their borders. He has sent frantic message to all the chiefs of the necessity of uniting against this foe."

             Tahkra tensed under his embrace when she heard that bit of news, "I would rather not have to go to such lengths to sway the chiefs into uniting. It should be by choice and free act of unity, not fear. Although his words may help tremendously with the others who were close but not quite certain."

             "There is something positive that will cause a bit of confusion," Malehk smiled at her as he rolled to lay on his back and look up at her.

             Tahkra smiled as she stood and climbed up on his chest and belly to lay on him and look down at his eyes, "What is that, my brave handsome warrior?"

             "It seems we have an unprecedented occurrence on the plains," Malehk started to whisper and lean in close as though he were a cackling hen passing on gossip, "Our dear first female acting chief has been recognized by all the other chiefs as a full chief. What's more, Hakarah seems to be spending a rather large amount of her free time in the exclusive company of Rastak. What I mean is, I have seen her loving on him while he held her protectively."

             "You are as terrible as the gray peppered old hens," she teased him with a swat of her tail against his hind leg, "But this is a bit of pleasant news, regardless of the headache and confusion such a bonding of two chiefs would cause. Truth be told, it would be the best bid for the survival of the Dremdal tribe no matter what the chiefs decide. It also warms my heart to know they are acting without concern for the ramifications of their tribal identities. It's a sign that they feel little to worry about, since they are two of the deciding chiefs. So at the very least, we have their votes."

             Malehk smiled up at her as he caressed her flanks, "I told you, probably just figuring out who should be in charge of the madhouse we call a society."

             "You may be right, but I am still worried, and sadly, not in the mood," she looked down at him with real regret in her eyes.

             He smiled and leaned up to lock his beak with hers in a gentle tongue caressing kiss, "You don't have to be in the mood to make me happy, my love. You did that the moment I stepped into our dwelling."

             "I don't know how you do it, but you seem to always bring me new hope, every time we talk. Thank you, my beloved broadwing," Tahkra cooed with a loving smile as she caressed his cheek.



                                       *                                       *                                       *


             Agrok Asreigh. The name flowed like a river of the sweetest nectar through Altair's mind. She was everything, intelligent, strong willed, soft hearted, sweet tempered, incredibly beautiful, and she had the courage to do what was needed when it needed to be done. He never imagined that she would even blink in the direction of such a low grade scout as he, let alone talk to him. The lean broadwing felt as though the Consorts themselves had gifted him when she had nuzzled his cheek. When she claimed his maturity, he decided that he must not be living in reality. Now he lay with her as she slept under his forelimb, the first night in her yet unfinished dwelling. The masons had cleared her bed chambers for use while they finished the remainder of the dwelling. Her new bed, her new dwelling, and even a new experience for her as well. She had blessed him beyond words. Altair almost as though she cared for him, making his heart feel like a smoldering coal in his chest for all the warmth within.

             Agrok began to stir and tighten her tail's coil with his, "Mmmm... good morning Altair. I hope you were able to rest well."

             He nodded gently before he risked a hesitant lick to her cheek, "Yes, I slept very well. I can't begin to show my gratitude for what you shared with me. It was truly an amazing evening."

             "Altair, don't hesitate sweetheart," Agrok replied as she nudged her way to sit up and cradle his head against her chest, "I took you to my bed, and I kept you there. I am perfectly fine with tender caresses and shows of affection from you. The truth is, I think you are quite handsome, and I want to do this again. Not many males have interest enough to even try to talk to me, let alone mate me."

             He blushed a bit at her words, although he did boldly follow them as he shifted to hold her tight, "They are stupid and blind then. If they wont step up and claim such a beautiful mate, then I'll take advantage of the clear field and try my luck at courtship. It's not because we tied for my first time either, I wanted the chance before that. I mean, if Grenz isn't already making that bid, and if it's okay with you."

             "Altair, keep holding me like this it feels good," the small female squirmed against him to press closer with a purr so deep, Altair was worried she might rattle her ribs, "Don't worry about Grenz, we do not have, nor do we seek a relationship outside of being friendly rivals. We both get lonely at times, so we take care of each other so no added stresses effect our field performance. So pleasure is not an issue for me, it is the warmth of another's heart next to mine. I will accept your bid for courtship, but for anything to come of it, you will need to get to know me and prove that it is more than my body that holds your interest."

             Altair smiled at her as he licked her beak, "I have already had your body ma'am, if that were all I wanted, I would have already gone. On the same note about wanting more than your body, how are you adjusting to your new family situation?"

             "I am very pleased with everything as it stands. I really like Rio a lot, and she has been teaching me a few things. Not just the things you got to enjoy either, I know a little more about how to act around people and what is lady like. Daddy is very happy with her, and he is around with Tahkra and I, every day now," There was a mingled joy and heart ache in her eyes as he moved to let her up at her urging, "Things are not the same between him and I as they were, I don't think they ever could be. In some ways, our father daughter relationship is not as good, in other ways it is better. I do know that we are bonded more firmly than before after having survived this ordeal; but there is a certain amount of trust and respect that has been lost and replaced by a new kind of such."

             Altair nodded slowly as he watched her pad gracefully, almost as if she were gliding, to the heavy wooden chest at the foot of her bed. Agrok opened the chest and removed her harness to begin packing the pockets with the medical and survival supplies that were standard for patrolling. The young male had nearly forgotten that while he was technically recovering from a wing break, she was still on active duty. He didn't want her to go, he was enjoying her company and the utter bliss of living out a portion of one of his daydreams and fantasies.

             Agrok pulled her harness over her head to let the heavy, well tooled, straps rest perfectly against her chest leaving her in need of assistance for the 'waist' straps, "Could you give me a hand please, sweetheart?"

             Altair seized the offer and opportunity to pad over and sit behind her and offer his assistance in tightening and buckling her harness straps, "Let me know if it's too tight."

             "And you say such things while sitting behind me, you silly boy," she giggled as he blushed softly at her joke.

             "Ah.. well.. I would act on that but you are getting ready for patrol. Besides, you are the one being silly. My request was perfectly valid for what I am doing, you bad girl," Altair had to fight back his timid shyness, but he managed to joke right back as he tugged the straps tight and buckled them to test their fit with a talon between the leather and the warm sleek body of his companion.

             "It's a perfect fit Altair, thank you very much," Agrok purred softly before she turned to give him a gentle nibble on the cheek to show her gratitude.

             "Are we talking about the harness or last night?" the scout blushed a bit and laid his ears back as he purred to her.

             She only smiled and turned to make her way to the heavy door, "I have patrols all day, I will be back in time to have supper with Daddy and Rio. You can stay as long as you like, but the masons and builders will be here in an hour or so. It is likely best not to be under foot."

             "Alrighty, and thank you again for the amazing evening. It was the most wonderful time I have ever had," Altair replied as he watched her slip out the door like a brown wisp of smoke in the shape of the most lovely female broadwing.

             She was amazing, and she was friendly toward him. The recovering scout looked back at the sparsely furnished room to stare at the empty bed. Those emerald green comforters, the soft blue sheets, they held the memories that were the most dear to him. He decided to straiten up Agrok's human style bed for her before he left to meet the day. His mind would replay the night before quite often as was the case with new experiences such as those he had enjoyed. Before he left the home of the female he desired, Altair gave a silent prayer to the Consorts. He prayed for love, plain and simple. He figured that way he would never question if Agrok really did love him if she ever did, for the Consorts would send the right person for him with the way he worded his request.

             "Now that I have done that, I should check on the newly bonded Rio and Reyfis, they certainly bare the mark of the Consorts approval," Altair explained to himself before he left the dwelling of his lover from the previous evening.



                                       *                          *                          *



             Grasolahn,the mortal enemies to the gryphons of the plains, the one foe that all tribes would band together to fight. Tikhana now sat before their High-Lord, known as their Bizshra, sometimes referred to as the Emperor. She found these humans to be very strange in their social hierarchy and general demeanor toward one another. They were very civilized in their technologies and decorum, their art was amazing, but much of their mannerisms felt very much like one very large barbaric tribe. In the mere hour she had waited alongside Venkey, three different disputes between nobles had been settled by blade and ax in savage lethal duels, only one of which even had a survivor. The bodies had been left where they had fallen, no grieving families moved them, instead their relatives spit on them and cursed their weakness. The language all about the great hall was very crude and quite profane, particularly when they spoke of her and Venkey, although that was not surprising. The humans of Grasolahn hated gryphons to the point of wishing every last one eradicated.

             The one thing Tikhana found most amazing in the black marble hall, was the sudden wave of civility that washed over every last one of the parties in attendance when the Black Guard entered the hall just before the Bizshra Necrotai. The flutter of the crimson tapestries and banners was disturbingly audible over the silence as those black armored elite warriors took their places along the central walk with their hands resting on the pummels of their incredibly heavy longswords before them. Their eyes were barely visible under their crimson maned, black helms. This only helped the aggressive and intimidating design of their strategically, and functionally spiked armor. The Bizshra himself was just as intimidating and impressive. He was the largest human that Tikhana had ever heard of, standing easily above the six foot mark, probably kissing the seventh foot. He wore a crimson and silver set of heavy plate armor that suggested an impressively powerful physique beneath. The strong structure to his tanned face and shaven head only helped prove that physique along side the ease and fluid motions with which he moved under that heavy plate.

             The nobles and merchant lords all watched in obedient silence as the great lord of their nation scanned over the crowd with cold gray-blue eyes. His powerful body was turned to let his right side face the crowd with his gauntlet clad hand resting upon the hilt of his weapon, the sword that was the crown of Grasolahn. The great golden blade of Sketlend, who was said to have slain the demon lord Ketris with that blade gifted by the gods of Eldarohnd. Legend also said that the massive ruby that made the pummel of that divine blade was the heart of Ketris held contained for all time by the power of the blade, lest the demon regenerate himself. The massive human was a good match for the heavy blade, right down to his skin tone and eye color. Those cold gray eyes locked onto Tikhana and began to examine her as she stared right back, trying not to show her fear of the warrior king.

             The Bizshra nodded gently and let his eyes move on until they fell upon the corpses of the dueling nobles with disgust, "Why do the dead litter my halls? House Redavin, House Kelethin, House Coursair, House Belgawrath. You have no respect for your dead?"

             Tikhana felt herself wilt a bit under the deep thundering tone of that voice. He had projected a powerfully commanding tone without shouting, but rather by simply using his booming tones. Several of the nobles scrambled to gather the corpses of their fallen family members. They did not see the movements of the gathered knights of the Black Guard who moved at a nod from their Bizshra. Each one of the households in question had their leader's seized quite forcefully, one of which was foolish enough to draw against the Black Guard. A single knight drew up his heavy bladed long sword to face the offending noble while his comrades stripped the others of their clothing and possessions. The fight, if one could call it as such, was over in two motions. The knight took a mighty swing at the nobleman, who attempted to parry the blow. His slim sword was snapped in two and his face driven into the ground quite harshly. The guardsman raised his heavy greave and stomped it down out of Tikhana's sight, the sickening wet thump told her all she needed to know.

             "To be a householder of Grasolahn means to be strong, but it also means to be wise enough to use that strength properly and appropriately. Solving petty squabbles by slaying fellow statesmen is a waste, and it is disrespectful in the hall of the Bizshra. You heads of household have not only refused to stop your underlings, you spurred them on, then cursed them when they failed in your cowardly bidding. Your houses shall go to the next in line, and perhaps they shall learn from your mistakes and weakness," the Bizshra glared at the stripped, former noblemen with a glare of such anger that Tikhana could swear she felt the heat from it at her seat.

             Tikhana stared at the tall, menacing form of the Bizshra as she calculated his aspects of personality and physique. He was definitely strong in both body and spirit, but he also held and demanded of others, a rather structured code of honor and respect. This human punished those who treated their dead as waste or offal and littered his halls with their presence. He was different than the average Grasolahn, his language was much cleaner and his coldness was a tool, not his mind set. With his black guard, his power here in Grasolahn was absolute. That attracted her attention more than anything, power was her new vice and she wanted such a potent source of such power to be at her beck and call to feed off that power for her very own. She felt a bit of pity that he was human, even more so that he was Grasolahn born, she would never be able to seduce him to her pliable puppet as she had done with Venkey. She would have to find some other wedge to drive into his will and pry it open for her own use.

             She felt Venkey press a bit possessively close to her as the Bizshra's eyes fell upon Tikhana and began to examine her for a long moment, "There are gryphons in my hall, what business have you here? Surely it must be of some importance or an opportunity your people will not allow for you to come here."

             "Lord Bizshra, we come before you to humbly offer information regarding our peoples-," Venkey began, but he was cut off quickly.

             "I was not addressing the male, I want to hear what the female has to say. I have seen you dealing with our merchants before Venkey. Speak now female," the large human did not bother to glance at Venkey as he interrupted him.

             Tikhana allowed herself a little smile at Venkey's irritation as she stood to respond to the Bizshra, dipping her head low in a submissive and respectful bow, "My Lord-"

             "I am not your lord," he corrected her with a bit of a growl.

             "Oh but you are my lord. Whether you accept it or not, I give my allegiance to you," Tikhana replied in a cooing tone as she looked up with her ears held back as she gave him a pleading look.

             "Continue with your explanation," was the only reply the Bizshra gave.

             Tikhana dipped her head again before she continued, "We have come to offer our knowledge of our people's patrolling habits of my specific border tribe, and Venkey's knowledge of the patrols and general training of the inner tribes patrol routes and times. It would be very simple to move a force between those times to strike devastating blows to their numbers before they ever realize you were there. We offer simply, the knowledge and opportunity to strike down an ancient foe."

             "This knowledge would prove invaluable, if I decide that I do not need the aid of the gryphons of the plains to deal with the foe that has been crushing our neighboring nations," the Bizshra replied with a calm tone that he had not used since the start of the gathering, "I do like the weight of your gift of knowledge for allowing your allegiance. Stand and let me see the full of you."

             Tikhana smiled as she stood and slowly turned for the Bizshra, who examined her form as a breeder would examine a new animal, "I hope my lord is pleased."

             "You are indeed an impressive beast. You will make a lovely foil for my hard appearance, come sit at my right whilst I speak of the news I have for my people this day."

             Tikhana allowed herself a prideful posture as she stood and made her way up to the raised position that the Bizshra stood upon. The Bizshra himself turned and made his way to the massive twisted obsidian formation that had the throne carved into the front of it's gnarled face. The female flowed gracefully to the right of the throne to settle down on her belly in a display of obedience to the Bizshra, even if it was truly feigned on her part. She looked up at him with her ears back submissively and parted her beak in a smile of thanks.

             The Bizshra cleared his throat, "People of Grasolahn, I am your Bizshra, Necrotai of Hesiti, and I have most grave news to deliver to you. The rumors of a foul beastly force annihilating our neighbors is indeed true, and far worse, one of their commanders delights in creating grim works of art from the dead. many villages have been put on display, the corpses propped with spit and pike. Men, women, children, no one has been spared in those marked for art. Our scouts have been moving along the borders of the plains to see how they addressed the gryphons. We have seen that they have not been able to enter the plains; each attempt at scouting has been met with swift and lethal response. This strange enemy, which combines both man and strange talking beasts of all manner, has been forced to content themselves with avoiding the plains."

             Tikhana stared at Necrotai with a bit of shock; she had heard the rumors from the warriors the Kenjaya had borrowed from the Rentuh. never did she believe what was supposedly going on, but now this strong ruler was addressing his people to present the very things that had been rumored and much worse. A chill shot down her spine as she thought of such a beastly foe, slaying everything as though they were demon spawned mad men.

             Content with the time he had allowed his people to absorb the news, the warrior king continued, "This is both good, and bad for us. It is good, because that puts a safe zone between us and this foe and allows us to prepare for the fight of our nation's greatest glory. It is also bad, because of the speed in which the other human nations are falling, it leaves us as a target once they come full circle. Now, I believe in the strength of our warriors, and of our people, but I am not so arrogant as the other rulers to believe that we could take on such a strange and powerful foe alone and hope to survive. We need an ally, and I am examining the greatest possibilities of those left, and much to the dismay of many, that does include the gryphons."

             There was a roar of protest from all the nobles as their hate for the gryphons boiled over at the thought of allying with them. Many insults were hurled at Tikhana and Venkey would have been forced to defend himself in a hurry if it had not been for a thundering bellow for silence from the Bizshra and the loud metallic clang of the dozens of the Black Guard who struck the points of their heavy swords against the ground to leave chips in the solid stone.

             "I am aware that the gryphons are blasphemous abominations that spread the disgusting notion that the gods of this world could fall to mortal desires and needs. However, wisdom would dictate that they are a very good candidate for an alliance on the sheer strength of their forces and their existing success against this dark force before us. I have not said we will ally with them, I have simply said that I will examine the possibilities. I give my word as a warrior that I will aim for a suitable human ally before I accept the gryphons as friends, even for a short time. I will not, however, rule them out for the ancient hatred we hold for them. The crowning blade of our nation shows us very well that the power of even the most foul enemy can be made into a greater good for the righteous peoples of Grasolahn."

             The Bizshra drew the heavy curved blade that rest at his hip and held it high over his head for all to see. The nobles riled up once more, but this time it was a lusty battle hungry cry of praise for the kings of the past, and the hero who had made that blade famous. Tikhana found herself in awe of the human standing before her, his power was not just from his guards, his powerful body, nor his position. This man before her could stir the hearts of his people, even against their own hatred. She had to take the reins over this man, or learn his secrets of motivation and coercion so that she may also wield such power as she had witnessed.

             "Gryphon, what is your name," that deep commanding voice softened just a touch as she looked up to find those hard gray eyes upon her.

             "Tikhana, I have no family name, I have renounced my tribe and my blood," she allowed a bit of her bitterness to creep into her voice.

             The Bizshra nodded gently to her, "I have been watching us from a gem I have given a previous courtier of interest. You make an impressive display at my side, like an exotic pet displaying strength and graceful beauty. I will allow you to stay in my lands if you keep this role to bring more prestigious appearance to my person. You are to serve as a pet, like a hound or a big cat that some rulers keep at their side."

             "It is both insulting to an intelligent being, and a great honor coming from such a great leader. Playing the part of a pet for you would be my pleasure and crowning achievement, my lord," Tikhana replied with a genuine smile.

             "Good, a strong image is important," Necrotai stood once again and stepped forward to catch the attention of the room once again, "Before it slips my mind, none of you are to act upon the information these gryphons have about their people. If we should need their aide, we will need present relations, and their people, intact and as good as possible. I have many delegations and defenses to plan, my underlings shall deal with your smaller problems. For now, I shall retire to my war room."

             Tikhana watched Venkey as he stared at those around him with that ever present contempt for what appeared to be all living beings. She could only shake her head with annoyance at the arrogant behavior of her mate.

             Her display of dismay caught the eye of the Bizshra, who followed her gaze, "The male, is he important to you at all or is he a thorn in your side that must be?"

             "Venkey is an idiot, and sadly the only mate I can take now that I have been exiled from my people," Tikhana gave a soft sigh.

             "As long as he remains important to you, he may stay with you. he is here on your graces, however, so I do suggest tightening his leash and making it clear who is the important one in this nation. Leave me now, my clerks shall find you living quarters. Do not expect any special accommodations for your species, we have none here to begin with," Necrotai did not wait for her response, he simply turned and made his way to the back of the throne to enter a door that was well disguised as part of the wall.

             Tikhana allowed herself to rest in a pool of her own smug confidence as she padded her way back to Venkey's side. She had over thrown Venkey's position, put herself in a place to receive far greater aid for her revenge, and made the first grab at the strings of a much more powerful puppet. Tikhana was certain she was on the path to her greater destiny.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             The air was very warm and quite relaxing within Hakarah's modest dwelling, thanks in part to the low fire smoldering away in the central pit. She loved that dancing glow that frolicked over all her gathering tools and blankets, bringing a dim, merry flicker to the entire room. There was a greater, more comforting warmth present that she never thought she would ever feel after her brother was slain and she was left with the a shattered tribe to lead. Curled along her back was the strong feathered form of Chief Rastak, the very soul who had helped to snatch her tribe from the jaws of extinction. Hakarah could not help the heavy purr that escaped her chest as she soaked up the warmth of that forelimb over her shoulders and the sensations of that beak grooming away at her neck rough.

             "Hmm.. three days and we shall meet again to reveal our decisions to one another and bring to a final vote as to what we will do with our peoples. Should I feel a nervous excitement pounding in my chest?" she asked with a gentle blush at her nares for admitting such a child-like emotion.

             Rastak raised his beak from her neck to give her cheek a reassuring nuzzle, "That is quite normal hun, this is a very large change we are voting upon for our peoples. This is the biggest point of hope for all of us, especially for the Dremdal."

             "I am afraid my people are frightened of the unification, they are afraid of disappearing forever," Hakarah sighed softly as she rubbed her cheek back against Rastak's, "But they are even more afraid that we are only taper wings now, with all our broadwing's having been slain, or being far too young to function as warriors."

             "Add to that the fact that you are left with a mere four adult males and a whole slew of adult females, and it is not looking good for recovering your numbers in near generations," Rastak added ruefully.

             She gave his foreclaw a gentle lick, "I do believe a side effect of your other aid shall also prove to assist in increasing our numbers as well. I have this sinking suspicion that my females will find many of their numbers happily tending Hencaney seeds."

             "Speaking of," he smiled and caressed his draped foreclaw along her belly, "have you felt any of the tell tale signs as of yet or has it not been long enough?"

             Hakarah could not hide the deep crimson her nares had turned, just as she could not and would not hide the loving purr she shared with him, "It is too soon sweetheart, but you know as well as I that it is harder not to succeed in a flight. I only hope the people understand this as it will set many strange precedence."

             "I believe we'll have to explain the whole story so it is not believed we acted on political agendas. Although I will admit that it is rather convenient to find my lover to have become a chieftess in my forced absence under my role as chief," he pointed out, "But for the most part, I think our individual peoples will not feel so badly about us coming together, especially in the light of the heavy dependance on our warriors for security for the Dremdal. We have both done well enough that our people will want to see us happy."

             The taperwing shook her head gently, "You have done well enough for your people to love you so, I have not done anything but panic as we try to survive after being fully defeated. I honestly fear I would have lead us into extinction if not for your recent aid, and we still may not recover with your help."

             "Your people follow you, they have survived much more than any other tribe would have under the same circumstances. They followed you as a female chief without any resistance because something about you they trusted. To have that trust in you as a leader shows that you have the hearts of your tribe, and that you have survived in hostile territories with no warriors all this time shows quite the handling by a wise and shrewd chief. I have heard the murmurs of praise among my own for you, the Hencaney would adore your presence in my heart. Winning over so many just by doing your job is something for which you should take pride in yourself, dearheart," he spoke soothingly into her ear as he tried to show her virtues right back to her.

             Hakarah stared directly ahead of herself at the lovely little stained wood box Rastak had given her, inside was his secondary wing feather, "Rastak, we will tell our people right away what we have done. Once we know the outcome of the next gathering of chiefs, we will then reveal our union and my state of health. We will need such joyous news if we all unify, and we will need the news of a union of Dremdal and Hencaney if we do not unify. We are weak and broken, our oldest enemies wont hesitate to finish our ragtag group we call a tribe."

             "Do not worry about the safety of your people, I have already made it clear to many of the other chiefs that Dremdal rests under Hencaney's wing," Rastak replied firmly, "But are you sure you wish to reveal us that soon?"

             She curled her head to nuzzle her brow against his neck, "Yes Ras, the sooner the better. It is too quick to have been a thought out political move, and far too quick to have just met one another at the meeting. For us to have thrown ourselves together like this says that we have known one another intimately for some time before our reunion."

             "See? A very wise chief and beautiful lady all in one body. I am afraid I am going to have to be greedy and horde you all to myself," He gave a playful little growl as he wrapped his forelimbs around her tightly.

             Hakarah giggled and wiggled a bit in his grip as she squirmed her way to face and hold him in return, "Hey now, I have very little left of my people, but I do need to interact with them to lead them as best I can. Oh, hun? I have a bit of curiosity about you that I want to pick at you about."

             "Uh oh, these usually go to awkward places and never come back," he replied with his ears back, "But I will indulge you my angel."

             She blushed and tapped her beak against his, "Oh stop with the dramatics. I just want to know how you feel about the union of Reyfis and Rio."

             "That one is a little touchy with me," he admitted as he rubbed his beak along hers, "I am very happy for them and wish nothing but the best they could ever want or hope for, but I am a little unsure about the mixing of species."

             Hakarah held his eyes with her own emerald eyes, "And what makes you uncertain about it love? it is nothing more than love and attraction."

             "I am very well aware, I have seen them interacting several times now," Rastak replied in a gentle tone, "They are not in lust, and I like what they have with one another. I suppose it is just the chief and the warrior in me that is uneasy about the mixed pairs possibilities. It is unknown, and I cannot factor it into any kind of combat or political strategy. Neither for use, nor as something to face, and that makes me leery of the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to the idea, and I will defend their sanctity if I ever found anyone working against their union."

             The female gave a gentle nibble along her mate's throat, "Perhaps in time you will loose that apprehension and find comfort in the love that causes such unions. There really is nothing to be concerned about sweetheart. They are really cute."

             "I certainly hope so, I have enough to be concerned about as it is," Rastak gave a soft purr as he raised his beak for her to get at his neck, a sign of absolute trust as he let her at his throat, "I have decided to accept Reyfis back with the Hencaney, and his girls too, if they wish to associate with any one clan. I know Tahkra almost certainly would not, but Agrok is up in the air. She certainly would be quite the powerful acquisition to our forces."

             Hakarah shook her head gently, "After what she went through with the Kenjaya, I do not see Agrok giving her loyalties to any clan. I may ask her assistance in keeping our borders safe without trying to acquire her as one of ours. The presence of the first female warrior would be comforting to my nervous girls."

             "Aye, indeed they would find that comforting," Rastak gave a yawn before he nuzzled her neck softly, "I do believe the hour is late and we have not yet taken our rest my love."

             The female chief gave a playful smile, "Then quit flapping your beak and curl that wonderful wing around me so we can get settled. Tomorrow is another day and i wish to be rested to greet it's challenges."

             Hakarah purred out softly as Rastak obliged her with a chuckle. She could feel his head on her shoulder as she lay hers upon his forelimb to close her eyes and drift into his warmth.




             Nausea, Raizehl had forgotten about the nausea associated with her condition. She did not regret her decisions, however, it would all be worth the discomforts in the end. The mature female had long ago figured out that she should not eat first thing in the morning to avoid purging her breakfast. It was a bit worse as of late, mostly due to the stress of Reyfis' departure and the incident with Tikhana. Raizehl's conscience would not let her stand at having beaten and exiled Tikhana from her living quarters, something in her subconscious was screaming that her survival was the worst thing for them all. Her nightmare from the night before was the most disturbing omen she had endured in all her years. She just could not shake the image of Keshten river flowing red with the blood of slain Kenjaya gryphons, with Tikhana blissfully drinking from the bloody waters.

             The middle aged female could no longer stand her premonitions' assault by herself any longer, she stood and made her way out of her dwelling to find her mate. Since her mother was the former high priestess of the Kenjaya, Raizehl had always done well to keep a closer bond with the Great Consorts. She knew that such repeating images and nightmares were often times a warning from the gods themselves to their faithful. Muktuh needed to know what she was experiencing, he would need to act accordingly to such a threat and make his warriors and people aware of the danger that was lurking behind the attractive face of Tikhana StarWing.

             The first slow rounds of the village proved to be fruitless until she neared the empty Asreigh dwelling. Klistin Hernet was nosing about the front door of the dwelling, presumably to try and see if Tikhana was home without being noticed by the object he admired from afar.

             "Klistin, get away from there," she scolded the barely matured male, "Even if Tikhana was home, you have no business with her! She is not well in the heart or mind and can lead you to great trouble lad."

             The youth jerked his head around to stare at the leading lady of his tribe with his ears flat, "Raizehl! I just wanted to talk to her if she was around, perhaps see if she could be returned to her former self or calmed a bit."

             "Don't try to fib to me Klistin, I know why you want to see her, you admitted that to me before," Raizehl assaulted him with a motherly tone, "She is trouble Klistin, far more than you or anyone else can know. So much so that the gods have been sending me warnings about her. I don't want to see a nice boy like you get hurt or even killed by lusting for a well toned beauty."

             He looked miserably ashamed of himself as he lowered his eyes from hers and flattened his black crest, "I'm sorry Raizehl, she's just so pretty and she is always so nice to me, I can't help but like her. I even find it hard to believe that she is as dangerous as you say."

             "Just trust me and promise to take great care and treat her presence with caution, for Nana Raizehl," she asked, playing on the old ties of fledgeling and caretaker.

             Klistin bobbed his head as he gave in to the warm tones of a caring elder, "Yes Nana, I promise to be careful. Just for you, because I know you just want me safe like always."

             "That's right, now give me a hug, I haven't had one from you in a long time now," the elder female smiled and sat on her haunches with her forelimbs spread slightly for the hug.

             The black feathered male nearly pounced into her forelimbs to snuggle warmly against her, "I'm sorry Raizehl, I have just been so busy with patrols. I hardly have time to try and talk with my parents, let alone everyone else I know."

             "That is quite alright sweetie, oh my you are getting to be quite the big fellow. We may have to switch roles next time, you hold and I'll snuggle," she gave a soft chuckle as she squeezed his strong frame before letting him go, "You haven't seen my wonderful mate about have you Klistin?"

             The young broadwing bobbed his head in reply as he nearly purred that same head right off his neck, "Yes ma'am, he went to the sacred den after he settled the patrols for the day. I was surprised that he managed to have me off duty today."

             "Well thank you very much Klistin, I need to go find him now. You go and enjoy your off time, with a girl your age not stuck outside an abandoned dwelling in hopes of finding an elder female. I think you could easily find a young lady to strike your fancy if you tried," Raizehl tapped a talon against his beak with the parting demand.

             Klistin bobbed his head once again as he walked with her for a moment, "Yes ma'am, I sure will. I know Tisha was looking rather lovely today, maybe I should go see if she wants some company for the day."

             "Go get her champ," Raizehl smiled as she sent her former charge off to seek the attentions of a lady in his own generation.

             The aging female knew she was both the best and worst person to be discouraging Klistin from the older lady he was seeking. She was a warm and loved figure to him, but she also had a much younger mate for herself. Raizehl decided to discuss a method of addressing the matter with Muktuh, Klistin was too close to her heart for her to simply leave him chasing a predator. She walked slowly toward the other end of the village, where the sacred den was located. Half way through her trip, Raizehl was forced to pause for a moment as her belly began to cramp quite badly. This alarmed the elder female grasped her belly and doubled over her own foreclaws.

             A foreclaw touched her between the shoulder blades and a soft voice spoke to her, "Raizehl, please try to calm yourself sister. Your body is weakened by panic."

             "I have you love, rest against me," Muktuh's deep voice and strong forelimbs sent a wave of comfort through her like a soothing frost.

             For a very long moment she let herself rest against the strong warmth of her beloved, soaking up the security and the comfort his very presence brought to her. The female presence stroked her head and neck as the large male held her, letting her cramps pass and release her from their vice of fear and pain.

             Once she could bring herself to look up again, her eyes met those of the high priestess of their village as she stroked her crest, "You have been pushed through too much as of late and the burden is weighing on all involved. We shall discuss the matters I see in your eyes once we reach your home my dear friend."

             "I do believe that is the best course of action, I do have quite a heavy weight upon my heart that I must share at the least with my dearest Muktuh," Raizehl agreed as she leaned against her mate to stand and begin the shorter journey to their dwelling at his side.

             Muktuh growled softly with frustration as he helped her move with less effort, "I am partly to blame, I did not take greater caution with Tikhana when she worked to drive Agrok away. And I feel the fault for myself getting stabbed, and the resulting tussle between her and Raizehl."

             "Don't you ever blame yourself for that, Muktuh," Raizehl scolded him, "You had no way of knowing how far gone her mind was, and I would never let any female harm you without challenge. You made none of the decisions that brought that all about."

             The priestess gave a nod, causing her talon and fang adornment on her ear to clack together softly, "She speaks the truth Muktuh, you did as well as you could for everyone involved. Do not seek blame for the events that befell you all at the hands of madness."

             "Thank you Jirri, it's good to know I have aid in preventing my love from spiraling into a pit of blame and self degradation. He needs to be strong now."

             The taper winged priestess shook her head softly, "You are wrong Raizehl, Muktuh needs to be wise in order to successfully handle the trials ahead. You on the other hand, need to be weaker, or at least act as physically weak as you really are right now. There is too much at stake for your pride as the alpha female to be allowed to run wild. I know for certain that Muktuh is under an enormous amount of stress, and much of that comes from worrying about you. Mostly unfounded concerns, but it does not help matter when you give him and others cause for real concern."

             "Hey now, Raizehl need not worry herself with my stress levels. Most of that I feel is what is normal for a male when his mate is not at her full," the chief spoke up in defense of his mate, "Most of what I feel is unfounded and just jitters. My beloved does not need more stress upon herself, that I understand to be more true than my own need for less stress."

             The odd violet eyes of the Priestess Jirri caught them both to hold them sternly, "You may disagree with me, and I encourage a different point of view, but this is not my words or my message. You are not toying with your own lives now, and the Consorts are standing to champion those who have not a voice to beg of you. Muktuh has seen omens, and I am willing to place a wager that you wished to speak to him about your own visions."

             Raizehl gave a soft sigh of confession as they neared the dwelling she shared with her mate, "Yes, I did, and to speak of some one dear to me that may find trouble with it all."

             Jirri pulled back the door flap of the dwelling and motioned the pair inside, "Come and let us discuss the matters of omens and insight."

             Raizehl pulled a bit away from her mate's supporting frame to carry herself to a pile of cushions to settle in and rest herself there. Muktuh let her go and set himself to the task of stoking the brazier and readying a kettle for tea. The Priestess settled herself on the gathering mat close to Raizehl, who eyed the simple beauty of her talon and fang adornment, the holy symbol of the consorts.

             "Now then, I have heard Muktuh's visions, please do share with me what the Consorts have been showing you," Jirri urged the elder female with a soft, priestly tone.

             Raizehl took a deep breath to steal herself as she waited for Muktuh to settle down with her, "I keep experiencing rather grim nightmares of Tikhana. It all started with a dream of her walking through the plains, leaving bloody wounds as she strolled through the rolling grass. That escalated to a dream of her laying amidst our burning village, counting severed talons with every expression of pleasure. She was even cooing and talking to the talons of the younglings. The latest nightmare was of our river, flowing red with the heavy taint of blood and littered with the bodies of our tribe. Along a clear patch of shoreline, Tikhana quite merrily padded to the waters edge and began to drink of the bloody waters."

             "I have been having similar dreams," Muktuh admitted, "Tikhana seems to be a point of sever concern for the leadership of this tribe."

             Jirri nodded her head softly, "It seems these are indeed warnings from the Consorts. Tikhana is not to be trusted in the least, doing so will have dire consequences for the entire tribe. I fear that what you see is the warnings of terrible things to come, regardless of how you handle Tikhana. Something is in motion and it will spare no one from it's horrors."

             "It seems I have made the right decision then," the chief replied with a nuzzle along his mate's neck, "I have decided to attend the coming gathering of chiefs to join the Kenjaya with the rest in the forming of a nation. I have heard the proposals laid out by Tahkra from our borrowed warriors. There simply is no reason not to join as one people other than keeping the pride and limited power of being a chief. Frankly, I am not so blind as to see that this would be best for our people."

             Raizehl hummed a soft purr as she looked back at her mate, "Are you referring to the Kenjaya, or all gryphons as a whole?"

             "Yes," Muktuh replied with a simple, yet most complete answer to her question, "The whole of us all can only become stronger by sharing our strengths and supporting one another rather than fighting each other. The Kenjaya are being whittled down by the constant hunting by Grasolahn parties. We may stop them most times, but they are still taking a toll."

             The priestess smiled at the chief, "A most wise decision, I only hope it was made in time to stave off the ominous winds that are blowing across these lands."

             "We can only hope. I have announced my wish to attend and to give my views on the matter to the other chiefs of the plains, all that remains is to wait and see," Muktuh replied with a shrug.

             Raizehl shook her head, "There is one thing we must do while we wait. Klistin is rather enthralled by Tikhana, he thinks he can help her recover her sanity and sense of respect for others. I am quite worried that he will run afoul of her or find himself as her pawn. he is a very nice boy and I love him as a son, I do not wish to see anything happen to him."

             "Well that is easy enough to deal with, I will simply run him in tandem patrols. He will never be alone on patrol for her to use," Muktuh smiled gently at Raizehl, "That way we know he is safe from her."

             Jirri nodded as well, sending her talon and fang adornment to rattle softly, "Yes, a most splendid idea. I will council him as well, but I do have another suggestion as well that may be most helpful in keeping him out of harms way."

             "I'm listening, the word of a priestess carries far with me," the young chief replied as he focused his attention on the priestess.

             Jirri watched both of their faces as she spoke, which Raizehl found odd, "Well, when you leave for the gathering, take him as one of your traveling party, or even your personal guards. It would take him far from Tikhana's reach, and make him feel as though he is receiving a place of honor, rather than simply being under your eye."

             "Now that is a superb idea," Raizehl agreed with a warm smile, "he has worked very hard too, he does indeed deserve such an easy assignment with such prestige attached. Perhaps it will impress some of the ladies he may meet along the way and distract him from his infatuation with Tikhana."

             Muktuh nodded gently in agreement, "Once we join, I             believe I will be sending him to the Dremdahl as a show of faith to those who have already united. They need some strong talons out that way since the invasion that claimed their chief and most of their warriors. From what I hear, Hakarah has herself a nest full of pretty little gals and not enough boys to go around. A handsome lonely fellow like Klistin should do quite well for himself there."

             "A very wise move, show them you are willing to send what aid you can and remove a wedge a potential threat may have to our people. It is not underhanded either, Klistin is a fine warrior and a good lad," Jirri smiled warmly at the both of them, "All that can be done has been done, you two rest and take comfort with one another for now. Two days time marks much change for the gryphons of the plains."

             Two days time, Raizehl could only pray that it would be soon enough to shut out the storm that she could see on the horizon.


                                                    *                          *                          *



             Tikhana stretched herself out on the bed in her suite as she listened half heartedly to Venkey and his contact discuss the matters of sneaking behind the Bizshra's back to make the necessary strikes. Lord Grezbehn had been the one harassing the Kenjaya for over a decade and was now ready to finally strike a real blow to the plains as a whole.

             "I agree that we cannot let the gryphons unite as a nation, that would only put a strong enemy squarely in our path to trade and diplomacy," the middle aged human agreed to a statement she had not heard Venkey make, "But we would need a fairly large gap in the defenses to get our forces into the villages."

             She smiled and gave a light laugh to catch their attention, "Silly little man, that is why you have me. I know the perfect time to open a rather large hole in the patrol routes. Venkey is going to have to bite his tongue and live with how I manage it, but one of the gryphons who patrols the border is rather infatuated with me. If you had a poison that I could coat my talons with that works fast and will not seep through my skin, I could easily get close enough and disguise a little nick on his neck. The fool would die before he ever knew he was betrayed and your men could walk unnoticed and unchallenged across Kenjaya lands.

             Venkey gave her a dark look as the human began to grin at her. No one could make any further comment, however, as there was in unexpected knock at the door. Tikhana bounced nimbly to her feet to see who could have possibly been seeking the company of gryphons in Grasolahn.

             "Greetings, pet Tikhana, the lord Bizshra has sent forth an appropriate adornment for his pet to wear at his side," the response was so prompt that Tikhana had no time to register the young messenger in the golds and reds of the royal house.

             She stared at the silver box the brown haired boy had presented to her, the gold leaf patterns seeming to have enthralled her as she reached to accept the item, "What would my lord Bizshra send to me, a humble gryphoness?"

             "I don't rightly know ma'am, and now that I have delivered it, I don't rightly care what a beast like you receives. You have it now, it is no longer my problem," the boy spat at her before he turned and left with an angry set to his shoulders.

             Tikhana resisted the urge to strike him with the box, she may have damaged the gift if she had done so. The female simply closed the door and returned to her bed with the box instead. Both the man and the male gryphon eyed her curiously as she settled the box on the bed and slowly opened it. When the lid hinged open, she had to catch her breath from the heavy gasp she had released. Staring up at her from the crimson velvet within the box was a rather large smooth cut ruby. The huge stone was set in a very stylish gold collar that resembled a larger version of a linked plate necklace, each plate baring it's own smaller ruby.

             "Venkey, quickly, help me put it on, I must feel it on my neck," Tikhana nearly squealed like a fledgling as she held the collar up toward her mate with every evidence of excitement.

             The male complied and moved to settle behind his mate as he set the collar around her neck and fastened the clasp. The collar was heavy around her neck, but not so much so as to be uncomfortable or cumbersome. The gold felt oddly warm against her feathers, but she loved the way it felt on her.

             The human lord gave a soft nod to her, "That does look lovely upon you, perhaps it will come in handy when you go to open the patrols for our invasion. We need to set out by this very night if we are to make it before the gathering Venkey has informed us about. It is then that we believe the gryphons will form their blasphemous nation."

             "I don't like this plan," Venkey added with a soft growl.

             Tikhana delighted in his discomfort, for it flexed her true will over his, "You are just being jealous."

             "Of course I'm being jealous, you're my female, not some wet winged male who happens to be lucky enough to have the right patrolling habits," he spat at her.

             The elder female held him in a hard stare, "Grow up boy, I am here now with a position and access to the same contacts. I don't need you to achieve my goals. I will be doing this to get to carry out the plans you laid out for us, it must be done to take what we wanted. You can deal with it and let me have a real male after I bath to help me shuck what surely will be a terrible session, or I can simply coerce the lad to come with me and replace you. I would prefer to keep you, for you are very well versed in how to handle me."

             "Do I have to put you in your place female," Venkey growled savagely as he snatched her up by the throat.

             The tip of a sword pressed against his throat as the lord who was his contact spoke sternly, "Stand down boy, I wont let you harm the key to my glory. Nor will I allow you to kill us both by harming the Bizshra's pet. I do not know your wishes, but I for one do not find the prospects of being hunted by the Black Guard, all that appealing."

             Tikhana laughed at her furious mate, "Face it Venkey, you are helpless to take back control. You needed me so badly because I was so wrong. Your lust cost you your control over the situation , and me. I'm in charge now and you will do everything momma Tikhana says to do because in the end you will always want me. So come to terms with the situation and I will not have to grind my paw on your throat any longer. You were happy before you knew the truth, you can have that again and even feel like you have some control as well. Grezbehn, go and ready your troops for travel, we will join you once I have consoled the wounded pride of my dear mate. I will explain my absence and your invasion to the Bizshra as my having been abducted by the gryphons. You and your men will have saved me, along with Venkey."

             "Excellent timing on our part," Grezbehn gave a wicked smile to his co-conspirators before he showed himself out of the luxurious suite.

             The low light of the lamps seemed to make the deep reds and golds of the furnishings glow faintly as Tikhana brushed her mate's claw from her neck, "Do not feel threatened by this young male, my love, I only allow this to happen in the interest of our vengeance. The poor fool will die for his 'prize' and have to watch with shame as his foolishness causes the slaughter of his family and friends. I have thought of how to save ourselves from the wrath of the Bizshra as well."

             Venkey glared at her for a long moment, "How are we to avoid the wrath of the Bizshra? We will have been there during an attack that he expressly deemed treasonous."

             "Why, Grezbehn wanted this so bad, he forced me out with his men to begin the assault," Tikhana cooed softly to her young mate as she stroked his neck and cheek softly, "He was going to kill me if I didn't comply, he would have done so anyhow if my brave mate had not shown up to rescue me."

             Venkey let out a deep sigh, "I admit that this is a good plan from start to finish. Including the incriminating and elimination tactics of the one person who could give us away. I am still having a hard time with letting another male have you even once, even if you will slay him in the event."

             "Love, you wish to force my daughter several times until she is simply submitted fully to you and seeking your touch, I am willing to accept that in the name of our retribution," Tikhana pointed out before she grasped his cheeks and locked her beak to his for a deep passionate kiss, "Think of this one time as the trade of pleasure for that you will take many times during our time of punishing those who have wronged us."

             The strong male pressed her tight against his chest with his powerful forelimbs, "I suppose I can manage to withstand such an affront with that fact brought to light. I never did like Grezbehn to begin with, being rid of him would be a boon. Your new position has potential for the both of us as well."

             "I know it does," Tikhana whispered in a husky seductive tone as she drew herself up to speak in his ear softly, "Your anger was thrilling. Right now, rough me up on the bed and show me how you would put me in a female's proper place."

             Venkey rumbled with a lusty growl before he shoved her down on the bed with all his might before he leaped atop of her to stare down at her with wild, lusty eyes. Grezbehn would need time to be ready, and they had a wondrous way to kill that time, besides, Tikhana needed signs of being roughed up for her plans to work; both the ones she shared with her conspirators, and the ones she had not.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Tahkra sat quietly with her new step mother as they watched over the village from the path to the hot springs. Both had keen enough eyes to watch Agrok and Altair interact from afar as a bond was beginning to blossom between the two. Neither one wished to interfere, or to intrude with attempts to push the two together. Agrok was learning to be bold enough to seek a mate on her own with a proper courtship, and Altair was nervous and new enough to the game of love to be frightened off easily. The younger female was awaiting word from her mate on when to leave for the gathering of chiefs. She had been asked to come for the later half of this particular gathering for some odd reason.

             "They look rather cute together," Rio offered her voice into the silence, "I really hope they work out, Altair is a very nice young male."

             Tahkra nodded gently as she measured and weighed the bird in question, "He does have a good personality, and his physical attributes do seem to be quite well balanced."

             "Does that really matter when it comes to real love? He has a good heart and that is quite important for Agrok," the drake turned a bit of a concerned eye upon her.

             Tahkra shook her head gently, "I am not so very superficial that I would not accept an unattractive mate should Agrok take one. Her self esteem is so low, I wish to see her have the very best of the best in heart, and the most prime of the prime in form. A truly perfect example of a male in heart and body to love, hold, and please her."

             "By the standards I have heard of the late Kenten, Altair has a mighty large harness to fill," Rio replied in a tone of agreement, "What of Tahkra? How is she holding up as of late?"

             She let out a heavy sigh as her nerves started to show once again, "Tahkra looks calm, but she is a mess. My nerves are frazzled with this coming gathering, and I wont be able to see what unfolds until it is said and done. We've worked so hard to get this far and it still may be for nothing."

             "Tahkra Asreigh, you are smarter and stronger than that," Rio scolded with a tap on her beak, "Even if you fail to make the tribes into a nation, you have still planted a very fertile seed of unity amongst your people. If they don't wish to be a nation, let them keep their silly little titles of perceived power; so long as the effects are the same."

             The gryphoness couldn't help but smile at the drake, "You have a very valid point there. I never really thought about it like that. Even in failure, we may yet succeed in the true goal."

             "Exactly, silly girl. No sense in getting all worked up when you are quite obviously managing to unite the peoples of the plains," Rio said with a soft smile and a gentle stroke to her neck, "Now then, when are you and Malehk going to give us some grand children?"

             Tahkra flipped her wings with shock and burned red at the nares with embarrassment, "Rio!"

             "What? You two practice enough, we need some little ones to spoil so that we can be distracted from your political trials," Rio countered, "Having a small clutch about would help Agrok too. Children set off the nesting instinct after all, and that could make a nervous pair relax and finally come together."

             Tahkra ruffled her feathers to re-seat them, "Well, we are not going to have any young just to try and fling Agrok at anyone. Malehk and I will fly when we feel the time and the world are right for children. If you want younglings to tend so badly, you should convince daddy to fly you. He is still of the age to be fertile, and having siblings would be fun for Agrok, they would look up to her."

             "I have thought about it, I even tested his seed and my egg," the healer gave a long sigh of defeat, "Our species are not compatible for fertilization. It saddens me greatly, as it would be a great honor to carry his young."

             Tahkra nuzzled her step-mother's cheek, "Well, you have us at least. We aren't your own blood, but we do care for you very much Rio."

             "Well now, if you keep being sweet like that, I believe that may be enough for me," the drake gave a soft crooning sound, "I must say, I did not take up with your father without knowing that we may not be able to breed. I simply did not care if we could or not; I fell for him, not his fertility."

             The gryphon gave a gentle nod in reply, "We would not be sitting here now if you were so foolish and narrow minded as to try something like that. All the things that are not true aside, do you have any family that would want to meet all of us?"

             "Sadly, no," Rio replied quietly, "My father died fighting GahlByrn and my mother was killed trying to protect Kalah and I from a pair of brothers under his service. The war has taken a great toll upon the drakes of Skanshial."

             Tahkra laid her ears back and rubbed her cheek against Rio's, "I am very sorry for the losses and I hope to see this madness end before my generation lays to rest. I can understand Agrok's determination now, she has the strength and the power to do something about these fiends where I can only feel sorrow for the ones they effect."

             "It's alright Tahk, I have healed well enough to be able to deal with my losses, and it helps to decide what I will do once this war is over," Rio smiled gently at her, "I really have no reason to go back, other than Sal and Kalah. I have a family here, and a beautiful, wonderful mate who does care for me and treat me far better than I ever dreamed of."

             Tahkra smiled and gave a lick to her scaly cheek, "Well we are glad to have you as part of our recovering family. You have been a wonderful addition so far. Thank you for taking such good care of our father, he needed a mate that would care for him without condition."

             "There is no need to thank me Tahkra, I needed a mate like him as well. Until I met Reyfis, there was this hole in my heart I never even knew existed. Everything I used to need is no longer an issue, all I need now, is him," the drake explained as she turned her gaze to the sky, "Something is telling me we will need each other more than we ever imagined in the coming days. There are big changes coming, some good ones too, but they are on the edge of a very dark tide."

             The taperwing gave a soft sigh, "I have felt it chill my spine as well. We have been preparing, but without any clue as to what and where, there is little we can do. So, my wicked step mother, shall we find our males and enjoy this time of peace while we can?"

             "We shall partake of this excellent idea," Rio giggled as she stood with her step daughter and began to walk back to the village.            Â

             Tahkra didn't mention the distraction they would bring to their respective mates, she was certain the elder drake understood how they were buying Agrok more time to spend with her new male friend. Altair was not Tahkra's first choice for her little sister, but he was certainly acceptable. Her personal choice would have been Grenz, he was handsome enough, and he was more than capable of deterring any who would speak out against Agrok in a malicious manner. He really was sweet with all the things he had done for Agrok, much to the contrary of what people believed of him. Either one of the two males in question would have been a pleasing catch for Agrok from her stand point. For now, Tahkra was content to let her sister work all on her own and learn that intricate game called love. She had her own mate to tend to after all.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â



             Dielgo looked over the duty roster with a deep frown, he had patrols during Muktuh's time at the gathering that had all the borrowed warriors stirring before they had left to rejoin their villages in preparation for their duties during the gathering. Most disturbing of all, he had Klistin's long route while Klistin himself was to attend the gathering with Muktuh. Dielgo didn't know those routes very well at all, and he would be running them alone with no help to find his way if he got lost. It just made no sense to him, he and Klistin were equals in everything except the knowledge of this route. Why on earth would Muktuh have him running the patrol instead of Klistin? He decided to find his friend and the new lead warrior to see if there could be some reason or possibly a swap in duties.

             Dielgo moved like a frantic, golden feathered mouse; his white feathered head darting back and forth as he scanned the faces of the gathered warriors. It didn't take him long to spot the ivory feathers of their commanding warrior.

             "Tiptal, sir!" Dielgo called out to the elder warrior, "I need to talk to you and Klistin!"

             The senior warrior turned his attention to his young subordinate, his odd yellow eyes holding him in place, "Well lad, what do you need of myself and Klistin?"

             "It's the duty roster sir, I am slated to run long patrols solo, and I don't know the routes. Klistin runs them normally, but he's slated on some guard duty for Muktuh. It just doesn't make sense to me sir," Dielgo explained as he squirmed in the stare of those strange yellow eyes.

             The lead warrior knew his eyes were odd in their yellow pigment, not amber like the natural yellow of most creatures, but true almost glowing yellow, "I see what you mean, you're both about as good in a scrap as the other. I hadn't thought about the fact that you didn't know this route, I just did as Muktuh asked. He probably wont mind a swap if Klistin is willing. Let me see if he is. KLISTIN! Front and center lad."

             The sudden barking summons caught Dielgo off guard and made him start. It seemed to do the trick in finding the other young warrior. Klistin nearly crashed into Dielgo in his hurry to answer the call of his superior.

             "Yes sir!" Klistin responded with a stiffening of his posture to show himself to be at attention.

             "You were put on guard duty for Muktuh, do you have any real attachment to the assignment?" the elder warrior asked in an almost casual tone.

             "No sir, I just started getting friendly with Tisha and I wouldn't mind staying closer to home if at all possible," Klistin replied as he laid his ears back a bit.

             Tiptal gave a decisive nod, "Then it's settled, Dielgo has your normal patrol and he is not familiar with the route. You'll take his post instead and he'll go with Muktuh. Does that sound good to you boys?"

             "Yes sir, very good indeed," Dielgo replied with a sigh of relief.

             "Thank you sir, I appreciate this opportunity to pursue my first interest," Klistin beamed with a warm look in his eyes.

             Tiptal waved a claw at them, "You get her Klistin, she's a good gal and you're a fine lad. But do it after your duties are completed, both of you, to your posts!"

             Both young males tensed as they did their best to snap to attention and reply in unison, "Yes sir!"



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â


             Agrok gasped as she shot up like a bolt, panting heavily as she looked about her surroundings wildly. Her surroundings were unfamiliar, bringing even further panic to her as she woke from her nightmare.

             Altair stirred beside her and sat up with her, "What's wrong Agrok? Are you okay?"

             The smaller female gasped in heavy pants as she nodded her head and leaned against the larger male, "I will be fine, it was just a most terrible dream. I know it was a dream, but it felt too much like my journey through the dead village."

             Altair wrapped his forelimbs tightly around her to help her feel comfort and safety, "Nightmares can be like that sometimes. It might help to share the experience, to face it with some one else."

             "Don't blame me if you can't sleep after I tell you, it is quite disturbing," Agrok warned as she looked up at her lover.

             Altair only smiled at her and stroked her crest softly, "Unable to sleep in the company of the beautiful, legendary, Agrok Asreigh? I think I will survive and that we can perhaps find something to drive away the thoughts if need be."

             She shook her head at him, "You can be sweet and terrible all the same time when you are comfortable."

             She hadn't registered her whereabouts until right that moment, only that she was safe if Altair had fallen asleep with her. Agrok was relieved to realize she was in his dwelling, for no one would think to find her there for a bit. She certainly didn't wish to burden her family with silly nightmares.

             "Well, you bring out the best in me, simply by being the best," Altair replied warmly.

             Agrok sighed and pressed her head into his neck, "Altair, sweetie, please. I am very much not in the mood for flirting or encouragement. I am rather shaken and I just need support and a warm ear to hear me out."

             "I'm sorry Agrok, please, go on and tell me about your dream. I'll behave, I promise," she knew he could feel the tears soaking into his feathers as the dream haunted her still.

             She took a deep breath and began slowly, "It started with a really strange and long patrol. For some odd reason I was on patrol from here all the way to the farthest border with Grasolahn on Kenjaya lands. As i neared the first village, I seen smoke rising where it should not have been. I forced myself on harder, striving to reach the village as quick as I could, but it was an effort made in vain. All I found were piles of burned bodies, a few were still burning and those that were not burned or burning, were still bleeding. There were signs of mass movement heading toward Ventigaush, so I pursued as fast as I could manage. I tried frantically to call for help, but I kept getting a reply that they could hear my voice, but not make out my words. I had no choice but to go it alone."

             Altair nodded gently as he caressed her head and neck, his attention sealed firmly on her as she continued, "When I was in sight of the village, something hit me from behind and I found myself bound to some kind of slab. That slab carried me quickly to the village and placed me on the ground, which engulfed and trapped my claws and paws. I was unable to move or fight, I could only watch the panic as the Kenjaya tried to run or fight for their lives, many of them were not even warriors. They managed to slay a few of their faceless attackers, but even with those victories I was watching a slaughter. They weren't just being slain, they were being mortally wounded in ways that caused slow painful deaths. Then my mother showed up from the chaos of the melee. She was leading a group of very young fledgelings with promises of her warrior friend protecting them. Her warrior did indeed show up, but he was Venkey. Venkey turned out to be the one that controlled the traps that held me, as he did the very same to the fledglings. They both laughed at their terror as the faceless attackers closed in on the younglings."

             Agrok had to pause to catch her breath as she suppressed a sob, "Just as they turned to move toward me, great talons wrapped around me and drove the earth from my limbs before they lifted me into the air and carried me away to a sacred place beyond the reaches of our world. The place was indescribable, and when I looked up I seen the great wings of Skardesh, the great god of the skies. He carried me to a large nest to settle me down before a great cougar who could only have been Arsiel, the great goddess of the forests. She pulled me into her chest to embrace me tightly and hold me while Skardesh wrapped his great wings around the both of us. They both wept, presumably at the loss of their children, and they told me I was safe. The Great Consorts held me and reassured me that I did all I could and I needed to be strong for the remainder of our people. They warned that as grim as what I had seen was, it was not the darkest hour to come. They told me that our people would need champions and heroes, for our time of greatest loss and greatest victory was soon to come. If we stood strong together, we could overcome what so many could not and bring forth a shining era for their children."

             Altair was quiet for a long moment as she pressed tight into his embrace, needing that comfort, "I don't really know what to say I am afraid. That is quite the disturbing and rather deep nightmare with several real possibilities. I think we should discuss the extension of some of our patrols just a bit into Kenjaya lands. We certainly need to be on the look out for Tikhana, your dream is not the first ill omen that has been felt about her sudden disappearance."

             "I think that may be a good idea," Agrok agreed with a huge yawn, "But it must wait until morning, reliving that tale has taken more of me than I thought it would."

             Her lover smiled at her and pulled her down with him to lay once again, "That sounds like a most wonderful idea, sleep can cure many more problems that one would think."

             Agrok gave a soft laugh as she snuggled into his warm presence and closed her eyes to slip once again into the dark realms of unconsciousness, where she would stay until morning.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â


             Muktuh growled as he stalked through his dwelling to prepare for his departure to the important gathering of chiefs. He was very late in the running and he had been forced to send word of his delays. A hunting party from Grasolahn had turned up deep within Kenjaya territories and had to be disposed of. Now he was several hours late in departing, and to top it all off, he could not find Klistin. He didn't have time to brood over it, he had to leave immediately.

             Before he left his dwelling, Muktuh took the time to hold Raizehl close and slip his beak around the edges of hers for a gentle kiss, "You stay safe, I will be back by nightfall, even if it kills me, I will be back. I love you."

             "I love you too Muktuh, but please be careful and be safe on your journey, do not skip rest if you need it," Raizehl replied as she pressed into his embrace.

             Muktuh parted the embrace to give her cheek one last caress, "I will do all I can to stay safe for you dearheart. I cannot linger any longer, I must depart."

             "Go then, the sooner you leave, the sooner you can return," Raizehl said softly as she nudged him toward the door.

             Muktuh followed her urging and made his way outside to greet his gathered party, all six that he had ordered were there, but not the specific warriors he had ordered. Instead of Klistin, Muktuh found Dielgo standing proud and tense in the line.

             "Why are you here and not on your patrol," Muktuh asked with a furious bellow that cowed the young male, "You traded with Klistin, when I gave specific orders for him to be here with me today. I had a pretty damned specific reason I wanted him here, he is not supposed to be on patrol by himself. If you had taken the time to ask your chief about an order instead of just undermining it, you would have known that. We have no time to fix this either, let's get going;you had just better hope nothing happens as a result of this."

             Dielgo looked very much like a beaten dog as the chief crouched to take the first leap towards their destination. The young warrior was so shaken by the scope of his mistake that he was holding back tears as he followed his chief into the air. Muktuh could find no pity for the lad, this was a most grave mistake that could have serious repercussions. The feeling of dread in his belly was so very strong that he considered canceling the trip altogether. He would have, if he didn't know his people needed this union as much as any other upon the plains. As much as he feared leaving, he knew he had no choice.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Tikhana watched the sentry in the sky from her hiding place amongst some a stand of bushes. She knew the broadwing circling over head, quite well. It was Klistin, a lad who had a bit of a crush on her for sometime now. That was her key to removing the threat he posed to her allies, although she did feel a twinge of regret. She liked the handsome young fellow, he was always so kind and polite to her. The only thing that kept her strong on her path was her hunger for vengeance and the particular lure she was using to draw him in. Her short talons couldn't deliver a fatal wound on their own, but they were more than enough to deliver the gift given to her by Grezbehn's apothecary. Each one of her talons were coated with a powerful toxin that would shut down the brain and the entire nervous system in a matter of seconds, all she had to do was nick his skin enough for him to bleed the slightest drop.

             She had run out of time to wander about her own mind, Klistin was getting ready to loop back around for his final pass of the area. She quickly made her way from the bushes into the open and down to the river bank so that her brighter coat would stand out much better. The quick eyed warrior spotted her almost immediately as she waved up at him to try and call him down.

             "Hold there! What are you doing here Tikhana," Klistin barked in true warrior's fashion, "And where have you been all this time?"

             She smiled sweetly at him as she stepped a bit closer, swaying her tail a bit seductively, "I know I am not very welcome here, so I went off to find a new home. I have found one, so now I am here to say good bye to you Klistin. You were always so nice to me, and so handsome too, I couldn't resist coming back to see you one last time before I must stay gone forever."

             His body showed the outward signs of his attraction and betrayed half of his thoughts, however his eyes showed an uncertainty and restraint. Some one had cautioned him against trusting her, some one he trusted quite strongly, but was that trust stronger than his desire for her?

             "Oh silly Klistin, what do you have to fear? I cannot harm you, you are a big strong warrior and I am just a petite, lithe female," Tikhana cooed as she advanced to rub her flank against his chest and curl her tail around the back of his neck to give a seductive caress as she stepped away, "You will have me in a most vulnerable position too."

             "I want to believe you, believe in you, but they say you are dangerous and deceptive," Klistin replied with his ears flat to his skull and his head slightly lowered.

             He was clearly torn between his trust in his friends and family, and his warmth toward her; tikhana used that hook shamelessly, "Come now Klistin, how dangerous could I be on my back, in your strong embrace?"

             The elder female could almost see and feel his heart pounding as she smiled at him to lay on her back against the small hill leading to the river bank. He was showing the obvious signs of his strong lured state, but he still fought to resist. Tikhana found this some what annoying, as well as a refreshing challenge. The temptress played one last card, for she knew she had the young male once she presented the proper position to receive him. His heart and his hormones seized his mind and drew him hesitantly over her to stare down at her nervously.

             "Are you sure this is okay? I mean, you do wish to.. with me," the young warrior gulped as he was nearly shaking with nervous anticipation.

             Tikhana refrained from an irritated sigh in his face, the poor lad was indeed a virgin and she was his prized figure of beauty. Instead of answering, she reaches along his flanks to grasp his heavy leather harness and pull herself up against his chest to lunge back and force him to her. They both gasped at the same time, for he was much more impressive than she had anticipated. Her enjoyment of the contact was not feigned and she let the young warrior know just how good he was making her feel. Tikhana allowed herself to show Klistin real affection while they danced their dance, her farce having become real. As she reached her beak up to his to lock them in a deep passionate kiss, a deep pang of regret welled up in her heart. Klistin was showing her all he could of his affection and attraction, real attraction, and he believed in her heart's virtues. He would have been a far far better choice than Venkey, who only held the promise of heated lust and vengeance. Agrok and Raizehl kept him away from her too, and now he had to die in order to stop them. It was pure cruel injustice that this loving wonderful male that could have been her true redemption was held like a puppet by those wretched harpies. Tikhana had realized as she held tight to her doomed lover that he was just that, a real lover. The sweet, kind hearted youth had won her heart and recovered that lost loving side of her.

             As they began the absolute peak of their passion, Tikhana wept freely and stared up at him, "I'm sorry Klistin, I love you."

             "I love you.. too....," before he even spoke Tikhana's talons bit into his flesh to deliver the toxin, and his final words stole his final breath upon her.

             Tikhana held his limp form tight while she pressed her face against his neck and wept freely over his loss. The weight of her deceased lover only added to the weight on her heart as grief pummeled her soul. Why did it have to be Klistin on this route today? Why couldn't it have been Frezek or possibly Geld? Her heart hammered the question at the gods in hopes that they would be listening. This loss was insufferable and she knew who was to blame for it all. Agrok, Agrok and Raizehl were to blame for this terrible loss. They had to be brought to justice and they used poor Klistin as a puppet to hide behind. The rest of the Kenjaya were insufferable at best, Tikhana had no qualms about eliminating them to draw out Agrok and Raizehl. Klistin was the one person she would have hoped to have survived, he didn't deserve the fate he had been given. They would pay, those soul stealing harpies would pay dearly for his demise.

             Tikhana extracted herself from beneath Klistin's corpse and spread her wing before her to examine the feathers. She selected her finest primary and removed it from her wing with a painful tug and slipped it under his limp wing for safe keeping.

             The torn female nuzzled her victim quite lovingly, "When it is all said and done, I will come to you Klistin, and perhaps we can see where the fates will take us in the here after. I will be waiting to receive your primary in return."

             Tikhana wiped away her last tear before she climbed the bank and reared up to flash her wings in signal, calling forth her allies. They were more vile to her than ever before, but they would be her tools of righteous justice upon those who had claimed her beloved Klistin before she ever got to truly embrace him. They would indeed pay, so very dearly; her 'allies' would pay for their sins as well, she would see to that.

             Venkey held her in a hard stare as he approached her, "You seemed to enjoy that far too much."

             "I would have enjoyed it far more if it were you," she replied, not caring if he caught the real implications of her reply.

             His smug expression told her he had not, "Maybe later, for now we have a tribe to crush and exterminate! Grezbehn, I present you my mate, who has opened the door into the lands of the Kenjaya for you. We would be most obliged if you would avenge the wrongs we have endured by them and other tribes."

             "By the Blessed Blade! We shall cleanse these lands of the blasphemous beasts that plague it;s beautiful fields! Onward brothers and sisters! Blood, glory and righteous duty await us," the nobleman called out to his armed men, the full strength of his house was present for this invasion.

             Leather armor creaked, it;s scent joining the musk of sweaty bodies as the lightly armored humans advanced into gryphon lands unchallenged. Their armor was light to allow for stealth and greater speed in mobility. Their weapons were all well tended and freshly sharpened, these were the talons of Tikhana, her very hatred and wrath in physical form. This was also the evil Klistin had made her aware of in her own soul. She would use them for the just acts she needed to complete, then she would make use of her personal allies to cleanse herself and the world of their presence. Yes, they would all pay under the righteous eye of Tikhana StarWing. All the hidden evils would come to justice.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â


             The chiefs had gathered, they had been chambered together for some time now and Tahkra was only growing more and more anxious by the second. Muktuh's messenger arrived just in time to inform the others of his late arrival before they chambered. He would be admitted upon his arrival, but no one else was permitted within the large meeting dome that had been constructed for the event. Tahkra had been asked, along with Malehk, to attend the gathering; but they had been asked to wait outside until they were called for, if they were called for. Not a word had been given, no refreshments had been brought for the chiefs. They had been chambered for hours with no meal, no drink, not even having left to relieve themselves.

             "They have you here for a reason," Agrok said finally breaking the silence, " I can't rightly imagine them calling you here for nothing Tahk."

             She smiled at her younger sister, "Thanks Aggy, you are indeed right on all accounts. I just can't imagine what they would have called me here for. I am nothing more than a tribe-less female with big ideas."

             "Even small ideas can make a big difference, my love," Malehk pointed out.

             Tahkra smiled gently and gave her mate a soft lick on his beak, "You are right as well dearheart. The problem is that I do not know how much of a difference my ideas have made, nor the purpose for which I am here."

             Before either of her companions could reply, the door to the dwelling was drawn back to reveal a rather ill looking Hakarah. Although she looked ill, she wore a bright smile that seemed to give the rest of her body strength. The two females quickly jumped to their feet to begin preparing their mat for her as Malehk bolted to her side to offer his support.

             The female chief gave a thankful nod of appreciation as she leaned against the strong male and allowed his wing to pin her to his side, "Thank you, I would have felt rather silly if I had fallen on my beak."

             "It is no trouble at all Milady," Malehk replied as he guided her to the shared mat to settle down carefully, "But, what has you so ill that you would leave such an important gathering, and why did you not stay home to recover if it has hit you so hard?"

             Hakarah gave a deep sigh and waved away their fussing over her, "I am quite fine, I assure you, this is no affliction. I am simply in for heavy morning sickness until I come to term, nothing to fear. I have simply over worked myself this morning. A good rest should fix me right up."

             "Morning sickness, to term? It almost sounds like..by the consorts! Who was it," Tahkra nearly squealed like a barely fledged female.

             Hakarah blushed softly as she tilted her head to let the feather on her ear tuft show, "My sweet Rastak, we announced it just prior to my leaving to join you. it was well received, and I must say, it is only one of many good omens for your goals Tahkra."

             "Really? What has been going on in there, are we to be a nation," Tahkra asked anxiously, her heart racing with hope and excitement.

             Hakarah shook her head gently, "We all agreed to secrecy until the gathering was decided, and I will not be the one to break it. My position as a female chief is shaky at best. I will say that things are pleasant and are being worked out. No matter what is decided, it has already been decreed that Hencaney and Dremdahl will unite together as one tribe only to be renamed if the entire plains do not unite. Rastak will take care of defenses and politics, while I handle more domesticated affairs, such as food stores, housing and child care."

             "Well, that is a bit of a let down, but I think I can live with it," Tahkra gave a little pout, "I do like your idea with the uniting of your tribes though, both of you will become stronger as a result."

             Agrok shook her head gently, "It sounds more like an occupation. They march the borders and deal with any one that needs spoken to while you serve them."

             "I appreciate your concerns Agrok, but please do mind your beak," Hakarah replied with a bit of a dangerous serenity in her voice, "I have known Rastak for much longer than you think, he is not like that. The Hencaney are taking on a burden with uniting with the Dremdahl. My girls and I really have nothing to offer, but my girls. And Agrok, know that I respect you for what you do and the courage you show in becoming what you have, but Rastak is my beloved mate. I will defend his honor to my dying breath."

             Tahkra decided to intervene, whether or not Agrok took that well or not, she felt a third party was in order, "Please be calm Hakarah, Agrok means no harm to standings or reputation here. You must remember that she is a warrior, as well as being commonly mistreated by others of our kind for her unique situation. She has been conditioned to look for any potential threat or misdeed."

             "She is right Hakarah, I meant no harm, I was just voicing what I seen in the situation," Agrok explained herself in way of apology.

             Hakarah gave the younger warrior a gentle nuzzle, "It is quite alright hun, I am just a little protective. Rastak and I have loved from afar for over a decade, we even lost contact when he became a chief. I have him back and just how we belong with one another, I am just a little afraid of anything that may harm us."

             "I fully understand, I would be much the same way," Agrok admitted with a gentle smile, "If I ever found the interest of any dashing male."

             Hakarah gave a wry little grin, "From what I hear from the chiefs in your area, you have the eye of a certain handsome scout. So how goes the little dance with Altair?"

             "We are getting a feel for one another, I wish to take my time and make sure I have made a good choice. I know I will never find another Kenten, but I know what will make me happy and I will not pretend to love for fear of being alone," the young warrior replied with a stern determination in her eyes.

             That determination was not lost on her elder companion, "That is all well and good, but make sure that does not keep you from loving at all. A lack of warmth and advancement can easily lose even the most interested mate."

             "It is my intent to suggest we give a real relationship a try after these talks with you chiefs takes place. I really think there might be a chance for us," Agrok explained with a mild blush to her nares.

             Malehk looked as though her were about to say something when Rastak appeared from within the temporary structure, "Lady Asreigh, Malehk, we are ready to see you now."

             "Oh, Rastak love, Malehk, may I borrow your strength? My morning sickness is still upon me and I do not wish to miss this," Hakarah pleaded gently as she struggled against her nausea to rise to her feet.

             Rastak needed no urging as Malehk joined him on the opposite side of the female chief, "No trouble at all milady, I am always happy to assist a mother to be."

             Agrok and Tahkra shared a look that spoke volumes of reassurance and confidence in one another before they walked side by side toward the structure. They would face this uncertain situation together as sisters, just as they had always faced life up until that point in time. A trust and bond between them just as strong as if they had been twins. What ever was to happen, they were ready for it as long as they were together.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â



             Raizehl had only just poured her tea when the senior warrior had arrived to tap his knuckles against the support pole of her shared dwelling, "Lady Raizehl, are you awake?"

             "Yes I am, I was just getting some tea," the female broadwing pulled back the leather flap of the dwelling entrance, "What seems to be the matter dear?"

             Tiptal dipped his head in a salute to the mate of his chief, "It may be nothing, but there are no reports in from any of the warriors on patrol or the other Kenjaya villages. I came to ask that you and the other non combatants begin preparations to head toward Hencaney lands until we get to the bottom of what is stopping the reports."

             "Thank you Tiptal, I agree with you on this one. It is better to move and not have had to, than staying put and finding we were in danger," Raizehl nodded her agreement gently, "I will get the females with children moving first, but I will need a small band of warriors to escort us all."

             The light colored male nodded gently, "I will assemble the escort immediately."

             A panicked cry brought their attention toward the center of the village, "Quickly, we need help! It's Rylian, he's back in and he's hurt badly!"

             Tiptal turned to rush toward the cries, "Rylian was on inner patrol!"

             Raizehl's heart dropped to the bottom of her chest. If the inner patrols were under attack, then they were in a grave position. She followed quickly along behind the senior warrior and began to call out to those around them.

             "Warriors, to Tiptal, everyone else, drop what you are doing and begin heading for Keltaush village," Raizehl felt the icy talons of fear gripping her heart as she called out her commands.

             Tiptal was the first to reach the fallen warrior, quickly trying his best to comfort the mess that used to be a handsome and proud broadwing. his rusty feathers were soaked with the crimson of his own leaking blood. A grim multitude of crossbow bolts riddled his form. from his neck down along his under belly to his hips. The gravely wounded male was gasping and coughing spatters of blood as he struggled to hold onto life for just the moments he needed to pass on his warning.

             "Grasolahn comes in..in force," Rylian convulsed a moment with hemorrhaging coughs and choking before he fought it back down again, "Abandon all and flee, they are right behind me..."

             Raizehl felt the tears falling from her eyes as the warrior lost his last battle with death, having used his last breath to warn his people. There was no time, they had to leave in retreat from an enemy that held no mercy or remorse for their kind. The fighters from Grasolahn were not burdened with older individuals or children. The elder female's heart nearly froze as she stared Tiptal dead in the eyes, for something had to slow the invading force down. She shook her head as tears streamed down her eyes. The senior warrior held her with a knowing gaze.

             "I know what needs to be asked, but I cannot," Raizehl nearly sobbed, "I can't ask that of anyone."

             Tiptal held up a stern foreclaw, "You don't have to, we do it because this is what we are for. Better that we die guarding your rear than to run and watch you be slaughtered. You hear me remaining warriors of the Kenjaya? Make your peace, if your families are to survive, if your children or your friends are to survive, we must make a final stand. The time to choose is now, your lives, or theirs. Who will flee, and who will die fighting for our people's survival?"

             Raizehl could face the doomed warrior no longer, her heart just couldn't take the pain of knowing what he and his warriors faced, "All non combatants, gather the children and get moving, do not wait to group up, we will meet on the path. Do not wait to gather your things. Couriers, those of you who are strong enough, carry the smallest of the children with you and beat your wings hard toward the nearest Hencaney village you know of. Azreal, you are our fastest, take a child with you and intercept Muktuh's party, tell them what is going on, and then keep heading as far as you can toward his destination. If the child slows you too much or wears you too far down, carry them as deep as you can into our neighbors territories and leave them with a village. You must, MUST, reach the gathering of chiefs to plead for aide and to inform them all of the invasion. There is no telling where they intend to stop."

             The small female taperwing in question nodded her blue-gray head to her chief's mate with a tiny gray downed gryphlet in her forepaws, "Yes Raizehl, please, promise you will send word when you arrive to safer territories."

             "Don't waste time with such thoughts, just flee. Survive now, reunite later," Raizehl did not even look at her as she responded, focusing on the task of hoisting a youngster onto her back to carry them to safety on her stronger legs.

             "To hell with your flee and stay gone, couriers, when you make your drop, search out the fleeing party and collect more younglings, even if there is an attack on the party when you arrive. The time for all of us to share the courage of our warriors is now, honor them by saving as many as we can," Azreal held the elder female with a cold gaze of determination in her emerald eyes, "I will keep moving to the gathering, I will call from above to every village I pass, and I will bring back help, I will not send help, I will bring them myself."

             Jirri seemed to materialize from no where to lay a comforting paw on Raizehl's shoulder, "Any dutches must give such harsh orders in such a hard time, and every hero, be they a warrior, or a bold courier, will defy the softer handed commands. They will do what they feel is right, and as long as you do what you can see as most right for your people, you have done the right thing. Trust in our warriors and honor them always in your heart. Tiptal is right, as sad a fate as it is, it is why they are what they are. Our boys will fight harder than the Grasolahn ever imagined, for they will unleash the fury of The Consorts upon our enemies. They may all fall, but I trust they will be granted the strength to get us far enough that help will arrive."

             Raizehl clenched her eyes tightly shut as she shed the last of her tears, simply having no more to lose. The sounds of Tiptal coordinating his warriors for their last acts of service rang in her heart like the engravers tool upon a bronze plaque. She would tell his tale of courage and honor-bound sacrifice for as long as she would live, and she would urge any youngsters she may teach of that brave stand by Kenjaya's last champions.

             "Raizehl, we have not time for mourning now, get moving so we can get these little ones to safety," Jirri had shaken her shoulder to snap her out of her trance of sadness.

             The priestess had more gryphlets upon her than she should have been able to travel with, "Will you not wear down Jirri, with so many upon you?"

             "I will press on just fine, the Consorts will grant me the strength to carry these little ones to safety. Let us move, quickly," the priestess replied grimly as she began to trot toward the distant territories of the Hencaney.

             Raizehl followed her younger friend at a hasty pace, allowing herself one last look back at the bold souls who stayed behind to buy them time. A final act that would cost them their lives, most likely in painful several painful ways. She was also able to see the dark blot of the advancing enemy beyond them. They were so close, it seemed so and help was so very far. The mate to the chief could feel the hope pouring from her heart with every breath. Only a miracle could save them now.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â


             All the chiefs of the plains sat in a semi-circle facing the doorway of their temporary structure. When Tahkra entered, she felt very much like she were facing a panel of judges upon the date of some trial. She was very glad for Agrok on her right, and Malehk on her left; their warmth and strength helped her to keep an appearance of calm confidence in the face of that intimidating sight. She was rather surprised to see humans present among the gathered chiefs.

             She did not have time to dwell on the matter, as Asmaht stepped forward to clear his throat, "I've been selected as the spokesman for the entirety of our peoples. So when the historians ask, this was all my idea."

             "Um, okay," Tahkra replied as the Kreestak chief smiled at her, "If that makes you feel somewhat happier, take it."

             Asmaht chuckled softly before he continued, "We have been trying to settle a few things ourselves all morning, and it seems we cannot come up with anything on our own for a few matters."

             "So all this time we have been trying to unite, we have come to fail," Tahkra felt the icy talons of despair gripping her heart for a moment before she drew herself up where she sat, "I was prepared for this, I have several other points we have not discussed that will show the necessity and benefits of uniting-"

             Asmaht gave a sharp laugh to cut her off, "That will be enough Lady Asreigh. You should have more faith in your chiefs and our ability to make wise decisions. No, we cannot really come to a suitable solution to many minor issues, simply because we all hold strong to our desires with no one else to see the situations objectively. There are only two things we can agree upon; we need to unite and become one people."

             Tahkra waited silently for a moment as the chief stared back at her, "And the other thing?"

             "You have been causing a lot of commotion and stirring up a lot of new ideas and mucking about with every fiber of authority here on the plains young lady," Asmaht spoke with a scolding voice as one of the humans stepped forward carrying a simple wooden box on the palms of her hands, "As a result, we the chiefs of the plains sentence you to life under the tiara of our queen."

             Tahkra felt all sense leave her as she stared blankly at the box the human had opened to reveal a silver tiara with smooth cut rubies set along the front, "But, surely there is a wiser choice, I am so very young for a ruler of a nation, especially one so young it's self."

             "We would have said, 'If you are willing,' but I am afraid it is unanimous. The only leader we can see ourselves banding behind, is you, " Asmaht replied sternly, "We cannot rise as a nation without you. No one has the courage or the strength of will as you do to see this through. We face many challenges as a fledgling nation, particularly with our non human heritage. You have the soft appearance to disarm human leaders, and the strong heart and bloodline to face them down on the political battlefield. Most importantly of all, young lady, every chief holds respect for you, as do a great many of the peoples who serve and live under us. What say you Queen Tahkra Asreigh? This can't be without your guidance."

             Tahkra could not hold back her tears of joy, fear, and uncertainty as she lowered her head before the human who held the tiara. Hakarah struggled to her feet and stepped forward to take the tiara from the box and place it upon the younger female's crest.

             "It is only fitting that the first and last female chief be the one to crown our first queen," the first female, former chief smiled at her young monarch with a bright gaze of joy and respect, "This is a great day in the history of our people and I am proud to be a part of it. I know you'll make us all proud and stronger as a whole."

             Tahkra couldn't help but smile at the elder female, "Thank you, I only hope I do not let you all down. This is a great honor, and an even greater burden."

             Reltuh sat up to be noticed as he gave a determined and approving look to his new queen, "We are confident we have chosen the right one for the task at hand. You may have noticed the rubies upon the tiara are arranged in the pattern of a dawning sun. We did this on purpose, to symbolize the dawning of our nation and the dawning of a new era. No longer is only one species the mark of civilization; no, on this day we stand up and prove that we are every bit as capable of living and working together as a nation. We will live, work, and love as others do within their cities. Never again will we know the fear of a full assault upon our borders by those who are united outside our plains. A new day dawns with the placing of that crown and that is why we have chosen our banner as we have."

             Ernez sat up as well to help his long time friend and ally as he picks up and unfurled the white banner. The cloth unrolled to reveal the crimson of a dawning sun with the silver image of a stylized gryphon rearing over it's surface with the twin moons near each top corner. Tahkra could only gasp lightly at the sight of the flag, the new standard of their united people. The design could have been more attractive, but to her there was no more a beautiful sight that one could behold than the banner presented to her.

             "It's beautiful, this shall wave proudly over our lands and bring hope to our people when they need it most," the young queen struggled to hold back the tears of pride and joy as the shine of unity twinkled in the eyes of every one of the former chiefs.

             Agrok threw her forelimbs around her sister in a tight embrace, "You did it Tahk, you made us a real people with a real nation. You bring so much hope and a very bright future to us all."

             "Thank you Aggy, but I couldn't have done it without you," Tahkra replied as she held her sister in return, "I still can't do it without you. You are my greatest warrior, and my truest confidante who will never betray me for any reason. You are also my sister, so you will definitely slap me around if I need it."

             Reltuh cleared his throat to catch the attention of both the Asreigh sisters, "Forgive my intrusion my queen, but I am certain Agrok will be as much your champion as she is Titania's champion. However, there is still business to attend to, some of which is very important and should be addressed right away."

             "Yes of course, thank you for informing me Reltuh," Tahkra laid her ears back and blushed with embarrassment and her own youthful behavior, "Please, start with the most urgent of matters, once things begin to grow to matters that can wait, I will call for a closing of the first court of.. what did you all decide to name our nation?"

             Hakarah seized the moment to shine with pride at her own idea, "It really was simple, I proposed we keep the standing name of the plains. Titania, or gods nest, is what the plains were always called, and we are the children of the consorts. It is only fitting we all come from the gods nest and carry on with the name that has so many roots in tradition."

             "Sounds good to me, once we reach the trivial affairs that can wait until tomorrow, we shall draw the first court of Titania to a close," Tahkra drew herself up to what little bit of height her falcon based form could offer, "Reltuh, if you would please begin presenting the issues at hand."

             The huge broadwing gave an approving nod, "The first order of business that is most urgent is to present and hear the tale and requests of General Carpenter of the remaining forces of the fallen human nations surrounding us."

             "Please General, present yourself and speak, we are a fair and peaceful people," Tahkra urged the unseen human to show himself with great dignity and grace.

             When the general did appear, Tahkra was shocked by his haggard appearance. His armor was scarred and dented from his hard struggles, blood dirt and several other unidentifiable stains coated the surface of the hardened steel. He was a strong man, that was certain, but though he held his muscle tone, he had the look of a man who had not eaten in some time. His brown hair was rather mussed and held the shape of his helmet while his brown eyes were so very tired.

             The weary human knelt before the new queen, "Your majesty, I thank you for allowing me here to speak on behalf of my men and my people. We have come here expecting to discover our families to have been fully slaughtered by those mad men, or at the very least turned away by your people. When we heard rumors that there were civilians alive here with your people, I must admit that we expected to find them captives and slaves. Instead we find them alive and well under your protection and living amongst your kind as though they were part of your nation."

             "We are not the monsters you may have been lead to believe, General," Tahkra replied gently, "The people who have made it here have been offered what homes we can provide, food, water, and even the space they need to settle in. In return they have offered their skills and services to the communities they have settled into just as if they were at home. If you walk among them, you will find human children playing with gryphlets under the watchful eye of elder females and the sentries high on the wing."

             The general nodded as tears welled up in his eyes, "I have seen this and I will admit, it was truly a beautiful sight to behold. You have saved and protected the families of those of us who have a family left. Please, we wish to join them again and stay with them. We can offer our skills and services to you, let our blades turn for you instead of against you as our foolish leaders had in the past. We wish to make amends for those mistakes, and repay the debt we owe for protecting our civilians."

             "My heart lays with your request, but I must admit that it was easy for my people to accept civilians. It may be very difficult for them to accept soldiers who once attacked and killed our kind in the past," Tahkra looked around at all her former chiefs who were now her nobles and advisers, "There is an advantage to having a ground force, and we do hold their families under our protections. This does bring me to another important point; I am no tactician nor strategist, I need some one who does have such knowledge to conduct military business. If no one objects, I would like to turn this matter over to Malehk."

             All the nobles nodded in agreement as Malehk stepped forward, "It is very true that there may be some difficulty at first, but a ground force is a necessity if we are to hope to honestly fend off a real invasion. We are good at fly and strike, but we cannot really hold a line in the least. This would prove lethal when it comes time to face this mysterious foe. General, how strong are your numbers?"

             "Of all the nations that have fallen, nine of us in all, each boasting forces well over a hundred thousand a piece," The human seemed to be taken by an even deeper sadness and shame, "Only ten thousand remain in hiding to make small strikes here and there and to hide what civilians we can. That is, to clarify, ten thousand in all."

             Malehk nodded gently as he looked about at the faces of the newly deemed nobles, "That is a meager ground force compared to anything else we would run into; but with the air support most others simply wont have, it will do for now. I must ask of you nobles that you take in and shelter these haggard warriors until they are well, then they can choose their posts from those selected by the general of our ground forces, and myself."

             "And who is the general of our ground forces?" Markovich asked with a cock of his brow, "None of our boys know how to direct humans on the ground."

             Malehk smiled at the generally combative noble, "That is why I see no reason not to keep the rank of the man who has lead them thus far, in place. General Carpenter, will you lead the ground forces of Titania?"

             "Now wait just one minute! He has already failed against the invaders once," Markovich cried his protest.

             General Carpenter drew himself up with dignity and what grace he could still manage, "I assure you, dear Markovich, that they will not be able to run us over so easily again. Knowing what we know now, we remaining troops can put up a hell of a better fight than those savages are expecting."

             "Then you believe that you may be able to out fight them given the chance?" Tahkra looked the battered general in the eyes and let him stare back into hers to see her honest interest in his reply.

             The human gave a nod, "I wont say victory is certain, but it is within our grasp if we combine our might. Their tactics have become predictable; devastating when they are not known, but easy to prepare for if one does know them. Their greatest strength lays in numbers and the surprise of their first encounters. Simply put, they have to destroy the opposing force in a rolling assault else they are wide open."

             "Very well, Malehk has given his word on the matter, and I give the full power of the queen behind it. Does anyone oppose," the young queen offered the freedom of choice to her small court.

             Many of the gathered nobles shook their heads, only Markovich stood to speak, "I would be the only one close to opposing it seems, but the points made are good. I agree, grudgingly, with a cautionary protest."

             "Your concerns are known and considered Markovich, please sit back down," Tahkra replied softly with a gentle voice that somehow held an air of command to it, causing the elder male to obey, "General Carpenter, sadly Markovich is indeed right and completely founded. Your peoples, of any of the fallen nations, do not have a good track record with us gryphons. We here may understand your sincerity because we have seen your face and looked into your eyes as you wept your tale. The average gryphon of the plains has not, and we have not seen your men first hand. I trust in your sincerity, but I cannot let that stand for ten thousand people. Your requests are granted, but we will be taking great caution until full acceptance is clear on both ends. I trust it will not be too long with the good fit we have had with the civilians and I hope you realize I mean no offense by any of this. I simply must think of my people first."

             Carpenter gave a nod of agreement, "Regretfully, I must say I agree with your approach. I can speak for any of the men I work with first hand, but a great many from my own nation as well as others, I cannot vouch for. Though I am somewhat of a victim of this caution, I support it and respect you even more as a leader. Far more than any other I have run across yet. At least you put the people before yourself."

             "How many men do you have close at hand on the plains?" Tahkra asked gently.

             General Carpenter took a deep breath, "Five hundred or so, they are in a camp a safe distance from any of your villages."

             "Very good, all of you nobles will see to it that these men are fed, sheltered, and reunited with their families if possible. I also wish for their armor and weapons to be repaired by the smiths we have managed to rescue. Some one fetch the General some food, he should be a part of this court as well," Tahkra ordered with a gentle sternness, looking and feeling very much the queen she was, "Reltuh, on to the next order of business, I should like to celebrate this great day for our people properly before nights end."

             The elder warrior turned noble gave a deep knowing chuckle, "As you wish my queen."



                                                    *                          *                          *            Â


             Tiptal watched the approaching forces with a cold stare. He knew this was his final stand, and his heart should have been racing in his chest with the natural fear for survival. He surprised to find himself at peace with the situation, only feeling fear at failing to buy the fleeing females and children enough time to escape. The other warriors present stood quietly in their scattered positions and awaited their coming deaths with a silent stare. None of them ever thought their lives would end like this, staring down a much stronger force in a desperate sacrificial stand, but here they were by twos and threes prepared to fight to the death for everything they knew and loved.

             Tiptal had his warriors arranged to minimize the effects that archers could have upon the small force of thirty gryphons. The senior warrior was banking on the arrogance of the larger force to buy some extra time for their fleeing people. The broadwing never entertained any illusions of victory and he discovered his assessment to be quite accurate. The Grasolahn forces easily out number them by more than ten to one with no tactical advantage to be had in the terrain.

             The big male stepped forward as the marching forces came into earshot, "Hold there! Who leads this party of warriors?"

             An elder middle aged human in light leather armor stepped out of the crowded line to scowl at Tiptal, "I lead them, why do you bother to ask?"

             "What business do you have here with so many warriors? If you seek something or some one specific, perhaps we can be of some assistance," he offered with no real belief that any such idea was to be reality.

             The human laughed, "What we seek? Why, we seek those fleeing behind you. They need to be exterminated with extreme prejudice, for they are blasphemous beasts."

             "Perhaps we can discuss the reasons for such hostilities and possibly negotiate a state of non-aggression. I would hate to have my boys rough yours up if such an event is avoidable," Tiptal offered once again knowing that he would be refused.

             It was meager time gained, but every second counted as the humans glared at them, "Enough of this, kill them all!"

             Tiptal slipped into a fighting stance, bracing his legs to take the impact of the fighters rushing toward him. The first to reach him tried to cleave his skull with an over head chop of his heavy ax. The experienced warrior exploded with a leaping slash through his assailant's belly, sending bits of flesh and entrails flying from his first foe. The impact of that massive strike was enough to snap the human's spine and effectively cripple him as he slowly succumbed to his savage wound. The next two men wielded light two handed swords. Both swordsmen attacked him from opposite directions. The broadwing began to sway on his feet, loosening his body as he started to dodge the swings and thrusts, waiting for the right moment to make his move. The patience of the gryphon paid off as he found the moment to feign a stumble and bait both men into a vicious thrust from either side. Tiptal reared up at the last moment to evade the dual attack and countered with a clap of his wings against each man's back simultaneously. The force of the double wing strike sent them onto one another's sword, running each other through.

             A pain filled screech arose over the cries of battle and wounded or dying men. The first gryphon had taken a mortal wound. Out of the corner of his eye, Tiptal seen Gustauph reared up and being forced back with a pike in his throat. He did not allow any sadness or regret enter his heart, any emotion other than the pure focus of combat would get him killed far too early in this fight. A new opponent was on him immediately as more closed in, this fighter wielding twin spiked maces. The senior warrior heaved a corpse under his feet forcing the man to attempt a roll over it to his feet. Tiptal lunged and drove his foreclaw down with all his might against the back of the man's helmeted head, just as the human's face were over his own mace. The gryphon noted that the men seemed to be avoiding him for some reason. It didn't take him long to realize what was about to happen. He leaped into action to save himself and the closest of his brethren. Bokten had slipped in the gore of his latest kill and two men were ready to capitalize on the prone position. Tiptal pounced on their backs to roll with them and raise them before himself as a shield to face the volley of their own comrade's arrows. Cries of panic gave way to pain as the arrows sank deep into the living shield, leaving both gryphons untouched.

             The brown and gray warrior nodded his thanks as he righted himself on his feet to dive back into the fray. Even as they fought hard, the pain filled shrieks of wounded gryphons began to fill the air; they were being overrun. There was only one other option to buy precious time for the fleeing families.

             "Bokten, switch it up, stop killing start maiming. Deliver as many serious wounds to as many as possible, they will slow the rest down," Tiptal ordered grimly, "It's time we embrace our fate and do what we can before our sacrifice is made."

             Bokten gave an upward slash into the belly and chest of his latest opponent before he turned to reply to his senior warrior, "It has been an honor Tiptal, I'll see you in the Consort's den."

             "Aye, thank you for fighting so hard," he offered in return before ducking the swing of a glaive.

             The broadwing raked his talons across the knees of the human with the glaive, tearing out the tendons and cartilage from the joints. his victim gave a blood curdling scream as he toppled over off his ruined legs. Tiptal tossed the glaive aside and began to pick a new target, but he would never find one. One of the fighters had turned from behind him unnoticed and struck the senior warrior directly in his left flank with a vicious swing of a two handed war hammer. The mighty commander of the Kenjaya forces felt every rib snap like twigs under the heavy head of that massive mace. Every breath had been driven from his lungs as he was sent racing toward the ground. Just before his head struck the hard hard earth, Tiptal seen Bokten loose his right foreclaw to an ax and take a sword point down between his neck and collar bone. Then all consciousness left the wounded warrior in an instant.



                                                    *                          *                          *


             Muktuh and his party pressed hard to make it to the gathering in time to speak his views and place his vote upon the union of the tribes as a nation. They were already a third of the way to their destination when they heard a frantic screech behind them. Muktuh called his escort into a kiting circle to investigate the disturbance. His heart was already running cold with the omens and the unfortunate twists of fate that had undone his careful plans and attempts to safeguard against the premonitions thus far. A ball of ice formed in his heart instantly as he identified the approaching gryphon as Azreal.

             "Muktuh! Sir," she cried as she powered up them with a squirming protesting gryphlet clutched to her chest, "I have grave news to relay before I continue on."

             The chief nodded to her as they all circled high above the ground, "Out with it girl, we haven't all day."

             "We are under attack sir, contact was lost with all patrols and fighters from Grasolahn were upon Ventigaush when I was instructed to leave. The non fighters are evacuating, but the enemy was close and our defenders very few in number," Azreal explained as she tried to pin the youngling to her chest more firmly.

             Muktuh fought back the surge of emotions that welled up with the news and reached into his carry pouch to toss the courier a leather envelope, "Take that little one and find help; once help is being organized, take that letter to the other chiefs and ask for further aide. We are going to go back and do what we can to buy our people more time."

             Azreal snatched the envelope from the air with her beak and nodded to her chief. She did not wait for anything else to be said, the taper wing simply turned and began to stroke her wings in a dead sprint for her goals. She had to have been exhausted, but she was pressing on as strong as if she had not just broken records for sustained speed flight. Her courage and determination were quite inspiring to the chief.

             Muktuh turned and began to wing his way back toward his home, "I don't have to tell you all what it means to go back. If we are to have a future, then we warriors must become the stories of the past."

             "I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this," Dielgo nearly sobbed as his flight faltered a bit under his broken heart.

             Muktuh gave a heavy sigh, "Dielgo, this wasn't your fault. You were just a single feather upon the winds of fate. What was to happen marched on despite our efforts to avoid it and I took my frustrations out on you. For that I am sorry. Too many forces have worked in this to place the blame on any one person, although I myself am more at fault than anyone else. I was a fool about a great many things, and only recently have I turned around to correct them. Now it's too late and now we are racing to save what we can of our tribe. Focus on the task at hand and mourn mistakes after it is done. If we are to join our greater people, we must fight our way in. The test of the Kenjaya lays before us lads, let us not fail!"



                                                    *                          *                          *                                      Â


             The fleeing females and children could hear the pain-filled screeches in the distance as they fled their village. The battle was not far enough away to even hint at their safety and yet all their hope lay with those few brave souls and their valiant sacrifice. Raizehl found herself so very distraught at the idea of the hopeless feeling those warriors must have facing a certain death. It was something no one should ever have to live through, or die to, and people she knew and had even watched grow up were facing it while she and the others fled. To make it all worse, their sacrifice may have still been in vain. She knew she was strong enough to deal with this while it was happening and mourn the events later, but her state of health made her so much more vulnerable to her emotions. Jirri tapped her with a wing to bring her focus back to their desperate march.

             "Thank you hun, I needed that tap," Raizehl spoke softly.

             The priestess shook her head, "You need to survive and continue on. They need you now to guide them to safety and help them to keep from panicking. I need you because I love you to death and I would like to see this friendship last far longer than just today."

             "Look! They are coming," one of the younger, just matured females cried out from the rear of the pack.

             Raizehl cried out to try and prevent the distraction, "Do not look, keep moving! We are running away, now move your legs and run!"

             The little ones on her back squirmed with discomfort, "Nana Raizehl, I'm thirsty!"

             "We cannot stop for a drink until we are safe sweetheart. Try and just rest on my back until then and I promise we will stop as soon as we are safe," Raizehl replied gently.

             The other little one, a tiny female, clung tight to her back as she cried with fear and sadness, "I'm scared, I want momma."

             Jirri gave the frightened youngster a nuzzle, "It will be okay sweetheart, we wont let anything happen to you. Your momma is helping bigger kids for Raizehl so she doesn't have to carry as much weight in her condition."

             "But I'm scared," the little female whined as she cringed against the elder female's feathered back.

             Raizehl gave a soft soothing noise even as she ran with leaping strides, "It's okay little one, we are right here and we wont let anyone hurt you. I promise we'll try to find your momma once we get away from the bad guys okay?"

             "Okay nana," the tiny female held tighter to the back of the elder female.

             A terrified cry of pain caught the attention of the entire mass of fleeing gryphons. One of the adolescent females tumbled as her hip became useless. The broken shaft of an arrow protruded from her body, proving that they were within range of the archers. Unless something happened, they were now out of time and not nearly close enough to any village to find help. Raizehl could feel the cold breath of death upon her face as the invaders began to close in on the unarmed and untrained females and children.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Regaining consciousness was not a happy situation for Tiptal as his shattered ribs screamed with absurd amounts of pain. The broken warrior forced himself up to his feet with a deep groan of agony, looking around once the pain ebbed enough for his eyes to focus. What he seen was even worse that his ribs could ever feel, the only way it could be described was carnage. Blood and bodies were everywhere, most of them leather clad humans but there was at least twenty nine gryphons among them. He wanted to weep, but he just couldn't; he had to figure out some way to slow the Grasolahn troops once again, and this time, he was alone and badly wounded. All seemed hopeless and just when it seemed he was forced to give up..

             "Tiptal? Get this damned thing out of my neck so I don't shred myself with it," Bokten wheezed from where he lay.

             The pale broadwing looked at the stirring heap that was his comrade in arms. When he looked further about, several of the bodies he had taken for corpses began to stir and groan or whimper in pain. Every last one of them was savagely wounded and most likely on their way slowly to death already.

             This was the miracle he needed to restore hope, "Get up birds, most of you may be dead, but those who aren't, I didn't relieve you of duty."

             The surviving warriors fell slowly into line to watch their commander. They were a grim looking bunch, all eight seeming as though they were dead already.

             "You fought well, all of you," he grasped the sword still jammed in Bokten and pulled it out all at once, "But we're not done yet. They're still pursuing our females and children. I know you're hurt and probably dying, but I need to ask the last of your life blood to be spilled in defense of our people. Do you think you have it in you for one last assault to stall our invaders?"

             There was a murmur amongst the remaining warriors before Bokten spoke up, "We stood to die for our people, if that means we gotta do it twice, then so be it."

             The remaining warriors gave a nod of agreement as they looked toward the direction that the non-fighters had fled.

             "Then let's move birds! We have people to protect," Tiptal cried as he leaped painfully into the sky with his warriors close behind.

             They had began their most desperate and grim flight of all. The final stand was yet to come and all they could do was pray that their final push would be enough to save their people. Tiptal found it odd that he had no qualms about his fate, no fears or regrets about his current actions. He felt a kind of peace in his certain fate, for at long last he would be finished with his duties and he would have fulfilled his purpose.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Raizehl felt her heart pounding in her chest like a caged animal trying to escape her ribcage. The invaders were closing in on them and it was clear they would never make it to safety in time. The poor girl who had been shot in the hip was hobbled horribly and lagged well behind the rest. They could do nothing for her, which left a foul taste in Raizehl's beak. It only got worse when the pursuing force reached her, the cries of fear and pain pierced the hearts of every fleeing gryphon. She could not imagine what they had done to her, nor could she bare to look back and find out. Their fate was clearly in the hands of those savage humans who hated their kind for reasons that no gryphon could begin to understand or accept.

             The elder female thought her heart was going to burst and slay her on the spot when she heard the fearful sobbing of the children she and the others were carrying in their flight from harms way. There were more cries from the rear of the group, the human invaders had caught up and their time was up. The girls at the back were mostly broadwings and they turned to fight , instinctively protecting the young from their foes. The efforts did slow the men just a touch, but not nearly as much as if they had been real warriors. The fighting few were cut down in short order with very few injuries and only one death being dealt to the advancing fighters.

             A young taperwing of very graceful form and lovely tan with white stood her ground next. Her name was Kexnahl and she was the desire of many a young male among the tribe. She put up a valiant effort, buying more time than her fallen sisters in arms with her evading tactics. The lithe female dodged every attack, using her natural grace and agility to avoid injury as she kept the attention of the increasingly frustrated warriors. A sword swing attempted to cleave her forelimb, but she bounced nimbly out of reach before moving back in to entice the fighters to strike again. Kexnahl danced around several sword and spear thrusts, rolling away from the last downward drives of the weapons. That was the end of her dangerous dance, however, as she came out of the roll directly into the vicious swing of a heavy ax. The massive blade connected with her neck, and took that beautiful head from her lithe form to still the brave dancer for good.

             The remaining females huddled together in a tight clump, keeping the children in the middle as they watched their attackers with wide fearful eyes. They had lost several dozen already and not many more remained; hope was dying fast. A screech pierced the grim silence as a feathered form slammed into the human ranks from above, followed by several more. They were warriors by the cries of their victims and their effective fighting amongst the surrounding ranks as they cut a hole in the forces of the invaders. Once the warriors were revealed, Raizehl recognized her mate at their lead.

             "Run! We're covering your retreat, move now," he barked his orders to the frightened females as he and his body gaurds fought fiercely against the invading horde.

             Raizehl's heart sank lower than she ever thought it could. Now her own mate was taking up the same sacrificial stand that had consumed Tiptal and his warriors. She wanted to fall and weep for the absolute loss she faced then and there, but she knew she had to hold herself together for her people, for her mate.

             "You heard him, stop cowering and start running," she cried, taking one last look into the eyes of her beloved chief before she turned to flee once again.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Tahkra arched her back and stretched her wings as she stood to address the gathered nobles of Titania, "I believe we should break for a meal, I have not eaten for some time and I know my last meal was during your chambered discussions. That is not a request, I want you all healthy to lead your regions."

             "As you wish my queen," Markovich smiled warmly at her, "I do hope you know that I am being combative to help keep you on your toes and that I do not truly oppose everything you have to say. Frankly, you are doing a fine job of ruling thus far."

             Tahkra smiled gently at the cagey noble, "I'm sure I will thank you for this aide long after I pass on my crown. Now go eat. Oh, Hakarah, would you please stay and dine with myself and Malehk? There is a special project I should like you in charge of that I wish to stay between us. Not that I do not trust our current staff of nobility, but I cannot speak for future generations."

             "Of course, your grace," Hakarah replied with a gentle smile, "Some things are best handled behind the scenes, and even the most honest of us need to be kept honest now and again."

             Tahkra was about to reply when there was a ruckus amongst the guards outside, "She's heading for the gather hut!"

             Just as the shout went up a massive ball of feathers crashed through the door flap and tumbled in a heap of curled wings and feathers. Amongst the sounds of rustling feathers and body impacting the ground were the frightened squalls of a very young gryphlet. Both Tahkra and Hakarah gasped and sprang to their feet to try and extract the child from the invading mess. Malehk was quick to intercept them and approach the heap of gryphon first as she, yes it was a female, uncurled herself from around the tiny gryphlet.

             "Who are you," Malehk demanded just before he was shoved aside by the two females that sought the frightened child.

             "Is he okay? Or she," Tahkra asked with a troubled voice.

             The blue-gray taperwing groaned softly as she held the gryphlet out to the other females, "He is fine, I am not, nor are my people. We need help as fast as possible, the Kenjaya are being exterminated by a mass force from Grasolahn. They used treachery on the part of Tikhana to slip beyond our patrols and neutralize them one by one. Only Ventigaush remains and last I witnessed, our people were in desperate retreat while our warriors stayed to give a martyr's stand to buy them time."

             Just as the messenger finished her message, Rastak burst into the structure, followed in close order by General Carpenter and the other nobles, "Hakarah! Are you alright? What is going on did you give birth in the commotion?"

             "Don't be absurd, this little one came with our messenger here. There is dire need of warriors in Kenjaya lands, Grasolahn invades in force to slaughter them. Our guest may be the last and she may have been hurt in the crash, at the very least she is badly fatigued and dehydrated. fetch her some water, quickly," Hakarah snapped at the gawking nobles and her mate as she comforted and quieted the little one.

             Tahkra stepped up and wielded her power in the emergency to help those in need, "You heard her, there are gryphons of our plains being exterminated, we cannot allow this. Malehk, gather what warriors you can and start a counter offensive to push them off of the civilians if there are any left, I will have the nobles gather their remaining warriors from remote posts to meet this threat in full force. Today we tell the world, we are a nation and we will fight to protect our own."

             "My queen, let my men near here fight for you as well, let us show our desire to join with the gryphons of Titania and put our blades to her defense. We ask only to prove our loyalty and our willingness to fight for this great land," Carpenter pleaded to the young queen.

             Malehk thought a moment before he snapped at the nobles, "this decision doesn't change your orders, gather your nearest troops immediately and send for Kalah, we shall need her gating skills to reach them in time. General, it is a valiant offer, but your men are haggard and battered as it is. You would be sure to suffer causalities in this venture."

             "Not as many as you may think my lord," the general offered, "The Grasolahn came to hunt gryphon to extinction, that means light armor to be mobile enough to keep up with your kind's natural agility. Gryphon hunting parties against heavily armored ground troops stand no real chance of defeating their foes and will need to fall back or be cut down. We have the element of surprise as well, they wont be expecting human troops. Add all this up."

             Malehk nodded gently, "And your boys will be devastating to the Grasolahn invaders."

             "Even if they grossly outnumber us, with the might of the Titanian warriors at our backs and over our heads, we would be more than a match for them," Carpenter finished for his supreme commander, "Let us prove our worth and dedication to your people, our new people."

             Tahkra looked at her mate then back to the general, "Well, I am no tactician, nor do I have any notion of how to handle warfare. I give my blessings and my backing to Malehk's decision."

             "Get your boys ready, Titania shows her talons for the first time. Don't want you to miss the event," Malehk announced grimly.

             "You come home safe, and bring back those you can," the young queen pleaded in way of a farewell, "Hakarah and I have a project to discuss. Even in the face of battle, the business of a nation goes on."

             Malehk nodded in reply and let his eyes meet with his mate's to say their goodbyes silently. The first king of the gryphon nation turned and darted out of the hut to conduct the first battle of their fledgling nation. All Tahkra could do was pray they were not too late, and that her beloved would return home safely.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Muktuh fought hard to push the enemy fighters back, but he and his few warriors were losing ground fast. They were at the distinct disadvantage of defending while right against the rear of their fleeing people. He and his body guards found themselves being ignored by a growing number of the Grasolahn soldiers as they surged toward their prize. Nearly every move the chief made was to take an attacker before they could strike at a female or a youngling. Every swing of his talons and snap of his beak made his heart grow heavier in his chest. He knew it was only a matter of time before his counter would be too late.

             It came with a heart wrenching wail over the sounds of the battle, the terrified pain-filled cry of a mortally wounded child. That cry pierced the hearts and rattled the souls of every gryphon within hearing range. Muktuh felt a savage feral rage boil up in his heart as he exploded into the enemy, slashing and tearing at flesh as though he were cleaving his way through thick vegetation. The fierce assault of the enraged male only weakened the resolve of his foes for a brief moment before they began to advance once again.

             "They're circling us, we're being hemmed in," one of the females in front cried as men began to close the shrinking gap between them and safety.

             Muktuh's heart froze in his chest; they had failed to save their people. A battle shriek from above drew all eyes upward to gawk at what looked like the dead gryphons of the Kenjaya coming to join the fight. The chief recognized the battered form of his senior warrior at the lead of the badly wounded warriors. He gave a silent prayer to the Consorts for the miracle and for Tiptal's instincts to face the warriors closing in on the unguarded side of the females and children. Even with the renewed hope and strengthened numbers, the besieged Kenjaya warriors were being forced back into their civilians while the men began to try and slip around them to strike at the females and children. Many of the non-fighters were wounded and some killed as the warriors fought desperately to protect them.

             Muktuh felt the blood in his veins freeze as he spotted Raizehl in the line of a swordsman's swing. It was not the will of the consorts for her to be struck down just the, for a blur of black feathers struck the attacker from the side and bowled him over right into the waiting talons of Dielgo. Jirri stood only to have children thrust into her forelimbs with an obvious gesture to fly away from Raizehl. The two females were separated by another assaulting invader, this time Dielgo met the assailant to square off and duel it out. All the while Muktuh had been fighting his way toward his mate.

             Then he seen it, the same man with the same ax that had beheaded Kexnahl was rushing toward Raizehl with a vicious swing. Muktuh had no time, all he could do was give a mighty leap to intercept the attack. Just before the blow as to land the great broadwing landed his body between his mate and that cruel blade. Heavy sharpened steel cleaved into his chest, gliding through half his keel bone and crushing the rest before it melted through his heart and lungs like a hot knife through butter. The blade finally stopped, but not before the force of the blow snapped the chief's spine. Raizehl cried out in grievous anguish and terror as Muktuh slumped over the blade, thankfully trapping it within his heavy body. He had just enough breath trapped in his lungs to speak three words in the final seconds of his life.

             With his dying breath Muktuh told Raizehl, "I love you.."



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â




             The sounds of fighting and slaughter seemed so distant to Raizehl as she slumped over the body of her fallen mate. She had lost everything and everyone she held dear, and she didn't even know why all of this had to happen. How could this come to be? The consorts surely could have done more for their children than give late warnings to fates that fought all interference to come about. No, the consorts could not do more, they had laws of the gods they had to follow as well. As a former student of the priestess' path, she knew this. But it was so hard not to cry out to them and ask why.

             The sounds of battle suddenly stopped as a familiar voice took precedence over all sounds, "Stop! Not the children! They can be useful to the Bizshra! He likes a gryphon as a pet? A small well trained population would be ideal for picking a fine pet as generations pass! Look, you have fertile females and one young fertile male, this is perfect for such a purpose."

             Tikhana! It made sickening sense now, somehow she had recruited these savage beings to aide her in taking revenge upon her tribe. But why was she saving the children? Raizehl sat up and looked for the younger female upon the battle field. her eyes fell upon only a small number of frightened females clinging to far fewer children than when they had started. the numbers lost would have been tragic if they had lost even one, but they did manage to save over half of the little ones they had carried away. She did not see any of the warriors who had fought for them, they must have been laying dead or dying at the feet of the humans surrounding them. She did spot a net squirming near what must have been the commander of the Grasolahn invaders, although she could not identify the male trapped within.

             "Fine, but we have traditions to uphold, who here is the priestess, and where is the chief," the weasel faced man in the crisp and pristine leather armor demanded as he gazed over the females and the children.

             Raizehl drew herself up to stare at him defiantly, "Our chief is dead, unlike you, he fought for his people rather than sitting back and watching others work."

             "You must be his mate, perfect. Bring her forward," the commander waved his hand as though dismissing a dog.

             Jirri stepped forward with Raizehl as their captors urged her forward at spear point, "You'll want me too, since I am the priestess here. I do believe you have asked for me."

             "So, the vermin can make a wise decision. Step forward as well, I might as well take care of this all at once," Grezbehn replied with a dismissive tone of voice.

             A young boy, no older than thirteen, stepped forward with a sheathed claymore at a gesture from the nobleman, "You take care of the priestess, Bertal. I'll deal with the mate and we can be on our way with the prize for our Bizshra."

             "With pleasure my lord," a blond man with fine leather armor of a shiny black finish replied as he took the very ax that had slain Muktuh from it's owner.

             Tikhana stepped up with a maniacal grin to stare down the broken hearted Raizehl, "How does it feel to lose everything bitch? You and Agrok took everything from me, and now I have taken everything from you. Now it's time Raizehl, time to pay for your crimes!"

             "Enough of your gloating! We waste time and our advantage of surprise," Grezbehn snapped as he readied himself to take the fatal swing upon Raizehl.

             Venkey made his way out of the crowd of humans to settle down beside Tikhana, "He is right, we need to hurry if we are to catch Hencaney by surprise."

             There was a sudden screech as Dielgo exploded from his bonds in the net in a flurry of beak and claws that tore the two men guarding him to ribbons. The Grasolahn were quick to respond, but the young male was more than they expected in his desperate fury. He snapped another swordsman's neck with a vicious snap of his beak before he drove his talons into the gut of the next opponent.

             "By the gods, stop fooling around and deal with it already," Grezbehn barked with a furious tone.

             The human and his second both moved with a quicker motion to execute their ranked prisoners. Jirri took a deep breath and stared off into the horizon with a strong appearance of dignity. the blades sailed toward their victims, Raizehl's in a level sweep toward her neck and Jirri's in a downward chop intended to split her in two. Raizehl closed her eyes to await her fate, but it never came; instead there was a rush of air in front of her and the sounds of leather tearing and cries of pain in the voice of Grezbehn.

             Raizehl opened her eyes to see a more well toned and aesthetically built Agrok standing before her in a threateningly defensive stance as the human noble struggled to crawl away from the female warrior with a vicious slash across his leather chest plate. The damage was not deep enough for his wound to be truly threatening, but it was more than enough to cow the pampered noble. Jirri had also been spared by a surprise arrival. She had been snatched back out of harms way into the chest of a rather large and impressive male broadwing. The black and iron gray warrior slowly released his forelimb from around the priestess as he held the ax down by the handle where the swing had forced the head into the ground.

             "I think you may want to let go of this toy little man," the second gryphon warrior growled to the second in command.

             A new bunch of sounds flared up all around them to bring Raizehl back to her surroundings. New sounds of battle had sprang up, but now it was steel on steel alongside the sounds of talons on leather. Her focus returned to her full range of vision and she realized that there were a great many gryphons pouring out of the sky into the midst of the Kenjaya refugees and with them came armored men who bore a banner she did not recognize. She didn't have to recognize the banner to realize that she was seeing the unified forces of all the tribes. On a violet field over a red rising sun in glory was a silver stylized gryphon reared in a defensive posture, an image that no one could mistake.

             Raizehl felt herself being grabbed and pulled back by hands wrapped in cold hard steel and leather, "Ma'am please fall back behind the men so we can get you and the others safely out of here. Titania has come to save her own."

             She was too stunned and overwhelmed by the rush of events all at once, she was stunned into paralysis by it all. It finally took Jirri's urging to bring her back enough to move out of the combat zone so the warriors could work their grim functions. Hope had returned and it was certain that the rest had been saved, but the price of this salvation was rather heavy indeed.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â



             The battle was joined against an unsuspecting force as all Malehk's forces swarmed from the multiple gates directly into the midst of the captive Kenjaya. Carpenter's men slammed into their ranks like a stone against a glass pane. The battle had just begun and it was already a route. the Grasolahn forces found themselves suddenly facing superior armor and arms in a surprise assault and to make matters worse for them; Agrok had wounded their nobleman with the first attack. Their ranks were shattered, their leader was off his foundation and they were rather out-armed. Every one of the invaders were fighting for their own lives and it would have been easy to slaughter them all with the size of the force that Titania had arrayed against them.

             Malehk ducked a spear thrust and pounced low to bowl the wielder over as he had to remind himself that he could not allow his men and gryphons to slaughter all these invaders. They were not the hateful beings of Grasolahn or any other nation with prejudice. They were Titanian soldiers, upholding the rights and ways of the Titanian people. Vengeance was a tempting goal, but not one that could be sought so early in the life of their fledgling nation.

             A flash of wings was all the warning Malehk had before Venkey tried to drop upon him from above. That flash of wings was warning enough for Malehk to react and counter the aerial assault with a quick roll and kick maneuver. His foreclaws grasping the forelimbs of his attacker as he rolled back on his shoulders to kick his hind paws into the gut of the diving foe. The counter used his foe's own momentum to carry himself back over onto his feet as the attacking gryphon became a crashed heap of feathers near by.

             He had to have been hurt at least a little, but Venkey recovered quickly, "Malehk. If not for you, my brother would still be alive."

             "What are you talking about? He died defending innocent people and his own mate," Malehk spat back as he braced himself and slid one foreclaw back in a ready stance.

             Venkey snorted and looked on with an intense gaze of disgust, "You were the goody little boy that taught him the 'right' way to be. If not for your presence and friendship, I would have easily had him living and acting as sensibly ruthless as me. He never would have done something so useless as fall in love; no he would have used that little bitch with me and put her back in line. Because of you, I had to fool my brother and act nice around him rather than treating the idiots around us as they deserved. It's time I repaid you for everything."

             Malehk had no time to reply; as soon as he had finished his maniacal speech, Venkey laid into his attack. Malehk slowly backed up in a series of dodges and blocks as he defended himself against the flurry of slashes. Malehk made a block that opened up an opportunity to break the assault. The newly crowned king lunged forward as his block had forced his opponent to rear up a bit, and with a mighty strike of his wing he toppled the traitorous assailant. It was now his turn to go on the offensive, slashing and clawing at Venkey as the other male tried to recover his footing. The rival male put up a good defense, despite his stumbling footing, but Malehk noticed the bizarre nature of that defense. Venkey was not blocking at all, only dodging and using the chances to block to attack instead which opened him up for the few minor wounds that Malehk had inflicted. The commander of Titania's armed forces had to pull back from his assault to prevent the total use of his energy reserves.

             The small cuts in Venkey's shoulders didn't slow him down in the least as he regained his full footing and pressed his counter attack. Malehk's breather wasn't much of one as with the speed and intensity of those slashes, dodging and parrying desperately to keep them from opening his flesh. Something about his opponent's assault was strange, he was being very fierce yet reckless, leaving many openings to strike at. Malehk tried patience as he waited for an opening that would allow him to strike without taking injury. It wasn't long in the game of attack and evade before Malehk noticed a pattern in Venkey's movements that opened him up to a crippling strike against bunched up muscles in his shoulders with every slash he made. He was committing so much of his weight into every strike that he thrust his bracing forelimb slightly sideways to throw his body about on each talon swipe.

             Malehk found his opening, he would just have to take a strike to make his own. The trade off would simply be a flesh wound verses having important muscles severed in the shoulder, not a bad trade. The mate of the newly crowned queen shifted his weight on the sly as he made a feint to draw out the attack he needed his opponent to make. Venkey took the bait and shifted his weight to force it all behind his talons, exposing those muscles so well that Malehk could see his targets with ease. He made the push with his hind legs to make his lunge, only to be struck form the side by a full body tackle from another feathered body. the impact carried him out of range of Venkey's talons and his new attacker rolled off of him to take up a defensive stance over the king.

             "Sorry, but I couldn't let you take that strike. I don't know what it was, but I seen him coating his talons in something from a vial as I was trapped in that net," the golden bodied, white headed warrior explained himself grimly.

             Venkey's tactics made sense now, "So you wont even fight me strait on, you use poisoned talons to try and steal a victory rather than earning it. You disgrace Kenten's bloodline and I think it's time I avenged the wrongs you have done to my brother's family."

             "Show this traitorous worm how a real warrior fights, I'm going after that traitor Tikhana. I owe it to Klistin and everyone else," the unknown warrior crouched and leaped into the air with a downward thrust of his wings.

             Malehk held the maniacal gaze of his opponent with a strong, focused gaze of his own. The trick would only work if Venkey got his talons into Malehk, that would be much harder now that he was aware of the nature of the game. That knowledge also made Malehk's job all the much more difficult as well. One nick from those talons would mean something nasty flowing through his veins. The newly appointed king sized up his opponent while he assessed the situation. There would be no safe openings, that much was made certain already. The broadwing would have to make an opening for a decisive strike and kill his opponent in a single attack. Anything else would mean counter attack, and with those envenomed claws that could mean death.

             Venkey exploded in a slashing pounce, forcing Malehk to roll quickly under the attack. An opportunity, and one that the Titanian warrior missed, he made a swipe with his long sharp talons at the right haunch of his fallen friend's twin to try and hobble him at least a bit. The cry of surprised pain announced the success of his talons finding flesh, although it was not as good a gash as he had hoped to deliver. Malehk was forced to be cautious with his attack and it cost him precious depth in his raking withdraw. Venkey had under estimated his agility, and though it could have been worse, the traitor was indeed hobbled and slowed in his hind leg. The field no longer favored the darker hearted broadwing, and Malehk made certain to take advantage of his new lead. The titanian fighter continually moved and weaved around his opponent, forcing him to turn and spin with that wounded leg. Every movement kept that injury opened and threatened more tearing and heavier blood loss.

             Venkey realized he was in trouble and shifted tactics, "A scratch? You expect to beat me with a scratch? Kenten was ten times the fighter you are and I gave him a run for his money! Maybe that's why he bothered with you, because you were weak enough to beat when he lost to me. I heard he begged to die when that wench lured him into her rescue. That must burn as well, losing your closest friend to some runty female who wants to be what a male should be."

             "Is that what you think," Malehk replied, turning the stalling bait right back on Venkey, "He told me how he was ashamed of the things you liked. He bothered with me because we played together and grew up together in unison as you should have done with your own twin. Instead you let lust and greed drive away even the bond of twins. How worthless a creature you must have been to him to deny you as such. When he saved Agrok, he did so out of love, something you never knew or will ever know. In giving his life for his beloved, he became stronger than any of us could ever hope to be. it may have been his last, but it was his happiest moment, to know such a love that he would give his life for her. I only wish that she could have had the satisfaction of putting you down."

             Malehk's tongue proved to be sufficiently barbed to goad the wounded traitor into an enraged attack. The Titanian warrior stepped back to evade the slash with ease and countering with a wing strike directly against the swinging forelimb in an upward blow. Venkey was forced back into a rearing position by the impact as he threw his other forelimb between his chest and uncontrolled limb so as to prevent his own talons from nicking him. Malehk had made his opening and moved quick to pounce and press a foreclaw against the crossed limbs with all his weight to keep them locked against his foe and further force him back. His left foreclaw slashed upward from down low, tearing through the flesh of Venkey's soft underbelly from his genitals up to the top of his keel.

             Venkey's eyes widened with shock and pain as the force of the shove sent him backwards to land flat on his back. The impact of his body on the ground caused some of the contents of his belly to spill out onto the battle field. The traitorous broadwing franticly tried to scoop up his own organs and shove them back into the wound.

             "Don't just stand there, help me, finish me, something," he screeched at Malehk.

             Malehk stared down at his fallen foe for a moment and thought of everything he had done to Kenten, to Agrok, and to their people, "No. Death is your fate, be it slow in the sun or you grow the balls to use those poisoned talons upon yourself. You can face that choice, slow and horrible or quick and self inflicted. I, we, owe you nothing at all; you owe much more suffering than you are going through now to be repaid to us all. You are slain, I am done with you."

             Malehk turned to rejoin the battle, but the Grasolahn forces were pulling back in far fewer numbers than they had come. The Titanian forces suffered a few losses and casualties as well, but nowhere near as bad as their foes had suffered. His forces were pursuing the retreating enemy to continue wiping them out.

             "Fall back! Do not pursue, we need to tend to our wounded and our refugees. Carpenter, Selvetarm, form up a few squads and escort our uninvited guests far from here. Make sure they do not turn back around to re-enter our lands," Malehk shouted over the sounds of boots and clawed feet marching across the plains, "And some one contact Tahkra to inform her of the state of the situation. The queen should be aware."

             The king looked over the frightened and mourning peoples of the Kenjaya for a moment before he turned his gaze back to the retreating Grasolahn forces. Titania had won her first engagement and saved the remains of the Kenjaya tribe, but this day was sure to have repercussions in the political arena. There was also the toll taken in lives lost, if not for the disbanding of all tribes the Kenjaya would not have survived as a tribe any longer. The grim business was over, now it was time to begin rebuilding the lives that had been disrupted, or fully shattered. So was life, and war.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Tikhana trembled with a mix of rage and fear, she was so close to her righteous vengeance and Agrok brought every warrior on the plains to stop her. It was just plain unfair! How did the fates always shine upon such a wicked and dark harlot like her? Surely the consorts could not favor such a wicked creature. But here she was, retreating from a much greater force than her own as they marched behind Agrok. She had even tried to attack her in the beginning, but Grezbehn's men knew better than to let harm befall the Bizshra's pet. The remainder of the invasion force was now nearing the borders of Grasolahn with parties of gryphons and human soldiers harassing their rear ranks the whole way. Tikhana was careful to stay in the front near Grezbehn himself, that way any pursuing gryphons would have to go through his men to get at her.

             As they neared the border of Grasolahn, a much larger force awaited them. Tikhana's much sharper eyes picked out the banner of the Bizshra long before any of the humans and she took advantage of her knowledge. The treacherous female sprang into the air to make a B-line right for the command group, her intentions were to lay her betrayal upon Grezbehn and his men while she hid behind the authority of the Bizshra.

             Grezbehn was too confused to make any sense of her flight, but an angry screech pierced the skies, "Tikhana! Turn and face the debt to your tribe, so help me I will collect it if this is the last thing I do!"

             She turned her head in shock to see who was screaming at her, she spotted him right away. She knew exactly who Dielgo was and why he would be so angry. Klistin was his best friend, and this particular young warrior loved his tribe more than anything. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pumped her wings desperately. In theory she could easily outrun him, but she was just starting her flight and he was at full speed already. Her chances of escape were even more slim as he was rather close already, the only hope Tikhana had was to reach the Bizshra in time.

             The race was close as Dielgo closed the distance with every wing beat. It was close, but the ground beneath them streaked by with the speed of the chase and Tikhana managed to make a tumbling landing next to Necrotai. She rolled behind the Bizshra and scrambled quickly up to him to cower behind his imposing form with her head under his right hand like an obedient pet.

             "My lord Bizshra, they took me by force of arms and forced me to show them the way into my former people's lands. My now former mate helped them, please my lord they will kill me," Tikhana cried in a convincingly frightened voice.

             Dielgo landed before the Bizshra to stare into the female with angry eyes of murderous vengeance, "You will be brought to justice Tikhana, for all the lives you destroyed and the lives you cut short. You will face justice."

             "I can't let you harm my pet, brave warrior," Necrotai declared, bringing Dielgo's eyes to him.

             Tikhana enjoyed a prideful smile just before the gauntlet clad fist slammed into the back of her skull, "It is for the master to punish his pet when she misbehaves, and I think treason and attempted genocide of her own people is quite far from behaving. Go back to your people and inform them imperial Grasolahn does not support this attack, and we are dealing with the ones responsible. With extreme prejudice. Oh yes, if you have a leader I shall need to speak with them directly."

             Tikhana lay dazed, clutching her head as the Bizshra gave his message to Dielgo. The young warrior hesitated for a moment before he took off, probably to deliver the message. Not long after he had left did Grezbehn and his men arrive to file in with the ranks of the imperial forces and the Black Guard.

             "Thank the blessed blade, that traitorous wench lead us right into a trap! We are being pursued my lord, but we can handle it with the help of your forces," the injured nobleman explained quickly as he came to stand next to his Bizshra.

             Necrotai stared out over the plains at the rising smoke from the several demolished villages, "How many of your men slaughter gryphons on this day?"

             "We have nearly wiped out the Kenjaya tribe, every last man has slain at least two gryphons. Males, females, and their young. We have served the gods well in preserving their purity today," Grezbehn replied proudly as Tikhana struggled back to her feet.

             The Bizshra frowned a bit, "I see. Slaughter them all, leave no survivors."

             Grezbehn gave a wicked grin as he turned to give the orders to his men. The taperwing watched in awe as Necrotai drew his blessed blade, revealing the vicious designed of the blade. It was a strait edged blade that curved up a bit at the tip with the spine of the blade dipping down to meet the tip. That odd spine was also serrated and honed to a razors edge. Tikhana did not get a good look at any designs on the polished blade before it was plunged through the belly of Grezbehn. Soon after cries of shock and pain sounded all through the ranks as the imperial forces and the Black Guard butchered the surprised men of Grezbehn's house.

             "Lord Necrotai, please, they forced me to help them. I had no choice, they would have killed me," Tikhana pleaded as the Bizshra turned to stare at her with his blood soaked blade clutched firmly in his hand.

             A deep growl escaped his throat, "Enough of your lies, I know first hand that you planned the details of entering the Kenjaya lands. I also know that you planned on betraying Venkey and Grezbehn."

             "But, how can you even think that my lord? I am your loyal pet," she was caught, but how had he figured it all out?

             Necrotai grasped her by the throat as he drew up his blade, "I am watching us through a gem I gave to another lady of interest."

             Tikhana's blood ran cold at the warm feel of the ruby in her golden collar. Fear gripped her tight enough to wet herself as she stared into the cold angry eyes of the emperor she had betrayed.



                                                    *                          *                          *




             Raizehl tried to check over the children who had survived the attack, trying to comfort them. Her saviors would not let her do more than see the field medics for examination, and neither would Jirri. She was not left alone with strangers, thankfully Agrok was to be her guardian while the remains of the tribe where pieced back together and accounted for. The younger female tended to her needs for comfort, as well as food and water. Although the elder demanded most of her offerings to be given to the children.

             "Raizehl, please do not decline these rations," Agrok pleaded as she offered another bundle of food and a water skin, "The children have all been fed and given water enough that they will soon pee for weeks. You need to keep your strength up if you are to survive the aftershocks of this event."

             Raizehl shook her head gently, "Agrok, I am just in no mood to eat. I have just been through the worst event I can imagine and lost my mate and the closest thing I had to a son in the same events. Please understand my broken heart, honeybeak."

             "It is because you have been through so much that you will open that bundle and eat your fill," Jirri scolded as she returned from her rounds amongst the refugees and warriors a like, "You have suffered sever emotional trauma, if you do not keep your body well with your current state of health you will just be begging for trouble. It may not feel like it, but what Kenjaya are left, myself included, needs you."

             Raizehl just didn't want to face that reality, she was a teacher of children not a leader of people, "No, they need to choose where they wish to go from here. The Kenjaya are no more, we are only remnants and shards of a fallen tribe. We can only go to what ever chiefs- sorry, nobility, will take us in. It was Muktuh's wish that we join with the rest of our peoples in this nation."

             "Are you certain? To declare the Kenjaya dead seems like the opposite of what he would have wanted. And what of the Kenjaya lands," Agrok asked gently as she looked her old teacher in the eyes.

             The much older female shook her head gently, "We are not dead, we have merely become the first full peoples of Titania. We just lack nobility and lands to oversee. Our former homelands are no longer livable, nothing but pain and wretched memo-."

             A grimace cut off her reply as Agrok held her close in her forelimbs, "Raizehl! Quickly, go find healer Rio, she is my step mother. We need her now, something is wrong!"

             Jirri didn't even pause to nod, the priestess charged immediately into her search as Agrok held a sobbing Raizehl, "No, no, please don't take the last from me! This can't happen after all we went through!"

             "What's happening? Please tell me what is wrong so I can help," Agrok pleaded.

             The elder female could not respond as another bout of deep abdominal cramps gripped her in the throws of pain. The young warrior held her beloved teacher and stroked her neck softly to try and sooth her as best she could. Agrok was very afraid for her, and Raizehl shared that same fear herself. She knew that her former pupil felt every bit as powerless as she did to stop what was happening.

             The elder female was very much unaware of the passage of time, so when Jirri's voice spoke to her again it could have been hours later, "Raizehl, I found the healer, you just relax and hold on. Everything is going to be okay if you just relax and let her work."

             She could only nod as her dearest friend joined Agrok in stroking her head and neck with a soothing motion. Her eyes were closed tight against the pain as she felt the strange paws upon her flanks, followed by a warm flow of soothing energies that seemed to calm her body a bit.

             "This is not good at all, fetch me clean blankets and some warm clean water in a pan. I will also need a clean cloth. This is a preparatory measure, but I would rather be ready in case I can't turn this back," the unseen healer spoke with a very kind sounding voice that helped further sooth the distraught broadwing.

             Agrok blinked at her step mother, "What do you mean if you can't turn it back, what is going on? Is Raizehl going to be okay?"

             "She is in an early labor, too early. I need to try to stop it or, failing that, prepare the babe to arrive early without complications," Rio urged Raizehl onto her back to work more directly on her belly and giving the gryphoness a more clear view of her healer as a result, "To answer the second question, her body will be okay either way, but that will mean nothing if I do not save the child. Having lot so much today, that blow would crush her heart into shards that are simply too small to recover. One can indeed die of a broken heart."

             Raizehl looked into the strangely beautiful face of the drake, too deeply afraid of the loss of her unborn child to be phased by the alien appearance, "Please, I can't lose our baby. I have nothing else worth living for. Please, you have to save them, please."

             "I will not let anything bad happen to her, she is strong and beautiful already. That strength will be quite helpful in this as I fight for you both with every ounce of energy. I will be honest in saying that I am unsure that I can stop the labor, but I am confident in being able to safely deliver such a strong and healthy youngling into this world. even this early on," Rio replied as Agrok dashed off to find the items requested.

             Jirri grasped her friend's foreclaw in her forepaw, "The consorts have delivered you into the hands of a most capable healer, everything will be well. Trust in her and trust in them, there is a reason for everything."

             The broadwing felt her water break and release from her body onto the lap and belly of the drake, who seemed to ignore it all together, "Correction, begin breathing in a rhythmic fashion to help ease your body so I can focus on your daughter. She is strong and will make it with help, but I cannot ease your ordeal with the labor. You have to be strong for us, and for her most of all."

             The first real contraction hit her and drove all other thoughts out of her mind. There was nothing to do now but pray and trust in those who had come to help her.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â



             Tahkra was nervous, but she knew she could not let it show during the encounter ahead. The Bizshra of Grasolahn had requested an audience with the leader of Titania, which was now her. It didn't help matters that she felt bad about asking Agrok along as her personal guard and took her from Raizehl's side in a troubled time. This day just seemed to have no end of troubles for the people of Titania. What should have been their most wondrously glorious day, turned out to be one of the most tragic days in the history of the plains.

             "Relax girl, the Bizshra asked an audience," Krinzehl broke the silence with encouraging words as they flew over the now desolate lands of the Kenjaya, "He may hate our kind, but he is strictly honor bound. One does not request an audience with some one they wish to assassinate and maintain honor. This all means there is something he wishes to discuss with you about our peoples."

             Tahkra looked to her newly stationed royal mage with a bit of a skeptical expression, "I hope you are right my friend. I left Malehk behind just in case something happened, there would still be a king."

             "A wise move, but I assure you those bastards wont be taking my sister this day," Agrok growled with a grim determination set in her eyes, "We're almost there, I can see their lines and the command tent."

             Tahkra could see it too, but something didn't look quite right. there seemed to be banners that she didn't recognize all along their lines.

             As they drew near the details came into focus and Tahkra nearly wretched, "By the Consorts, what is this madness?"

             The strange banners turned out to be the bodies of the men who had attacked the Kenjaya. Every last one of them had been brought to swift and grim justice by their own people. Tahkra did not know how to take the gruesome offering, as an offering or as a warning.

             The three females were greeted by a regular imperial soldier as they landed, "The Bizshra asked to speak to the ruler of Titania, not his harem."

             "Malehk is merely my military coordinator and adviser in so far as his power reaches, and he had better not have a harem," Tahkra replied coldly to the black haired man in the traditional polished steel armor with crimson padding beneath, "As hard as it may be for you to accept, Titania has shifted from patriarchal to Matriarchal rule. Now if you don't mind, it would be helpful of you to inform Bizshra Necrotai that Queen Tahkra Asreigh has arrived."

             The pillar of a man that was the Bizshra of Grasolahn stepped out of the tent to greet the queen himself, "Small, dainty in build. You are no warrior, but you speak with the fiery heart of one. It is not a pompous sense of self superiority either, no your eyes do not show that."

             "We Asreigh sisters both live by the same rule that our daddy taught us. I must live by it even more so now that I have been burdened with the halo of leadership," Tahkra replied as she met the stern gaze of the well built, armored human.

             Necrotai looked to Agrok for a moment as the female warrior simply stared right back, silently watching over her older sister, "This one, small and dainty, but her form and stance is strong, lean and powerful. This is a warrior of speed and precision, the queen and the warrior, sisters in heart soul and blood. You two could easily make a lethal pair. I can only wonder what that rule is that you both live by that fits queen and warrior alike."

             "You will never get anywhere in life by being afraid of anyone or anything. This is not to say one should not be cautious, just not afraid," Agrok replied coolly.

             Necrotai smiled wide enough to show his white teeth, "I never thought I would meet a gryphon I could like; but if you two hold such respect while maintaining this personal rule, I am certainly pleased to have met such fiery females of honor. Come inside and we will discuss the matters at hand."

             The Bizshra entered his command tent and Agrok started to move before Tahkra. The young queen placed a foreclaw on her sister's shoulder and shook her head gently to stop her. She recognized the air about the Bizshra and knew this was a time to show courage and strength as a ruler if she were to hold the respect of this potentially hostile emperor. Her sister quivered with the battle of her trust and her instincts as she sat down to wait for her sister to finish with this meeting.

             "Be careful Tahk," Agrok warned in way of parting as Tahkra nosed her way past the tent flap.

             Necrotai sat on a rather odd and ingenious seat, it was a saddle resting on top of a large log cross section. There was a large black canvas heaped over something behind him, the scent of it was tingling at Tahkra's instincts. She couldn't identify it, however and decided to just stay focused on the political work at hand.

             "Let me start by expressing my deepest apologies and condolences for the events that transpired today," the Bizshra spoke with an honest, solemn tone, "Grezbehn and his men acted against the will and orders of the Bizshra and the peoples of Grasolahn. They betrayed their own people and committed unforgivable atrocities upon your people. I have dealt with the entire force that has come here today with swift and merciless justice as seen fit in the eyes of the gods of Grasolahn. We do not take lightly to betrayal of crown and people."

             Tahkra nodded gently, forcing herself to remain calm and composed as her tears wanted to stream forth for the loss of life, "Thank you for your actions in putting an end to their attacks, I will explain the situation to my people. I do not believe it will bring much comfort to the shattered lives that were left today."

             "No, it will not, and what was done cannot be undone," Necrotai gave a heavy sigh, "I wish the need were not so dire to ask on the eve of such tragedy, but I trust you are aware of the mysterious foe slaughtering the human nations around you?"

             The young queen nodded gently, "We have taken in many refugees and have been disposing of their scouting parties as they enter our plains. We have even adopted in the remaining foot soldiers we recently discovered. What does this have to do with the events today?"

             "I gave the orders that no one is to commit any aggressive acts against the gryphons for the purposes of keeping relations as good as we possibly could. This foe will have to be faced at some point and we both know that neither of our nations can hope to succeed against them alone. To keep my people happy I have looked to other human nations for alliance first, but that has proven quite fruitless. Most of those I contacted have fallen under this foe before they ever even agreed to hear what I had to say, the last was Randulan. They refused, and just today all attempts at communication has failed. I suspect that they have fallen as well," Necrotai replied grimly as he rested his elbows on his knees and folded his hands beneath his chin.

             Tahkra felt her blood run cold in her veins, if the last of the human nations around them had fallen, "The dawn of war is upon us both, and our only chance for either of us to survive is to ally with our most bitter enemy. I trust my warriors are wise enough to see what must be done, it is the every day people that will be a problem for me."

             "I face the same problem with my own people and even more so within the nobility, as you have seen with Grezbehn already," the Bizshra admitted with a nod, "But this is necessary and I believe both our peoples will come to understand that, especially when the war begins. Even united we are in for one hell of a fight with only tactics to our advantage. My operatives have reported that these men have no tactical structure to them for the most part. Sure, they march in formation and follow chain of command, but the sole strategy that has been seen thus far is to overwhelm with crushing numbers. Every sign of an army that has suffered the lax life of being over bloated with personnel."

             Tahkra thought for a long moment, "A covert start to this war is necessary. Their numbers cannot be truly limitless, especially in lands they already hold in an iron fist. Perhaps we can cut off communications to held points of strategical value and crush them under a decisive sneak attack."

             "That has merit, but our forces would have to hold these taken," Necrotai frowned even as he gave her an impressed look.

             Tahkra gave a fox like grin, "Who says we have to? We want to reduce their numbers before they know what we are about, so let them refill their keeps with troops from their fronts. While they investigate, we strike a location in another region to further draw their attention and resources. All the while we behave like ghosts or vengeful specters, striking and killing off their numbers without fully engaging their forces."

             "Cull and leave to cull again. That may work but it would only be a matter of time before they figure out what is being done and fortify their rear territories," the Bizshra observed with a wrinkled brow.

             Tahkra nodded her agreement, "Yes, but they can choose only one front and they will always have a weakened rear. With the mobility and stealthy capabilities of our gryphon troops, we can easily strike form behind in small, well chosen strikes to take down important parts of the command structure and communications structures."

             Necrotai grinned broadly, "This looks to be a different kind of war for our uninvited guests. I do believe I should discuss this with your mate at a more appropriate time, if what you say about his being the coordinator of your forces is true."

             "It is indeed true, I may have a good idea every now and then, but he is a warrior and accustomed to leading other warriors. I am a leader of leaders as it has turned out," Tahkra admitted.

             The Bizshra nodded gently before he stood from his seat to face the canvas, "Sometimes that is more important as you will have your people of one heart with greater ease than any other. Before you agree to anything, I must confess that one gryphon was killed by imperial forces. She was a traitor both to us and to your people and we took the liberty of treating her to the justice that her conspirators suffered. Keep in mind, we have no love of traitors."

             Tahkra braced herself as Necrotai pulled back the canvas to reveal the ravaged remains of her mother. The sight of Tikhana's form struck her like a hammer blow to the heart. Her body had been hacked on quite a bit, her beak and tongue cut out and set beside her with her wings having been removes and placed upon her back; there was more, but Tahkra was unable to look any longer than that first shocking moment.

             "You know her," the Bizshra asked gently as he mercifully placed the canvas back over her.

             Tahkra nodded silently, finding it hard to reply, "She was my mother, at one time a very good mother. She turned so very bitter in jealousy and disdain for Agrok's choices in profession and physical appearance."

             "I did not know she was the mother to the queen, else I would have turned her over to you rather than executing her," Necrotai explained with a rather deep frown.

             Tahkra shook her head gently, "No, it is best you delivered this justice. Let it known that not even the family of the queen, nor the queen herself, can escape the rights and wrongs of the law. You simply saved me the wretched reality of having to sentence my own mother to death for treason. But while she was a wretched being in the end, she was once a good mother to us both and I would ask that she be treated with the dignity of the dead for who she once was. She has paid her price and now the good she was for so much longer than she was evil deserves that rest."

             "I see your sentiment and I will have my men construct a coffin for her to be stored in and transported to you," he replied quietly.

             The young queen gave a small smile to the Bizshra, "Thank you, I must be going now if I am to address my people before I retire for the evening. I must also break the news of Tikhana's demise to my loved ones."

             "Very well, thank you for hearing my news and requests. Know that I do not hate gryphons as the rest of my people do, I follow the more naturalist gods of our world. If you lot are to be a nation, then I am glad to find a competent and respectable ruler at the head of that nation instead of some over stuffed preening pig choking on their own greed and power," Necrotai replied as he stood to show her out of his command tent.

             Tahkra blushed a bit at the complimentary declaration of her competence by a well established leader, "Thank you, and know that having executed my mother has not lost the alliance, I decree that we need this for both our peoples and I do accept on the behalf of the Titanian peoples."

             "A most sound victory for Titania and Grasolahn, may we bring the invaders a crushing defeat," the Bizshra gave her a solemn look of empathy, "I will have a group of my supply runners deliver the remains of Tikhana to your forces."

             She nodded softly to him, "Thank you, may your return be safe and the weather well."

             "May the gods smile upon you, Queen Asreigh," Necrotai bowed his head as he pulled back the flap for her as he would any human female.

             Krinzehl and Agrok both stared at her with expectant expressions as they waited for news. Tahkra was in no mood for discussions, she had just made the biggest decision of her life and received news of her mother's demise.

             The queen shook her head at her sister and trusted mage, "No, let us just go home now. I have news to deliver to our people."

             The other females nodded quietly as they caught her mood and joined her as she took to the air to make the flight home. She had been a ruler for only a day and already she could only pray that her people would understand some of the decisions she had made. Her mind being wrapped around worries and mourning made her silent for the entire trip.



                                                    *                          *                          *                                                   Â



             The healers had completely taken over the tasks of comforting and assisting Raizehl with her birthing, leaving Jirri at her own tasks with only one thing left on her to do list. She had to find that handsome warrior who had saved her very life. She felt a burning need to express her thanks to him for what he had done and perhaps to make sure he remembered her name and her face. This was to be a difficult task, as she only knew his face and his strong grasp, not his name. She did not let her lack of information deter her though, the need to give thanks to her savior was too strong.

             Through all her awkward conversations she could not stop thinking how he had been the physical means of the consorts to save their priestess, it was her duty to show appreciation for his efforts and involvement in the Consorts affairs. On her behalf for her very life remaining intact, and on the behalf of the gods she served for having used him with or without his consent or knowledge. Her search was growing more frustrating by the moment, however. There seemed to be a large number of black and gray colored broadwings who sported a powerful build and tall stature. The priestess had to take a pause so she could release her frustration with a deep sigh and a very annoyed sound.

             "Pardon me ma'am; you seem distressed, is there anything I can assist you with," a deep voice asked from behind her as she stared at her forepaws.

             Jirri shook her head, "Likely not, I have a personal and religious duty to thank a warrior who saved my life directly today. Unfortunately I know nothing about him other than his general description and every other warrior on the plains seems to look exactly like him after I asked around."

             "Well, maybe I can help by identifying the event it's self. How did it happen," the kind voice offered as she felt the larger presence settle next to, yet still a bit behind her.

             The taperwing ground her beak a bit with frustration at herself for not having thought of that already, "Well, Raizehl and I were standing for execution when Agrok and this fellow dived in to save us. He grabbed me and rolled us out of the way of that blade meant to split me in two. I will admit that it was pleasant to be held in such strong forelimbs for that brief moment, even more so that the act saved my very life."

             "Well I thought I recognized you, you're that beautiful priestess I saved today. Sorry I didn't come looking for you to make sure you were alright, but I was busy with a battle and there were so many that my talons saved directly in the beginning of that," the voice explained as Jirri whirled to face the source.

             She came almost beak to beak with the very male she had been searching for, holding her eyes on his for a long moment as she allowed herself to drink in the handsome features of his face. He was the very embodiment of the strength and power that was represented by Skardesh himself. Even after such a battle his scent was the crisp spicy scent of well cleaned and groomed feathers. The priestess couldn't help herself, she threw her forelimbs around his neck and hugged the huge warrior tightly.

             Jirri was pleased to find him embracing her in return rather than being confused by her actions, "I can't thank you enough for saving me, for saving all of us from those sick bastards and that twisted wench of a traitor. I was so afraid that the children would watch us all fall before they faced the blades of the foul beasts themselves. Thank you, champion of the Consorts."

             "There is no need to thank me or anyone else here; whether the consorts wanted us here or remained indifferent, we were coming," he pulled back slightly, but only to rest a foreclaw on her left flank and caress her cheek in a tender comforting gesture, "This is why Titania came about, to stop things like this and to meet such threats with a sizable force of our own. My name is Grenz, it would please me greatly to know the name of such a lovely priestess of Arsiel."

             The priestess was mildly surprised that the warrior was able to accurately identify her path, "Impressive, you've figured out my focus on our goddess. I suppose that deserves the reward of knowing my name and formally meeting me. I am Jirri, Jirri Menahk, High Priestess of the Kenjaya tribe. Well, what is left of it."

             "The Kenjaya were a successful tribe, you lot made it to the disbanding of all tribes into a nation. We are all the same people now, and we are stronger than our enemies could have imagined. As for you, you are now a High Priestess of Arsiel, not of the Kenjaya. So, my lovely priestess, you have lead your people to a golden era," Grenz replied with an encouraging smile.

             "You speak with a touch of wisdom, but you are a bit younger than I Mr. Flatterer," Jirri smiled sweetly up at him, "You may be handsome, brave and have a brain in that head of yours, but there has been so very many tragic sights I have seen today. You are the hero of this priestess, but you wont be getting the girl."

             Grenz gave her an insulted look, "I may speak kindly to and of you, but I am not lead by my testicles like some males. I meant only to calm and sooth you so that you may better cope with your memories and nightmares. It sounds more like you speak with a guilty conscience, but if that is what you think of me, then I will go."

             She grasped his shoulders to try and stop him, "Grenz, wait please. I didn't mean to insult you."

             He wasn't listening to a word she said. The big male started to turn with her in tow by her own grip on his harness. She couldn't let him leave while he was upset with her, especially when she was beginning to see things she liked in the younger male. She had to stop him and retake his attention somehow. As Grenz made his first step, Jirri lunged up to grasp his head and lock her beak with his in a deep tongue caressing kiss. It was a move made purely out of desperation, but she thoroughly enjoyed it when he embraced it and her as well. His forelimbs were strong yet gentle with her as she let the kiss linger for a moment, mostly for selfish reasons. She had been through a lot, she felt she deserved a little treat for herself.

             Jirri gently slipped back from the kiss to look up at her quick tempered savior, "Do I have your attention now? Will you please listen?"

             "Now that was probably the most enjoyable way anyone has tried to get my attention," Grenz replied with a wry little grin, "But yes, I am listening."

             The priestess caressed his cheeks softly, "I did not mean to imply that you could only be that way, I was only trying to caution you if your thinking had gone that way. You must admit that most males in your age group think from their lower belly. I see very different in you already and I like it, a lot. You wont be getting the girl today, but this girl would like you to get her at least once when things settle down and mend a bit."

             "Whoa, wait a minute. I thought Priestesses were supposed to be chaste and pure in body," he blurted out with a shocked expression in his eyes.

             Jirri smiled, "I am a priestess to a pair of mated gods, specifically to a goddess that gave of herself to her beloved in a most physical manner to have their young. Why would she wish to deny her priestess such pleasures and expressions of love and attraction? Quite the contrary, we are encouraged to take up with a lover and have a family of our own."

             "Well, it would seem that most of us have that one all wrong," Grenz chuckled softly, "So then, you have given your thanks on both the Consorts and your own behalf. Why is it that you are still here leaning against my chest?"

             The priestess smiled as she pulled a bit away to stand on her own feet, "Because I am enjoying your company and wish to stay in said company for the evening."

             "Something must be wrong with you," he said with a flat tone, "You are enjoying my company. Few if any enjoy my company without some purpose or some service I can perform for them."

             She nodded gently, "Well your temper is a little quick with a bullheaded closed up response, but you have shown me a rather caring side of yourself. My guess is that very few see this face because it is your true nature. If it is, you are a very worthwhile person, Grenz."

             "That actually means a lot coming from a high ranking priestess," the warrior replied with a gentle smile, "But you nailed it, this is me as I really am. I act like a grouch most the time so I don't have to deal with people's stupidity or the drama of others trying to take advantage of my kindness."

             Jirri was going to say more but a crier flew low over head with his message, "The queen has returned with important news! All who are able, should attend her announcement at the command tent!"

             "Well Priestess Jirri, would you like to accompany me to hear what the queen has to say," Grenz offered as he raised his left wing to only be half folded in offering for her.

             She smiled and slipped under his wing to walk with him against his left flank, "I would be delighted, Warrior Grenz."

             His wing was warm and comforting as it curled gently over her back, taking her in the gryphon equivalent of walking arm in arm or with his arm around her waist. They walked together toward the center of the camp that had been constructed on the outskirts of Rastak's lands. There were a few odd looks from warrior and refugee a like as he lead her to a place right up front. Jirri was a bit excited, she had not heard who was crowned the queen of Titania as of yet and she was going to find out in the company of a large handsome warrior. If not for the events that had unfolded that day it would have been the most wonderful day she could ask for aside from having a mate offer her a feather or birthing her young. The dark tides of the morning helped to dim the bright star of joy and excitement quite a bit, but she would not show how distressed she really was in public. The high priestess of a tribe was to be the embodiment of the hope and trust in the consorts that all should have. If the priestess could not find serenity in their divine parents, then the people themselves would be lost.

             When they sat, Grenz uncurled his wing from around her to remain polite as simple company and not some romantic interest. Jirri could see Agrok and Reyfis at the command tent, the younger looking very distressed and equally saddened. She would have to pay her a visit, she hadn't seen Agrok in nearly a year's time and found she missed her a bit. The priestess was in for a shock when the queen stepped out of the command tent beside the male who had lead the Titanian forces that saved the remainder of the Kenjaya. She knew Tahkra was ambitious about equality amongst the tribes, but she had never guessed that she would become the queen of them all.

             The young queen stared out at the gathered gryphons and human soldiers with troubled eyes, "People of Titania, we have risen this day as a nation of united peoples to become one. But our strength and new found unity was challenged before it was fully in flight, and the birth of our nation was drenched in the blood of the Kenjaya."

             There was a murmur amongst the gathered warriors, refugees, and healers as the queen allowed them to absorb the harsh reality. Jirri was impressed by both her ability to stir the people and her skill in allowing them to feel with their own hearts and minds. This queen was mindful of the broken hearts present as she gave her first speech

             Satisfied that all present had enough time to absorb the savage truths before them thus far, Tahkra continued, "You have shouted in the faces of all today with the defeat of the invading forces, you soldiers of Titania have told the entire world that we are no longer mere tribes. You have made it deadly clear that we are one people with many voices making up our cry and that you will defend our lands and our people with the full strength and fury of a fighting gryphon. No, of tens of thousands of fighting gryphons!"

             There was a bit of an excited roar sounding at a dull rumble from the gathered warriors, although Grenz stayed silent at her side to watch the queen patiently. He seemed to sense what she had already guessed about this speech. Tahkra was banding them all together and bringing them to rally behind her before she gave her real news. The priestess was even more impressed by the shrewd observation on the part of her new found companion.

             Tahkra took a deep breath, a sure sign that she was about to deliver the real news to them all, "As a testament to our tragic, yet triumphant birth as a nation, the Bizshra of Grasolahn spoke to me directly as an equal. I have received news that this attack was not sanctioned nor permitted by the ruling body of Grasolahn. Quite the contrary, the Bizshra had ordered for no house to even scout into the territories we hold. As you all know there has been a powerful invading force crushing the human nations around us. Grasolahn's imperial forces have been monitoring this enemy and they have determined that no standing nation can face them alone with any hope of survival, let alone victory."

             Jirri's blood ran cold at the mention of such a powerful darkness spreading across their world. The shear devastation and loss of life must already be unimaginably high. A loaded silence fell over the gathered gryphons and humans, the later knowing full well how powerful that enemy was.

             A quiver of worry rippled through the young queen as she pushed on with her speech, "Bizshra Necrotai has been trying to form an alliance with the neighboring human kingdoms to face this foe with a strong coalition. He knew we were banding together to form our own nation, and he had hoped to ally with us as well to bring an even stronger front to this enemy. That is why he gave command to his people to leave us alone, but a pair of our own traitors dipped their beaks into the affairs of Grasolahn nobility. The two most well known problems in all the plains enticed another problem noble in Grasolahn to attack, against the word of the Bizshra. The entire house of that noble has been dispatched by the imperial forces of Grasolahn, Venkey has been slain in combat during the attack by your very own king, and his mate, sadly my own mother, was slain for her betrayal of both Grasolahn and Titania by the Bizshra himself.

             Upon receiving this news, I was also informed that all contact with the last of the other nations has been lost just two days ago. The tides of war are breaking on our borders, and we will need a friend to face the dark days to come. You put your faith in me as your queen, and now I must but my faith in you to trust my judgment as I seen no other way. I have accepted the offer of alliance from Necrotai and his nation of Grasolahn so that we may both face this enemy together and perhaps even find peace between us after all is said and done."

             There was a mingled hiss and growl of shock and mild outrage from the crowd as several called out insults to the young queen.

             Grenz was having none of it as he leaped up and gave a piercing screech to silence the crowd, "Fools! You throw out hate before your own survival? There's a greater foe before us both and Grasolahn is the lesser of the two evils, which brings us to the old saying; 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' So do you want to just hate like the beasts we're accused of being, or do you want to prove our wisdom and strength of character? I don't know about all of you, but I intend to be the better person."

             There was a wash of silence that fell over the gathered crowd as the warrior's words sank in to hit their nerves. Several of those who had shouted jeers and insults to the queen had their heads down and their ears flat against their skulls in a show of shame. Jirri could not help the adoring purr in her chest as she watched this warrior stand in defense of his queen with pure wisdom and logic. He was the bold and handsome image of a son of Skardesh in true and honest flesh and there was a spark of leadership in his heart. The priestess could see it in his eyes and his actions, this was a figure to inspire and drive those around him to a common goal. Jirri felt her nares growing a touch warm as she realized she could easily fall for this male if she had enough time to spend with him.

             "Thank you Grenz, that would not have had as much meaning if I had said it. The rest of you, you may not always like my decisions but I always make them with the greater good of our people in mind. You've never had a queen before, and I have never been a queen before. So let us try to adjust to the new situation together with as much understanding as possible. I have given you the news, it is now your responsibility to pass it on as you heard and understood it all today. We need people informed and banded together, not in a state of revolt. Soon Titania and Grasolahn will meet this foe head on, war comes and our best hope is to be the ones who bring it. You are all dismissed, I have an old friend and tutor to check in on," Tahkra finished her speech and turned with Malehk to make their way toward the place that held Raizehl.

             Grenz returned to Jirri's side only to receive a gentle lick on his cheek, "What was that for?"

             "For your impressive display of loyalty and intelligence in the face of popular disdain for that which you defended," she replied with a smile, "I have accompanied you to this, would you be willing to escort me back to see my dear friend before I decide where I will go from here?"

             The warrior nodded gently, "Of course milady, if you cannot return home there should be room in the village where I stay. You are even welcome to my bed mat, I have been running late patrols anyhow."

             "That is most generous of you, and I will take that offer into consideration. I do not know what Raizehl will decide for our lands, so I cannot say for certain that we will be leaving here," Jirri replied as she lead her companion toward the tent that held the mate of her fallen chief.

             Carpenter's men had been so kind as to bring their supplies with them, providing several tents for command and some medical uses. The drake healer that treated Raizehl and her child had commandeered the original command tent for the space it provided. Such space was essential since she needed three other healers to help her work on birthing the little one so early in a safe and healthy manner.

             "Go away Altair, I don't want company or help, I just want to be alone," they heard Agrok shouting as they approached the tent.

             She was arguing with a handsome fellow that Jirri did not recognize, "I thought you hated your mother as much as she hated you, why are you getting so pissy with me then for wanting to help comfort you?"

             "I don't need to be comforted, I need time to get my thoughts together," Agrok snapped back as Grenz and Jirri both hurried toward the pair to intervene, "She was a traitorous murderous bitch in the end, but there was a time she was my momma, a loving and caring mother to me. I hated her in the end, but dammit, I can't forget when we loved one another as mother and daughter should. That's why I'm having difficulties with this, that is why I need time alone to get myself sorted out. I wish that for once some one would think about what I want and need for a change instead of what they need from me."

             Before anything else could be said, Priestess and warrior shouldered their way between the couple and took charge. Grenz handled Altair while Jirri took Agrok.

             "Relax now lad, she said she needs time now let her have it," the larger male warned his rival's lover, "If you care about her you'll let her have this time to get sorted so she can deal with this closing on her own terms."

             Jirri cupped Agrok's cheeks with her gentle forepaws, "Look at me sweetheart, you know who I am still. Be calm now, you'll have your time to mourn I promise you. Grenz is calming your lover as we speak, I trust he'll handle things well. Okay sweetie, can you calm yourself for your old priestess?"

             "Jirri..I..I..," the younger female began to tear up quite badly as the priestess sat up to hold ehr head and neck in a tender, caring embrace.

             "Shhh, it's okay I have you, and so do the Consorts, we are here with you now. It's okay to feel hurt, just let it bleed out a bit so it does not become an infection upon your heart," she cooed softly to help sooth the wounded heart of the lost gryphlet of her little flock.

             Altair drew an angry expression and started to snap something angry before Grenz cut him off by clamping his beak closed with a foreclaw, "Don't even dare say anything. This is vastly different than having you comfort her. Jirri was the priestess of her village, and thus a motherly figure. Such a figure brings a comfort that you can not supply, no matter how closely bound your hearts become. Go on and find something to do while she resettles herself, it is the best thing you can do for the both of you."

             He released the other male's beak to let him back up a bit and stare at them all for a moment. He looked like he was going to say something, causing Jirri to hold Agrok a bit tighter to give her further support. He decided against it when Grenz made it a point to place himself between him and the two females with an imposing stance.

             "I'll need to go with Reyfis to have a talk with him later, he's actually much better than this," the huge male shook his head gently, "Are you alright , Tailflicker?"

             Agrok nodded gently as she held tightly to the Priestess, "I think she is, sweetheart. We will be taking her with us to see Raizehl, I think the reunion will be good for the both of them before she holes up to sort her heart out."

             "No, I wont be going with you," Grenz replied with a shake of his head, "As much as I wish to stay in your wonderful company and enjoy your beautiful presence, Agrok's relationship would be further damaged by it. Altair has had enough dealings with my presence around his lover at this time, my replacing him as the male to escort her around would only wound his pride."

             "A very wise and thoughtful move on your part Grenz. I sense in you a certain measure of love for Agrok, perhaps not as a mate, but certainly enough to move mountains for her and be lost without her," Jirri smiled at him with a touch more warmth than she had before, "I like it, I will be moving to your village just to get to know you better dear warrior. You will make some one a fine mate, and an outstanding father. I feel it is worth my time and effort to find out if you fit such a role for me. At worst I am near old friends and new ones as well."

             The big male smiled back at her, "Perhaps it would be nice to examine a more permanent arrangement than passing pleasures. Worst comes to worst, you would be good for Agrok and Tahkra to have around. When you are ready to head out, Reyfis and Rio know where I live."

             "Thank you Grenz, I shall see you again when next you have time," the priestess could not help but smile at him as he only waved in parting to continue on about the business around the camp, "I know he has a potential mean streak, and I know he has a hard mask to show others, but I have seen him. I like the true heart behind that mask, I like it a lot. I know there is some kind of spark between you two, and you have at the very least been bed mates. That is why I ask you now Agrok, do you mind if I pursue a potential relationship with your rival?"

             Agrok sniffled and pulled away to look her in the eyes with a hard protective glare, "I do not mind, so long as you take care of him and make him happy. If you hurt him, I will break you in every way imaginable."

             "I'm going to read that as warrior Agrok for , 'By all means Jirri, please do try to make my dear friend happy, just be careful not to hurt him'," she smiled warmly and turned to travel the remainder of the short walk to Raizehl's tent.

             Agrok drew in a deep breath before she let it out in a sigh and fell into step with her old priestess, "Pretty much. So you really do like Grenz after just one day?"

             "Sweetheart, I had the advantage of catching him in a subdued time with no guard up what so ever. His heart was on his harness, which rarely ever happens from what I can gather about him thus far. I can only wonder if he will try to hide now that he knows I have seen the real Grenz," Jirri observed.

             The younger female shook her head, "Grenz would have closed up right away if he felt he could not trust you. So long as you remain open and honest to him, he will never show you his hard face."

             "Just out of curiosity, how is he," she asked with a sly little grin.

             Agrok just gave her a blank stare as she replied, "He is however you want him to be. If he likes you enough to bed with you, he will simply enjoy every second of being with you no matter what you ask of him."

             "Ahh, so he is more of a loving mate than one to have lusty needs," Jirri stated her conclusions.

             The female warrior shook her head again, "He has lusts just like any active person, he is just one of the opinion that there needs to be more than just physical attraction between lovers. To Grenz they should appreciate one another and at least like one another as a person before they couple so intimately."

             "You seem to be feeling better," the priestess pointed out as she paused outside of Raizehl's healing tent.

             Agrok shook her head once again, "I am not, i am simply distracted from my troubled thoughts for the moment. They will assault and break me again when I am alone. They need to do so, that way I can deal with them and sort them out."

             "Well a visit with Raizehl is in order before those thoughts take you into despair," Jirri declared before she pulled aside the door flap, finding the feel of canvas to be odd against her paw.

             Agrok simply nodded and entered the tent with an unreadable expression. The priestess could only wonder what was going on inside the younger female's heart and mind as she stepped in quietly behind her. They were greeted by the exotic reptilian beauty of the drake healer as she gathered up the loose cloths and water bowls that were used for the birthing. Jirri looked at her for a moment with a questioning expression. The drake nodded, showing she understood precisely what the priestess wished to know by nodding her muzzle toward the still form of Raizehl.

             Jirri approached slowly with Agrok close behind, "Raizehl? Are you awake my friend? I have a visitor you will find most pleasant and I think we both would love to see your little angel."

             Raizehl raised her head slowly, reluctant to move it too far from her premature infant, "Jirri, you are back. How are the remaining members of our tribe doing?"

             "They are healed and fed, but the emotional damage runs deep," the priestess reported, "There are quite a few orphans that need new homes and families to care for them now, but we did manage to save most of the children."

             The eldest broadwing closed her eyes with a sad hanging of her head, "We have lost so much, so many lives have been shattered and broken even before they had a chance to live."

             "You are alive though, and there are people here to help you and to care for those who have lost their families," Agrok spoke up as she stepped forward to nuzzle her old tutor softly on the cheek, "you taught me that things will get very bad sometimes in life, but no matter how bad they get, you can always find a way to live a happy life so long as you are alive."

             Raizehl looked up into the blue eyes of the female warrior, "But Agrok, we have lost everything. Our families, our homes, our tribe, what do we really have left?"

             "You have us," Agrok reached a gentle foreclaw down and stroked the snow white down of the sleeping gryphlet, "And you have your little one. You need to be strong for your child, they have only you to love and raise them."

             Raizehl stared down at the sleeping child to absorb Agrok's words as Jirri tried to place the focus on the youngling, "So Raizehl, what do you have there? A strapping young male, or a graceful little female?"

             A look of pride washed over the eldest female as smiled over her little one, "Well, unless that part is due to arrive later, she is a little girl."

             "Have you thought of a name for her yet," Agrok asked with a little smile on her beak, a look about her that Jirri had never seen before.

             Raizehl nodded gently, "Muktuh was always fond of the name Abigail, so she is Abigail Muktuh Galahr."

             "Abigail? Now that is a beautiful name," Tahkra offered gently as she nosed her way through the door flap with Malehk close behind her.

             The new mother smiled at her second visiting pupil, "So is Queen Tahkra Asreigh. You have come so very far with what little you learned of the tribal workings my dear."

             "I just showed people a more thoughtful and logical way of doing things and how to do them together instead of against or next to each other. Every one else just liked the results when they tried it," Tahkra brushed of her achievements in the forming of Titania with great humility.

             Abigail started to squirm a bit as she woke and gave small grunting squawks of protest with efforts to crawl.

             "May I take her for you," Agrok asked with a gentle, humble tone.

             Raizehl nodded gently, "That would be fine dear, just be very careful. She is my first and only and she is currently far more fragile than a normal child."

             Jirri watched the young warrior pick up the tiny gryphlet, no bigger than her foreclaws, "Do not fret Raizehl, I do not think it is possible for Abigail to ever be harmed while under Agrok's care."

             The priestess had finally figured out the look about the small broadwing, it was a motherly look brought forth by very strong maternal instincts. She could not help but think how ironic some would find it that such strong mothering instincts would exist in one so skilled and pleased with a male's traditional profession. Yet here was Agrok, one of the most talented warriors in the employ of Titania, holding the tiny newborn to her chest with a skilled and tender foreclaw. Everything about the scene before Jirri was right, Agrok should one day have her own young.

             "I hate to jump right into business, but Abigail has a legacy to take up when she gets older, and I need to know what to do with the remaining peoples of the Kenjaya," Tahkra apologized to her former tutor.

             Raizehl shook her head sadly, "No she does not. Abigail will grow up without the burdens of a broken tribe to rebuild and we will not return to our former homes. There is nothing there but memories of pain and death. The Kenjaya are no more, we are now just Titanian citizens who will look to settling in the lands of other nobility."

             "So that would make Abigail the first child of Titania, quite the big title to hold little lady," the queen smiled and gently rubbed the little one's tiny head, "You will need some sort of profession to support yourself and Abigail. We will be dealing with the details of a currency system tomorrow and that will mean people having paying jobs. Do not fret, I have something I want you to do for me as part of advisory team and royal entourage. It should not take up too much of your time and it will justify a respectable salary."

             The elder broadwing tilted her head a bit, "You have my interest, what is this little project you wish for me to assist you with?"

             "I am setting up a secret system of checks and balances for the nobility. While I find our current flock of nobles to be trust worthy, I do not speak for the distant future. I already have the other noble female on a courier system to keep an eye on the territorial workings of the nobles and to take reports of the state of the land and trade for each region. What I want you to assist with is the ladies in waiting. I want them to serve a purpose to the crown instead of being pretty little things parading around," Tahkra explained.

             Raizehl raised a single brow, "This is already intriguing, please do go on with their function and purpose."

             "Well, they would perform the usual public tasks of escorting unattached noble males during court events and mingle with the gathered guests. Shier hidden purpose is to gather information that is normally passed around before such normally pointless figures and deliver anything note worthy to the queen, or king. I do not intend to make the rule of this land a sexist issue," the queen finished her explanation.

             Jirri smiled broadly, "I like this plan, it is a watchful eye that is not oppressive. Quite impressive Tahkra, I do believe the choice in our queen was a most wise one."

             "I just try my hardest to do what I can to keep things right for the people," Tahkra blushed softly at the compliment.

             Raizehl gave a huge yawn as the stress of the hard labor had already drained her, "I like your idea Tahkra and I will accept the part you wish me to play in it. You are a good queen already, you care for your people more than most rulers. But, as fun as this visit has been, I desperately need to rest ."

             "You rest, I will take Jirri back to my village so she can rest there and get settled. That way she can help you settle in when you have the strength to move Abigail," Agrok offered as she returned the drowsy gryphlet to her mother, "It has been wonderful to see you again Raizehl, and I do hope things start to look up for you soon."

             The new mother held her daughter tight and smiled at the female warrior with watery eyes, "Thank you all, you have no idea how much this all means to me. I couldn't have fought this hard for Abigail without your support. Please do come back and see me sometime soon."

             "We will, trust me on that one my sister," Jirri replied as she began to usher everyone out of the tent, "Rest well and may your dreams be of happier times."

             The priestess did not wait for a reply before she stepped out of the tent herself. The day was shifting to night and she had a new home to establish for herself. She followed Agrok toward the place where they would be making an arcane trip to the new village. Jirri took one last look back toward the ruins of Ventigaush and gave a soft sigh. There was no icy knot of despair in her gut like she had expected, instead she felt a warm glow inside for Raizehl. The cruel hands of fate took her mate, her entire family, but the Consorts intervened to give her a new one. They had all suffered a terrible tragedy that day, but the Consorts were already hard at work to give the shattered lives enough strength to carry on. Life marched forward even as they mourned, but they knew they were not alone in their struggle and that made all the difference.



                                                    *                          *                          *



             Grenz gave a weary nod to his replacement for night patrol as he banked toward the village, his own internal sense of direction guiding him to the darkened cluster of leather walled dwellings. His mind was so tired that he did not even notice who it was that had taken over his patrol. All he registered was that a flying shape had told him to pack it in and get some shut eye. The only beings that flew on this world were other gryphons and the drakes, and since the tribes united the only two gryphons that may have posed a threat were dead. All was quiet for now and the weary warrior allowed himself to relax as he neared the dwellings of the village. He had been asleep when the alarm was raised, a mere two hours after he had fallen into sleep; since then he had fought a battle, cared for refugees, herded children, accompanied a beautiful priestess, and helped to construct several new dwellings for those who settled in the same former training village that was his post. That was not even counting his scheduled patrol circuit, although Malehk had promised him a short leave after his patrol. He needed a meal and rest, but they would not come in that order. Grenz was simply too tired to deal with the task of eating, instead he came to a sloppy landing right outside his dwelling.

             The broadwing gave himself a brisk shake to resettle his feathers and shake free any dust that might have stuck to him during his flight. He had earned this sleep and he was determined to get it even if his dwelling were set ablaze. The fire would have to wait to cause him distress or discomfort until he woke from his well earned slumber. The huge broadwing nosed his way through the door flap of his small dwelling and turned to lay facing his door on his sleeping mat. It wasn't long before sleep began to pull him under into the pools of restful unconsciousness. Just before he would have fallen too far to come back, he spotted a flash of a priestess' eartuft adornment through the small cracks at the edges of the door flap. The figured paused at his door for a moment then started to move away. He considered letting her go, but there was some part of him that wanted that warm friendly presence even more than his much needed sleep.

             "I am still awake, if you need to talk do come in now, hesitation may find me too sleepy to lift my head," Grenz called out to his potential house guest.

             The door flap parted around the dainty beak of the taperwinged priestess he remember so fondly from earlier that night, "Forgive the intrusion, but I thought you might be awake until I seen your dwelling dark and quiet."

             "It's quite alright, I have a short leave so I can rest at my leisure," he explained with a nod toward his side with his beak, "Come on in and get comfortable, I certainly have time for a beautiful lady."

             Jirri smiled a bit and blushed softly at her nares as she stepped in to settle at his side, "Does this include a priestess with a child's problem?"

             "Especially a priestess with a child's problem. I happen to like you and feel you are worthy of my discretion in this matter," Grenz replied with a reassuring nuzzle to her cheek, "Now why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

             The priestess blushed even darker, "I.. I can't sleep, I keep seeing shadows moving where there are none. I keep feeling like I am being watched even though I know there is nothing there. Every time I start to fall asleep, I hear the voices of those wicked men coming for us. It is simply too unnerving to allow me to rest."

             "I see, I can reassure you that there is nothing there. The sentries would have found them if there was, so I am unsure as to why you would come to me specifically with this problem," the tired male replied with gentle tones.

             Jirri blushed about as red as she could before she rests her head against his neck, "Because you saved me, you are warm, caring, and handsome, most of all you saved my life already. You make me feel safe and protected. Somehow I get the feeling inside that you will never let anything hurt me."

             "Well, you are indeed right, I wont let anyone hurt you. If you wished to stay with me tonight, I would be glad of the company. I had grown accustomed to having company when I slept from when Agrok stayed with me," Grenz admitted with his offer.

             The priestess stifled a yawn before she gave his neck a slow and tender nuzzle, "I would be honored to stay with you tonight, or however long you wished me to stay. I do not mind resting next to such a deserving heart."

             "Then stay as long as you are willing, I will always keep you safe and warm. I will never complain about being able to rest with a brave and kind lady such as you," he wasn't sure what he had just implied, or what she interpreted his meaning to be.

             All he knew was that sleep was taking them both with lethal efficiency. Grenz lifted his forelimb to drape it over Jirri's middle and hold her close. He was pleased and a bit surprise to find her snuggling against him and resting her head on his other forelimb. He responded further by resting his head on her shoulders in a warm embrace to drift into sleep. Never had he had such a warm and comfortable feeling in his heart as he slipped into slumber. There was something right about the situation, but it would be a short lived comfort and he knew it. War was on the horizon and he was one of the weapons to be deployed against their enemies. The warrior decided to enjoy such times while he could, while they all could.