Koji's life 3

Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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Koji's life 3

A Child Meets Her Hero.

I was sitting in my office looking at my next assignment. I had to do an article but my boss didn't tell what or who I had to right about he just said it would be a familiar setting for me. The place was in Connecticut When I finally got to the place I saw it was an orphanage. The place was huge. I walked up to the door and a middle-aged human male opened the door before I even knocked.

"You are expected sir." he said.

"Thank you." I said.

As I walked in I saw a lot of children and all of them were feline hybrids. They were mostly domestic breeds Tabbies, Calicos, Siamese, Persians, and more. From what I saw 98% of them were female. There was word that came to my mind at the time was Déjà vu. There were about four females to every one male. Their ages ranged from 3 to 10 years old. That is when I met the den mother as they called her. She was a middle aged human female about in her early forties.

"Hello you must be Koji. It is nice to meet you I am Allison Dawn. I am the den mother here but please call me Allison. As you can see the children here are feline hybrids" She said with a smile.

"It is nice to meet you Allison. So this orphanage only takes felines" I said shaking her hand.

Just then I saw a female cheetah sitting in the corner by herself. She was wearing what looked like a jogging out fit. She had a golden a golden yellow coat with black spots. There was one large diamond shaped black spot on her forehead and was wearing a pink tank top with matching mini shorts. She seemed upset for some reason.

"That is Cleopatra. She likes to be called Cleo. She is a handful. She is really sweet but she has a lot of energy and loves to run and is the oldest here. She is eight years old. She came from Africa. The poor girl has been adopted five times but none wanted to deal with her. She has a very friendly and a bit quirky. Most people don't understand that. Today a lot of the children found new families and she dreams of finding a family that accepts and understands her but no one ever wants her. She lost her parents in a car accident." Allison said.

"May I talk to her?" I asked.

"By all means go ahead she won't bite." Allison said smiling.

I walked up the young cheetah and sat near her when she looked up she smiled and wiped away her tears.

"Sorry I must look like a mess." she said.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. I always get a little sad on adoption days. No one ever wants me because of my age and my personality but I am used to it by now. They say I am weird....Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Cleopatra but you can call me Cleo." She said smiling.

It's nice to meet you Cleo I'm Koji. I said.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled widely giving me a good look at her fangs when I said that.

"You're Koji Haeos? You're THE Koji Haeos. The one who used to be human? I am a huge fan. You are my hero!" she squealed.

I didn't know I was so popular and how did you know that I used to be human?" I asked.

"Well when I read the article about a human saving a hybrid child whose mother is a doctor and then this new hybrid with the same name shows up. I just put 2 and 2 together. I like solving mysteries. You saved that hybrid. You are an inspiration. You proved that humans and hybrids can live in peace. , A real hero. It is because of that you I never loose hope. I love reading your articles. I dream of being adapting to a family that accepts me... Cheetahs aren't very common in the United States. There are parts of Africa where owning a hybrid is still legal. I was born for the soul purpose of becoming a fur coat for some rich person and so were my parents but we knew we could have a better life in the states so we came here. Three months later we were going for a drive when our car was struck by a drunk driver. I was the only survivor......I have been here for a while now I stopped counting the days. I was adopted several times but it never worked out and I came back here. Don't get me wrong I love living here but I want a family. An orphanage is like a pet store. People always want the cute little ones and the older ones don't have as much of a chance at being chosen. I don't have many friends either..... The other kids think I am a weird but I not. I am just different." She said with her ears flat against her head.

I put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"Well you aren't weird Cleo. You just have a lot spirit." I said hoping she would feel better.

Her eyes lit up after I said that and she hugged me tightly and she a started to purr.

"My parents used to say that to me. Thank you Koji you really cheered me up." She said smiling.

I was surprised at how strong she is. She could easily pick me up off the ground if she wanted to.

Do you want to play some Nintendo Wii? She asked.

"I would love to but I warn you I am pretty good." I said smiling.

She laughed and led me into the game room. We played for hours. I won a few and she won of few. After that she showed me around and even helped me with the interviewing the other kids and staff. I made sure to ask what information they wanted me to put in the article and what information they wanted kept out of it. I could tell Cleo loved helping me and to be honest she really grew on me. I loved having her help me. Thanks to her help, I finished the interviews a half hour early.

"So what do you want to do now Cleo?" I asked.

"Want to race me? I just love to run." she said.

"Okay let's do that." I said.

We went outside to track and field area and got on the starting line.

"Want to do the 100 meter dash?" I asked.

"Yeah let's do it." she said as we got into the starting position.

One the count of three we started running. I was able take an early and it seemed like I was going to win at first but I was wrong. She caught up and passed me crossing the finish line a good fifteen seconds before me. I crossed the finish line panting in exhaustion she wasn't fazed at all. She looked like she was only getting warmed up.

"You are pretty fast Koji but you have to be a lot faster to beat a cheetah. Good race though. Someday I am going to become a pro track runner." she said handing me a water bottle.

"Thanks for the water Cleo." I said taking a drink

"No problem Koji." She said

I was amazed at how mature she was. She was only 8 years old but she acted like she was 10 or 11. We raced until it was time for me to leave.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Koji. This was the best birthday I ever had." She said with a warm smile.

"I didn't know it was your birthday." I said

"Yep today is my birthday and thanks to you it was best one I ever had." she said.

"I am glad you had fun." I said smiling.

When I got my strength back she walked me to my car and said good bye and ran in the house smiling. Then Allison came up to me smiling.

"The only thing she wanted for her birthday was to meet you her hero. Thank you for making her so happy. You should visit again sometime." she said smiling.

"I am glad I could make her happy. She really is a nice kid" I said.

After saying good bye I started the drive home. I couldn't stop thinking about Cleo. I finally came to a decision. I wanted to adopt her. As I made my way home I decided to take a nap. If everything worked out Cleo would be my daughter.