A Cold Night

Story by EZRyder on SoFurry

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#1 of Warm-Up Pieces

Slowly working myself up back into writing, this was meant to be a snippet to evoke an emotion without any context to guide it.

Screaming, her lungs burning as her voice rung out down the streets. Some cat surely found itself leaping out of its peaceful dream in an alley somewhere. When her breath run out she only gasped and started anew. Her eyes watered, shut tightly as the youngster released her bitter screech. She would later find her palms bleeding, nails having bitten into the tender flesh. Unable to remember when her hands had turned into fists; she hacked, coughing from her burning throat followed by a weak yell. Defeated by her body in ways she only knew so well. Sobs racked her frame. Tears were shy at first, then came in huge waves.

Life is pain, she thought. Pain. Again it came, stinging her knees as they too lost their strength dropping her to the cold ground. The sharp stones dug in giving her only more tears to shed.

Only more pain. The thought numbed her deep down into her core. Cold and unfeeling, like a second skin of ice. She dropped her head back, air escaping her in an exhausted shudder. She remained there for ages. Even after her tear had long run dry. Frozen in a moment, both unable and unwilling to move. Slowly her lids reopened. Cold stars stared back at her puffy red eyes,cold.

Slowly, painfully back onto her feet. Legs shakey as she began her trek back. Tonight she had died. Perhaps instead of rebirth tonight left only the afterlife.