Request: Lion Body-swap

Story by Ophinia on SoFurry

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#13 of Commission

The irony hung in the air, as the lion stormed through the garden and headed for the door on such a sunny day. The blazing sun was very contrasting to his miserable and strenuous face, of which all muscles tensed from cheeks to brows. With this face of negativity, he threw his schoolbag onto the couch with a whipping arm and plummet down on it, releasing a sigh synchronous to the couch's breath. His arm slithered to the remote and flipped the TV on a random channel, turning everything he learned into a blurry mush. As his face turned black in expression, relaxing everything but his eyes, a young lion crawled over. He noticed the mood of his older brother and beckoned.

"Simply can't get through a day without moping?" The cub commented.

"It's so much. Too much." The infant climbed on the couch, placing himself next to the older lion. His clear white diaper crinkled, the former being a sure sign of freshness.

"I can't believe you get to go to high school and I can't. I could bust your grades without even grabbing a book!" The older brother sighed and shoved the chubby baby over.

"Shut up, Shumba." Shumba giggled smugly, before lighting up the mood with a curious suggestion.

"Big bro, I know something. Hunter, bro... listen!" Hunter just looked at the TV, not interested in listening to his younger brother's idea.

"You have it so easy: mom does everything for you."

"I might sound cheap, but that's the idea." The lion turned around, showing the most uninteresting expression he could, almost melting with it. His brown fur seemed to turn darker by this hollow sight.

"How? There's a size-difference." The infant sighed.

"There's a difference in size is better. And I've been working on something. You know the mind works with electricity?"

"Yes, zap." He pinched Shumba and giggled.

"Well, as USB-sticks store on electric basis, why can't you copy a brain's electric pattern and copy that to another electric brain?"

"I'm not a robot." The infant grunted, frowning and giving a small, barely noticeable push in reply.

"Okay, see it as copy-pasting a file on a computer from one hard-drive to the other." Seeing his brother's lack of understanding, he sighed. "You're a senior! How can you not get this? You're 'art collection' on your computer?"

"That's not your deal." The cub slid off the couch and turned the TV off, crossed his arms and stood with intimidating shoulders.

"Hunter, I'm sick of being treated like a little baby. You're sick of having to work."

"Spot on..."

"...silence! My machine can copy minds, or simply put..."

"Switch bodies?" The cub's mocking laugh was hurtful.

"That's simply. We're not switching bodies, we're switching minds. Then I can use your body and finally get academic respect while you can loaf about and sleep all day." Hunter's attention was finally caught, relieving the cub.

"Hm... sounds great... although... my social life..." The cub looked at a nearby light, before coming with a good compromise.

"We just switch for a week. Afterwards you go back and make up something to cover it, okay?" Hunter glanced, his mind unable to think any faster than it wants.


A while later, they sat in a damp cellar. The cold concrete walls had only few windows and the dryer was making a racket. Amongst the cardboard boxes was a simple metal machine with two helmets and a switch. The small cub placed a helm on his head and handed the other to his brother.

"Okay, Hunter, it works like this: this helm reads our minds and copies it. When it's done, it erases our mind so we don't get mixed up and all. Then, they copy the opposite mind in our bodies, technically making you me and me you."

"And if it breaks down?"

"It's not made to erase until a physical backup is made. And technically, it can't shut down without the switch being moved, so it's like a lamp that shuts down by a lack of power. Yes, it's safe." Hunter applied the helm and awaited the transfer. "You might want to sit down. Without a mind bodies tend to fall down." Hunter lied on the floor, preparing for a collapse. With a gentle hum, the machine went to work, swapping their minds to make each more in their place. A small gong sounded the end, and they stumbled around trying to get up. Blinking a couple of times, they noticed they could see themselves, with laughable replies.

"I'm just as muscled as I thought." Hunter said with a smile. However, he could hardly stand with his infant body, instantly giving complaints. The main complaint was the sudden wetness in his diaper, which he had little control over. "Shumba!"

"Hihi... I should've seen that coming." The cub got angry, though his head started to hurt as he did.


"Hunter, YOUR body has bladder control, mine doesn't. There's a nifty difference there." Hunter slowly walked away, unable to move any faster on the short legs. At first, he took large steps, but he quickly got used to the wet diaper.

Back upstairs, the cub tried to get used to being a cub. Of course, the big deal of a body without much control is... what the line says. He drooled a lot over himself, unable to control it. After all, he hadn't drooled in thirteen years and such it was hard to notice he did at all. But it wasn't him who was having problems, it was his, now older, brother was having issues with the whole idea of being grown up. The first being a complete disagreement with his full appearance and abilities, which were far beyond his own. Thus, his first activity was lifting and moving items he couldn't before, such as doors. He did so with small giggles and chuckles, feeling a hue of victory wash his mind. Though even the ecstasy of opening doors had its limits, giving space for new ideas. This was, without any surprise to his brother, the expression of academic strength via the channel of social-clubs. Yet the ex-infant's mind exceeded their abilities, and not just a little. They practically crashed like computers when viewing the lion's abilities to solve equations, technological efficiencies and bad cooking.

"And by turning the whole sum around, the X variable can be enclosed between the values two and five and by adding a coefficient to X the value is reduced to three." The lion stood before the loaded chalkboard, proud at the incredible explanation which none of the math-whizzes could grasp. They tilted their heads, squinted their eyes and tried to check it themselves, but nothing got them any closer. The only sensible thing they ever said was:

"How in Viète's name can Hunter do this?" The left-most student asked, emphasising the name 'Hunter'. "Yesterday you failed a math quiz and said you couldn't even understand what 'reduce to 1 variable' meant!" The lion shrugged and placed the chalk down. He maintained his vision on the board, avoiding any direct staring.

"This is easy. Nothing complicated. Better than a simple math test." He stood there with his hands fumbling about, hearing a lot of mumbling. Gossip oozed from it, giving him enough reason to droop off with hanging shoulders.

As Shumba realised the complexities of being super-intelligent in the body of a well-known bum, Hunter sat in his own pee. The TV was on a most dull channel, brought into physical form by a hanging strand of drool which oozed from his open jaw. This display of mindless infantilism was to be broken by the entering mother, who smiled at the sight of the staring cub.

"Aw Shumba..." The cub looked up, seeing the soft smile that hung between her cheeks and nose. It warmed his heart to see this mild display of affection, yet this heart-warming would soon be broken before being built up again. She picked him up, grabbing him at diaper and back, giving a firm squeeze. "Something wrong, Shumba?" Her hands shifted to his waist, and she placed his head in front of her, aiming the endless stare at her eyes. "My little cubby normally did a poopie by now." Hunter remembered the words of Shumba, which returned in an angst-bearing echo. The rhythm of Shumba's body was master over his mind, clearly shown by a sudden pressure. His head turned red as his bowels attempted to remove the unwanted, brown slop through the poop deck. She rested his head on her shoulder as Hunter felt the shame of pooping in front of her mother, an act she taught him herself. Yet his entire being was surprised to find that she was relieved instead, which was shown by his innocent look as the diaper bloated with brown secretion, warming his buttocks and slithering into every crack and bump the diaper had to offer. When his eyes opened bit by bit, he saw his mother's caring smile again. It felt odd, but then again, she was used to checking stool. It didn't help Hunter process the knowledge he pooped himself in front of his mother, as this seemed tot cling harder than that. "Time to give Shumba a change, okay?"

Not just Hunter needed a change, but Shumba too had the issue of bowels and the inefficiency of the digestion system. He got home with the thick clouds of sadness covering him, pressing his arms and eyebrows down. He approached the door and sighed deep, before entering and taking place in the kitchen. The faucet filled a glass with clear water, and upon nourishing from this cool drink, he felt that not just the body, but also the mind mattered when wanting to control bowel movement. A simpler way to put it is that he didn't know how to suppress his bladder and thus ended with a most warm stream of urine to trace a dark path down his pants. With little to stop it, he looked down with shivering eyebrows how a puddle formed on the white tiles, smelling of sulphur and salt. He swallowed a large bit of spit as he leaned forward to grab some sheets of paper to absorb the drying stain. It cost effort for him to clean such a stain, considering the sheer amount and requirements of thorough cleaning.

Once he was satisfied over the mediocre results, he skulked through the house to the nursery, where he grabbed a diaper with the thoughts of future events roaming his mind. The deal was a week after all, and such an amount of excrement would surely be noticed. Though as he did obtain one, his mother came in and sighed deep, shaking her head.

"You can just tell me, hun." The mother ripped the diaper from his hands and grabbed another from a much lower drawer. It was noticeable bigger.

"Thanks mom." Shumba said before he headed off. Hunter himself did not remark Shumba's act that impacted his social appearance, as he was feeling the warm poo in his diaper crawl into his buttcrack was slither to his frontside. He remembered the many times he saw Shumba's diapers with large brown stains and finally knew what that must be like.

Our focus remains on Shumba for now, and he is currently inside the bathroom as he stared at the mirror. He looked at the slight signs of muscle, forgetting the reason he came there. Yet, tempting fate is a bad thing, which became dead obvious when his stomach growled and hollowed, before using that void to shoot out brown logs into the underwear. His face turned red and his body stiffened, before he slowly inched to the toilet with tiny steps to drop it into the toilet. Having done that, he quickly removed the pants and underwear completely to notice his brother's penis. It was big and hanging, even still it felt the air brush by.

"Ngh..." He moaned soft when his index slowly circled the tip. His curiosity was aimed solely at knowing how sensitive it really was, but this vagued and blurred into the curiosity of masturbation. The index turned into a hand, which made a careful pump up and down. Feeling the joy and urge to speed, there was little that stopped him from doing that, thus he did. The jerking motion shocked his balls and body, invigorating him to heat. His tongue whipped through the air as he panted from the growing warmth inside that embraced his heart and soul with bliss. His eyelids pressed together strong to strengthen the feeling, his head tilting forward to hear his own motions. His cock turned sweaty and throbbed with rigid power. Dribbles and droplets of precum shimmered in the white glow of the nearby lights as they mixed with the drooling saliva that hung from his tongue. "Ngh... yes... Ngh..." His moans fell to deaf ears, though they did sink into his own ears as motivation. He had to keep pumping the stiffness, help it ease and feel. The tender flesh throbbing harder and harder, until he felt a strong jolt down his spine. This jolt pulsed three times, after which a large jet of white sperm laughed itself into the air, landing on the floor and a bit on his own face. With moderate shyness and a soft smile, he blushed at the slowly fading ecstasy. His redness was visible, just as his cute, shallow smile which was almost the same as his mother's. "Gosh... that was nice. Great..." He held that thought as he raised himself in diapers, which felt great on his bare cock, even more when the baggy pants covered it.

But as Shumba thought about fashion, Hunter experienced his mother's caring hand. Whereas his older body was seen by her as lazy and worthless, she treated Shumba like a little prince. A wet tissue wiped his bottom, cleaning it from the brown stains. Her face had an everlasting smile and her movements were slow and strong. He smiled at the lovely idea of being smothered like this, even more so when he remembered that it was happening at that exact point. His eyes gazed at his mother at all time, wanting to see her as she finished his cleaning. Her hand grabbed a cylinder and tossed a large amount of powder around. It felt dry and fine, covering most of his hips and loin in it. With such results, she placed a diaper under him, before noticing the endless gaze.

"Aw Shumba, so cute with your little cheeks." She got a mellow grip on his cheeks and shook them around playfully, making his face take a large laugh. His childish giggles were an orchestrated poem to her ears, growing her smile to as far as they could. Hunter enjoyed himself with his mother's attention. When she closed his diaper, he stared at her with joy. The echo of it being temporary felt harmful to this beautiful relation, and it was. Though this echo vanished when she pulled out a breast and placed his head closer. Her hand supported his head when he was an inch away, but she began to use it with force when he resisted. Hunter might love his mother, yet the idea of being so close to her breasts was unsettling and worrying. "Come on, you need to eat. Shumba!" The harsh tone shocked him into complying into the horrid though of having to touch his mother in places he didn't expect to touch her again. Yet the first few droplets of white lioness milk were so very sweet and compelling, he couldn't stop suckling. "There you go. Suck all of mommy's good milk. Makes you strong and healthy." His eyes closed as his cheeks worked the money and drained the tissue from the sweet nectar inside. Each gulp filled his stomach with more nutrition, which released a sleepy feeling. After all, breast milk is warm and thus gave the calm and serenity only sleep could match. He slowly fell asleep, just as many other infants.

It was late at night when Shumba headed to the nursery to see Hunter. He had masturbated again to Hunter's 'art collection' and found the joy of being adult, one of which being the ability to eat solids. Hunter had found equal joy in being young, prime reason being the love and care his mother never ceased to give. In this, they both wanted to extend the deal.

"Hunter?" Shumba asked, feeling his way around. His hands fumbled around each object, trying to confirm his location before moving on.

"Shumba?" A groggy voice replied.

"I wanna... 'prolong' our deal."

"What?" Shumba gulped and turned red and warm.

"I want... you know... a little longer." He felt shame in explaining his love in self-pleasure and public relations, thus hoped Hunter didn't need to know everything.

"I want that too!" Hunter replied loud. His voice was sudden by the abundant will to stay as he was right now.


"Yes... how long...?"

"You..." The silence created the answer, which Shumba formulated with: "Indefinite?"

"Who?" Hunter asked, tilting his head.

"That means we don't set a date. You know... whenever we have to." In the dark, a nod was made. Despite not seeing it, they both knew an agreement was made. When silence returned, they were both happy to continue this new lifestyle they wanted to explore and indulge in.