Silver Stream Memory 16

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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Sko and I alighted at the rocky region in front of a mountain of rock. There, carved into it was a cave, of which was a quarterly covered by a large circular stone. Then, beside it were two sleepign red plumed cloaked warriors. We went up to the cave and peered inside. There was a bearded man standing there looking toward the other side. We came inside and he turned toward us.

"Jesus?" I asked extending my hand.

"Yes?" he said unsure, accepting this.

"We've been sent by your father, Lord God to help you on your way. Go, and tell your disciples the good news," I told him.

"and come back to our sanctuary to visit us," Sko added in.

"Oh?" Jesus questioned turning toward Sko.

"Just look for our place in the silver stream. We'll just wait there for you," I told Jesus.

He vanished. I clothed the both of us n white robes and we waited. Soon, there was a minute gasp outside and a robed gray women came scrambling in sobbing.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Oh, they have taken my lord away. I don't know where they put him?" She said falling to her knees staring at us.

"Sure as we tell you, your lord is dead but he is risen. Now, go forth and spread the news and maybe you might catch him," Sko scolded her.

She got up and ran away out of the cave. So, Jesus appeared to his disciples and once he was finished, he rejoined us and we returned to the silver stream and stood before the belly throne.

I mounted it and turned around to face jesus, "So what will you do now?"

"I'll see my father, our lord," Jesus said grimacing as I settled down and plucked my dick into the belly button hole.

"We'll be there soon after to talk to Lord God, but we won't be first before you," Sko reported.

"What will you do after that," I asked him.

"Um... I will walk with abraham, moses, and david, to be sure," Jesus replied and turned around sinking down into the silver liquid until he was gone.

"Ava?" I addressed.

Ava appeared in her bunny form, "Yes, Master?"

"Sorry but you probably felt I was going to have you hesitate and stop till we talk to God and behemoth?" I asked Ava.

"Yeah," She said, her head drooping and she looked down.

"Just for now. Let's talk about it later," I told her and she nodded. Wri appeared and nodded at Ava.

I laid back and looked into the blue and clouded silver stream sky and raised a hand to it and let it drift down onto the belly throne. I turned to look at Sko. He nodded and said to wri, "No, not really, we will do it, and you can help. This is all before we talk to God. Listen carefully to the secrets and an authentic passage from here to that."

I sat up and looked leisurely toward them "Of the great blue see oh we of we see. The perspective increases needless to say. Come into the light relenquish the alterior moves on this site."

"Ias? Ias are you okay?" Sko responded distantly and then ended up shaking my shoulders.

I looked down at him bewildered then closed my eyes looking down and putting a hand slightly to my forehead, "Oh God, we have to go see him. Wow, we had to go bunch and through that junk there. Hoo," I fanned myself by my hand then I stepped back and blasted myself with air.

"Maybe we should go to the throne. God's throne. O..." Sko started to suggest but at the end nearly became imbalanced and almost staggered back still a bit woozy I could sense.

"We did almost die there didn't we?" I asked helping steady Sko up.

"Yeah," He softly said hanging his head and putting a hand to his hip.