A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #4

Story by youira on SoFurry

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#6 of A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends

This is a long one but now we get to meet the full cast....

Chapter 4

Alex was now eighteen, it had been nine years since he had been found on that beach since Runetide had saved him, but his dad was put in the hospital he was fine now but he had gone off fishing and Alex was now Runetide's apprentice she trained him, he was currently falling down, the ground rising to meet him the sun just starting to rise and reflect off the calm ocean, his three-quarter coat billowed around him as he fell.

Alex hit the sand his sword fell out of his hand he rolled to avoid the dragon's tail, picked up his sword and stood the dragon tried to stomp on him again, he rolled and then came up and slashed and the dragon's ankle, drawing blood.

The dragon leapt back and roared, Alex stopped just for a second the dragon charged, trying to trample him and Alex leapt much higher than he should have been able to, almost twenty-five meters he went straight for the throat.

the dragon realizing what was happening lurched back shooting out a hand to grab Alex, he saw it coming he changed the direction of his sword, it impaled the dragon's hand going Straight through the relatively thin scales and skin covering the hand the dragon roared flicking its hand out, but it was two late he had already let go of his sword and used the dragons thumb to swing up and towards the dragons thought tapping the runes on his sleeve as he did.

And he flew straight into the dragon's mouth.

'Shit' he said as the dragon's jaws shut taking with it the light, he punched Runetide's gum 'if you don't let met me out, I'm going to stab your tongue'

Runetide laughed.

'Runetide' Alex said warningly, Runetide's mouth opened and she retrieved Alex from her mouth.

'You did well that time' she said, 'you went for all the weak points which was good, now would you be a dear and pull your sword out of my hand.'

'Sorry,' Alex said as he pulled the sword out and Runetide winced.

'No, it's Fine' Runetide said, as Alex leaned over the wound and his hand glowed the wound and after a few seconds it healed over, she gently lowered Alex to the ground she stepped off Runetide's hand he flicked his hand and the sword disappeared.

Runetide sat down.

'So how did I do?' Alex asked.

'You did well' Runetide said, 'but you would do better to remember that dragons are proud but not stupid, because if they can predict what your next move it won't end well.'

'Fair enough.'

'Saying that your improvisation is stabbing straight through the hand excellent idea, though it may have been a better idea to go for the arms and disable them, do you remember all the weak points?'

'hands, ankles, back of the knees, inside the elbows, armpits and of course the neck eyes mouth and eyes Alex recited.'

'Good, very good' Runetide said, 'I've been teaching you for a long time and over that time I have seen you exponentially improve your skills.'

'Thanks,' Alex said, 'that means a lot given I haven't even beaten you yet.'

'It's ok I'm sure you'll get there eventually and anyway; you have helped me beat plenty of other dragons.'

'I hope I do one day' Alex said smiling 'I have come a long way since our first member of the insurgency and our first time sparring.'

'That you have' Runetide said, 'I think I can still feel where you impaled my tail and your dress sense has also evolved to all black.'

'Hey' Alex said in mock outrage, 'I will have you know that this coat is made from the finest cotton and also he added Runetide had opened her jaws, 'the runic inscriptions make to protective and versatile.'

Runetide sighed she had long since stopped trying to get Alex to stop wearing that ridiculous long cote but she did have to admit it did go with is green-brown eyes so she let it slide, after some more rune practice Runetide bid Alex farewell and wished upon him the very best of weeks.

Alex sat on the school bus looking out the fogged-up window in a stupor, waiting for the bus to arrive at his school as he sat there, he reflected on their training that morning and he thought back to the first time they spared almost a year after they had met.

They still trained at the same beach he stood there, 'so how are we going to do this?' he asked Runetide.

'Well' Runetide said, 'I like to start with-'

Then without warning her fist slammed into the sand, just in front of Alex.

'Hey' Alex said, 'you could have killed me.'

Runetide shrugged 'I trust in your abilities.'

But before Alex could reply Runetide's tail wiped out at him Alex jumped and mid-air he pulled his hands up and a spike of solid sand implied Runetide's tail, she hissed in pain Alex stopped.

'Runetide are you-'

But her foot came down, pinning him and pushing him into the sand.

'Never hesitate' Runetide hissed through her teeth, the pressure increased for a second then she lifted her foot then she seemed to come out of the battle trance.

'Oh, my god's Sorry, Sorry' she said apologetically, 'that was a good move it just hurt a lot are you ok? that wasn't too hard, was it? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt-'

'No, I'm fine thanks' Alex said and he should his back cracked 'were just lucky that was sand and not solid ground now let me have a look at your tail.'

'And from now on let's pull our punches ok?' Runetide looked concerned.

'Yes,' Alex said, 'Good idea.'

A week after that Alex had helped Runetide rescue some poor civilians being held for ransom, it was very scary, it was raining heavily with thunder and lightning it was just him and Runetide she had provided a very messy distraction, Alex had freed the people being held captive then he had been jumped by a Lycanthrope, it had almost beaten him senseless but Runetide had saved his ass smashing her fist through the roof and crushing the Lycanthrope, it had been very messy and the Lycanthrope had howled in pain as its bones broke and its flesh was pulverised.

eventually, the bus stopped and everyone Started getting off, with effort Alex pulled himself back to the present and stood up hoisted his bag on to his back wanted for there to be a gap in the line a walked out of the bus and stepped on to the ash felt, he breathed in the crisp air and also the smell of wet asphalt.

The school was built on a hill so there was the upper building which was where most of the admin and what Alex's school called special facilities so cooking room, tec room and wood workroom and down the bottom where the English, maths, sport, oval and so-on.

Alex looked around everyone at the school looked human but some of them were not it was the way they moved gracefully and purposefully Lycanthropes were easy to pick out, especially the ones who only went through a part transformation, as Alex made his way to his locker he saw a tail here, some ears there and some who had just retailed there form, humans size Lycanthropes, there Digitigrade lets kinda freaked Alex out a bit, he watched as two Lycanthropes each only having ears and a tail embraced and a fully transformed Lycanthrope kissing a human, Alex looked back just for a second maybe the two hugging were half breeds, Alex didn't know and he was not going to ask not on his first day.

The dragons were at the same time easier and harder to see, they were tall but that didn't mean that all tall people were dragons, they had to be careful they were strong every move had to be precise and there was the jewellery they kept them small and made them look human, there were maybe two or three that Alex spotted and they didn't speak much and were mostly isolated the Lycanthropes hand a much easier time, they just acted like normal humans but in some cases with fur, dragons found this much harder they here used to being for lack of a better turn top dog, but now they had to change to fit in and some struggled with this.

Alex had heard the layout of the school was simple, there was a central courtyard that was rather large and around that the classrooms that were medium-sized, with oversized windows next to the doors and the inside had strange asymmetric shapes on the walls.

Which was at odds with the outside of the school, which had white walls with a flat roof it was like someone had tried to modernize the school but had given up halfway through, but the ceilings were at least normal and it smelt like a school the classrooms all had the carpet smell.

the bell rang and Alex ran up the hill for the Start of class, which was woodwork he wouldn't want to be late for his first day at his new school.

that day went in a blur from there and in what felt like moments, then the bell went and he had to hurry down the hill to English, he had just sat down to begin poems when the bell went and it was time for recess, he had just finished eating when the bell rang and he had to run to get to his maths class, he was sitting down to do an introductory test then the teacher said pencils down and it was time for P.E. the Lycanthropes legs gave them a massive speed boost but they were less stable than lunch, Alex didn't like vegemite but he was so hungry it didn't matter.

After lunch it was time for the Final lesson cooking, so ten minutes before the bell Alex entered the bus turnaround, to get on the bus that would take him to the second campus to do cooking when Alex got home he was tired, so he crashed on the couch his mum walked into the room

'So, how was your first day?'

Alex's mum was one of those people who were just always happy even when she was struggling, she was still happy for what she had.

Alex groaned, his mum walked out of the room, 'I will take that as my day was great mum' she said

Alex groaned again.

Alex's mum poked her head back into the lounge room, 'also' she said, 'I'm making Mexican' Alex sat up his mum smiled, 'There you go.'

Alex got up, 'I think I'm going to go and get changed.'

'That's a good idea' his mum said, 'Mexican will be ready in ten.'


Alex went upstairs to his room, which was rather large with a t.v. and a game console against one wall and a painting called Larry the lightning cat above his bed and a sliding door which lead to the balcony, it was three meters across and five wide the balustrade was made with thick wire with a wooden top, Alex leaned on the balustrade with his elbows looking out to the sun setting behind the mountains.

The sun had just gone behind the mountains casting the peeks into shadow and the orange spread out from there in waves, turning the clouds a burned orange with pink dancing at the edges, Alex heard footsteps on the stairs for a second he imagined his mom's frizzy hair and smiled he rushed to the mirror in his room and touched the blank wall saying the magic words.

Alex spent most of his time being a normal kid going to school doing his homework, but once every two weeks he would spend time with Runetide training, this is what he looked forward to, it was an escape from the norm, it was something different it allowed him to be something different to escape the boredom of everyday life sometimes they would train sometimes he would learn about magical creatures magic and new runes or if Alex was lucky he would help Runetide track down a bad dragon. That meant extra time being someone else and Runetide's mini-me would also come in handy for when Alex had free afternoons, he practices reading and writing runes and today was the start of the weekend.

Alex redyed himself after he didn't know how long he thought this time he had it he was going to beat Runetide they mostly did sparring now it felt like Runetide was preparing him for something big, not just another dragon he didn't know he had been secretly meeting and training with Runetide for the better part of nine years and the last eight he had been helping her do her job. Catch dragons doing the wrong thing this could be almost anything but now, Runetide was going to also be using magic then they spared after a few close calls she had decided that Alex was getting good enough for her to also Start using magic.

They both stood there in the beach staring at each other, Alex moved first running straight at Runetide she raised her hands. Alex leapt going straight for her throat and then a wall came out of nowhere, but that didn't stop Alex he didn't stop coming at her, Runetide was concerned for a second.

Alex touched the wall and it shattered outwards from where he had touched it and the shards shot straight at Runetide she raised her arms up to protect herself, Alex taped a rune on his palm a lasso of red energy wrapped Runetide's wrist Alex was Starting to feel the strain as he swung shattering that wall had cost him a lot, Runetide began to lower her arms Alex released the lasso and raised his sword up slicing through Runetide's wrist, time slowed as he passed Runetide's eyes she was wide-eyed Alex smiled he grabbed Runetide's hair and used his momentum to swing around Runetide thinking that Alex was going for her throat, she reached for him.

He wasn't, well he was but not in the was Runetide was thinking, he lassoed her right horn and willed himself to go faster, he slammed into her nose feet first tears welled in Runetide's eyes.

Alex dropped as Runetide reflexively reached for her nose she flung his hands out and Runetide's feet flew out from under her, Alex tapped his shoulder but he had overdone it he had gotten cocky he had overstretched himself, he tried to reach Runetide's shoulder as she stood he faltered he was feeling slow he tried to Find perches on her smooth skin he tried to reach his sword but he just dropped it he only just managed to grab on to her shoulder, he felt Runetide's hand beneath him, he let go and collapsed into her hand she gently lowered him to the ground she placed a Finger on him and it began to glow.

Everything came back into sharp focus.

'Overstretched ourselves, did we?' Runetide asked.

Alex Starched his arms, he wasn't sore just tired and light-headed 'yep.'

'You're not the first one' Runetide said, 'and you were so close that time.'

'True' Alex said, 'that was perhaps the closest I have ever gotten.'

'Yes, it was' Runetide said, 'and may I say that energy lasso thing was cool but that thing you did with the wall was awesome' she said genuinely ecstatic, 'how did you do that?'

Alex shrugged modestly, 'I just needed you distracted before I could enact my master plan.'

'And that was that?' Runetide asked, bemused.

'You will see' Alex said.

Runetide sat down still smiling.

'Now how have your rune study's gone this week?' she asked, picking Alex up and placing him on her knee.

Alex sat, 'I think I'm doing well' he replied.

'but there's one thing your forgetting, activating your runes mentally' Runetide said.

'It's an area I'm working on.'

'I know' Runetide said, 'it will click eventually.'

Alex nodded.

'Right then' Runetide drew a rune in the sand In Front of them, 'what's this.'

'It's got a central line' Alex said concentrating 'so it's a master rune.'

'Good' Runetide said, 'what does this one do?'

It Alex paused, 'it regulates the amount of magic entering and exiting.'

'Good, very good' Runetide said, 'now that about this' she wiped away the first rune with her tail and drew another.

Alex hopped off Runetide's knee, 'this one summons fire.'

Runetide nodded 'correct again you are on fire today.'

'Funny' Alex said.

'I do my best' Runetide grinned.

Alex thought for a moment, 'couldn't we combined theses runes to control to length and size of the fire?'

Runetide nodded 'seems like a good idea.'

'Hand flame throwers?' Alex asked.


'man, that's so cool' Alex said, 'I'm genuinely excited to try this one out.'

'sounds fun' Runetide said.

'It does' Alex said

He probably had enough left for one more jump Alex concentrated and he leapt for Runetide, she looked shocked she tried to raise her hands but she was too late, Alex felt a surge of adrenalin as he landed on her shoulder and placed the blade of his sword to rest across Runetide's, throat Runetide didn't move Alex dropped his sword and sat down on her shoulder.

He laughed, 'my gods that worked oh my gods that actually worked.'

Runetide picked Alex up off her shoulder she looked genuinely surprised, she shook her head smiling.

'Honestly, I don't know what to say I suppose you did Alex; you Finally beat me wow like you actually did it like wow.'

Alex was feeling pretty good, it was the joy of beating his parents in uno all over again.

Alex smiled at Runetide, 'that was my master plan that and kicking you in the nose.'

'yes', Runetide said rubbing her nose 'that hurt.'

As consolation Runetide threw Alex into the sea.

His head poked up, 'so any cases yet no dragons going around doing things they shouldn't?'

'Not as of yet though I may have something coming up.'

'Cool' Alex said, 'if anything develops call me.'

'Will do' Runetide seemed distracted.

Somewhere in Archasia

A mass reactive round slammed into the tree behind Dante it exploded he ducked farther down as did his four squamates in positions all throughout the forest, more bullets slammed into his cover Dante breathed in deep he could smell the fear in his own squad but he could also smell the others, he could smell the excitement there fear the blood oh how he longed to rip and tear into them but no he pulled himself back into the present.

'Right' he growled, 'three coming in on my position fifty meters out three approaching Sol's area and four on Luna.'

'I know that' she said.

Dante ignored this 'Uriel watch our flank, were moving out kill them all but be stealthy and do it quickly, firearms only if completely necessary.'

'Yes sir' they all replied.

They all moved silently as shadows, their humanoid and yet beastal forms allowing to move slowly steadily towards their prey, five meters tall, half man half wolf the lycanthropes stalked their prey, but they took no pleasure from it, it was a cold night the grass moved and shifted under a wind that was indecisive as to the direction in which it was blowing the soft rustling covered the lycanthropes as they advanced their digitigrade legs, giving the perfect balance between strength and speed using the shadows the cover then moving as the trees moved swaying gently, the men they were hunting appeared to have calmed down thinking perhaps that it was just shadows that they had seen. it wasn't by the time they realized it was much too late Dante dropped into the middle if there group he had no helmet on not that it mattered he was five meters tall covered in grey fur and his wolf-like head dug into the chest one of the men biting him almost in half, he picked up the second one like a ragdoll and slammed him into a tree, his body broke and he crushed the third soldiers body beneath his armoured boot.

Dante put his helmet back on covering his blood-stained fur his Armoured boot was covered in human remains.

'All good?' he asked, over comms.

'Yes' they all reported in, 'all enemies confirmed KIA.'

Three armoured figures detached himself from the shadows all wearing black armour the only stranded peace was the helmet, a two-piece construction one for the lower jaw one for the rest of the head it locks in providing protection to the whole head, moulded to fit the head of the where it comes with built-in respirator the two lenses are used for vision with HUD Including map, team comms, and positions, amour sats, weapon radicle and ammo count there combat knives sheathed to their shoulder pads or chest plate, sidearms mag locked to their thigh plates and their primary weapon semi and full automatic capable assault rifle scaled up for lycanthrope use, it fires mass reactive tank shells it was mag locked to each of their backs.

All of them where blood-stained, except Uriel they all took the helmets of Dante the grey wolf with green eyes his he had a white patch of fur around his left eye, his armour was the standard amour configuration, armoured fingers with a single plate on the back of the hand forearm is one piece of amour blocky but with built-in utilities, upper arm is two plates one for the inner and one for the outer arm outer plate has a small but protective shoulder pad, toes are armoured with a small guard for the digitigrade ankle and he has a smooth two-piece grieve the slopes up to cover his knee, tights protected by two interlocking plates the chest is one bulky but smooth plate and the waist and lower back are protected two plates of armour with crotch it protector, hard cases mounted on the thigh amour and waist the armour is meant for a balance of protection and utility.

Luna the white wolf with red eyes, light smoother thinner pates protection only on the shins upper torso, and arms lightly armoured gloves on the hands the chest is three separate plates, with no shoulder amour lower waist is dedicated to soft pouches and hard cases on the thighs and her sidearm knife is mounted on her shoulder, back is protected by two plates that cover the entire back, a large firing pauldron on right side.

Sol golden fur with blue eyes, heavy bulker thinker plates, bulky chest plate with a collar that covers the neck, larger shoulder pads the cover all the shoulders and provide some head protection thicker Armor on the ankles with a single ford facing plate, so compensate body glove is up-armoured, arms are heavily armoured hard cases muted on the bottom of the chest plate lower chest is protected by an extended ticker crotch plate.

And Uriel with her dark brown fur and large golden eyes, wearing the tec adept, standard amour but is equipped with an armoured backpack and more utilities, including water scrubber mounted on the lower back and has an armoured collar on right side of her chest plate.

Dante looked at all of them, in turn, giving them a nod, they had formed a tight bond over the cores of these battles with the insurgency, the only problem was they didn't actually know what they were fighting for? Did those men early need to die? Or were they just following orders like they were?

Luna seemed to be following his train of thought, 'we don't win, do we?' she asked.

'No' Dante replied sounding almost defeated, 'we took the lives of others not because we needed to but because we were told to.'

'Hell will welcome us all' Uriel sighed.

'Yes, it will' Dante said, 'and it's going to be crowded when we get there.'

'I don't think anyone wins' Sol murmured, 'not people like us and certainly not those guys do they even know what their fighting for? And what the hell are we fighting for?'

Peace and freedom Luna said mockingly, 'defending those who cannot defend themselves.'

Dante smiled sadly, 'we fight because the insurgency is killing innocent people to try and get a point across.'

'And we are getting our point across by killing them back' Uriel sighed, 'why are they doing this?'

'Who?' Luna asked.

'Everyone' Uriel said, 'just why.'

Interlude 1

The school bell rang Ash made a run to his next class his least favourite class draconic history, Ash looked human but taller than most with grey eyes pale skin and dark brown hair except he wasn't a human Ash was a dragon by the name of Arious, discussed with a bit of magic and a necklace from a thirty-five-meter tall dragon to an almost two-meter tall human, he had the option of living in a designated dragon area but his parents weren't up for that, they just passed themselves off as human ash went to school with regular humans he very rarely was in his own skin and no one apart from the principal knew about Ash being a dragon he when they were alone, used his draconic name witch Ash appreciated, but there was one thing that made being human worth it well several things the food, the music, but most of all for Ash it was Quinn his girlfriend there was one problem.

'Ash, Ash, Ash did you see one the news the insurgents, working with dragons they did it again.' she sounded much too excited about the whole thing.

Ash hadn't seen the news his mum had turned off the news the last thing they needed was to be reminded why they were passing themselves off as humans the dragons were almost as a rule stuck up but as humanity grew they were forced to integrate, the lycanthropes had fared much better they could at least walk around in the street as a human or semi human depending on how they were feeling at will, even on a full moon, for dragons it was a complicated and lengthy process and wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, you had to concentrate constantly the reason dragons, where segregated and ostracized, was their size there were bigger and stronger but most of all they were different, but some areas were better than others and unless they were working they usually stuck to where they lived that's not so say that you didn't see dragons in public, they even had jobs military and construction were the biggest hirers of dragons and lycanthropes given the strength that lycanthropes had and there superior senses and reaction times and dragons they were just as good as any crane, transport truck, or armoured tank on a battlefield dragon's where anti everything.

'Ash, hello.'

Ash shook his head, 'sorry zoned out for a second there.'

'I can see that' Quinn said pushing Ash playfully on the shoulder, 'now pay attention.'

'Quinn I'm going to be late.' Ash said with an exaggerated sigh.

'Imagen not getting a study period.'

Ash snorted, 'just imagine seeing you at recess.'

He ran to his class but not too fast he sat at the back of the class and answered questions only when spoken to, and didn't speak up when the teacher was wrong the teacher was not a dragon and for some reason Ash found this mildly annoying, he wrote notes as requested and felt an itching whenever he started to daydream and would then pull himself back to now and surreptitiously check that he hadn't started growing his horns back, after what seemed like two long the bell rang Ash packed up his stuff putting his pens back in his pencil case, stacking his books and walking out of the classroom he passed Aya the only other dragon in the school, she did not bother being disguised or being clothed not that it bothered anyone, unlike humans dragons genitals where not always-on display that's not to say she didn't have anything to show.

Aya had green scales and yellow eyes her black hair reached all the way down to her lower back she was around Ashes height, but her horns made her look taller it also meant that she had to duck to get into most classrooms and her tail meant no one could walk behind her or beside her unless she let you. In Ashes experience she wasn't a very nice dragon, in fact, she seemed to have nothing but disdain for humans she was in the same year level they didn't have many classes together she mostly did physical classes sport and the like.

Ash was in the chess club he was very good at it, he didn't do sport he wasn't very good at or more accurately he was too good he struggled at pulling his punches the first day he shattered a fellow year sevens shoulder by accident the teacher had told him to just try a left hook, Ash had been permitted to skip sports for that year, but he was doing it this year Aya, on the other hand, had excelled whether by magic or skill ash suspected the latter, it was also the only time Ash had seen Aya with human skin as her scales wings and tail would have been an unfair advantage not that she ever had her wings out.

Ash collided with Quinn on the way to his locker, he had his headphones on he was listening to some alternative metal her hazel eyes looked indigent at least that's what he thought.

'Ash, are you ok?'

'Yes, I'm fine he said just-'

'Off in your own world?' Quinn finished.

'Yes,' Ash said, 'so shall I get my recess then you and tell me all about what the bad dragons have been up to.'

'You know not all dragons are bad' Quinn said as they set off towards Ashe's locker, 'they just get a bad rep from all the shenanigans some of them are doing.'

Ash dipped his head he was head and shoulders above Quinn and thus she missed the gesture, Ash had a middle locker so he had to get down on one knee to actually open it, now Quinn was just taller than him she patted his head.

'Who's a good kitty'

Ash did his best cat hiss

'Oh, feisty today, are we?'

Ash stood holding an apple, 'why a cat.'

'Because you are my little kitten' Quinn said.

Ash smiled, 'ok Quinn whatever you say.'

'There's a good kitty, now shall we go outside?'

'Yes, I need some fresh air every year these classrooms get smaller.'

'And if you were any taller you could be a dragon.'

'I prefer the term graviticly free.'


'Not bound by gravity.'

'Ah ok, your usage of fancy words concerns me.'


'Because half the time I don't know what you're saying.'

'Then brush up on your lexicon look at some Archaic words' Ash said, laughing seeing the look on Quinn's face.

They reached their favourite tree in the school grounds and sat under it Quinn sitting against the smooth trunk of the tree, Ash laying down next to her head in her lap he enjoyed these moments they were quite the sun was shining, all was right with the world.

'So, what do you have next?' Ash asked.

'Physical education, we are doing close combat with Aya.'

Ash winced, 'sounds fun.'

'Oh' yes Quinn said, 'sooooo much fun you?'

'Draconic biology fuuuuuuuck' Ash moaned

Quinn laughed; she had a nice laugh what's wrong with that?

I'm a freaking dragon I know how my own body works and it feels slightly patronizing if I'm being honest, and that all the subjects about dragons are being taught by humans not even lycanthropes Ash thought.

'I just don't like it; I'd rather be doing something fun like English or studying music.'

Quinn nodded, 'I understand speaking of studying music, I am working on a new song'

Ash sat up a little straighter, 'so when do I get to hear it?'

Quin smiled, 'when it's ready.'

'And when are you going to get it played on the radio?'

'When it's ready' Quin sighed, good-naturedly.

'You have been saying that for like two years.'

'I know but I have a good feeling about this one.'

'Good' Ash said, relaxing again and resting his head on Quinn's shoulder, 'I'm looking forward to it.'

'As am I' Quin said, then they just sat there together in silence under their favourite tree until the bell rang.

'And there goes our obligatory fifteen-minute break' Ash said, bent down and hugged Quinn kissing her briefly on the cheek.

'see you in two hours babe.'

'see you in two hours kitten.'

They both went their separate ways, Ash didn't know why his parents had signed him up for so many draconic things he already knew most of the stuff, the classes he actually enjoyed were ones like music, English, he loved human culture and chess oh how he loved chess, Quinn refused to play with him but she loved his cooking one very boring lesson later and Ash was getting out his sport uniform he saw Quinn making a beeline for him.

'What's up?' he asked.

'Aya has transferred to your sports class, just thought I would give you the heads up.'

Ash had to hold back a very long and very loud string of obscenities from his large and considerable vocabulary, principal glass had promised him that this would not happen.

He turned feeling slightly numb, they're going to find out all of them I'm a dragon.

Quinn said something Ash didn't hear her he'd just headed towards the gym towards his doom, everyone was going to find out who he was, they were going to find out they were going to hate him.

Ash walked into the gym, the combat mats where set up in the gym was an orderly sized with a basketball court lines on the polished floor, the only difference was the teacher he was a lycanthrope, the only Lycanthrope teacher, his name was Mr Hunter a Lycanthrope pack who's pack name was Hunter. Ash didn't know how to feel about that then across the room he spotted Aya, she was slipping on a necklace, he watched as skin flowed over her scales her horns receded and her snout folded into her face and her tail shrunk, Ash shivered he hated the sensation.

Then she looked at Ash studying him her eyes lingered on his neck where Ash wore his own necklace, she winked at him she knew Ash through panicking she walked over to him.

'It's ok I haven't told anyone yet; I just wanted a challenge.'

'What?' Ash said, 'why?'

'I got bored, don't worry your secret's safe with me I won't tell, but do come and see me after class.'

'Ah ok,' Ash said, worried.

The lesson didn't go well Aya floored every one she was just stronger faster and better than everyone, except me Ash though as he watched the grin of delight grow on Aya's face his need to beat her grew he did not like bully's, Ashe's dad was military he made a point of reaching Ash CQC, but Ash refused to pick up a gun he had always said they he would never take another life he only took the CQC lessons because he understood that self-Defence was something that may be necessary, his dad understood he had many scars, not all of them physical and because of his career choice was not always home, Ashe's mum worked for the local council she had a desk job, not the best for a dragon, minimal fresh air in a cramped space every time he thought of his mum sitting down all day just front of a computer Ash felt a swelling sadness.

'Right' Mr hunter said, interrupting the growing feeling of melancholy before it could take root, 'your turn Ash'

Mr Hunter was a Lycanthrope he was taller than most at six meters tall with thick brown-orange fur and golden eyes and he looked scary but once you got to know him he was a very nice guy, and he was usually funny but this class he had been very quiet, he mostly just stood there and watched Aya, Ash suspected that he hadn't wanted Aya in his class either, Ash also suspected that he knew he was a dragon but he couldn't be sure, Mr hunter gestured for Ash to step into the ring.

'you got this' he said.

Ash didn't think so he had watched her fight he didn't think he stood a chance against her, he couldn't even begin to understand the way she fought, as he stepped onto the mats Ash went into a combat stance.

'Let's dance Ash' Aya said smiling, also crouching low fists raised.

They circled each other, each waiting for the other to move Ash just circled watching he was tense ready for a fight Aya lashed out with a leg Ash battered it aside Aya followed up with a punch it caught Ash on the shoulder, he was off-balance Aya's foot slammed into Ashe's stomach, he rolled and came up of his feet then he felt a hand on his shoulder, he didn't look up he didn't take his eyes off Aya he heard his dad's voice in his head.

Loosen up stop being so tense Aya took a step forward and swung at Ash, bock it good now duck look she's open go for it.

Ash felt his fist connect every looked surprised Aya took two steps back Ash was the first person to land a blow, Aya rolled her shoulders.

'Good one,' she said.

They began to circle each other again, Ash still felt the reassuring presser of his dads presents Aya came at Ash again he blocked and retaliated again and again left hook block she's open he scored a few more hits than a roundhouse made its way through Ashes defences he staggered and like a shark Aya came in for the kill, two seconds later Ash was pinned on a mat.

'That was fun,' she whispered in his ear.

A second later he felt the presser ease and Ash got to his feet, he shook Aya's hand.

The bell rang and Ash headed out of the gym he stepped briefly into the sunlight before he felt a scaled hand grab his arm, he turned and saw Aya in her miniature dragon form her yellow eyes bored into his

'come with me' she said, letting go of Ashe's arm.

'Ok' Ash was a little confused, she had never even spoken to him let alone told him to follow her anywhere and all of a sudden, she just decided to talk to him.

Aya lead Ash behind the gym she had been planning this for a long time, that sparring match was a test he had passed, she had her own plans they didn't need two people but it would be easier with two when they reached a suitably closed off space she turned to Ash.

'Ash' she said, with mounting excitement.

'Yes,' he replied, slowly he seemed very conscious 'what's this about.'

'It's not about blackmail I'm not going to tell anyone your secret's safe with me but well, I have a plan.'

Ash had a sinking feeling.

'The prime ministers are meeting soon in this country; we won't need to hide anymore.'

Ashes sinking feeling sunk lower 'why would that be?'

I don't want to give away details now, but if we kill them it will be anarchy and then dragons can rise to their rightful place, no more hiding who we really are together we could be the spark that frees our race from the tyranny of everyone, they look down on us well I say no more.

Ash didn't move for a few seconds he was trying to process this then it hit him she was going to kill them, he looked into Aya's eyes he saw determination.

'No' Ash said, 'I cannot help you with this.'

Ash turned and left heading for the tree, Aya's hand closed around his wrist.

'you're going to regret this she hissed.'

Ash wrenched his hand out of her grip, 'I'm not getting involved with this just leave me alone, I don't want a part of this.'

'When we rule, I will remember you.'

Ash stormed over to the tree, not in a good mood.

'What's up with you?' Quinn asked, 'she beat you up?'

'No' Ash said shortly, 'no sorry that wasn't directed at you Aya she was just.'

'Talking smack, I understand she can be very annoying.'

'And that's why we're in a relationship.'

'Because I can read your mind?'

If only Ash thought, then he ruffled Quinn's hair affectionately 'exactly' he said.

Quinn reached up to ashes chin, 'c'mere you' she said kissing Ash as they embraced under the tree for several moments.

They broke apart and sat under the tree talking about the god's only know what until the bell went they stood the best thing about Fridays they had their last class together music ed, Ashes favourite class they headed off together arm in arm together Aya watched as they entered the quadrangle she turned, knocking over several students with her tail she walked into the centre of the oval, she stood there for a second then wings burst from her back, they seemed comically large on Aya's back they were twice her size but they certainly got the job done after a few test flaps she took off straight up, shooting into the sky the downdraft flattening the grass for several meters.

Ash tuned seeing Aya take-off he didn't think that this was going to end well but he pushed that into the back of his mind, it was music time.

Quinn said goodbye to Ash and headed to her bus ready to sit down and relax for the rest of the day and then she got home maybe she would read a book outside or talk to someone, probably Ash or her mum about something, or go for a walk or just sit down the world was her oyster and tomorrow Ash and herself would be going for a picnic, in their favourite spot near a dam in a nice valley surrounded by the forest and the general of the river from the dam, Quinn got off the school bus putting her headphones on she walked along the path singing under her breath.

She bobbed her head in time to the music, she turned the corner down valley side drive there house stood almost alone on the top of the valley she could see the dam from here and forest that spread out from and around the dam the tall trees, bushes and ferns. The area where Quinn's house was perched was relatively barren an asphalt road with three houses around it all with large front and back yards, Quinn opened the front gate to her house and walked down the driveway, it was a pleasant day Quinn just hoped that the weather would hold out, she opened the front door and stepped in her mum was sitting and the kitchen table laptop out papers strewn around her she let out a frustrated sighed.

Quinn announced herself by hugging her mum, she jumped then she stood and embraced her daughter.

'Hello sweety' she said

Quinn hugged her mum again, 'how's it going?"

'Fine' she said, 'just finance.'

Quinn put a lot of unsaid things into the hug, so did her mum ever since dad had died it had been hard to make ends meet.

'So how was school?' Mum asked.

'It was fun' Quinn said, 'it was just school' Quinn made her way into the kitchen and started making a sandwich.

'you?' she asked.

'Oh, just work you know just typing things out, Ashe's mum was away today.'

'Huh' Quinn said, 'hope she's ok.'

'I'm sure she's fine and speaking of Ash' her mum said smiling, 'excited for tomorrow?'

'Yes mum' Quinn said smiling, 'I am excited why are you so interested?'

'No reason' Quinn's mum said, 'just wanna make sure he's the right guy for you.'

'Mum, we have been dating for like five years.'

'You never know' her mum said, 'you all alone in a forest.'

Quinn started blushing 'MUM NO.' then they both started laughing.

Ash lived basically in the forest, they owned a house it had three bedrooms but they didn't spend a lot of their time there they liked it in the forest, in the cool damp, in the shade of what seemed like impossibly tall mountains. Ashe's dad was fighting the insurrection far away from here, but his mum was home in the hollow with enough space for three dragons to sleep comfortably and a small stream to drink from. Ash made his way slowly down the track down the hill and picked his way along a well-concealed path, he could smell it now the smell of home, of his parents although his father's sent was old his mother's was fresh and the forest oh how he loved the forest the sounds of small creatures the scent of damp earth the trees and ferns he walked into the clearing, his mum was asleep she was almost pure white with long black hair and piercing blue eyes but her eyes were closed now.

Ash slipped off his necklace and felt the flesh recede replaced with light grey scales, his face resumed its normal shape, his horns sprouted just above his ears which became pointed and small spines grew out of his skull and behind them his hair grew to shoulder length and black just like his mum's his legs shifted and changed as his knees bent becoming digitigrade and his feet changed five toes becoming three and one sprouting out of his heal then his tail grew and then his wings sprouted from his back just like Aya's accepting the colour his where darker, Ash promptly folded them in and then finally he grew to his proper size tail thirty-five meters tall, then spines popped out from along his spine from his shoulders to the tip of his tail, Ash breathed in properly filling his lungs properly for what felt like the first time in a long time and finally his real name Arious.

Arious's mum stirred, 'hello there' she said

'hey mum' Arious said sitting down, 'what up?'

'Oh, not much just sleeping, excited for tomorrow?'

'Yes' Arious said, 'I am it's going to be great'

'Good, good' she said, 'well rest up you will need all your strength and energy for tomorrow.'

Arious caught his mum's sly smile.

He didn't reply he just snorted sating down and then finding a good place to lay down and got to sleep buzzing with excitement, tomorrow will be good the thought.

'Goodnight mum' Arious said.

'Night honey' she said, 'I love you' Arious missed the guilty look on her face as she said that.