TransformaniaTime: Ian McGraw

Story by ComradeSch on SoFurry

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I didn't see any Kitsune TransformaniaTime characters, so I decided to adapt Yoshielder's character script for Lucas Robertson into a Kitsune TF/TG, since I knew that Lucas Robertson's script was good, and I decided to add my OWN character to the TransformaniaTime universe. You're welcome!

Character created by LycanAuxiliary.;

File generated by CharacterCreator v1.03a. Last edited on: Mon Jan 27 03:31:43 PST 2020;


[FirstName] Ian;

[LastName] McGraw;

[FirstNameNew] Inari;

[LastNameNew] Meiji;

[CharType] human;

[Gender] male;

[Desc] You are Ian, an intern at a small media company. Your boss mostly does gameplay videos at a local Nerf club, and mostly has you deal with saving and sorting the livestream footage for later editing. You really want to win a good amount of prize money just so you can pay your student loans and hopefully start your own business...;

[LoseDesc] You feel a burst of strength within your mind as you finally finish changing, you know you lost, but with your immense psychic power you know you still won, so to speak. In fact, you may just want to visit your boss for a minute and... Get a little bit of repayment for your two years of work.;

[Intel] 40;

[Reflex] 50;

[Prediction] 75;

[Desire] 45;

[Author] LycanAuxiliary;


[Tags] tg, tf, kitsune;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Your voice is unremarkable and a bit deep. Not that it matters at work, as you mostly just copy and sort files by yourself.;

[short] low, unassuming voice;

[tgShade] voice 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You suddenly cough wildly. Gross, a bug must have got in your throat. After a few minutes of wheezing (and some paramedics observing from a distance), you finally clear your throat, but you still have a strange rasp to your voice. It makes it even harder to hear what you're saying, so you compensate by speaking louder.;

[status] After that bug incident, you find yourself talking louder to get yourself heard. It's a bit embarassing, but not nearly as swallowing a bug.;

[short] louder, raspier voice;

[tgShade] voice 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] There's another horrible pressure in your throat, and you know that you couldn't have swallowed 2 bugs in a row. After the coughing fit, however, you find that your voice has lost its raspiness, becoming clearer. When you try to lower your voice back, you find that it takes considerably more effort. Defeated, you settle with your new volume. At least you got the louder voice you wished for. ;

[status] The second change to your voice has left you speaking louder and clearer, while removing that rasp you previously had. You're trying to stay positive with this new change.;

[short] louder, clearer voice;

[tgShade] voice 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You catch the upcoming change to your throat just in time, coughing into the sleeve of your $SHIRT$. Curiously testing out your voice, you find that while it's louder, it has lost some of its deepness. You shrug your shoulders and carry on. After all, your voice was a little too deep.;

[status] Your voice's volume has increased again, but with it comes a higher vocal register. This somehow doesn't bother you that much.;

[short] loud and confident contralto;

[tgShade] voice 33;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] You don't hide your cough this time, making sure that everyone hears that your voice is about to change. Testing it out reveals not an increase in pitch or volume, but a slightly haughtier tone that more closely resembles what you're thinking in your $MIND$. You test out some words and phrases, first some tongue twisters, then some lewd remarks, and finally some commands. You like the sound of the last few phrases best.;

[status] Your voice hasn't gotten any louder, but is now a more commanding presence. You feel like you could tell ANYONE what to do in this new voice. ;

[short] loud and commanding tone;

[tgShade] voice 66;

[WaitFor] mind 3;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] For the first time in the match, you don't feel like coughing before a change to your voice. Instead, there's a strange pressure behind your $BREASTS$, something that feels like it should be let out. Without thinking, you throw your head back and let out a FOXY SCREM for comedic effect! After a few seconds to compose yourself, you gaze around at the audience, trying to pick out the ones that are quivering in their seats at your psychic accent to the scream. They'll be the easiest to persuade...;

[status] You have a loud and dominating voice with psychic flavour to it, and alongside that, an innate knowledge of fox communication. You switch back in forth between the two, after all, humans respond better to commands in their language.;

[short] psychic, commanding voice;

[tgShade] voice 100;

[WaitFor] mind 4;

[WaitFor] face 4;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Let's face it, you're not exactly the life of the party. You're not depressed or anything. You just want a change, something that this gameshow advertises.;

[short] normal, average-joe personality;

[tgShade] mind 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] There's a strange buzz that fills you. After shaking it off, you somehow feel more sure of yourself. You can't pinpoint any reason, or even why you feel like this in the first place, but you do feel it. Maybe this is the change that they were talking about. ;

[status] You feel roughly the same, except for being a bit more confident. Perhaps this is all you needed. You should try to go home now. ;

[short] slightly more assertive mind;

[tgShade] mind 20;

[WaitFor] hair 2;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] Another buzz fills your mind, filling you now with energy. Your heart feels like it's beating a mile a minute! You pace around the podium, waiting for the next turn, and nearly snap at the host when they tell you that it's beginning. Whoa! Where did that come from? You can also hear a bunch of the audience's thoughts and it overwhelms your senses a bit.;

[status] You feel full of energy, but that's also given you a bit more of an aggressive personality. You no longer feel the need to please anyone, in fact THEY should please YOU. You're no longer afraid of any changes. Let'em come. You can also her the audience's thoughts, but you can't focus on just one, so it sounds very loud and overwhelming.;

[short] brash, barely telepathic and energetic mind;

[tgShade] mind 40;

[WaitFor] voice 2;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] There's another tingle within your mind, and you start to wonder why you're even here. After all, you could beat up any of these punks in the audience, and they think you'll lose against the wimp in the podium next to you?! Oh the things you would do to change their minds... However, you can now focus on individual people and with that ability, you can hear some... Dirty thoughts directed at you. You don't seem to mind that dirty thinking...;

[status] Your already aggressive mind has turned to more primal urges. You rub your $GROIN$ while staring right in the eyes of an effeminate looking boy who clearly wants you, licking your lips, without even realising that your sexual preferences have changed. Who cares if you might be gay? Who cares if what you're doing is 'indecent'? Who cares if you're being filmed? You're gonna get what you want. Now.;

[short] aggressive, truly telepathic mind;

[tgShade] mind 60;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] The arousal pooling from your $GROIN$ makes you almost miss the familiar buzz in your brain, but upon feeling it, you become MUCH hornier. As in, you'll pass out if you don't fuck someone RIGHT NOW. You hear the host drone on about decency, but a quick attempt of a bite is all you need to scare them off. A shame. You can smell his dick... And hear his dirty thoughts;

[status] You almost cannot control yourself from how horny you've become. Whenever the host, or your opponent, or anyone else draws near, you steel yourself away from grabbing them with your telekinesis and fucking them raw. They better hope that the game ends soon, or you might 'accidentally' lose control.;

[short] perverted and truly psychic mind;

[tgShade] mind 80;

[WaitFor] groin 3;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] You look around the audience hungrily, awaiting your next move. There's a cute little guy on the right end that hasn't stopped looking at your $BUTT$. There's that blushing girl in the middle of the crowd, looking ready to faint right there. She could be an easy fuck. There's that black-haired guy up in the front, with a straining hardon and a shirt that looks like it's advertising some stupid mattress store. "Yeah, we won't need a bed for what I have in mind..." It takes the host nearly shouting in your ear to wake you up, and with that, you instantly know who your first partner will be...;

[status] You are the Kitsune Inari Meiji, one of the most potent psychics to ever come out of the game. Hungry and wide-eyed, you gaze around looking for some action, any kind. You certainly have enough mates to choose from.;

[short] Truly telepathic and sex-starved mind;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Being inside your $SHOES$, you can't see your feet. Not that you'd really want to. They're just feet. ;

[short] normal, man-sized feet;

[tgShade] feet 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] There's a painful pressure in your feet as they grow to fill out your $SHOES$. It really hurts, but you like your shoes too much to take them off.;

[status] Your feet have grown, stretching your $SHOES$ a bit. It's a painful feeling, but you steer yourself away from the pain to protect your favourite footwear. ;

[short] enlarged feet;

[tgShade] feet 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You wince as your feet grow again, this time enough to make little tears in your $SHOES$. You so want to take them off, to let your feet be free. But no, you can't. You have to protect your shoes... right?;

[status] Your feet are now very big, maybe twice as big as the ones you came with. They seem to have gotten longer instead of wider, and the arch has thinned into a smaller, but still strong section. Basically, they look like big girl's feet. ;

[short] painfully large feet;

[tgShade] feet 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] After taking off those STUPID shoes, you almost welcome the growth in your feet, as they elongate into a fiercesome pair. Looking down on them, you could swear that the bottoms have become rougher and darkened a bit, while your toes have gained sharper nails. No matter. You like how dangerous it looks.;

[status] Now free from your shoes, your feet have grown into some monstrous shapes, with the nails becoming sharper. You wiggle your toes in satisfaction, although the action takes more effort than it usually does. ;

[short] elongated feet with sharp nails;

[tgShade] feet 0;

[WaitFor] shoes 1;

[WaitFor] mind 3;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Your feet grow thick black hair. As this happens, you get a pain almost like an ankle sprain as your toes become fatter, while the dark nails grow out into proper claws. When the changes are finally finished, you scuff your new paws on the floor, creating vicious marks in their wake. ;

[status] Your feet may not have the same dexterity as your $HANDS$, but their claws might be a little sharper. Their form means that you can switch from a plantigrade to digitgrade stance as you please. ;

[short] dangerous fox paws;

[tgShade] feet 0;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Your hands are pretty grimy, what with you working at a keyboard. There are cuts and scars everywhere, with perpetual dirt under your short fingernails.;

[short] Grubby hands with short, dirty fingernails;

[tgShade] hands 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] Your hands don't lose any of their scars, but the fingernails become cleaner. A small change, but a welcome one. ;

[status] The only thing that's changed about your hands is your fingernails getting cleaned.;

[short] grubby hands with short, clean fingernails;

[tgShade] hands 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] The changes to your nails don't stop at a manicure, as they grow out to a size that you're a bit uncomfortable with. They seem to be a bit sharper too, as you almost cut your thumb while looking at them.;

[status] Still nothing has changed with your hands, but your fingernails have grown longer and sharper. ;

[short] grubby hands with long nails;

[tgShade] hands 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You rejoice as your hands finally start to change, but only to grow a patch of hair on the backs. For once in the show, you're angry at how tame the changes are, clenching your hands into fists despite the sharpness of your nails nearly drawing blood. ;

[status] The only thing different with your hands is now they are covered in hair. What a joke! While stewing over this, you fail to realise how much sharper your nails have become.;

[short] hairy hands with thick nails;

[tgShade] hands 0;

[WaitFor] mind 3;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Your hands start to stiffen as a strange leathery texture appears on your palms, while your fingers curl up a bit. This is finished by your nails growing yet again, becoming proper claws. They'll make it harder to play with yourself, but then again, they give you a new opportunity for fun...;

[status] Your paws look dangerous, with claws extending inches from your fingers. Despite their pawlike shape and structure, they're actually more dextrous than they look. Maybe not enough to grip a pen, but more than dextrous enough to grip... something else.;

[short] pawlike hands with thick claws;

[tgShade] hands 0;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have on your casual jeans. Well... you say casual, but frankly, all of your jeans are casual. But these look, more casual? They have a mysterious stain that you wish that you caught before you wore them, as it's dangerously close to your groin area.;

[short] casual blue jeans;

[tgShade] pants 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] Due to the growth of your $LEGS$, your pants have become rather uncomfortable. A bit sad that it had to come to this, you reluctantly pull apart some tears in the pant legs, making it a makeshift pair of shorts. At least your legs feel better.;

[status] After your $LEGS$ have grown too much muscle to fit your pants, you tore off part of the legs to create some ratty shorts. ;

[short] tore up jean shorts;

[tgShade] pants 0;

[WaitFor] hair 1;

[WaitFor] legs 2;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You growl in frustration. Your pants are still too tight! You claw at the seams, making one quick swipe that cuts off the pant legs altogether, unintentionally creating a pair of daisy dukes. Even though, you'd rather go naked, you're proud of your handiwork. Might as well give them a tease before showing the whole thing...;

[status] You are sporting a pair of daisy dukes that you made when you tore off your pant legs. It fits tightly around your $BUTT$, and luckily sits right below your $CUSTOM1$. ;

[short] denim short shorts;

[WaitFor] butt 3;

[WaitFor] custom1 1;

[WaitFor] hands 3;

[WaitFor] mind 4;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Your dick is... your dick. You don't often study it in the mirror. It's hairy, and smelly, and... it's a dick. Perhaps the only interesting thing about it is its virginity, not that you care.;

[short] unremarkable 5 inch penis;

[tgShade] groin 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] There's a strange pressure in your $PANTS$, and you look down to see a very distinct and dirty bulge down there. Cursing yourself for getting an erection with so many watching, you nontheless stand your ground, albeit with your $FACE$ beetred. ;

[status] You have somehow grown an erection while playing. Although very embarrassing, at least you can hide it behind the podium. ;

[short] erect 5 inch penis;

[tgShade] groin 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You start to feel very hot, and contemplate asking the host to turn up the air conditioning. Before you do, you feel a strange wetness in your $PANTS$, and reach down to feel a spout of pre emanating from your penis. Even with this sensation, and even with the suspicion that your dick has gotten smaller, it takes a lot of effort to stop yourself from rubbing one off.;

[status] Your dick has shrunk a tiny bit, but has become even more sensitive. You sheepishly try to hide the drop of precum in your $PANTS$. ;

[short] aroused 4 inch penis;

[tgShade] groin 25;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] This time, you can't help yourself, and plunge your $HANDS$ down your $PANTS$, jacking off until you feel the white hot heat of ejaculation. But rather than soothe your arousal, it only makes it harder, while your dick, ironically, has grown smaller. The changes are clearly linked, and you promise yourself not to do it again, although you know it's of no use. It takes a couple of minutes before you realise that you never once thought about the thousands of people watching...;

[status] Even though your dick is puny, your arousal knows no bounds. Every time you assert to yourself that this will be the last time, you find your $HANDS$ clutching what is left of your penis and feeling a tiny drop of cum hit them, while your dick shrinks further. At this point you don't even care. ;

[short] incredibly aroused micropenis;

[tgShade] groin 50;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] You've jerked off so much that your balls have receded into your abdomen, and your "dick" is the size of a bean. You no longer can grasp it anymore, instead rubbing it between the tips of your fingers. After what seems like the twentieth orgasm, you realise that you aren't feeling any semen on your $HANDS$, and subsequently, no more relief, however brief. Uh oh...;

[status] You no longer cum after orgasms, and looking under your $PANTS$ you see nothing but a tiny nub. No matter how much you rub down there, you can't get no satisfaction, and you're getting hornier and hornier by the minute. For the love of God, just lose another round so you can cum!!;

[short] puny nodule;

[tgPoint] groin;

[tgShade] groin 75;

[WaitFor] mind 3;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] You feel the floodgates literally and figuratively open as your groin blossoms into a vagina, the nub becoming an enlarged clit. While you're VERY thankful for the change, it seems that jilling off doesn't give you the same relief as before, and you paw your parts in wild lust.;

[status] Your penis has officially turned into a vagina. Not that this bothers you in the slightest. What matters to you now is how to get some much needed RELEASE. ;

[short] small vagina;

[tgShade] groin 100;

[STAGE] 6;

[tf] The arousal from your vagina is too much for you to bear. "HEAT", your woozy $MIND$ commands you. "MATE". Before you know it, you've leapt from your seat into the screaming audience in search for a "mate". You don't remember what happens next, only the sounds of pleading, screaming, and finally, moaning. When you come to, you're back on the stage with a couple of futuristic guns targeting your head and a very annoyed looking host whose reading out some bullshit rules about not "fucking the audience". Scoffing at the speech, you turn your eyes to the remnants of the crowd.;

[status] Your pussy, like you, is hot and untamed. Even though you want to grasp at it so bad, you recognise that only another's touch can cool you off.;

[short] gaping and enflamed cunt;

[tgShade] groin 100;

[WaitFor] mind 4;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have always been taunted in middle school for your height. At 5'6, it's not exactly miniscule, but it's certainly not manly. You shudder at the memories of schoolyard taunts. ;

[short] short 5'6 hairless body;

[tgShade] body 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] All of a sudden, you notice that the host has grown smaller. Do the changes happen to people other than the contestants? When you question him about it, he just chuckles and points to the full-size mirror, where you realise to your embarrassment that it is you that has changed height, growing taller. Oops.;

[status] After your gaffe with the host, you are now 5'7. Not a huge change, but maybe if you keep growing you'll have something to talk about. ;

[short] short 5'7 hairless body;

[tgShade] body 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You steady yourself as the host starts shrinking again, although this time you know better. You feel your skin grow a bit rougher, as well as some muscle in places you never thought could have muscle. You stretch out, enjoying your new height. ;

[status] You have gained 3 inches, now standing a cool 5'9. Along with the height change, you've gained some visible muscle and definition. The only thing you're not wild about is how leathery your skin is, but you can deal with it. ;

[short] slightly muscled form;

[tgShade] body 0;

[WaitFor] arms 1;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You try to keep yourself from laughing as you feel tickles from everywhere on your body. When you calm yourself, you look at your body in delight as splotches of white hair now covers most of your body. You finally got your body hair! Marveling over this, you gloss over another inch of height gained, as well as larger hips.;

[status] The body hair and figure you've been dreaming of since puberty has finally arrived. You are now covered in enough body hair to make the late Robin Williams jealous, and stand at six foot even. Even though you love your new body, you can't help but feel like it could be better somehow...;

[short] tall 6 foot hairy body;

[tgShade] body 0;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] You gain more muscle and hair, the muscle visible to the cameras and the hair overpowering your body. It feels a bit wrong to have so much hair, as well as having such wide hips, but those thoughts are quickly forgotten about when you flex your new muscles. ;

[status] You realise that beyond all the height, the bushy hair, and the muscly physique, your form looks more like a girl than a boy. It's a thought that you somehow can't bring yourself to worry about. ;

[short] burly and hairy six foot body;

[tgShade] body 0;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] You now recognise the hair for what it truly is. Fur. It spreads all over, covering the rare places it misses. You also shoot up another three inches, creating a shadow over the host who's trying to hide their apprehension.;

[status] You stand at a monstrous 6'3, towering over everyone in the audience. You love looking down at people, in more ways than one. Your heavily muscled body is covered in dense white fur. ;

[short] imposing and beefy hirsute body;

[tgShade] body 0;

[WaitFor] mind 4;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You look down at your $FEET$, and grin. You decided to wear your best shoes for this occasion, and you like how you can see your reflection in them. It's not often that you can find the proper place to wear them, so you take pride in how black and shiny they are.;

[short] expensive black shoes;

[tgShade] shoes 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] The pressure becomes too much for your shoes, as you rip them off your $FEET$, throwing them across the stage in a huff. Dumb shoes. ;

[status] You don't wear shoes. Obviously. Why the hell would you wear shoes for? Fashion??;

[short] bare feet;

[tgShade] shoes 0;

[WaitFor] feet 2;

[WaitFor] mind 2;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have a bony chest. When you were younger, you thought you were a skeleton because your ribcage was always showing. Now it just looks like a regular chest. ;

[short] bony chest;

[tgShade] breasts 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You clench as you feel a strange rumbling in your chest. Unbuttoning your $SHIRT$ reveals slightly more muscle than before. You smile at the feeling, but button back up your shirt for privacy.;

[status] Your chest has gained some definition, and while not becoming broader, you like the power that the change has brought. ;

[short] slightly muscled chest;

[tgShade] breasts 0;

[WaitFor] arms 1;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You shove your chest out proudly as more muscle starts forming. Now that's more like it! Although you can't help but notice that your pecs are a bit more pronounced than you'd like them to be. You brush that thought aside as just overthinking things.;

[status] Your chest has gained some more muscle, now threatening to peek out of your $SHIRT$. The only suspect thing is how bulky your pecs are.;

[short] muscled chest with pronounced pecs;

[tgShade] breasts 20;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You smile and get ready for some more muscle growth to your chest, but are left disappointed as you can only feel a little bit of strength. However, when you look down at it, you see that your pecs have grown again, almost resembling... You throw that thought out of your head. It's just muscle. But a quiet voice in your head questions their true form, and an even quieter voice questions if you really care...;

[status] Your chest has grown again, but you strangely feel only a little power from it. In fact, the roundness of your pecs almost looks like...;

[short] Bulky A cup breasts;

[tgShade] breasts 40;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] There's no denying it now. You are growing breasts. But as you stare at your orbs growing in size, you start to wonder if that really is such a bad thing. Another burst of power, and you've made up your mind. No. It isn't a bad thing. ;

[status] Your, let's not mince words, breasts are steadily growing, and with it, power. You no longer care that you even have them anymore.;

[short] perfect B cup breasts;

[tgShade] breasts 60;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] You watch in delight as your breasts keep growing, to a C. As usual, you gain a burst of power and adrenaline with each cup size. A small part of you worries that they'll never stop growing, but you brush that thought away. So long as you keep getting stronger and more sexy, who cares how big they get?;

[status] Your breasts are now bouncing C cup tits, a feeling that you find yourself steadily enjoying, what with the power they make you feel. ;

[short] bouncy C cup tits;

[tgShade] breasts 80;

[WaitFor] shirt 1;

[STAGE] 6;

[tf] Your tits finish growing into an D cup, and while you're disappointed in the finality, you like the size of them as is. Just when you think they've stopped changing, there's a tickling sensation as snow white fur grows over them, just the right colour to direct a male's gaze...;

[status] You have massive breasts, probably an D cup, but since you don't wear a bra, you don't really care. They'd break your back if you didn't have such a strong one.;

[short] heavy D cup tits covered in white fur;

[tgShade] breasts 100;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] Your hair is as it's always been. Short, red. Nothing too intriguing;

[short] short and red hair;

[tgShade] hair 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You get a weird feeling that something has moved on your head, and looking at it in the mirror reveals the culprit. Your neatly styled hair has become longer, You shake your head a bit before combing it.;

[status] Your hair grew a bit longer, but you took care of it with some careful combing.;

[short] slightly long, combed hair;

[tgShade] hair 20;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] There's a strange feeling of deja vu as you feel your hair lengthen again. This time, you can see it darken.;

[status] Your hair has lengthened again.;

[short] brown hair that reaches your neck;

[tgShade] hair 40;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You feel that telltale itch of your hair lengthening. Now it seems almost deep brown.;

[status] Your hair is now down to your shoulders, and is deep brown and nice.;

[short] deep brown, shoulder long hair;

[tgShade] hair 60;

[WaitFor] mind 1;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Not only does your hair lengthen this time, but it changes colour into a dark ink black. You take a good look in the mirror, before combing it up with your $HANDS$ so it looks more neat. ;

[status] You have messy dark black hair that is quite well groomed. ;

[short] Neat dark black hair that reaches your shoulders;

[tgShade] hair 80;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] You feel that itchiness atop your head again, and look in the mirror to see it stay the same length, but darkening to oppose the beautiful snow white colour as your beautiful coat.;

[status] You have hair on your head in the same way that you have hair everywhere else. It's the longest of the bunch, and sits around your flicking vulpine ears.;

[short] beautiful black mane;

[tgShade] hair 100;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You sport an unremarkable face, all things considered. Your glasses are rounded and are specially coated so as to block blue light from constant computer screen usage and you have light stubble.;

[short] unimpressive spectacled face with light stubble;

[tgShade] face 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You feel a slight tingle on your face, and you scratch your cheek as you look in the mirror and see that your complexion has smoothed out. Happy with the change, you turn back to the game.;

[status] Your face's overall complexion has improved;

[short] unimpressive smooth spectacled face with blue eyes;

[tgShade] face 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You clench your jaw in pain as a loud grinding noise fills your ears. Once the pain stops, you immediately look in the mirror to see your new face. Parts of it have become more pronounced, such as your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose, while other parts have nearly disappeared. It all creates the image of a man who knows that he's the best looking in the room, and while you don't feel comfortable in thinking that just yet, you certainly feel better about yourself.;

[status] Your face is now one of magazine covers. You have defined cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. You smirk to yourself, enjoying the changes so far. ;

[short] handsome face with bespectacled eyes and a bit of stubble;

[tgShade] face 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] You can feel your face begin to change again, and you hurriedly rush to the mirror to watch. Your face becomes slimmer overall. It's still not a bad looking face, but maybe a bit girlier than before.;

[status] Your face has slimmed down to become a face that, while still handsome, isn't as striking as before. ;

[short] slim, handsome face ;

[tgShade] face 33;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] This round of face changes is the most severe. You grip your $HANDS$ to your head as you feel pain from everywhere on your head, from the inside of your skull to even the follicles of your $HAIR$. When you open your eyes, the world looks, different, brighter. As you head to the mirror, you are taken aback by the scope of your changes. Nearly everything has changed, from your wider nose, to your retracted cheekbones, to your pointed ears that are covered in fur. Your eyes are now slightly dilated, and glow a deep blue. You decide to ignore the changes for now. It's just too much to bear. You forget that your glasses even existed, as they no longer exist.;

[status] There's been a lot of changes to your face. Along with looking very womanly, there have been some vulpine qualities added, with glowing eyes and pointy, furred ears. While it was once terrifying, you are slowly growing used to the look.;

[short] foxy face with glowing eyes and pointed ears;

[tgShade] face 66;

[WaitFor] mind 3;

[STAGE] 5;

[tf] A tickling feeling goes over your nose, and almost sneeze, but stop yourself as you look in the mirror. Your protruding nose has become black and wet, and you lick at it with your elongated tongue. A burst of senses come over you as your ears lengthen again, now able to hear what the arguing couple are talking about at the end of the room. You smile as your canines grow and your vulpine muzzle takes shape. Finally, a light dusting of fur covers your face. You playfully make little fox noises in the mirror, feeling wild, sultry, and most of all, dominant...;

[status] Your face is bushy, foxy, and adorable. Your ears twitch as you listen to the murmurs of the crowd, all excited to see where you're going. Despite its vulpine nature, your face has just enough human qualities that it can display many emotions,although you prefer lust and dominance.;

[short] Fox face with glowing blue eyes and sharp fangs;

[tgShade] face 100;

[WaitFor] body 5;

[WaitFor] mind 4;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have on your lucky shirt, that properly covers up your $BREASTS$ and $WAIST$. You wore this baby when you won 5 dollars in a penny slot, and you've kept it dear to you ever since.;

[short] lucky buttoned shirt;

[tgShade] shirt 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] The pressure from your $BREASTS$ is making it hard to breathe in your shirt, so you hastily unbutton the top few. Phew, that's better.;

[status] You still have on your lucky shirt, but you've taken a few buttons off to let your $BREASTS$ breathe. ;

[short] unbuttoned shirt;

[tgShade] shirt 0;

[WaitFor] breasts 4;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You're still feeling pressure from your $BREASTS$, so you tear open your shirt, not caring about the popped buttons or the rips on the side. As your top opens, a thick strip of fabric appears over your exposed tits. While you hate having your breasts concealed, you have to admit it gives a little support. ;

[status] You're still wearing your lucky shirt, and lucky indeed! It's given you a powerful rack! The now ripped up shirt is open to show off your $BREASTS$, while a white strip keeps them from bouncing all over the place.;

[short] torn open shirt with a white strip of fabric;

[WaitFor] breasts 6;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have average legs, maybe a little on the short side. It's a bit of a private shame of yours that you could never grow body hair, and your legs are no exception.;

[short] short, hairless legs;

[tgShade] legs 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You get a weird feeling in your legs, and with it comes some pent up energy. Looking down, you see that your legs have thickened in your $PANTS$. ;

[status] There's a bit of muscle now on your legs, just enough for you to feel better about them. Any more would look tacky.;

[short] slightly muscled legs;

[tgShade] legs 0;

[WaitFor] arms 1;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] There's a familiar rush of energy as your legs bulk up, muscle spreading over your thighs and calves. When the changes are done, you jump up and down on your $FEET$, enjoying how much more height you can climb, and thinking about joining a basketball team.;

[status] Your legs are now covered in thick muscle, the kind of sight that you see on jock bros in the gym. But they're yours. ;

[short] muscly legs;

[tgShade] legs 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] With your pant legs out of the way, your calves continue to grow, giving you even more power and energy. You don't even care that there's a bit of pudge in your thighs. ;

[status] Your legs have grown again, but this time there's a little more meat on the bones. Your thighs are plump while still containing an overwhelming degree of muscle, whereas the bone structure itself has thinned out into a more feminine look.;

[short] thick legs with plump thighs and calves;

[tgShade] legs 25;

[WaitFor] pants 1;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Like the rest of your $BODY$, your legs get covered in white hair, to contrast with your $FEET$. You squat down, feeling the slight burn in your thighs, and take a big sniff. Smells like power...;

[status] Your legs are huge, covered in fat, muscle, and hair. Fortunately the muscle covers over the fat, but unfortunately the hair covers the muscle. You don't mind. Your legs are imposing enough. ;

[short] bulky and hairy fox legs;

[tgShade] legs 50;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You've always had a skinny waist. It might mean that you'll never gain a sixpack, but it also means you can chow down on sweets without getting guilty (ok, a little bit guilty...);

[short] skinny waist;

[tgShade] waist 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You find your waist growing a bit. Not much, but enough to be noticeable for you. Fearing the worst, you grip it, but you don't find the fat that you expected. It's almost like your waist just... grew.;

[status] You no longer look like a twig above your $GROIN$, as your waist has bulked up a bit. You don't know how, though, and that makes you nervous.;

[short] wider, though still skinny waist;

[tgShade] waist 0;

[WaitFor] arms 1;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] Questions about your waist are answered by it becoming taut with muscle. Slowly raising up your $SHIRT$ to take a look, you find the faintest outline of a sixpack. You never could have dreamed of getting a sixpack on your own! ;

[status] Your once sticklike middle has now formed a small sixpack. You sometimes consider taking off your $SHIRT$ to show it off, before snapping out of it. ;

[short] healthy waist with a faint outline of abs;

[tgShade] waist 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] More muscles start to appear on your waist, turning the outline of a sixpack into a definite sixpack. You look at it admirably, not even noticing that the sides of it have narrowed into a distinctly feminine shape.;

[status] You now have a sixpack, no bones about it. The pride you feel on this change makes you ignore how feminine it otherwise looks.;

[short] strong, womanly waist with defined abs;

[tgShade] waist 50;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Just when you thought your abs couldn't get any stronger, you feel an itching sensation underneath, and already notice how much more power it contains.;

[status] Your middle is a sight to behold, even if it's covered in hair. You reckon you could do 100 situps with this, or a rambunctious night in the sack. You already know which of the two you prefer. ;

[short] rough and bulky middle with bumpy abs;

[tgShade] waist 50;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] nil;

[short] nil;

[tgShade] custom1 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You feel a strange feeling just above your $BUTT$, which turns into a uncomfortable sensation. It takes a while squirming in the mirror to find the offender, but you finally see a bony nub just above your $BUTT$. You're left speechless by this, but a voice in your head tells you to keep going.;

[status] Theres a strange nub of bone right above your $BUTT$. It feels very sensitive, and you keep adjusting your $PANTS$ to give it proper space.;

[short] bony nub;

[tgShade] custom1 0;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] Your weird protrusion above your $BUTT$ starts to lengthen, reaching about five inches and splitting into nine sections. When attempting to grab one, you recoil in pain. It's definitely a part of you. You practice moving them, but it seems to have a mind of its own, wagging about like a happy fox.;

[status] You have grown tails. Sure, they're small, and oddly hairless, but they move around just fine. In fact, you catch yourself hoping that some hair grows in. ;

[short] 5 inch hairless tails;

[tgShade] custom1 66;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] Your tails start growing rapidly, reaching a foot in length. They also start sprouting the same coloured hair that covers the rest of your $BODY$ but tipped in the same black as your "sock", $HAIR$ and "glove" patterns. You wag them slowly, enjoying the smell of the pheromones that they fan out. ;

[status] Your tails are a good foot in length, maybe a bit more. They quiver a bit when you aren't thinking about them, but they're mostly in your control. ;

[short] long bushy fox tails;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] The only visible muscle on you is located on your arms, where there are healthy bulges from your work lifting. That being said, they're no Swartzenegger guns, just decently sized comparative to the rest of your $BODY$. Also like the rest of it, your arms lack any hair. They are currently hidden under your $SHIRT$, though, as you don't want to direct attention to them. ;

[short] slightly muscled arms;

[tgShade] arms 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You feel goosebumps along your arms as they gain in mass, developing a nice definition. You like the change, but are a bit put out that the game affected the one place that you already have muscle...;

[status] You have gained some muscle on your arms. Even though it's disappointing that you've just gained it there, you are thankful for how much easier lifting mattresses will be. ;

[short] muscled arms;

[tgShade] arms 0;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] You flex with pride as you feel your arms start to gain more muscle. What really excites you, though, is the hair that grows all around them. ;

[status] You look down at your arms and smile. They have thick hair all over, and are burly enough to be mistaken for a wrestler's. Although, with how long and thin the actual arm bones have become, maybe a female wrestler.;

[short] heavily muscled arms;

[tgShade] arms 0;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] The hair that has already formed on your $BODY$ starts to form around your arms, making them a white colour with black "glove" patterns on the ends. You flex your arms fearsomely, trying to catch the attention of a young lady who stared at them a little too long. She blushes and turns away, but you know she's already lost...;

[status] Your arms are hairy and packed with muscle. You rub them with your $HANDS$, admiring how fit they are. Just the right amount of strength to carry a male above your head...;

[short] imposing hairy arms;

[WaitFor] body 5;


[STAGE] 0;

[status] You have a bit of a bony butt, which makes it difficult to sit down for extended periods of time. The only body hair you have is located inside your unmentionable cheeks.;

[short] bony, slightly hairy butt;

[tgShade] butt 0;

[STAGE] 1;

[tf] You squeeze your asscheeks as you feel them grow some slight muscle. Turning around to look at it in the mirror, it certainly has some muscle, but not enough to make it bulky. You're happy with it the way it is.;

[status] Your butt has grown just enough muscle to make sitting down in chairs easier. ;

[short] average sized butt;

[tgShade] butt 25;

[WaitFor] arms 1;

[STAGE] 2;

[tf] Your glutes feel worn out, as if you've been on a long run. Turning around to look at them in the mirror, you see them expand in your $PANTS$. You smack your newly enlarged butt and smirk at how it almost jiggles, before suddenly stopping when you flex it.;

[status] Your butt has gained enough muscle to strain your $PANTS$, not that you really care. In fact, you're almost wishing for it to grow bigger.;

[short] bulky, muscled butt;

[tgShade] butt 50;

[STAGE] 3;

[tf] Your butt grows again, but this time you can feel it gaining some fat as well. At this point, you have stopped caring, but the sudden emptiness inside your anus makes you pause. It's a strange feeling that grows as time passes, but you manage to block it out. Somewhat. ;

[status] Your butt now has an even distribution of fat and muscle. It is a far cry from the muscly behind you were hoping for, but you have other issues on your mind. Namely, how itchy the inside of your ass is.;

[short] large itchy behind;

[tgShade] butt 75;

[WaitFor] mind 2;

[STAGE] 4;

[tf] Your ass grows yet again, and with it, an urge to fill it. You've now recognised that strange itch as arousal, but you have no way to satisfy it on your own. Looking out at the crowd, your grin widens as you see some proper contenders to "play" with. ;

[status] Your butt is massive, packed with both fat and muscle. You constantly grip your cheeks, trying in vain to fulfill the emptiness it feels. ;

[short] plush and powerful butt;

[tgShade] butt 100;

[WaitFor] pants 2;

[WaitFor] groin 4;

[Alias] 1 tail;