A True Warrior

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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News had soon reached Fox about Fangs encounter with the general and they couldn't believe what he was hearing. Fox remembered the general all too well since he defeated him personally back on sauria, the memory of that battle played through his head, he can remember the general dying as he laid their on the ground bleeding and swearing his revenge on Fox.

The cornerian command center called him in for a briefing meaning he would have to leave Krystal and the twins alone and he was beginning to have second thoughts about the dream she had the other night as he waved goodbye the moment his hover car took off.

"Children! let's go inside and make lunch we have guests coming over."

"Yes mommy."

"Comin mom!"

An hour had passed until their guests finally arrived. It was Tamati and Ammy along with their son Thomas, the moment they entered the house the saw a fine roast on the table that smelled heavenly and the moment Krystal called her children downstairs Thomas saw Rebecca wearing a white shirt and a jeans skirt catching his eye before she snapped him out of his trance with her voice.

"Hey Thomas!"

"Oh uhh hi."

"Well let's not stand around everyone sit. Marcus will you be a dear and cut the roast."


Marcus and his sister were much like their parents. Clever, helpful and brave by their nature and she was proud to call them her children. As they finished the roast the children helped with the dishes before heading to the living room to watch some movies while they went out on the porch to chat.

"Thomas seems like a sweet boy."

"And I think he has the hots for your Rebecca."

"How can you tell?"

"Did you see his face when she came downstairs?"

They bursted into a short moment of laughter when suddenly they notcied a meteor shower in the distance, it seemed beautiful at first but something seemed very wrong as more of them appeared in the air, then Krystal saw Fox's hover car speeding into the driveway and bursting out of the door with a loaded gun.

"Fox?!? what's going-"


Suddenly one of the meteors crashed right on Tamatis car and from the flaming crater came several aparoids and the general smirking with a desire to kill, then Krystals eyes filled with shock as her nightmare flashed through her mind and her body began to tremble.


"Hello Fox."

Without another word the general attacked Fox full force as he knocked the blaster out of his hand and waved his claw and sword around trying to cut at him unitl at last he cleaved Fox on his chest and crippled him where he stood, The children who had heard everything ran in front of him as he raised his claw.

"Don't you touch my daddy!!"

"How cute...three for the price of one...this must be my lucky day!"

The generals claw came swinging down when suddenly Thomas stepped in front of them allowing himself to be clawed leaving two gaping wounds in his chest.



"MY BABY!!!"

Rebecca ran next to him and held his head as he coughed up a small amount of blood and began to breath heavily while Tamati just stood there and what's worse he forgot to bring thunder edge with him but that didn't matter as he attacked head on the moment he formed nine clones and blasted him with lightning and black flames.

"Thomas please hold on *places hand on cheek as he coughs up a small amount of blood* please...."

"I love you...Rebecca...*passes out*"

While Rebecca and Ammy got him to safety Tamati tried to beat the living daylights out of the general but his punches and kicks had no effect as the general suddenly grabbed him by his throat and broke his focus causing his clones to fade back into his body.

"It's been a long time since I tasted meat rrrrAAAGH-WHAT?!?"

The generals claw was suddenly blocked by a familiar sword and next to him was Fang with his eyes piercing as ever. The moment he grabbed the generals arm he forced him to drop Tamati as he weaved back in pain while Fox helped Tamati to his feet while the general recovere his sword and looked at Fang with anger.

"You broke my arm..."

"Yeah...now i'm going to take your head!!"

Fang went on the offensive with a fierce roar and in a single stroke the general was forced back as a small shockwave exploded from the impact.

"By the way. THIS is for my wife!!"

"*CRRUNCH!!!!* OOOH!!!!"

Their fight went on for what seemed like forever until Fang was slashed on his arm and back then he began to weaken.

"Come on Fang!!"


"I must congragulate you Dragon Champion...you and I are so alike, both of us warriors on a path to become the best their is and all it took was this one fight to decide who that "best" is."

"You're wrong scales you and I are NOTHING alike!"


"Maybe once you were a true warrior who valued honor above all else...but when you became a man who lusted after gold and flesh you threw all that away! the only thing you are Scales is a mad dog that needs to be put out of his misery!!!"

Suddenly foe reaver began to glow and from the sky came the seven chaos emeralds and the master emerald, then Fang was suddenly lifted into the air and his wounds were suddenly healed leaving the general a little scared.


"Now general witness as true power is unveiled before your eyes!!! as a heroes might becomes even mighier!!!"

All the emeralds suddenly fused with is body giving him power like he never felt before, then foe reaver flew into his hands as he came crashing down on the general who only stood there defending himself.


In a single attack Fang shattered the generals blade and claw leaving his eyes completely white, the general was defeated but not dead leaving the local authorities to chain him up and send him to a maximum security prison while Fox and Thomas were taken to the hospital.

Hours later Thomas awoke to find himself in a hospital bed and his chest fully bandaged and next to him was Rebeeca who was relieved to see him awake.


"Hi...you okay?"

"Thanks to you..."

They leaned their heads against each other as they held hands smiling before looking into each others eyes then ending with a kiss that only true lovers could share, Ammy and Krystal peeked behind the curtain to see the happy moment before deciding to check on Fox who was still going under surgery.

Meanwhile. Deep in the asteroid belt a hive guard approached the center of the hive filled with fear as he neared the throne in the center of the room.

"M-my queen?"

"Scales has failed...."

"Y-yes my queen...should I send our troops to retrieve him and the princess?"

"No...this calls for more devious measures...wouldn't you agree lord Andross?"


Andross who was the supposed murderer of Fox's father and former king of the planet venom was also revived by the queen and more powerful than ever before as he retreated to his lab to check on his latest projects which in liquid tubes locked in suspended animation.

"Soon my pets...soon"

The End.