Chapter 11: Rise of the Anglar Empire

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#11 of StarFox 5: Reflections of Fate

11 is a super short chapter. But it introduces the bad guys that will be seen in Star Fox Command, since SFC fails to really introduce them very well. Meh. Whatever. ENJOY! :D

Chapter -11- Rise of the Anglar Empire...

Meanwhile, on Venom...

*Zako, a tan Hammerhead Shark from Aquas, * Zazan, a grey and green Anglar fish from the acid seas of Venom, Zoldge, a pink and white Jelly-squid hybrid from Zoness, and Octoman, a magenta Octorock octopus from Aquas, fanned out around the Anglar Emperor.

The under-sea hall was massive and gorgeous. The fluted pillars and marble-tiled floor was wet due to being recently drained. A random small fish flopped about on the floor tiles, nearby.

"My name is Angura Kotei," he said, pronouncing his first name with a long 'a' at the end of the word. "You bugs may call me Emperor. And, you, Zazan, have the honor to work with these mercenaries to ensure they know how to work together. If they cannot, give them posts apart from one another. Now, I know many of you have questions. Allow me to address some of them up front..."

No one spoke over the Emperor.

Angura continued. "Due to the lack of a proper leader for Venom, and as Andross' first foray into bioweapon creation, you should know that I am a genetically altered fish capable of surviving in the corrosive seas of Venom's oceans. I was given intelligence by my creator, and I was given an imprint from his DNA, and a partial imprint from his brain, along with his passions and desires for conquest. Any questions so far?"

Octoman nodded. "Andross evolved the lizard race indigenous to Venom, and brought Simians here. What of them? I see they are not included in your..."

Angura held a webbed hand aloft. "No. They lost the war because they are inferior. Venom's native race was the Krazoa. It was the first of two worlds inhabited by them, and they are the creators of the ruins inhabited by the lizards. But they died out. First, here, then on Sauria. A distant cousin of the Krazoa race now lives on a distant world called Kew. I know this because Andross imparted his research upon me. Andross attempted to use the lizards that were evolved to be smarter than their cousins, the Saurian Sharpclaw, and, yet, they still could not win the war for the creator. They did not have the motivation to fight Corneria. I do. My people most certainly do. And Andross knew this. But he lost the war before he could implement us as his soldiers."

Octoman blinked. "I ... had no idea."

"The bugs of Lylat do not know its history. Andross researched everything. He learned of its past. He used it in his favor, but he lacked a proper army. Until now. And its intended General will lead as the new Emperor. Do any of you have any concerns so far?"

Zako, the Hammerhead Shark, crossed his large arms over his chest, and said, "You have lizards and apes just above the surface of your oceans. What's to keep them from siding with Cornerians? You're excluding them; they may take offense to your slight."

"I have already considered your concern and addressed it, Zako of Aquas. To ensure the current land-dwelling inhabitants of Venom do not side with Corneria, I will soon employ Andrew Oikonny to work for my empire. He's a feeble-minded man ... no intellect and all motivation. He craves validation, and simple compliments are all that is required to buy his loyalty."

The three mercenaries exchanged glances with one another.

Zazan, the emperor's loyal Field General, narrowed his glowing green gaze, and said, "You fools are unsure of the Emperor's might?"

Octoman grimaced. "Katina, Eledard, Papetoon, most of Aquas, most of Zoness, part of Titania, half of Macbeth, Fichina, Fortuna ... these planets will fight alongside of Corneria. Venom is just one world. And only the aquatic race has the desire to advance on Corneria. The numbers are not in the Anglar Empire's favor."

Angura nodded in agreement. "You speak honestly. I like that. But I fight with bioweapons. I have weaponized a Monarch Dodora. I have two Bee Fighters, the Puffer, the Anglar Starfish ... and we are building bases across Lylat, albeit quietly."

"Bases where?" asked Octoman.

"In all the major letter sectors, and quite a few planets that Corneria calls an ally. I'm also building a base in the Meteo Asteroid Belt that protects Corneria from most threats. And, finally, I'm building bases on protected worlds like Solar. In fact, I am even building a secret base that is on Corneria, right under their noses."

"Seriously?" Octoman shifted his weight and folded his tentacled arms over his chest. "Right under their noses, hmm?"

"Yes." The emperor cut his gaze to Zoldge. "How do you like fire?"

"I love it," said the Jelly-Squid hybrid. "I simply adore fire, your excellency."

"I have plans to build a satellite weapon on Solar. I am told you are more than a mercenary - you are an engineer of sorts."

"I am. You want to pay me to build your weapon?"

"I do."

Zoldge nodded firmly. "Then I will take what you have thus far and make the perfect weapon to weaponize Solar."

"Excellent. The rest of you - I will happily work with your strengths to make you effective in the upcoming war against Lylat. The plan is simple - overwhelm Corneria, and then we turn their mighty military into a resistance militia. Then, we will hunt down their resistance and destroy them. Those who do not resist will be forced to become civilians or die."

Octoman tapped his tentacle tips together. "What is your timetable for the overwhelming of Corneria?"

The Emperor turned to Zazan. "Do you care to give them the figures?"

The mighty stature of the large fish spoke from his barrel chest. "Less than six months. We have funded the simian, Andrew Oikonny, with enough money to launch an invasion force, which will keep groups, like Star Fox, busy and focused. Corneria is throwing money into their mercenaries and into the defense of their little blue world. They are bleeding money and resources against Andrew Oikonny's operation. They won't even notice the base we're building right beneath their noses, until, of course, it is too late."

Zazan smiled inwardly.

The Emperor said, "You see, bugs? The Anglar Empire will install a base right on Corneria to show our superiority. It will have a psychological impact against the Cornerian dogs' morale."

"I should be the one to lead that fight," said Zazan.

"If you wish it," replied the Emperor. "Very well, Corneria will be yours, Zazan."

"Thank you, your excellency."

Octoman unfolded, and then refolded his fleshy arms. "You're seriously going to build right under everyone's noses?"

The emperor nodded firmly. "The plans are already in progress. The land has been purchased and the base is under construction. It will be armed and ready to defend itself by the time Corneria even knows it has enemies on their doorstep." He turned to face Zazan. "Take your leave, old friend. Show those bugs the error of their hubris."

Zazan brought a webbed fist to his chest, nodded at the emperor, and said, "I take my leave, now, your excellency."


Zazan walked out of the large beautiful room, splashing through the shallow puddles in his wake.

Octoman glanced at Zoldge, then he looked back at the emperor. "What about ships?"

"You deserve only the best. Ships capable of squashing the bugs of Lylat, until they have no choice but to submit to Anglar rule. Please, with me." The emperor gestured to two grand doors at the far end of the grand hall. "We are building a fleet in the heart of this submerged base, and I am delighted to share, with you all, the instruments of Corneria's demise."