Reflections Part One ~ Jasmine

Story by goldvee on SoFurry

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#1 of Reflections

So after a lot of encouragement from my friends I'm going to try and start uploading my writing from now on. This is the first part of a story that I have a lot of plans for.

Starts out as a nice romantic story for now... I never know what to put here

Reflections Part One~ Jasmine

By goldvee


_This story contains explicit scenes of an erotic and sexual nature featuring a male, non-human, anthropomorphic "furry" character that is under the chronological age of 18. It is an erotic tale. If such material offends you, or you are not of legal age to view this material, or it is otherwise illegal for you to view this material, do not continue. This warning is explicit, so do not complain to the author or the hosts of this document if you get in trouble for reading it, or you dislike this type of story, or if you are an irresponsible parent and can't control what your children read online. Or if they do read adult material, to view it harmlessly as fiction. All of that is your responsibility.

If you read beyond this disclaimer, it is your choice to do so, and it is implicit that you did so because you have full knowledge of the content contained within the pursuant document and made the choice to view it without any encouragement and thus agree to take full responsibility and to hold nobody but yourself responsible for any consequences that arise. If you don't agree to these conditions, cease reading this document now.

The author does not condone, recommend or encourage any illegal actions. This story is pure fiction and fantasy._

The sun peeks through the windows as a raccoon boy stretches in bed, not able to sleep through the night. "Mmh..Morning already?" he mutters to himself before rolling over and shutting off his alarm that would surely be going off soon. He reaches over to his nightstand near the bed and grabs his paper planner from the top "Blank.." he'd mumble to himself "Oh right.. Summer vacation starts today.." he spoke aloud before tossing the planner into his nightstand drawer. He tosses and turns in his bed while his room gets brighter by the minute, unable to relax he sat himself up and begins to rub his eyes "May as well just get up now.."

After a short while the boy stands out of his small bed and stretches out, loosely dressed in a pair of black pajama pants with a sporty print littering the surface of the baggy pants. The coon grumbles again while he makes his way to his bedroom door before stumbling out into the hallway and into the bathroom, almost losing his balance in the process. The coon boy just groans again, too tired to really say much. He rubs his eyes once more before looking back to himself in the peeling mirror. Thick black markings ran just along his eyes, dipping from the bottom of them down his cheeks and tucked down his neck. The ends of his short ears, along with his eyebrows and hair were the same shade of black as the markings down his cheeks. Between those thick lines his mouth and muzzle held a sort of creamy peach tone all the way up to the bridge on his snout; it was the only color on his entire body. The boy looked a lot more like a red panda than a raccoon aside for the fact that all of his fur was almost completely monotone, only black and grey.

The boy stretches himself out to try and wake himself up. The old mirror showing off his upper body as well. A paw reaches onto the counter as it fumbles through some toiletries before grasping a hold of a tube of toothpaste. "Nn.. I gotta clean this mess soon." he'd groan again to himself before squirting a bit of goop on his toothbrush and cleaning his teeth. The boy takes a few minutes with his teeth but afterwards before spitting the paste back out into the sink. The coon boy quickly runs the tap for the sink to clean it then strips off his clothes, and tosses them into a fabric spring hamper by the door.

A ringing sound echoes through the room as the rusted metal tension rod scrapes on the showerhooks with the rough pull on the curtain. A bottle of shampoo tumbles off it's rack and lands in the tub with a loud smack; the boy just sighs as he turns the knob on the faucet and starts to run the shower. He keeps his paw in the stream of the water before deciding it's warm enough to step into. This time he pulls the curtain to with a bit more care than how he had drawn it.

Steam fills up the bathroom, fogging the mirror as the boy scrubs himself clean. It didn't take very long before he felt more awake. The teen makes sure to scrub everywhere as suds fill up his fluffy fur. He bends forward to grab that bottle and pours some of its contents into his paw before washing the sweat out of his hair. He stands there silently, looking down to see those markings run all the way down his body along with soap and water that was starting to run off of him.

After a few minutes he draws the curtain again, before stepping out onto a towel that had been laid over the floor. The teen pulls a more ragged looking towel off of a radiator and starts to pull it back and forth against his damp fur, making sure he wouldn't drip anything onto the carpeted hallway. Afterwards he trots back to his room to find some proper clothes on, selecting a pair of red and black basketball shorts along with a loose, baggy maroon tee-shirt with a big 4 on it. "Ah.. much better~" he remarks before making his way down stairs to rummage through the fridge for something to eat. As he arrives at the bottom of the staircase he glances into the living room, some dim lights flash across the floor but no sound could be heard.

"Morning Jasmine~" a cheery voice calls out from the kitchen. The coon boy's head turns to see a much older raccoon woman there with a cup of coffee and some newspaper. "Stop calling me that mom! It's just Jazz. Jasmine is a girl's name." The teen would respond right away with a frustrated expression before moving into the kitchen to get his breakfast. "What're you doing up so early dear? Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?" she asks the boy while she watches him rummage through the pantry.

"Ugh.. I don't know; I guess I'm still used to being in school. I can't help but get up with the sun." Jazz replies, but his mother just laughs, waiting for him to sit down at the table. It doesn't take long before the teen was sat with a bowl of cereal in front of the older woman. The boy's mother was dressed in a deep red nightgown with her long black hair tied in a bun behind her head. Unlike her son she looked a lot more like a traditional racoon with the usual bandit mask over the eyes.

The woman raises a glass of water from the table and takes a sip before leaning in to speak with her son, "Does it really bother you that much?" she asks as he eats, making him stop for a moment. "What? My name? Of course it does. Why'd dad pick such a girly name anyway?" he asks in response, to which is mother just pauses and stares into her glass, seeming to space out. "Mom, are you alright?" Jazz asked, the older woman suddenly snapping back into reality from her daydream, her teenage son had already finished eating at this point. "Oh, yeah. I should get myself ready for the day, so why don't you go out and play. There's some money for you on the counter dear." she dodges the question about her son's father and starts to stand up to adjust herself. "You have a good day sweetheart~" Jazz's mom speaks as she pats the boy on his shoulder before heading upstairs.

The boy pads over to the counter to check what changed had been left on the counter. He grabs the assortment of coins before counting it up; just a little over two dollars. Jazz stuffs it down into his pocket. "Alright that should be enough for something." he says to himself before yelling out a "Thanks Mom!" up the stairs and heading outside. The morning sun lights up the sky, and several other families litter the roads and sidewalks of his suburban street. The raccoon boy gets out his well worn basketball out of a nearby shed. It looked as though it had seen better days as well. The ball was flat to the point that he couldn't dribble it, but it didn't stop him from shooting some hoops over his driveway.

The day passed pretty slowly without any company and Jazz eventually finds himself wandering the streets. He tucks arms back behind his head and leans back into them while he lets out another sigh. The sun hangs high in the air, occasionally obscured by the clouds, casting shadows on the street. "It's a nice day~" he'd hum to himself as he strolls down the sidewalk, looking up at the sky, trying to make shapes out of the clouds. The coon boy lets himself drift off into his own world but he's snapped back into reality rather roughly. With a sudden shove he finds himself down on the pavement, sitting on his butt and looking up at a rather angry looking lion. His fur was a tan color although his mane hadn't fully grown in just yet while his eyes were partially obscured by his long brown hair.

"Hey, watch where you're goin' loser!" the lion yells out, cracking his knuckles. Jazz was at a loss for words while he looks up at him. It was obvious that the lion was older and no doubt stronger than the raccoon. Jazz highly doubted he could take him if it came to a fight, but as he's working on something to say a red toned tabby cat runs over from the yard to the sidewalk. "Hey hey hey!!! Liam!! Calm down!" the cat frantically begs as he's running over, grabbing the lion's arm "Stop being such a bully!"

Liam shows his teeth as he looks at the cat, almost instantly succumbing to his begging eyes "Ugh.. I can't stay mad at that face." the lion sighs. His muscles becoming much less tense while he relaxes his posture. After a few moments he offers a hand to help the coon boy up "Here.. Sorry. I've got a short temper and it's been a really rough day for me." The red toned tabby stands behind the lion, giving the coon a look and jerking his head a bit towards the lion, trying to signal him to take the olive branch.

Jazz clasps ahold of Liam's paw and pulls himself up before dusting himself off "I uh.. It's alright.. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." It wasn't but a moment before the overly energetic cat interrupts the coon giving his apology "Alright! Awesome!! See Liam, he's super cool!" the cat exclaims, tugging the raccoon enough to make him lose balance before he was caught by the house cat and pushed towards the lion like he was being put on display.

"Man, there's never any arguing with you, dude." Liam says with an exasperated sigh, letting go of the other boy's hand and shoving it down into his pocket. "Name is Liam; I'm a senior, but you probably figured that out by now. Haven't seen you before, what's your name kid?" the lion asked. A few moments passed before the raccoon decides to give his name. "Uh.. I'm Jazz, just a freshman this year."

The red tabby cat doesn't wait to put himself into the conversation "My name is Zap! I'm a sophomore! I don't think I've seen you either, did you just move here or something?" The raccoon seemed a bit more defensive over the excitement the cat was showing than almost getting beaten up by the lion in front of him. "Uh..Yeah.. only just this spring.." Jazz admits, "Hey, it's nice to meet you b-but--" Jazz managed to get out before he was hugged and pulled by the tabby cat. Zap pulled the lion in with him too, hugging them both.

"Jesus Christ dude!" Liam yells, back to being mad rather quickly as he pushes the cat away, back into the yard "A-aah!! Sorry, just excited!" Zap exclaimed rather excitedly, accidently starting an argument between the pair. "God, would you quit being so touchy? Seriously, man you need to learn some boundaries!" Liam would yell, making the cat wince "S-sorry dude.." Zap mumbles, giving the lion a sad look.

"Man.. stop giving me that look.." the lion mutters, glancing around "Hey.. where'd the new kid go?" Liam asked aloud. Zap shrugs his shoulders "You probably scared him away." the cat replies, looking around and trying to find the other boy. Jazz had slipped away during the brief bickering between the two boys. "Oh well, I'm sure we'll see him again." Zap say with a smile, looking up to the scowling lion. "Say, do you mind if I stay over again bud?"

The lion lets out another sigh and shakes his head "No man, you need to go home. Plus I have stuff I gotta take care of." Liam says, patting the catboy on the shoulder "Should get to it now really. You'll be alright?" he asked his friend. The tabby cat gave a nod, putting on his best smile, although the lion could tell it was fake. "Yup, no problem bud!" he'd say before running off and waving "See ya later!" Zap shouts while the lion tucks his other hand in his pocket and starts to walk towards his house. "Hope he means it this time.." Liam whispered to himself before letting himself inside.

Further down the road the cat walks his way into a covered bus stop, getting away from the sun from a moment. He stretched out his arms, as if pretending to show himself off to someone who wasn't there. His fur was like a darkened, faded orange almost, with several deep brown stripes cover his the backs of his arms and the fronts of his legs and all down along his long, thin tail. He brings one of his arms straight up over his head and catch his elbow with the other while he continues to stretch, the underside of his arms and the tips of his fingers a sort of creamy color to match the fur below his nose and just around his mouth. The rest of his face had a handful of markings to match the rest with the same creamy color that was on his mouth between his eyes and eyebrows. The creamy patch of fur along his mouth continued down his chin and his neck before being obscured by the t-shirt he was wearing. "Well dang there goes that plan. What should I do today?" he'd ask himself aloud.

The red cat plops down on the bus stop bench and lays his head back, just thinking for a little while before pulling himself back up and glancing around. He pulls his deep brown hair out of his face, the same color as the many stripes marking the rest of his body along with the back of his ears. "Oh!" he squeaked suddenly as he looks down one of the streets, spotting a figure in the distance at one of the empty parks. Almost immediately the cat springs up off of the bench and runs across the road, not even bothering to look. He sprints down the sidewalk towards the park while the raccoon starts to come into view. As soon as he saw him he quickly starts to run over to him, waving. "Heeey~!" he yelled excitedly as he runs, the coon ignoring him until the cat was right up next to him on a checkered cement court, hunched over a little and panting for breath. "Haa.. haa.. Huff.. huff.. Hi!" The cat says again, not exactly able to keep his composure.

"Oh... uh.... Hey." Jazz mumbles out as the catboy catches his breath. "Sorry about running off earlier.. Didn't think you'd try and come catch me or anything." Jazz says as he looks at the other boy, holding a much nicer basketball than he was earlier in the morning. "You look good with that~." the red catboy would say, standing up straight now, paws pushing on the small of his back to force himself as he'd still try and catch his breath. Now that the cat was standing straight over the raccoon, it was clear that he was taller than him by at least half a foot. Jazz stands there still confused "Uh.." the coon continues to be confused at the statement, not really sure how to take it. "Oh! I meant with the basketball.. And the jersey.. You look like you belong on the school's basketball team!" the cat would exclaim, offering his paw forward, "I'm Zap~" he'd say with the biggest smile he could manage, hoping to make a decent impression and perhaps a new friend.

The red cat stands before the rather dark colored raccoon with his paw offered, wearing a t shirt that had some kind of video game reference along with some cargo shorts with a bunch of pockets. "I remember.." Jazz trails off, wondering to himself if he should ask about the situation but instead he just shrugs. "Can you play?" Jazz asks, declining to take the handshake. Zap doesn't appear to mind however; instead he takes a defensive stance to catch the ball before the coon bounces the ball down to the pavement. It ricochets upwards to Zap and he just barely manages to catch it before the cat takes a shot to the hoop, not even making contact with the backboard.

Jazz just stands there and laughs at the airball, "Ahaha.. I guess not huh?" he'd ask, calming down quickly after seeing how red the already red boy was after missing, "Sorry, sorry.." he says, seeming much more at ease now "Uhm.. Are you into any sports?" the coonboy asks the taller teen to which he just shakes his head "Not really.. I never got the hang of it. I've always been more into video games and stuff." Zap would say, "Do you like that sorta thing?" he asks and the coon nods in response, starting to smile now, "Yeah, although my collection is pretty outdated."

Zap runs over to pick up the ball and passes it back to the coon. Jazz just tosses it upwards, sinking it in the ring without even taking a stance. "Whoa dude.. That's amazing!" the cat says, acting rather impressed. "You really think I could be on the school team?" Jazz asked, "Like I said I just moved here.. I don't really know anybody yet.." The cat moves closer to the raccoon boy and nods his head "Absolutely man, I assumed you already were, and don't worry. Zap will be your friend!" the cat says excitedly again.

Jazz found it difficult to be in any sort of bad mood around the red tabby and he just shrugs his shoulders, "I do need to meet people really. Tell you what, why don't we head back to my place and you can look through my games. Maybe we can play something we're both good at~" the coon says with a smile towards his new friend while he walks over and grabs the ball from underneath the net. "That sound alright?" he asked. The cat basically squeals, "Oh yes yes please, let's do that!"

Jazz bounces the ball a few more times before setting it down near the anchored hoop, giving it a pat or two afterwards. He stands back up and looks back to the sky, the sun starting to droop to the west "Would be easier if I just had a watch really.." he thought to himself before motioning to his new friend "Come on, lets go." he'd say as they both exit the little basketball court and the larger park.

The pair casually strolls down the empty streets with the cat doing the majority of the talking until they reach Liam's house. "Say, how do you two know each other.. You and that Lion?" the coon asked, interrupting whatever the cat was saying. "Oh, Liam?" the cat's expression changes from happy for the first time the coon had met him. "We uh.. We knew each other as kids, from another place." the cat answers, deliberately being very vague before putting back on his smile, "Anyway! Which place is yours?" the red cat asks to which the coon just shakes his head. "Oh, it's a few blocks from here. I just came out for the park."

It takes a bit but the pair arrives at Jazz's place eventually. The street had to be one of the worst one in the neighborhood and the house itself didn't look too much better. There was no pathway to the door, only the asphalt driveway with a tilted basketball hoop hanging over it. The cat glances around, feeling a bit uncomfortable as they approach, "We uh.. Don't live in a great place. I hope that doesn't bother you too much.." Jazz says, half expecting the cat to just dart away, but the red boy shakes his head "Nah, I'm actually pretty used to it myself actually. So no worries!"

The two boys enter the house, greeted by the raccoon's mother almost immediately. "Oh Jasmine! Did you make a friend?" the teen's face flushed red upon hearing his real name in front of the cat he'd just met. "O-oh.. my gosh mom, stop calling me thaat!" he'd burst out, trying to not let his mother embarrass him. The taller raccoon lady folds her arms while she and the red catboy look each other over "Well that's the name your parents gave you.. But I'll try to remember... I guess it is a bit much.." she'd pause for a moment "So who's your friend?" she'd ask, putting on a more friendly face and bending down a little bit.

Zap's face flushes slightly as well as his eyes fixate on the tight shirt she had on, "W-whoa she looks awesome.." he'd think to himself, shaking his head for a moment to get his eyes off her chest and his mind out of the gutter "Uh.. I'm Zap! Yeah! Nice to meet 'cha~" he'd say after a short pause, bringing a paw behind his head and putting on a big smile. Jazz's mom had her long hair tied back in a ponytail with a few bangs coming down from the sides. She was now dressed in a tight pink sleeveless top and a pair of black yoga pants. "Well Zap, you can call me Cynthia, or Cindy, whichever you like. You two let me know if you need anything, I'll be in the living room in the meantime" she'd say, giving a little touch to Jazz's nose before walking off.

Jazz turns to his new friend, his cheeks a bit red "P-Please don't call me that.. And.. don't tell anyone please." he'd plead, clasping his paws together and practically begging, expecting to be made fun of. Zap however just shakes his head "No no, I get it, Zap isn't my real name either.. It's just what I go by. My real name is uhm... " he stops for a moment, taking a deep breath before leaning in to whisper into the raccoon's ear "It's Florence.." he says really softly before pulling back. "I really don't like it cause it's so girly.. So trust me, I know just how it feels."

With that admission, Jazz's eyes lit up as he felt a connection with the other boy now that he'd never really felt with anyone. It seemed that everyone who he had met had something to say about his name, but this was the first time he could ever recall that he was greeted with understanding. Jazz grabs the housecat by his paw and tugs him upstairs to his room, "Come on, this way~" the coon says as he pulls him along. Cindy could hear the door close from upstairs before letting out a sigh, "Thank goodness. He needs someone to keep him busy." she hummed as she walked back into the living room.

Jazz's room wasn't all too big; a little bed made for one was tucked in the corner, the comforter covering the bed matched the pajamas that Jazz had worn earlier in the morning. At the end of the bed was a hoop mounted to the wall with a clothes hamper under it and another door next to the hamper, likely into the closet. Next to the bed there was a small nightstand with a handful of pictures along with a tiny lamp resting on top. The lamp itself looked rather small and cheap. As did everything; it was the only light in the room but it was bright enough to illuminate the small space. Next to the nightstand was a window that peered over the streets. Zap could see the top of a basketball board in the driveway from where he was through the window and below that was a wooden chest with a handful of bronze and silver trophies on it. Lastly near the chest was a bookshelf with a large number of books and other knick knacks that took up the remainder of the wall. Along the adjacent wall was a rather poorly constructed tv stand, likely homemade and an old fat television rests on the top with a couple of consoles from at least two generations ago lie on the bottom shelf. The last two pieces of furniture was a chest of drawers that didn't match the room beside the television, and a slightly discolored table near the door.

"Whoa, cool~" Zap would exclaim as he examines the room, his eyes fixating on the shiny trophies that stood out from everything else before he notices the consoles under the television, kneeling down to see them "Whoooa... What're these?" he asked, having never seen them before. Jazz rubs the back of his head, again a bit embarrassed. "Uh.. they're older games.. My mom and I got them at a thrift shop downtown a while ago." he'd say, kicking his foot against the rug, figuring he wouldn't be able to impress the cat with this. The coon points to the bookshelf "All the games I have are on the bottom shelf over there." Before Jazz could finish his sentence the cat had bounced to where he was pointing and begins his inspection "I've never seen any of these!" he'd say, sounding rather excited, picking one out of the collection.

Jazz couldn't help but smile as his new friend becomes so excited over what he believed wasn't good enough. "Here let me put it on~" the coon says, his mood lifted higher as he sets the game up for the cat before sitting down behind him on the rug covering the carpet to watch him play a game he himself had beaten more times than he could count, and frankly had grown bored of. It was interesting to the coon however, to just sit back and watch for a change.

It wasn't difficult for the two kids to lose track of time while they exchanged small talk and played their games. At some point in the afternoon Jazz's mother knocks on the door "Jasmine, I made you two a snack." She says rather sweetly "Oh sorry~ Jazz could you open the door please?" The coon sighs, this time not as embarrassed since he knew he wouldn't get flak from the cat. Cindy comes in anyways though as the raccoon boy was getting up. The lady carries in a plastic tray of sliced hotdogs and some bread on the side. "I'll just leave this here for you two." she'd say, sitting it on the table near the door before leaving them both alone.

Before they knew it the light in the room begins to fade as the sun starts to go down. "O-oh my gosh what time is it?" Zap would ask, glancing around for a clock, eyes fixating on an analog clock over the now bare plastic tray on the table, "I'm sorry Jazz, I gotta get myself home before the streetlights are on or my mom is gonna be mad" Zap says aloud, sounding a bit worried. He hops up and starts to dust himself off "It's fine, hopefully we'll see each other again soon" Jazz remarks, to which the cat nods. Both of the boys tread back downstairs and out the door. "It was nice meeting you." Jazz would say, offering a paw to give the handshake that he didn't return earlier that day. The cat takes it and gives it a shake with another big smile. "Likewise! Can't wait to see you again!" Zap says enthusiastically before turning and jogging off down the sidewalk while the coon waves to him.

The street lights begin to flicker on and illuminate the road and the cat starts to slow down after he knew that his new friend couldn't see him anymore. Now that he knew he was all alone the smile he had been wearing all day starts to run away from his face. "Maybe I can just sneak in.." he mumbled to himself as he keeps walking "Or maybe I should.." he'd drift off, thinking about the raccoon and his mother, but he shakes his head as he remembers the financial situation they seemed to be in. "No.. I guess I have to.." he'd say aloud to himself.

Meanwhile the coon watches his new friend fade into the distance and before heading back inside. He heads upstairs and shuts his door. He turns the lock on it before pulling off his jersey and tossing it through the hoop on his wall where it'd fall into a hamper. "Three points for Jazz~" he'd giggle to himself before falling onto his bed with just his gym shorts now. He lies there with his paws behind his head as he'd stare up at the ceiling, letting out a little sigh as he'd start to think about things. "Mmm.. I haven't had a friend that I could really relate to since we moved here. I hope we get to see each other again.." he mutters to himself as he'd turn over in his bed.

Jazz lies there in his bed for a while, grabbing the remote from the nightstand next to the bed and flips through the limited number of tv channels before tossing the remote to it on the floor. "There's never anything good on." he'd grumble before getting back up and stretching out and making his way to his collection of games.. He blows some dust off of a few of them, noticing that the majority of them hadn't even been touched by the cat "I guess it's been a while.." he says to himself before sitting them back down, deciding to just play what Zap had chosen instead.

Zap on the other hand was just getting home after strolling from couple of blocks away. He takes a good look at his house. It was in better shape than his friend's for sure, but by how much could be debated. He quietly approaches and pulls a key out from his pocket to unlock the door so he could try and sneak inside. He quietly closes the front door with the knob turned so it wouldn't make any noise. "Phew.." he'd sigh, a snoring sound coming from the living room, "Mom must not be home yet.." he thought to himself as he opens a nearby door in the same fashion so he could sneak into the basement, locking the door behind him. "Looks like I don't have to make dinner tonight after all." he whispers quietly to himself as he tugs his phone out of his pocket and makes his way down the creaky wooden stairs. He knew just where to step to make the least amount of noise possible. Zap ignores the hanging cord to light up the basement and instead opts to use the dim light of his phone to guide him to his bed.

The red catboy carefully lies himself down in a comforting silence, even though he knew it wouldn't last; it never did. Zap begins to settle down in his space down in the dark basement, but before long he starts to hear some kind of shouting upstairs, "Ugh.. not already.." he'd whine. His parents were fighting quite a lot lately and he'd been trying to stay out of the house for the most part. Zap pulls up the covers on his bed; really it was just a mattress that had been carelessly tossed on the floor, but it was the only place he felt safe in his own home. The catboy sticks his arm out, grabbing another pillow off of the dusty floor. The tabby cat dives his head into his pillow and pulls the other one over himself so he could sandwich his head between them.

Still, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to drown it out, even his siblings were joining in now and it wasn't long until someone was beating on his door. The striped cat just ignores it as his name is called "Flower! Flower!" a voice yelled through the door. Not daring to make a sound, Zap just hopes they would think he wasn't home since he hadn't turned on any of his lights. It had to be his older brother. He's the only one who would call him that, and not surprisingly, he hated that nickname more than his actual name. The striped cat just ignores it entirely until the pounding stops. After listening to all the shouting for a while he decides to skip out on food tonight rather than have to deal with any of them face to face. Normally the last one home would be stuck with dinner duty but in that moment he really just wanted to stay in his room for the rest of the night.

After what seemed like hours things began to calm down, or at least move elsewhere. Zap reaches for his phone again and shoots starts to type out a text to his new friend, asking if he could come over tomorrow, wanting desperately to be away from his family's fighting. Once he finished though he realized that he'd neglected to get Jazz's number. "Damn.. he might not even have his own phone.. Maybe I'll just go tomorrow and see.." The boy lies on his little bed in the basement thinking about the pretty lady again, and her rather handsome son as well, "Must be nice.." he'd whisper to himself before rolling over onto his back, staring up into the darkness as he'd start to think about his own family. "Maybe I should have asked to stay over.." he'd mumble aloud, rolling onto his side.

It wasn't too long before his thoughts about his new friend's family were interrupted by another text. The red cat grabs his phone and pulls it up with mixed emotions "Sorry Zappycat, can't have you staying every night.. Mom will get suspicious." he'd read it aloud before starting a reply, "It's alright Liam. Sorry for being so pushy." he says to himself before sending the same message and flopping back onto the bed.

The red cat tosses and turns in his bed, unable to get any sleep. At the very least though the yelling from upstairs had subsided. He glances at his phone again; already half past one in the morning. "Haa.. I wish I could just leave now.." he mumbled to himself, still thinking about the other boy, letting his mind wander about as he tries to rest, "Mm.. he really seems to like basketball.. I wonder if he'd teach me how to play it.." he whispers, recalling the slightly embarrassing shot he had tried to make earlier that day, replaying it in his head. Now wishing he had observed the coon a bit before approaching him.

He was smiling again though as he continues to think about his new friend; just at the thought of just watching him play as Jazz had done with him for the whole day. Jazz closes his eyes as he pretends and desperately wishes he was elsewhere. He decides to pretend that he was laying on that rug that he'd sat on most of the day while Jazz would be curled up in that small bed next to him. Eventually after letting his mind wander long enough he begins to actually relax in the quietness of the basement and was able to drift off to sleep.