Furry High Chapter 3: Welcome Home

Story by Rier Cat on SoFurry

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#3 of Furry High

The black cat and cheetah wake up at home.

Furry High Chapter 3: Welcome Home

Story by Riercat

All characters were created and belong to me.

After escaping from the school, Wade carried Axel on his back naked as they made their way to the black cat's house.

Warning contains Vore, Anal Vore, Nudity, Foul Language and Homosexual themes. You've been warned!

Wade watched as those huge jaws came closer. He couldn't move and he couldn't scream no matter how hard he tried. All he could do was just wait as he sinks past those sharp white teeth and down the dark black hole. Soon all Wade could see was black. He felt strange in the inky blackness. He didn't know which way was up or down as he floated in the abyss. Then a bright ray of light shines through the darkness illuminating a path for him to follow as he drifted closer to the source.

The white light grows brighter as he makes out a giant figure in the light reaching a hand out to him. Hope returns to Wade as he tried reaching for that hand. But no matter how close he got he was always out of reach. The figure starts slipping away further and further as Wade wasn't able to run after it. The bright light disappearing as. As darkness filled back into his vision. Then he felt heavier and heavier as a weight presses all around him. Like shadowy tendrils emerging from the blackness swallowing him up from head to toe. Wade felt consumed by it as his whole world became just that.

Then heard his alarm go off. Wade opens his eyes to see the face of an all too familiar cheetah sleeping on top of him. The black cat pushes the other feline off thus removing the uncomfortable weight he was feeling.

"Guess it was all just a dream?" Wade thought as he stares down at the cheetah in his bed and finally notices that he was completely butt naked! Shocked to see Axel naked in his bed, Wade freaked out, accidentally pushing the cheetah off the bed with a strong kick.

"What was that for?" Axel asked as he stared angrily at the black cat while rubbing his sore head from falling off the side of the bed and hitting the hard floor.

"Your naked!!!" Wade screamed trying to cover his eyes and look away.

"So are you!" Axel retorted back at the cat.

"What?" Wade looked down at himself and sees himself not wearing a shirt, pants, or any underwear on.

"At least you didn't wake up getting kicked in your stomach!" The cheetah rubbed over his sensitive belly.

"Don't look!" Wade quickly covers his exposed manhood with both hands and turns away from the cheetah.

"Dude chill out." Axel yawned. Raising his arms in the air and twisting his body back and forth stretching his long spine. Unashamed of his lack of clothes. "It's just me and you."

Wade continued staring at the cheetah from his bed and then looked down at his friends crotch."Sorry, I'm just not used to seeing someone..."

"I can cover up if you want?"Axel grabs a pillow and places it over his junk. "Where are my clothes anyway?" Axel looks around the room.

"I think they got stuck inside..." Wade watched the cheetahs stare at him then his whole face cringed in disgust after remembering what happened to him last night.

"Ew! Gross!" Axel stuck out his tongue at that. He soon smelled himself and caught a whiff of the rats fat ass on his whole body. "I need a hot shower!"

Wade points to his bedroom shower door as the cheetah runs to it still holding his pillow in his crotch. The door shuts behind him as he heard the shower water turn on. The black cat was the only one in the room as he gets off the bed to put on some clothes as he waits for the cheetah to finish his bath.

Axel turned the shower on full blast and high heat as he felt the hot water wash away his dirty fur. He could still taste it in his mouth every time he remembered the fat rat janitor. How the cheetah was crushed under the Rats fat ass and pressed up against his dirty asshole. The smell of his musk still ingrained in his mind.

Axel grabbed the pink bar of soap on the shower rack and scrubbed it all over his body. He made sure to get every inch of himself that was soiled from being inside the giant rat's ass. Remembering how he was sucked into the rats giant bowels and every slimy feel of the walls. And how embarrassed he was at getting a hard on while he wriggled around inside Mr.Fritz's fat ass.

He knew he didn't enjoy it... Did he? The question popped in his mind as he looked down to confirm if it was just his imagination. His fully hard dick begged to differ.

"Traitor!" Axel grabbed his dick now and tried to bring his erection down. The water and soap was a little too helpful as it made his dick more pleasurable. If Wade and the Wolf didn't get him out would he have been trapped in that giant fat ass forever? Be used as the rat janitors personal dildo over and over? Axel kept rubbing his hard cock up and down imagining how it would feel to be in there again. Until it was too much and he finally came in the shower and watched his cum flow down the drain.

"Axel? You okay in there?" Wade asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah, I'm okay!" Axel yelled back startled as he takes his hands off from his cock. "What's wrong?" Embarrassed he came inside his friends shower.

"I have some of my clothes you can borrow." Wade hears the shower turn off behind the door as it soon opens with Axel's hand popping out and grabbing the stack of simple clothes. "There's a towel by the toilet if you need to dry off!" The black cat returns to his bed to wait for the cheetah.

"Okay, I got it!" Axel called back as he dried himself with the towel and put on his friends clothes. The black cat's clothes were two sizes too big for him as the cheetah would usually wear the opposite. He loved how small clothes were snug against his body and when strangers looked at him and try to ignore his lewd fashion sense. The cheetah now fully dressed walks out of the bathroom still feeling a hard on in his baggy shorts.

"Everything okay?" Wade picked up something different about the cheetah.

"Peachy." Axel nervously stated. "Just these clothes look like my hand me downs from my brothers." The cheetah stretched his arms out to show how much room there was left to grow.

"Sorry, I don't have anything in your size." The cat apologized.

"It's fine." The cheetahs stomach starts to grow loudly as both felines could hear it. "I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Got anything to eat?"

"Follow me." Wade opened his bedroom door as he lead the cheetah to the kitchen.

"This place is huge!" Axel said as he followed Wade down the steps of the second floor. The cheetah getting a picture of how large the black cats house really was.

"It's okay." Wade felt his ears burn showing his friend around his house.

"I've lived around here all my life, but how have I not seen this place before?" The cheetah questioned the small cat as he looked how big the living room was. It had a huge flatscreen and even a couple of sofas around it. He was beginning to wonder how loaded his new friend really was.

"Dad bought the old house here and renovated it." Wade sheepishly explained as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Is your dad home?" The cheetah looks around for any sign of him in the house.

"No, just us." The black cat was happy about that for once. "My dad is on a business trip." It would be very complicated if they met.

"How long?" The cheetah asked as even the kitchen was luxurious. A giant two door fridge and a huge island table in the middle made of marble.

"One week." Wade said opening the fridge finding anything the two can eat for breakfast. Hoping the cheetah wouldn't notice anything else extravagant about his home.

"Sweet! I would kill for a place like this all to myself." Axel thought how cramped it was living at his own small house. His eyes finally looking through the two wide glass doors leading out to the backyard.

"You have a pool?!" The cheetah nearly jumped out of his fur when he saw the blue water!

"Just a small one." Wade ignored the cheetah and tried to not make a big deal about it as he checked how many eggs were left and how old the milk was inside the fridge.

"It's bigger than my house!" Axel was already outside by the time the black cat turned around to check on him. The sliding glass door wide open. The cheetah looked all around the backyard seeing the multiple pool chairs, a ping pong table, and even an above ground hot tub!

He wished he could take off his clothes and jump right in, but his growling stomach got his attention more. The cheetah turned back to the house as he closes the sliding door behind him. Smelling whatever Wade was cooking up.

"Smells great!" Axel licks his lips as he sits at the kitchen table.

"It's just some scrambled eggs." The black cat made two plates as he placed one in front of the hungry cheetah. "Dad stocked the fridge with lots of food, but he's a better cook then me."

Axel hungrily ate the eggs. He couldn't get enough of the stuff.

"Slow down or you'll choke!" Wade pouring a glass of orange juice for the cheetah.

Axel gulped it down just as fast. After finishing his hole plate he felt how full his stomach was. "Great eggs dude!"

Wade felt the appreciation as he finished his own plate while the cheetah cleaned his teeth with a claw.

"Come on well be late." The cheetah said getting up from the table.

"Late for what?" Wade was afraid to ask.

"Back to school of course." Axel saw the cat drop his fork from his hand and as it fell on the ground.

"Why?" Wade stared up at the cheetah pleading.

"We have to go back dude." The cheetah stared back.

"He was a monster!" Wade slammed his hands on the table. "He ate us Axel!" The black cat took a deep breath. "HE ATE US!!!"

"How do you think I feel?!" Axel started to yell back at his friend. "I was inside his ass! His giant fat ass!"

"Then why do you want to go back?" Wade was angry, but mostly scared of remembering what almost happened to them both last night.

"Because I know they'll be looking who set off that fire alarm and destroyed all the hallways. And the first thing they'll do is see who's missing."

Axel knew how these things worked and Wade wanted to yell back at him, but the cheetah made a solid point.

"Better to act everything is normal and play it cool." The cheetah explained.

"We can tell someone. What about the police?!" The cheetah scoffed at the notion of going to the police.

"And tell them what? That you were eaten by the janitor? How I managed to fit inside his giant fat ass? That would make us even more crazy!" Axel knew how police would just laugh it off and call them nothing but some lying kids.

Wade was at a loss for words. He calmed down and hung his head low as he stood there silent for a minute before the cheetah spoke up again.

"We have to stay low and not catch any attention to ourselves. That includes coming back to school like nothing happened." Axel walked around the table and stood in front of his friend.

"But what if Mr.Frisk said it was us." Wade spoke up now thinking more clearly.

"He didn't." Said Axel, staring down at the black cat."

"How do you know that?" Wade looked up at him in looking he was about to cry.

"There's no cops at our door. If he ratted us out we would have been arrested already." Axel puts a reassuring hand on Wade's shoulder. The cat rubs away his tears with one arm and surprises the cheetah by burying his face into his chest and hugging him.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault. We wouldn't have been in this mess if it wasn't for me and you even sacrificed yourself to let me escape. And I failed trying to do the same for you." Wade was sad he wasn't able to stop giant rat from eating his friend when Axel gave him a chance to save himself.

"What are best friends for?" Axel brought Wade even closer into the hug as they both comforted each other in the kitchen. After a minute the black cat let go.

"We should leave already." Wade looked up at the clock in his kitchen. "Or we'll be late."

Later, Axel was outside the front door waiting for Wade to grab his things. The black cat came down the stairs with a backpack in hand. The cat stops at the door looking back at the house unsure if he should leave.

"Ready?" Axel asks a final time making sure the black cat could go through with this.

"Ready as I'll ever be..." Wade turned around ,closed the door behind him and started walking with his best friend back to school.