How to Catch a Mythical Pokémon

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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#21 of Commissions

Commission for lilavi

How to catch Mew:

Step 1: Have an absurdly huge dick

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


How to Catch a Mythical Pokémon

Commission for Lilavi

"Hm... pretty big house..."

I hadn't seen anyone around for the past hour or so, neither pokémon nor human, it was as if the place was intentionally being avoided. Though, I suppose that's not surprising... It was pretty late, and a storm had been raging for hours. Not to mention, I had heard rumors about this old place being cursed or something like that, but I wasn't about to let that stop me.

I am a Mew, after all, and a shiny Mew at that... What kind of mythical pokémon would I be if I let some weird house intimidate me...?

The house's shutters banged against the house due to the powerful winds, and the heavy rain collided loudly against the gutters, the storm was getting a bit crazy. I of course, kept a protective psychic bubble around my body, as I floated around, so it wasn't as if I was getting cold, or soaked, or anything like that, it's just that when traveling through that type of weather, it's very easy to lose your bearings, especially with as dark as it was...

"I guess this is as good a place as any... if there are any people inside, hopefully they won't mind a Mew floating around their place for the night."

Honestly, I was pretty certain that nobody actually lived in the place, but even if someone did, I was pretty adept at avoiding being noticed by humans. As far as I knew, a lot of them don't even believe that I actually exist.

"Let's see... it doesn't look like any doors or windows are open, so..."

I flew around back, and up to the second floor of the house, and just as I suspected, there was a little vent shaft that left straight into the attic. I try to avoid actually breaking in when I can, and I'm a fairly small creature, so slipping in through a small opening is usually no problem at all.

I slipped in through the house, and down out of the attic. Surprisingly, the house actually looked to be in pretty good shape. Based on how the house looked from the outside, I sort of expected the inside to be a dusty, musty, dark mess, but the place was actually pretty clean.

"Well, I definitely would have guessed that this place was abandoned... but someone's gotta be keeping this place clean..."

As stealthily as I could manage, I sneaked through the house, peeking into all of the rooms, listening for any sounds, basically looking for any sign that anyone else might be present.

"Well, either they have a very good hiding spot, or no one's home at the moment." I shrugged. Having the place to myself was definitely a bit more convenient, something just felt... off though... I couldn't shake the feeling that, despite the fact that I couldn't find anybody else in the place, I wasn't quite alone, somehow...

As I continued floating around the place exploring everywhere that I could, one of the last places I had to check out was a particularly large room at the far end of the first floor. I slipped in quietly, and flicked on the lights, revealing that the room looked to be a pretty good sized library.

"Wow... whoever lives here must really like to read..."

I flew around to check the place out, the room was actually so big that it took me a little time to even get to the back end of it, which is where I came across something that I didn't expect to see...

"Huh...? Graffiti?"

It seemed completely out of place, considering how well-kept the rest of the house was. The back wall of the library was absolutely covered in what looked to be drawings... very detailed drawings depicting pokémon performing certain delicate acts on each other.

"Whoa..." I hovered up a bit higher to get a more straight-on view of the wall. If nothing else, it was definitely interesting... Not something that anyone would ever assume to see in an otherwise immaculately kept house.

"So... someone broke in here, came to this specific room, and vandalized this specific spot...? That seems a little weird..."

I continued to look over the lewd artwork. I was a bit taken aback at first, but the more I saw of it, the more it started to appeal to me... The pictures were definitely meant to be somewhat arousing, and just as they were meant to, some of them were starting to get me going a little.

My gaze stopped on a particular image that showed a somewhat large figure holding the head of a smaller figure tightly against his crotch. Without even thinking, I started to lick my bottom lip a little bit, and let my paw start to wander down, "Some of these... are actually pretty goo--"

** thunk **

The sound was slight, but it was enough to snap me back to reality. I quickly snapped my head around upon hearing it. It didn't really sound like anything in-particular, and nothing looked out of place, so I shrugged it off, still it felt like something was off.

"Something from outside, I guess..." The storm was still raging pretty hard, so the possibility was definitely there. I did my best to try and convince myself that I was just being paranoid as I continued to float around.

"I've been exploring this place for almost an hour... There's no way that I missed someone. It has to just be my nerves getting to m--"

** BUMP **


I still had my head turned towards the vandalized wall as I floated forward, so I didn't quite notice as I collided face first with what appeared to be a dark purple mass. It wasn't hard, like a wall... rather, it was soft enough that I actually bounced slightly upon running into it.

"Huh...?" I glanced upwards, hoping to discover what it was, though before I could even lift my head in reaction, a hand reached out, and with a slight tap to my forehead, what felt like a sharp static sting hit through my entire body. "ACK!"

I quickly moved backwards, and right away it became clear that the figure before me was a Gengar, a ghost-type pokémon. It made sense... Ghosts are notoriously hard to detect, even for psychic-types, and I had been all over the house without noticing it.

Instinctively, I prepared myself for a battle. It had just hit me with an attack, or at least it felt like it had... I focused my psychic energy, and let loose a psychic attack... or, at least I tried to...

"Hey... W-What...?" I attempted again, but still nothing, my attacks didn't seem to be working at all, "What did you just do to me?!"

The Gengar remained where he was. The recognizable big grin that his species often displays adorned his face, and he held up his hands seemingly trying to persuade me that he wasn't a threat.

"Hehe... Easy there, little guy. It was just a Disable technique. I don't get a lot of super-powerful mythical pokémon as intruders... especially shiny ones like you. Didn't want to risk you smashing me with some legendary attack, so I figured I'd just stay hidden until I got a chance to turn off your attacks... like I just did."

Turn off my attacks...? He disabled me...?

It was true that none of my attacks were working, it was just something that I would not have expected.

"Disable?! Well... t-turn it off! Or cancel it! Whatever you have to do to undisable me!"

He shook his head, "Sorry, there's not a way to do that. Don't worry though, it'll wear off before too long. I only used it to make sure I could introduce myself before you hit me with some crazy psychic blast."

We both lowered ourselves to the ground, and just as he mentioned, he started to introduce himself, "The name's Blackjack, call me Jack. This is my haunted chateau."

"Haunted?" I questioned.

"Well, I am a ghost, and I'm living here. I think that qualifies it as haunted, don't you agree, little guy?"

"Can you cut it out with the little guy stuff? I'm a Mew, which means I'm powerful enough to blast you from here to Hoenn!" I paused for a second, and spoke the next line in a bit of an embarrassed tone. "I mean... if you hadn't disabled me..."

He chuckled slightly, "Hehe, my bad... I figured that a Mew would likely be used to being called small."

Well, it wasn't as if he was wrong... I'm only around a foot-and-a-half tall, which is pretty standard for a Mew, or at least that's what I'd heard... I'd never actually met another Mew, so I didn't have anything to compare against.

"No offense meant, are we cool?" He moved towards me, and extended a hand to shake.

"Uhh... f-fine..." floated upwards a bit to shake his hand, but what I was more focused on was Jack himself. With him so close to me, I finally got a real sense of how big he was. Gengar isn't a particularly huge pokémon, but he was at least three times my size, and probably a bit more. It reminded me why I try to avoid running into other creatures. For a pokémon as powerful as I am, it's hard to keep up that appearance when I'm rarely even waist-high to anything else.

"So... how long until this Disable wears off...?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a moment, "Hard to say... you're a Mew, so you're probably pretty strong. If I had to guess, I'd say under an hour."

"An hour, ugh..."

Jack giggled a bit, a little amused by my annoyance, "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll feel real quick, hehe." He turned and motioned towards the wall that I had been looking at, "I saw that you were admiring my work."

"Your... work?"

I gave him a sideways glance, and he looked back at me as if he expected the way that I would react, "Hehe... Are you a fan of my chosen subject matter...?"

Though a bit crude, it was pretty clear what the graffiti was supposed to depict, and I couldn't say that I was completely uninterested... I couldn't tell if the Gengar was just teasing, or if he could actually tell that I was genuinely curious.

"Your art is... uhh..." I wasn't sure how to even describe it to him. In any case, I didn't have the chance, he spoke again before I was able to find the words.

"Well, I never said I was Smeargle, heh... I think a few of them are at least pretty good though." He floated up and pointed at a specific picture, "This one's probably my favorite."

I glanced towards the picture that he was referring to, and interestingly enough, it happened to be of the pictures that did catch my attention earlier, the same one that I had been staring at just before Jack showed up.

"Oh...? That one... uh..." The Gengar seemed to be waiting for my response. I still wasn't quite sure if he knew that I was looking at it earlier or not, but either way, he was waiting for me to say something.

"That one's... interesting... Is it just a fetish or yours? Or a fantasy, or something...?"

He snickered a little bit before answering, "Fantasy? Tch... This is all stuff that I've actually done."

I tried to not react to it, but those words absolutely caught my attention. My mind immediately went to thoughts of the position depicted in the graffiti, but specifically with the Gengar in the place of the larger figure. I swallowed hard, and asked the follow-up question without even thinking.

"So... then, who's the other pokémon...?" I looked over to gauge his expression, despite knowing that I'd only see the same standard grin that he'd had this entire time.

He brought his hand up to his chin and looked upwards, as if he was thinking about it, "Hmm... can't say that I really remember. It was definitely someone right around your size though."

"M-My size...?"

"Heh, yeah. I remember, because my dick was actually bulging out their throat. Doing stuff with smaller species is always fun."

I felt a shiver run through my body as I thought about it, but then shook the idea out of my head, "You... You're exaggerating, you can't be that big."

He turned as if he expected me to say those exact words, and spoke with a slightly smug tone to his voice "Take a look for yourself."

I lowered my gaze, and immediately saw something that definitely was not present before.

"W-Whoa!" My immediate thought was, I guess he wasn't exaggerating... The soft cock that hung between his legs definitely looked plenty sizeable, and I could only imagine how impressive it got when it was hard.

"That, uh... w-wasn't there a minute ago--"

"Yeah, I usually keep it phased out and invisible, it just makes it easier to deal with." He stretched out, openly displaying his endowment for me to get a good look at, "It feels good to let it out every-once-in-a-while though."

I didn't say anything in response, I couldn't say anything in response. He was just as big as he had claimed to be, and even with the thing hanging right there in front of me, it was still hard to believe.

"I can tell you agree that it's pretty impressive, huh?"

"Huh...?" I must have been staring for longer for longer than I had intended to. I almost didn't even hear Jack ask the question, not that I really knew how to answer it anyway. "Oh! I... uh... I guess, I can admit that it's... umm..."

Even before I could manage to stammer out the full sentence, the ghost-type's grin deepened a bit. Admittedly, that's not an easy thing to notice on a Gengar, but being a psychic-type, I could basically feel the mischievous intent forming in his mind.

He reached down and began massaging his soft length, a very clear attempt to try and keep my attention drawn to it... I couldn't say that it wasn't working though... Even as I tried to not be captivated by the sight, it was a challenge that I apparently wasn't quite up for.

"Since you did say that you were kind of interested in this image... You'd probably be up for giving it a shot yourself, right?"

I was almost too entranced to even comprehend what he was asking, but the thought of it definitely snapped me back to reality, "Wh-What...? G-Give it a shot...?"

He hovered forward a bit more, keeping his flaccid organ level with my gaze as he did, "Yeah, why not take the chance to experience the image that you like so much?"

He approached a bit more, or rather... he never stopped approaching. He was getting close enough for me to catch a whiff of his musk, which only served to cloud my thoughts further. My mind was telling my body to back away from Jack, and maybe think it over, but my body wasn't really listening. Curiosity was urging me to just let it progress.

I suppose it wasn't really a surprise when I began to feel the soft member pulsing as it met the outside of my lips.

I inhaled again, taking in more of his scent, and then without even thinking about it, extending my tongue ever-so-slightly, letting it meet the warm organ for just a moment.

"Oh, that felt nice, heh..." The slight lick didn't go unnoticed by the ghost, "I'm sure you could open wider than that though."

He nudged forward a bit, doing his best to coax me to open my lips for him. Hesitatingly, I let out a few more light lashes of my tongue, which only proved to encourage him further.

"Hmmm... come on..." One of his hands extended to grip the back of my head, not quite forcing me down, but definitely holding me in place as well as he could. His other hand gripped his own still-soft member as he attempted to direct it towards finding its way into my lips.

I licked at it again and again. With each lap, Jack pressed forward again, seeking entry into my maw. My mind wandering in a little bit of a haze, the image of Jack face-fucking the smaller being flashed vividly in my mind, but this time the smaller being had a clear identity. I could plainly see my own form in the place of the submissive creature, and the thought sent a shiver through me. I opened my mouth for another lick along the Gengar's length, and right away found the soft cock filling the space in my mouth.

"Aha, that's better!"

I didn't have the wherewithal the pull away from the ghost-type, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't have. I simply went along with it, letting the sizeable organ fill my maw, meeting the back of my mouth before even fully inserted.


I moaned slightly, as it was all I could manage while unable to speak.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure it gets all the way in... With as good as you feel though, I'll definitely get hard real quick though."

He was absolutely intent on stuffing as much of himself into my mouth as he could which was proving to be a difficult task with the organ still being soft. He gripped my head firmly, and did all he could to ram into my face. I could tell that he was getting into it, if nothing else, the vigor with which he moved was proof of that.

I swirled my tongue around in the limited space that was left inside of my mouth, caressing him as well as I could, trying to catch underneath his foreskin, swallowing around him. I just couldn't believe how much of the soft organ that I was somehow accepting

How is this guy not even hard yet...?

As if the ghost-type could read my mind, I got my answer right away, when I felt the oversized organ begin to stiffen in my mouth.


The tip of Gengar's quickly hardening cock jabbed against the back of my throat drawing a gag from me.

"Hope it's not more than you can handle, hehe..."

His words definitely had a degree of snark behind them, he could without-a-doubt feel that he was threatening to push into my esophagus, and he was only going to get bigger, now that he was finally getting hard.

He gave a light thrust forward, just enough for his tip to breach into my throat. I was actually surprised that I was able to suppress my gag reflex enough to avoid choking, Jack' size was definitely more than it felt I should have been able to handle.

Satisfied that he was firmly sheathed within my throat, he started thrusting properly, starting fairly slow, but noticeably picking up power and tempo on each of his gyrations. The degree of length and girth that his cock gained as it got closer and closer to full-mast was starting to feel like too big of a challenge. I was starting to feel like a fleshlight as the much bigger pokémon slammed his cock into my face over and over.

"Wow... I didn't think I'd be able to get this much into you! Your body can handle a lot!" He moved his grip from my head to body, holding my arms to my torso. Assumedly for a better angle to thrust into me. "Well, let's see just how much you can take then..."

I was definitely getting a feel for just how big Jack was. When I first saw his flaccid size, I had already thought that it was enormous, but with him driving the full length of his erection in and out of me, it felt impossibly huge. If I had been any other pokémon I probably... no... definitely wouldn't have been able to handle him... He was taking advantage of the fact that I was such a powerful pokémon, more-or-less using me as a toy that he didn't have to hold himself back with.

I was ashamed to admit to myself that I was loving it...

My mind kept flashing to how big the ghost was compared to me, and how deep his cock had to be reaching. All I wanted was more of that feeling... for him to get even deeper, and stretch me even more.

Jack thrust in again and again, picking up tempo. He would pull back, allowing me to take a breath, and then slam in, making a surge of sensation resonate through me. I was prepared for that surge... I was ready for that feeling. Jack pulled his length back once again, and...


Jack released my body and backed up a bit, leaving me a little confused.

"Uhhh... huh?"

"Fuck, you got into that, didn't you?" He snickered as he watched me try to come out of the little daze he had me in, "I guess all the myths I heard about Mew are true. You took my cock so much better than that guy..." He pointed back up at the graffiti.

I took a breath and started to gather myself, a bit embarrassed at how much I had lost myself while I was being face-fucked. "Y-Yeah... well..."

"I mean, you had all of this in your throat, heh. I'm sure that you agree, that's a pretty big task."

He motioned down to his still-hard erection, and I looked down at it, for the first time since it had been in my mouth, "F-Fuck... No way... all th-that...?" The massive staff had a slight upward curve, as it extended off of ghost-type's body. It was such a monumental sight, that I almost didn't even notice the thread of ectoplasmic pre that stretched from the tip and clung to my bottom lip.

Jack nodded, "Almost as big as your whole body, right?" He continued to chuckle, obviously very amused by the differences in our sizes, and likely my reactions as well. He wasn't wrong though... As I said before, I'm only around a foot-and-a-half tall, and with him having reached what I assumed was full-mast, the huge organ definitely looked to be over a foot long.

I mean... I knew that my body was a bit more durable than most pokémon bodies, but it seemed crazy to think that the entirety of that huge cock was down my gullet.

"Your throat felt really good too, I honestly can't believe that I didn't blow my load."

Until he mentioned it, I hadn't even thought about that. He definitely hadn't cum yet... "Uhh... You didn't want to cum? Isn't that kind of the point?"

He chuckled to himself, as if he had something specific in-mind in response to my question. His eyes darted back towards the vandalized wall, "I think that one would be lots of fun, don't you?"

I turned to look at which image he was referring to, and even without him actually pointing it out, I knew immediately which one he was referring to. The picture was right in the middle, and just like the first one, it depicted a larger figure, presumably Jack, coupled with a creature much smaller than the Gengar. The main difference however, was that this time, the smaller creature was bent over, and being entered from the other end.

My eyes widened just a bit, and I trembled a little bit at the thought. Jack was absolutely massive compared to me, I was barely even able to stretch my lips around his girth, so it didn't seem like fitting it into a much, MUCH tighter space would work very well.

"Oh... Uh, Jack... I don't know if I can--"

I hadn't even finished the sentence when the ghost-type placed his hand on my shoulder, and leaned in close to speak directly into my ear. "I'm sure the mythical Mew can handle it, right...?"

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the wall, more specifically, the crudely drawn picture that Jack had motioned towards. It was almost as if the graffiti had some degree of hypnotic power to it. Just like with the first drawing, my mind instantly snapped to Jack in the place of the larger being, and myself in place of the smaller. It was so vivid I could almost feel myself getting pounded and slammed into by the Gengar's massive--


I let out a yelp as I was pushed forward, and was subsequently hit with a jolt through my body. A particularly sharp static sting coursed through my entire form. It wasn't painful, but I could feel tingling pinpricks all over my body, especially my bottom half.

"Jack?!? What did you do? What was that?!?"

Apparently, while I had my attention diverted, the ghost-type had slid around behind me, and shoved me forward, landing me on my hands and knees.

I could hear a very slight chuckle from behind me just as Jack started his explanation, "Whoops, forgot that my Lick attack can cause paralysis!"

"What? Lick?!?"

I hadn't even realized it when it happened, the Gengar definitely knew what he was doing though by hitting my weakness.

"Well yeah, gotta get you all prepared, don't I?"

I'd been hit by Lick attacks in the past, and they generally left a mess of slick, tingly ectoplasmic slime. So the fact that I was experiencing exactly that was not a surprise.

"The paralysis isn't a big deal though, you won't need to move much for this next part."

Jack kneaded and pulled at my backside, and I felt another swipe of his wide tongue send a shudder through me. The second lick was even deeper, and decidedly more forceful. The wet organ ran flush over my pucker, and it felt like I was melting under the ghost-type's ministrations. I could only imagine the sloppy mess of ghost slime that my backside had to be by now.

More prodding and nudging at my ass is what followed, punctuated by what was clearly one of the Gengar's digits poking into my hole. As much as I didn't want to encourage my would-be assailant I couldn't help but let out a small moan. The finger probed and stretched me while at the same time slicking me up for what he had planned.

I really shouldn't let this just happen, I should be doing something to stop this... Even while I'm disabled, I should be able to do--


My thoughts were interrupted by Jack pulling his hands away from my bottom, and grabbing my side to flip me over. It was one swift motion that resulted in me landing somewhat roughly on my back, and finding myself immediately staring at the foreskin-covered head of the ghost-type's erection.

Even with Jack in place between my spread legs, his length extended far enough over my front to bob lightly right over my face, flooding my senses with his scent, as well as the few droplets of pre that splashed gently onto my face.

Whereas a moment ago I was simply concerned with how to stop what was happening, now face-to-face with that massive cock once again, my thoughts were decidedly different.

I need another taste of that...

I leaned by head in, and extended my tongue towards the tip, managing to only catch a small drop if the clear fluid as Jack pulled himself slightly away from my reach.

"I think we're about ready to continue, don't you?"

The mischievous grin on his face spoke volumes. He stroked idly at his glistening length while staring down at me. Vivid pictures formed in my mind of Jack fucking me, and thoughts how deep that giant cock would reach into me excited me even further. Had I not been paralyzed, I likely would not have been able to even stop myself from reaching out for it.

"Y-Yeah..." I could barely find the words, but it didn't matter, before I even answered, the big pokémon was already angling himself to get started. Having to back up a bit to even align himself correctly, he moved the head of his cock right up under my tail, and with a lick of his lips, he started to give a small press forward.

"Nnngh..." Immediately I could feel the pressure of that thick head trying to split me open. Right away, Jack's hands moved to my hips, gripping them tightly so that he could use more force to drive into me. Having already seen how durable I was from one end, there were no doubts in my mind that he was planning to go all-out, and pound into me without restraining himself at all.

"You are even tighter than I -ngh- expected you to be..."

He gave a strong push with just enough pressure behind it to force the head past my ring, and draw another muted moan out of me.

"Hhnnnng... f-fuck..."

Slowly, the massive organ crept into me, every bit of it stretching me even further. From what I could feel, Jack couldn't have gotten more than a couple inches into me before intentionally holding himself in place. Seemingly letting me get used to the girth of his invasion, he met my gaze and spoke in continuance to his previous words.

"...I guarantee that you won't feel this tight ever again."

It happened just as I expected. The big ghost-type was clearly not interested in holding back with me. He drew back slightly, making sure to keep his tip within me, and then slammed in without hesitation. Confident that I could handle anything that he could throw at me, he fucked me with absolutely no regard for our size difference.


I had never felt anything like it. The ghost-type cock felt like it was far beyond my limit with both its length, and girth. Every time Jack moved, it felt like I was right on the verge of being torn open. At the same time however, I didn't want him to stop... I didn't even want him to slow down. Each of his thrusts might as well have been a direct jab at the pleasure-center of my brain.


He didn't respond, but it was clear that his sentiments were the same as mine. He was so focused on fucking me, that he was nearly lifting my entire body off of the ground with each gyration of his hips.

The thunder and wind from the raging storm quickly began to fade, or rather... my perception of them faded. I was too lost in the haze of pleasure that I was experiencing. I could have been laying there for seconds, minutes, or even hours, I had completely lost track of how long it had been by the time Jack's voice pulled my attention.

"Heh... I'm only about -ngh- halfway in, and you're already starting to bulge! I love that you can handle so much!"

I didn't even understand what he meant at first, but as my gaze wandered, it was impossible to miss. My eyes went wide upon seeing my midsection bulge outward with the shape of the Gengar's cock. I shouldn't have been surprised by it though, Jack's cock was probably just as big as my torso. If it didn't feel so good, I'd probably have taken exception to it.

...but it did feel really good.

"Nnnngh! I-If you keep this up... I-I can't..."

I heard another sound of amusement come from the ghost-type, "Oh? You can't?" He gave a particularly sharp thrust, attempting to push me even further, "You can't what, exactly?"

"I... I-I c-caaaaan't... hnngh!"

I couldn't get the words out. With Jack still increasing his tempo, I couldn't manage to focus on anything that wasn't his cock. Despite my efforts to hold back, I could feel myself losing control, getting too close to...

** flop **

"Whoa!" Jack paused, caught by surprise, "Figured you were keeping it hidden, but didn't expect you to be packing this much, heh."

Like Jack had been doing earlier, I had been using my powers to keep my length concealed, but given the rate at which I was losing control of my faculties, I can't say that I was really surprised upon feeling it unfold right in view of the big ghost-type.

Jack reached forward and gripped underneath my erection, getting a feel for it, and even stroking it ever so lightly. He had stopped thrusting once my cock unfurled into view, so now I simply laid there unable to do much more than breathe heavily, and feel every pulse of Jack's dick molding my insides.

"You are pretty impressive there, but I guess it's only natural for a pokémon such as the mythical Mew to be so mythically endowed."

He grinned right at me as he held my erection, but I turned away in embarrassment. Not that I felt I had anything to be ashamed of, but the fact that I lost control of myself was proof to Jack of just how much I was enjoying what he was doing to me.

With one last stroke of my member he let go of it, letting it drop and splash a couple drops of pre against my upper chest, "Let's see if I can get it to blow a mythical load..."

The Gengar's hips went back into motion, immediately back at the tempo that he had previously reached, if not even faster.



Slapping sounds filled the room, not from Jack's body against mine, but rather from my own dick slapping against my chest. With every one of the ghost-type's powerful thrusts, it stimulated me further, turned me on even more... It didn't take long before I escalated to full-mast, and my erection went from slapping me in the chest to slapping me in the chin.

"I gotta admit, watching you splatter your own pre-cum all over your face is... Ah... pretty hot, hehehe..." Jack spoke through increasingly labored breaths. Every time my foreskin-covered head collided with the bottom of my face, it left splashes of pre in its stead, and the Gengar seemed to be enjoying the sight very much.

"It makes me want to have a taste." He didn't hesitate, nor did he even slow his thrusts this time. Leaning in a bit, he reached out to corral in my flopping cock, and brought it inwards towards his own face.

My long tail thrashed back and forth, and I gripped the small fibers on the carpet as I writhed with stimulation. It was so much that I could barely even keep my eyes focused, but as I watched, I could still clearly see that big ghostly tongue wrap around my cock.


I knew my shout was unlikely to deter my ghostly assailant, but it was all I could do to not let out a pleasured moan instead.

I was pretty much at the point-of-no-return. Jack was pistoning nearly the full length of his cock in-and-out of me at a pace that I had no business being able to withstand. My gut bulged out over-and-over from his immense size, his balls had begun crashing against my ass, and his lips and tongue swirled and slurped over my cock tip. My orgasm was being held back by a thread, and Jack was one jab away from snapping it.

It was as if he could sense how close I was. He drew back his hips as far as he could without removing himself completely, and then slammed in with an absolutely absurd amount of power, absolutely annihilating my pleasure center. It felt like a bolt of lightning surging through every cell in my body. I was basically vibrating with ecstasy as the most powerful orgasm I'd ever experienced drove me crazy.

"OH! OHHH!" Outside of my lust-driven moans of pleasure, I hadn't said anything to indicate my orgasm, not that Jack seemed to mind. Through my blurred vision I could still make out the Gengar lapping and sucking at my cock, even as I was erupting my copious load onto and into his face.

As release overcame my body, I started to spasm around his length. My hole was already far too tight for his girth, and as I seized up around him, he could definitely feel it, and it showed on his face just how much.

"Hah... Haaah... Ah... here it c--omes..." He spoke through heavy breaths as he tried to keep his hips pumping. Then, with one was powerful stroke, he pushed in hard and held still. I could feel each pulse of his cock as he began to unload inside of my already overfilled body.

Immediately cum began rushing back out around his cock, splattering messily all over both or our lower bodies. I felt like nothing more than a living condom stretched around Jack's monstrous member, and I was filled well past capacity. I was honestly surprised Gengar cum didn't start pouring out of my mouth.

"Sooo... fuuuuuuuull..." I could feel the ropes of Jack's seed bombarding my insides. So much of his thick fluid sloshing around inside of me, only to be displaced mere moments later by the next blast that he let loose inside of me. Even as my orgasm came to an end, I still felt more heavy ropes of Gengar sperm being pumped into me.

"Fuck! I forgot how GOOD it felt with someone your size!" Jack's tongue was more or less hanging out of his mouth as he nearly shouted the words out. He gave another few licks to my cock before unceremoniously letting go of it, and letting it drop back onto my front.

It finally felt as if his climax was subsiding when his grip on me loosened, and he started removing himself from my tunnel. I went from feeling overly full to unbearably empty in a matter of seconds. Even with an overabundance of ghost-type cum still stuffing me full, I honestly felt myself trembling with need over the lack of the thick cock stretching me open.

The last few spurts of his release splashed onto my front upon him pulling completely out of me. His mischievous expression hadn't faded in the slightest as he looked over my exhausted form, "Hehe, so how did part one feel?"

I spoke through my heavy breathing, trying to find words that didn't give away just how much I enjoyed it, even turning my head back to the side so as to not look him in the eye, "Y-You just... I mean, you didn't even... Just because I came, doesn't mean anyth--AH!"

I stammered out a few excuses before involuntarily letting out a yelp. I noticed Jack bringing his body up, hovering over me, and reaching down to once again start stroking my half-hard member.

"W-What are you d-doing...?" As soon as the words escaped my lips, I noticed that the massive Gengar cock that extended from Jack's form still looked to be rock-hard, despite having just unleashed a torrent of cum.

"What does it look like? It'd be a shame to let something this impressive go to waste." He aimed my stalk, and began lowering himself, slowly letting the head of my member sink into his entrance, immediately reinvigorating my erection, "Figured that I should take it for a ride..."

Not that I could have even stopped it given my paralysis, but by the time I would have even been able to react, I was already feeling the effects of the Gengar's heavenly tightness.


Jack wasted absolutely no time in taking the entirety of me, and seemingly without issue, "Oooh! You ARE a big one!" The pleasure was clear on the Gengar's face as he started moving his body, basically fucking himself with my dick.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I clenched my teeth. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Jack's tunnel was unbearably tight, yet somehow he was sliding up and down my pole with what felt like no resistance.

With me on my back and the ghost-type repeatedly bouncing himself up-and-down on me, his own massive, drooling spire slapped against my chest and face every time descended onto me. My face was already nearly soaked from the pre-cum splattering that I had taken from my own cock earlier, so I couldn't even imagine how much of an oozing mess it would be after Jack's next release.

"Mmmmmmnnngh..." I did my best to hold myself from moaning even more, but it didn't matter, the immeasurable pleasure would have been clear to anyone. The Gengar's insides were so warm and constricting. It didn't matter that I had just been brought to climax a few minutes ago, I was already getting close again.

"Ah... Hah... I almost wish that I hadn't paralyzed y-you... Ngh..." He groaned in pleasure every time he forced himself down, "...I'd love to feel what this dick could do with some strength behind it!"

His power increased every time he slammed himself down. I was as deep as I could get into him, and still it felt like he wanted me to reach even deeper. I could almost see the pleasure in his eyes every time the base of his tail met my balls, I was hitting something inside of him, and he looked as if he could blow his load at any moment. Not that my situation was any different.

I was just about lost in the ecstasy, content to let Jack do anything and everything he wanted with my body, as long as I got the release I desperately needed. Until I felt a familiar surge through my mind, I was so consumed with sensation, that I almost missed it, but as soon as I perceived it, I knew what it was...

The disable had finally worn off.

I half expected Jack to try and reapply it, or do something, but he either hadn't realized it, or was too consumed with pleasure to notice. Either way, I didn't waver. My eyes glowed with psychic energy, and before Jack even had a chance to realize what was going on, I leveled my most powerful psychic attack to send the Gengar flying.

"Ahhh-huh?!? GAH!"

** WHAM **

The ghost-type hit the wall hard enough so as to make some of the books on the nearby shelves fall from their places.

"Ooooff... That wasn't what I was expecting to feel..." Jack landed on his front, and rubbed his head. I didn't give him a chance to react further though. Using my powers to hold him in place, I teleported over and flipped him onto his back. After that point it was like my body was moving on its own.

I placed the tip of my still dripping cock at the opening of the gaping Gengar tunnel in front of me. I could see the ghost-type's eyes widen as it was about to happen. I didn't know if that was out of excitement, fear, anxiety or what, but that wasn't my concern, I just needed that smothering tightness around my erection again. I jabbed forward and the sensation hit both of us at the same time.

"OHHHH YEAAHHHHH!" Jack shouted out once I sheathed myself in him. I could practically see the stars dancing in his eyes, and I knew exactly how he felt. I couldn't stop my hips even if I wanted to.

"DON'T STOP! DON'T EVVVVVVVVVVERRRR STOP!" He pleaded for me to keep going, not that I had any intentions of slowing down. Still, despite his moans, his foot pressed against my face as if he was trying to push me away, though I expected he simply wasn't in full-control of his body.

Regardless, I grabbed the errant foot and gave it a long lick across the sole hoping to stimulate him further, assuming that was even possible.

"GYAAAAHAAHA!" His moan was almost like a laugh as my tongue rippled over his toe tips. The Gengar was literally shivering with pleasure. Between my tongue caressing his foot, and my cock hammering him insides with literally mythically powerful force, he couldn't hold himself back. I gave a particularly sharp thrust and held myself flush against him, and I could feel it happen

Jack's body seized up like a vice grip around my length, "F-Fuuuuuuck! That's tight!" My shout yielded no response, save for a labored moan through the Gengar's orgasm.


Heavy ropes of ghostly cum splattered against the wall and over Jack's front, giving me an idea of just how much he had filled me with earlier. Each jet of fluid he unleashed was another throb through his already impossibly tense passage, and that quickly proved to be my limit.

"Hnnnngh! G-Gonna... Gonna..."

"Ahh... fuckin' fill me up, Mew..." Before I could manage the end of my sentence, Jack basically slurred out the words, and as if on command, I felt the wave of pleasure crash into me.

It was ten times what my previous orgasm felt like. I couldn't even keep my firm grip of the Gengar's sides as I unloaded into him, the sheer pleasure was completely clouding my senses.

From the first blast, cum was immediately leaking out around my shaft, and pouring to the ground below us. I could feel the warm thick fluid seeping out and oozing down my legs and the Gengar's ass, but I was too exhausted to acknowledge it in the least.

"Haaah... hah... ah... hah..."

My hips kept gyrating softly as I rode out my orgasm, but no sounds came from either of us, save for our heavy breathing. Jack's foot slipped from my face, and I collapsed forward onto the big belly of the ghost-type under me, landing with a soft splat on the seed saturated surface. Without ever removing myself from him, I laid peacefully against him, softly lapping at his softening shaft, until he finally broke the silence with a question.

"Hehe... no one's every hit me with that kinda power before... You're really a Mew, aren't you?"

I didn't even understand the question at first, I tilted my head towards his face and gave him a puzzled look, "W-What...? Of course I am! What else could I be?"

He giggled, his demeanor still the same as it had been when I first ran into him, "Honestly, Ditto and Zorua come in here all the time, using their abilities to pretend to be legendary pokémon, and a good fuck usually snaps them out of it. Wasn't expecting the real deal..."

I laid my head back down on him, and felt fatigue and weariness start to set in.

"Now I know that next time a blue-furred Mew shows up, it's you..." He paused just a moment before continuing, "...There will be a next time, right?"

By the time he got the question out, I was already drifting to sleep. I felt my eyelids start to shut, and slumber took me to unconsciousness.



I glanced up to see a ray of light flowing in through the skylight. It was so dark last night, I hadn't realized that there even was a skylight...

I took a moment to stretch, and then looked around, "Uh... Jack?"

No response, but that was not particularly surprising... ghost-types didn't generally like sunlight as far as I knew.

The mess that we'd made had been completely cleaned up somehow, even my fur looked to be in pristine condition. All evidence of our little escapades from the night before had been completely removed, including the Gengar himself.

If it wasn't for the fact that my insides were still fairly sore from Jack's monument of a cock stretching it so wide I might have actually started to think that it was all a dream

I gathered myself up to leave the chateau, taking one last look up at the graffiti covered wall, and noticing that there was a new figure there. It was fairly similar to the others, except this one showed the smaller figure behind the larger, very similar to the position that we had ended the night with.

With a grin, I floated up and made my way towards the exit.

Yes... there will definitely be a next time.