the story of the SKULLS BLUE SKULLS story

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Like hello there, this is blue SKULL here, I really miss the 60's and 70's the 80's are okay but the 90's yuk. It was the summer of 65' I remember it well it was great I'd just seen a very nice van a VW bus brand new just off the production line, so in 67' I brought one well a second hand one, it was then painted in hippy colours so I did the thing that all hippy's did went around the would going to Woodstock, it was 69' I remember it well I meet a nice person, David a shire horse we talked and smoked joints and like listened to the music it was great, then Hendrix played it was great, then the 60'ed died and along came the 70's but it was a sad time Hendrix was dead but in England we had a great music prog it was great it sounded great plus it was a nice year the 60's van was still going and it was great, the music was great then along came cassette's they where great I brought loads listen to music and smoking weed and doing LSD then the 70's went as soon as they came, the 80's where okay but they where not very nice it was all tectonic stuff and no prog but it was great to listen to stoned that is ha ha, there was another great band called Queen there music was great the van was still going but showing its age, then the 90's came but it was no good it was like what's the point? I think rap and hip hop took over, then in 1991 24 of November Queen lead singer died that was the day music died for me, and that's when life hit me, there where new things in my life drugs where now illegal and I can now only do them in my own house I can't even go somewhere and smoke it the other thing is a thing for the car called an MOT so in the 90's I repainted her in crimson blue instead of hippy paints, and colours, she failed it on rust the silent killer of cars, and she failed sigh, I sold her to some guy who said he restore her but it would be big because in the 80's plastic padding was made and I used so much of that stuff on that old van it was almost made of the stuff sigh I miss her if any body sees her, her reg number is BLUE 79, sigh now a days music is no good plus I'm an old dude now remembering the old days and listening to music of old in my 99' Hyundai civic, sigh I miss the old days but there dead and burred in the past.