Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 3

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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The apartment had a living room that connected to a hallway which had the bathroom off to the side of it. The back of the hallway thus after meeting with the bedroom and we came out of it with me leading. Well um... the one that was not Sko and the one that was not me as the writer we had visited. They both followed.

We came past the bathroom door to the left was the two additional two closet doors metal folding and white painted. The bathroom was on the right. But, outside the door but before the door of the bathroom was in the corner a bookshelf. Then, skipping past the door was an entertainment center with two music CD stands that were wire racks in double set. There, in the middle was a CD/MP3 player, very small.

The walls in the hallway had two ornamental hooks 2 the left and a ring to the right. The next room beyond was the living room. It started on the left wall with the dartboard and the air conditioner control panel. This then offset a slant cut that opened a way into the kitchen and the opposite wall from that housed a rack of CDs and some tapes at the bottom.

The wall by the dartboard led away past a closet to the door in the corner left of the room. The right side of the door had a cushy small swivel rocker chair. A black floor lamp was next to it with the white recliner next to that. A small round pop top lid stand was between the two chairs in front of the floor lamp. Then to the right of the chair was a small black and gray stand with my laptop atop it. Then, the loveseat under the window and meeting a mahogany end table which was a rather large brown end table.

The wall to the right housed the glass and metal entertainment center topped with my TV. The stand held various electronics like a DVD player but mostly houses several game console systems. I sat down in the recliner. My writer part sat in the smaller brown swivel rocker. Sko sat on the loveseat.

"Sophie," my writer self called out. The cat didn't respond so I reached beside the recliner next to the small circular stand and located the cylindrical bottle of cat treats. I gave them a shake saying, "Hey Sophie!"

The cat responded by moving out of one of the open closets across from the bathroom. I popped open the top of the bottle and shook out three treats. She came closer at this point so I threw a treat at her and she ran up to the entertainment stand to get it and ate it with haste.

"I think you should transform her," my writer self said.

"I could. How would she be if I transformed her into an anthropomorphic anything? I don't know," I responded.

"Please. I wanted to see how she would be," I said as my writing part.

"Oh alright," I said gesturing at Sophie.

She sprouted up in height. She was a gray and white fur cat so her fur was accentuated by more human breasts. She was fat and her hips but t and belly flabbed out jiggily. Her facial features changed considerably more stretched out but still cat-like.

"Whoaw what a tingly feeling that was," Sophie murred glancing around quickly. She turned around and quickly moved back toward the closet.

"I remember this closet being much bigger," She mewed and started into the close. Yet, just as soon as she got inside, she back out exclaiming, "It was smaller! What happened?"

She looked back over at me. My writer counterpart waved at her and got up moving over to her with his arms open. Sophie balked and took a step backwards. My writing counterpart lightly placed his arms around her. Sophie looked at him uneasily.

"Sophie, you've been made like me," My writing counterpart expressing coming away and smiling. Sophie went on all fours and crawled over to me into the arm chair, "So, I'm hungry and such. You want to get me something to eat?"

I smiled but my writing counterpart jumped up and went into the kitchen saying, "Ok. I'll make you some steakummms. I don't think cat food would be right for you," The writing part said.

"Cat food, what does he...?" Sophie started to say.

"You're going to find many new sensations and further capabilities. Don't get too wrapped up or you're likely to miss something," Sko said.

"Nah, don't worry about that. Just take it as it comes to you," I said to her glancing over at Sko,

"You do like meat though? You were rather picky before. How about milk with that?" My writer part said moving back into the room holding a half filled gallon milk carton.

Sophie merred jumping up and going to him, "Oh milk milk. I was some milk."

My writing part moved back into the kitchen with her and we heard cupboard doors open and close and a pouring of liquid into a glass.

"I guess he won't need those food bowls for her anymore," I said aside to Sko.

"Wow, Sophie, wait until it's done cooking," my writing part scolded from the other room.

"Why?" Sophie's voice protested from in that room.

"OH my gosh, how can you stand it so raw," I heard my counterpart protest.

"It tastes just fine to me," Sophie's voice chimed back.