F.U.R. Part 1

Story by The Red-Ringed Umbreon on SoFurry

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#2 of F.U.R Part 1

...It's Later All Characters © of me. Any likeness is probably just a coincidence }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ F.U.R. Part 1 All available helicopters where at the scene; all eyes were on this strange spaceship that had crashed in the middle of New York. The locals were all scattered when a helicopter with an intertwined white and black star touches down. Calvin Winor steps out of the helicopter, and takes off his black-blocker glasses. He walks around to the side of the ship, and takes a hard look at the damaged hull. Sure enough, painted on the side was the same black and white stars. He takes out a pen and starts jotting down notes onto a yellow pad of paper, "November 17th: A spacecraft has landed on American soil, bearing a '10 points' logo, I have cause to believe that this..." A steam-like hiss came from the smoking capsule. Every armed man ripped out the closest available gun, and pointed it to the foggy, cracked glass. Then a hardly visible door pops off the left side of the hull. A smokescreen of dark gray. A darkened figure materializes through the ash colored cloud as the survivors file out of the hatch. * * *

10 Minutes earlier

  • * * Captain Alexander comes to and sees 3 of his men in front of him, "5 of 13... that must have been a horrible accident." The three look at each other, then to the shaded figure at the front of the wreckage. David gets up and paces to the dead bodies, "Double up on your resource charges until we can find a place for them." Grabbing a small battery-like canister off of the one that sat in front of him. The blue container glowed in his hand as a water droplet appeared on it. David stuck it right next to his own, which glowed a soft teal color; which was adorned with a clear snowflake. He turned to the other three, each had two on their belts; then a rustle in the front of the ship jarred them to action, "BONES!" they all said at once as they all rushed to the origin of the carnage. David turns the corner to see the 20 year old with half of his face covered in oil and his own blood. "That hurt like hell!" Bones says as he tries to stand, then he sees what kept him in his chair. A hunk of metal was spearing him in the chest, "That would explain that." David walks over to the Private, and puts a hand to his chest, "Wait, what are you-" he was cut off as David yanks out the hunks of metal. As he starts bleeding out, David yells out, "Get his resource charge! Now!" Xavier, the middle one runs to the control panel, and rips out the dark brown battery. Clipping it to his belt, he gasps as the brown skull appears on the cartridge. Instantly the hole in his ribcage starts closing up, and Bones starts to breath normally, "Thank God for these things!" Making sure that everyone had both receptors filled, he looked around, "wait, we're missing three." Everyone looks around, then one yells out from the door to the cargo bay, "The emergency seats back here were used." "Alexander..." a feminine voice behind him chirps up, "311, 918, and...112 are gone," He spins around to see Lieutenant May Avery holding three dog tags, "112? You mean?" "Yes...Sir" He rips the shinning necklaces out of her hand, holding them up to the light, one name catches his eye, Lan Alexander, "Damn it" The five survivors hear a sound, a sound of a spinning rotor. They all grab their little bundles, and get ready for departure. One in particular, Michael Denis hears a familiar language, "It can't be..." the other four look in his direction, and see him with eyes the size of dinner plates. "What is it Denis?" Alexander replies walking over to him. "The dialect, it's...it's...English." David, the man who had seen everything, listens to the wall and he hears the distinct vocalizations of the speech, "It's English alright." They all glance at their commanding officer as he walks towards the hatch, and turns red handle. Gray smoke dissipates through to new opening. Jumping through the hole left when the door fell off, he hits cool pavement. He walks forward and hears the clicking of familiar weapons. ---- Calvin Winor stares in amazement as the shadowy figure puts his hands above his head and yells out in scratchy English, "I give you people no harm," That was something he wasn't expecting. "Who are you?" "Captain David Alexander. Raised and born in Arlington, Virginia. Tenure: Russia, Afghanistan, And Black Ops 15 years. Head of Cargo Recovery Team Omega-Delta, Captain of ship behind me." "That was a nice summary, but the Black Ops teams only go to Theta-Gamma." Winor raises his gun. "Years of service:" he says confidently, "2890 to 2910." Calvin shockingly lowers his rifle, that would explain the experimental prototype that was never supposed to be made; in the middle of my home town, no less." "Sorry that my English may not be too good, Humans have such a complex language system." "What do you mean by humans?" Then the smoke cloud starts to dissipate revealing David, "You're...you're a wolf!" * * * The fur-clad soldier stands erect as his black tail twitches from the sight in front of him, "So many Humans, guys you can step out now, they might not shoot." "50/50 or 10/90," Bones answers back. Alexander thinks for a moment, "25/75." May yells out "yeah, that's real comforting." "Get out here, that's an order!" A light shuffling inside, and the four start filing out; May, a bright red and yellow phoenix. Private Anthony "Bones" Terra, a black and yellow tabby. PFC Xavier Greggerson, a green and cyan gecko. And finally Michael Denis, the only human of the ship, and he was a lucky one. His soft brown hair and pale skin stood out from the other four, but being around his own people made him feel on top of the world. But he couldn't stop the feeling that someone was watching. * * * "Look at them, all smug and in the spotlight," Lan spits on the roof top below him. He had a perfect view of the chaos 20 floors below them. "Do you want to get out of here before someone sees us?" A black and brown ferret asks Lan Alexander, as he gets up from his perch. "Yeah, let's go find us a place to lay low for a while" The Tiger to his left says, twirling a green battery-like tube on his fingers. "Don't break that Andy, we only have 3 of those." "Fine..." Andrew Sierra moans out, placing it on the clip of his belt. It starts to glow and a green leaf appears on the side. "Uh...right," lightly touching the purple one at his side, tracing the cloud on it. "And I know the perfect place for us to hide...in plain sight!" he holds up the yellow cylinder, engraved with a lighting bolt. in an instant they vanish, leaving only three scorch marks on the shingles. }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ }- - - - -{ Sorry that it was so long, but I was on a writing streak.