Play Date Ch.1

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#1 of Play Date

A young canine teen is roped into a staying at a bunny classmate's house after school. It seems like he is in for a boring afternoon, but the young rabbit's family might be a lot more interesting than first thought.

This first chapter was inspired by a story I read years ago, but has somehow vanished from the internet since then.

Special thanks to IB: Sumdumguy for helping me with this story.

Play Date Chapter 1 By WaffleSquadron

They were words no self respecting thirteen year old boy wanted to hear.

"I've set you up on a play-date."

"WHAT!? Mom, no! You can't do that!" I protested.

"I can, and I did. It's too late for you to back out anyway. I already have everything worked out with Elijah's family. Tomorrow after school you are going to walk over to his house, and they are going to drive you home in the evening," she said.

"Elijah!? But I'm not even friends with him, and he is so..." I was going to say weird, but knew that would only earn me an angry lecture. I settled on, "...religious."

"He is a nice boy, and his family was kind enough to agree to all of this on short notice. My schedule at work changed, so I am not going to get home until late. Besides you could stand to learn a little something for that religious boy. I bet he doesn't get detention nearly as often as you," my Mom said.

I simply groaned and rolled my eyes in protest. It seemed obvious that "play-date" was a slightly less terrible way to say "babysitter". And I couldn't remember the last time my mom went to church. I wasn't even sure there was a first time. If she wanted us to be more religious that was news to me.

I kept trying to argue, in the vain hope that she would change her mind, but to no avail. I spent the next day in school doing the mature thing: trying to ignore everything and hoping it would just go away. When the end of the day rolled around, and my plan had somehow failed to work, I snuck away from my friends and found Elijah at his locker.

I didn't hate him, or anything like that, but he wasn't very popular. It's not even because he was religious, he was a rabbit and plenty of them devout or at least believers. His family, however, was a little different. He always had clothes that were old fashioned, and looked like something a grown-up would wear. He was a real goody two-shoes, and never got in trouble at school. I don't think he ever said a curse word, and among middle school boys that was nearly unthinkable.

"Hi Liam! Ready for our play-date?" he asked cheerfully.

I could only groan internally at that. It was going to be a very long day.

"Yeah, yeah just... Don't call it that, ok? We're going to hang out together," I said, trying to salvage a little bit of dignity.

The boy simply smiled and threw his backpack on. "Ok! Do you want to go now? I'll walk you to my house."

I nodded, and we left together. I hoped no one saw us; that would garner a few tricky questions, and there was no way I wanted to explain to my friends I had a play-date. I struggled to make small talk on our trip, but thankfully the bunny only lived a few blocks from school. When he turned off the sidewalk, and started walking up the driveway I had to wonder what his parents did for a living.

He lived in a nice house with a garage and everything. Most of the non-humans I knew had apartments, or just some upstairs rooms in a duplex. We walked inside and were immediately greeted by a young boy.

"Hi Elijah! Who ith that? Ith he a dog?" the kid said with a lisp.

"Hi Zachy! This is Liam, and we have a play-I mean he is going to 'hang out' with us today."

I waved politely and at the excited bunny and said, "Hi Zach. Yep I'm a Border Collie."

That wasn't actually true. I was a mutt, but told everyone I was a collie. I have pointed ears with black and white fur, so most people didn't know any better.

"Ok buddy, we have to do our homework now. We'll be down later for supper," Elijah said.

I wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of homework. I mean yeah I did it, most of the time, but right after school was normally reserved for more important stuff. Like lounging on the couch and watching television for a few hours. I held my tongue and just went along with it for the time being; I was a guest afterall.

We walked past the kitchen and saw his mother inside cooking. She was wearing a long dress that reached down to her ankles. I didn't exactly know much about women's fashion, but it just looked out of place; like something you would see in an old black and white movie. Elijah kissed his mother on the cheek, and then there was another round of polite introductions.

We made it upstairs and I got my first look at his room. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was pretty normal. There weren't any posters on the wall, and it was just a little too tidy for a thirteen year old, but nothing jumped out as weird. We got started on our assignments, and the afternoon passed slowly. At one point his mother came up with a plate of snacks, like something out of an old TV show. We finished up just around the time a car pulled into the driveway.

"Father is home, we should go down and welcome him," Elijah said with a smile.

I was a little uncomfortable at the formality of everything. The most that my mom expected for a greeting was wave from the sofa, and maybe a "hey" if I was feeling generous. But again I was a guest, and it was easier just to roll with it. When we got downstairs the rest of the family was all lined up and waiting by the door. His sisters were wearing the same style clothes as their mother, and it looked even stranger on kids.

He had four siblings; two sisters and two brothers. His oldest sister Judith was seventeen, the next oldest sister Abigail was fifteen, then there was Elijah at thirteen, his brother Gideon was eleven, finally the youngest brother Isaac was nine. I knew rabbit families tended to be a little larger, so that was to be expected.

I didn't expect what happened next. When their father came into the house each of them greeted him in turn; starting with his wife and going down the line from oldest to youngest. I just stayed silent; not knowing what to do, and feeling really awkward about the whole thing. Eventually the adult turned to me with a big smile.

"Well hello, you must be Elijah's friend from school. I forgot you were coming over today. I hope you're having a good time. What's your name?"

"Uhh hello. My name is Liam, uhh sir, and yeah everyone has been really nice," I said. I was already uncomfortable around grown-ups at that age, and the strangeness of the whole situation was not helping at all.

"Such a polite boy. It's nice to have you as a guest." I didn't normally get called polite, but wasn't about to correct him.

It was time for dinner, and everyone gathered in the dining room. The food was already laid out when we sat down. I was about to reach out and grab some, when Elijah took my hand. I was a little weirded out by that, until I looked up and saw that everyone else was holding hands in a circle around the table. With my free paw I completed the loop with Gideon, and their father started to pray out loud. I just bowed my head and tried to look pious.

The food was delicious. It was all vegetarian, but I didn't even mind the lack of meat. His mother really was a great cook. I loved my mom, but even she would agree that the culinary arts were not her forte. Unfortunately dinner itself was just as formal and stilted as everything else. The conversation felt like we were at a business meeting, all proper grammar and manners. The kids had to give a brief report about what they did in school, and none of them answered "nothing" like I normally would. Everyone addressed each other by their full names, no nicknames or even shortened versions.

The only exception to this was Isaac, he was just Zachy. The boy seemed like the one free spirit in the family, and for some reason they all loved him for it. He wasn't really being bad, but when he blew bubbles in his milk, or stuck carrots in his mouth like fangs, the rest of the family all laughed at his antics. None of the other siblings did anything like that, and it felt like they would have been corrected if they tried. I wasn't complaining. The kid was actually pretty funny, and he helped to defuse some of the tension I felt eating with a bunch of strangers.

After dinner there was another family prayer, and then we were excused from the table. Well by "we" I mean the boys. The girls had to remove the dishes and help their mother clean up in the kitchen. That didn't seem very fair, but I was just glad to get away. Elijah and I went back up to his room, and I was never happier to be hanging out with him.

"I'm sorry if that was a little weird. I know you're not really religious or anything." he said.

"No, no it was fine," I lied, "I'm just not used to eating with a big family. It's usually just me and mom, so dinner is a bit more... laid back."

"Oh. So did you want to play a game or something? We're probably going to get called back down later, but we can do something fun for awhile," Elijah asked.

"Ok sure. What do you have?"

He perked up at that and said, "I have a bunch of board games, and a chess set, and some playing cards."

I had assumed he meant video games, but managed not to roll my eyes.

"Sure a board game sounds fine. What do you have?" I asked.

"A whole bunch of them! There are some over by the armoire, you can check under the bed for the rest."

He was so wholesome it was really throwing me for a loop. The kid was a teenager and he was polite, and obedient, and played chess. I didn't think anyone like that actually existed in real life, but here he was. I dropped down beside his bed and went to search underneath for a game. What I found was much more interesting.

As my face passed by the mattress I saw something just barely sticking out from beneath. I pulled it out, and a wicked smile spread across my muzzle. A porno mag. It was so cliche I had to laugh. Who else would have a magazine of naked women these days, besides a sheltered kid like Elijah.

"Well, well, well. Look what I found," I said, holding up my prize.

The teenaged rabbit looked absolutely stricken; his ears drooped down to the sides of his face, and there was panic in his eyes.

I giggled and said, "So you are a normal kid after all. I was starting to get worried that you didn't even know how to jerk off."

The fear left his face, but was replaced by embarrassment and a blush in his ears. I felt a little guilty. I had just come into the boy's room and started rummaging around in his private stuff.

"Oh come on man there's nothing to be ashamed about. I jerk it at least three times a day, and I'm pretty sure every guy our age does at least once," I offered.

Elijah was still blushing, but he started smiling at my admission. "My record is six times in one day"

"Whoa dude, nice! You must have been rubbed raw after that."

"Hehe yeah a bit. So umm... Did you want to look at the magazine?" he asked.

This wasn't the kind of game either of us had intended to play, but I didn't need to be asked twice. I was straight, but at thirteen you take whatever opportunities you can get. I had jerked off together with a few friends already, and it was a lot of fun. It looked like things were headed that way once again.


We flopped down on the bed together and started flipping through the pages. Even his porn was old fashioned. The women all had huge boobs and poofy hair. None of them shaved their privates, so there were a lot of bushy pubes. Most of it was pretty tame, and really cheesy; naked women on motorcycles, naked women on horseback, that sort of thing. Then Elijah said, "This one is my favorite," and flipped to the centerfold. It was a woman with her legs spread and her pussy all the way open; she was giving the camera a sexy look and I was instantly hard.

"Whoa! That is really hot! I'm super hard right now. Do you mind if I jerk off real quick?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"No, I really want to do it too. Do you want to jerk together?" he asked.

I didn't answer; just smiled, pulled my pants down, and laid back on the bed. The rabbit got the message, and followed suit. He propped the magazine up between us, and we eased into our mutual masturbation session. I checked out his dick a little; nothing gay just normal adolescent curiosity. He had a thin pink shaft; about the same size as my own, but without a knot obviously. I saw him peek at my goods too, but didn't say anything. We rubbed ourselves quietly for a few minutes, and then he asked me a question that would change everything.

"Do you want to try something that feels really good?"

That was not something I had expected. This whole play-date thing was getting more fun by the minute. I nodded, and he made me promise not to tell anyone. That was another good sign, so I agreed without hesitation. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but what happened next was not even on the list. Elijah got up, still pantsless, hid the magazine underneath his bed again, then walked over to the bedroom door and stuck his head out.

He called out into the hallway, "Hey Zachy can you come into my room and give us some help?"

"Dude! What the fuck!?" I said. The bunny looked more scandalized by my profanity than when I found his porn.

I didn't get a chance to ask a follow-up because his younger brother walked into the room right after. I instinctively grabbed the bed sheets and covered my nudity, but Elijah just stood there; hard and naked from the waist down.

"Are you playing weiners?" Zachy lisped.

"Yes. Liam's never played before, do you want to help him out?" the teen asked.

"Yeah!" said the young boy. He jumped up on the bed and started to grab at the covers. I held firm and started to panic. This was insane, it couldn't really be happening.

"What the," I started to say before looking at the kid and finishing, "heck is going on?"

The younger boy stopped and looked at me before answering, "I'm going to thuck you."

I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. The boy was nine years old, but his lisp made him seem even younger, and he was nearly demanding to suck my dick.

Elijah intervened and said, "Its ok. Zachy likes doing it; he does it for all of us, and it feels super good."

I was stunned all over again by what he said. There was so much to unpack, and I was not in any condition to do that. The most important part got through, however. He wanted to do this. I relaxed my grip on the covers and the boy yanked them away in a flash. I was naked in front of a child, with his older brother right there in the room. The boy latched onto my equipment and started to examine it all over.

"Whoa is this what a doggy dick looks like?" Zachy asked.

I was unable to speak and just nodded dumbly. The boy didn't waste anymore time, and simply popped the tip of my penis between his lips and started sucking. I froze up at the sensation. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, and I wasn't sure how to deal with these new feelings. Then he began taking me even deeper; slurping and smacking his lips as he took most of my shaft into his mouth.

I was getting a blowjob. I was getting my first blowjob. I was getting my first blowjob from a nine year old boy, while his entire family was in the house with us. It was absolute madness, but I was powerless to stop it. My body felt like it wasn't even attached to the ground anymore. The only thing I could feel was overwhelming bliss and the slightly rough texture of the preteen boy's tongue swirling around my cock.

I looked up from my groin a little and took in the scene. Elijah was just standing by silently, and watching everything unfold with a smile. He wasn't even masturbating, just rubbing his dick every once in a while to keep it hard. Zachy really did look like he was having fun. He was lying down flat on the bed with his legs bent at the knee and his bare feet in the air facing towards me. He was bobbing his head up and down happily, focusing on a new spot every couple passes.

I couldn't take much more. The whole experience was beyond my wildest dreams, and I was going to cum. I was whimpering and trying desperately not to do it in the young boy's mouth. That just seemed like a step too far, despite how crazy this all was.

Elijah noticed my predicament and asked excitedly, "Are you going to make your squirts?"

It took a second to understand his question, but I whimpered again and nodded affirmatively.

"Do it. Make your squirts in his mouth. He loves it when we do that."

I had permission and that's all it took. My vision blurred, and my toes curled, and I flooded the preteen's cheeks with my sperm. It felt like my entire body was tingling and quivering with pleasure as my cock throbbed and pumped jizz into his cute little mouth. I heard myself make desperate little squeaks that would have been embarrassing if I had any sense at the time. Eventually it became too much and I just collapsed back onto the bed. My bones felt like they had turned into gelatin. I laid there; trying to catch my breath and understand what just happened.

Zachy pulled off my cock with a pop of his lips and swallowed hard.

He let out a satisfied, "Ahhh," and said "Your squirts taste real good! You make a lot too, Gideon doesn't even make any yet."

I was just starting to comprehend what happened when the meaning of his words dawned on me. This little kid sucks off both of his brothers. I thought Elijah was the most sheltered kid on the planet, but he had his own personal cocksucker right down the hall. I had so many questions, but the teenage rabbit flopped down on the bed next to me, still hard as a rock.

"Ok Zachy, my turn. Suck me real good," Elijah said.

The little boy didn't even hesitate, he just rolled over to his brother's side of the bed and took his dick down to the base. The teen relaxed back into the bed, and luxuriated in his blowjob. He put one hand up behind a pillow, and placed the other on his little brother's bobbing head.

Now that I wasn't in total shock, I focused on the nine year old boy. He was happily humming as he worked his brother's shaft. He was lying down flat like before and kicking his feet back in forth with every suck. Elijah had his eyes closed, and looked like he was enjoying every second of it. There were a few minutes of quiet while the boy blew his older brother. The only sounds were the wet smack of his lips and the occasional pop when he sucked too hard.

Elijah started to groan and muttered, "I'm gonna make my squirts, Zachy. Yeah do it, eat up all my squirts."

The bunny's legs went rigid, and he pushed his dick all the way into the boy's mouth. He used one hand to hold the boy's head down hard against his hips and groaned loudly. I could see the teen's butt twitching, and knew he was pumping his cum into the kid. That lasted a few seconds longer until the teen gave one final hump, and his entire body relaxed onto the mattress. Zachy pulled up with a slurp and swallowed his brother's load.

"Your squirts taste the bestest Elijah! I wanna eat them all!"

The older rabbit smiled and said, "Thanks Zachy. Your sucks are the best. Why don't you go find Gideon and see if he wants some too?"

The boy hopped off the bed and said, "Ok! Bye!" and scampered out the door.

We pulled up our pants and tried to look presentable again. Elijah looked fine; if it wasn't for the big smile across his muzzle I wouldn't even be able to tell he just got a blowjob. I was a swirling ball of confused and conflicted emotions, and my face must have reflected that.

"See Liam, I told you it would feel really good. Don't worry, ok, he really does like doing it. Just remember not to tell anyone. It's a family thing," Elijah said.

I wasn't really sure if any of that helped, but I just nodded and agreed once again not to say anything. I was a guest after all.

"Is... is he going to tell your parents?" I asked, suddenly worried by that possibility.

"Don't worry about that, they understand."

They understand. I didn't really grasp the full implications of those words at the time; I was just relieved not to be in trouble. We tried to make small talk for a few minutes, but were called back downstairs by his dad. They had a family game night set up, and we spent the rest of the evening playing some board games. It was surreal sitting there with the others after what happened.

I couldn't help glancing at Zachy, and everytime all I could see were his lips wrapped around my cock. It got even worse when his mom came out with popsicles for the kids. Watching him suck on that treat had me hard all over again. I had to tear my eyes away for fear that I might cum in my pants.

It was sometime past nine o'clock when their father volunteered to drive me home. I said my goodbyes to the rest of the family, followed him to the garage, and climbed into the car. I lived a little bit away from their house so the ride took some time. Their father made polite conversation the whole way, but I was so nervous it was hard to reciprocate. When we were only a few blocks from my home the topic changed.

"So Elijah told me that you both played a little game with Isaac."

My blood ran cold. I wanted to say something, anything, but I couldn't get my mouth to work.

"I'm glad you two are such good friends, and that he trusts you with family matters. I'm sure you understand this should stay private. Other people might not understand how we do things."

I managed to nod my head and choke out "Y-yes sir."

The man's gave me a big smile, and we pulled onto my street.

"Good, good! I know how it is for teenage boys, and we all need a little release sometimes. You're a nice kid, Liam. You are welcome back at our house anytime."

We reached my apartment building, and he pulled over. I thanked him, said goodbye, and started the walk home. There was something that kept bugging me as I walked up the stairs. Their father said, "We all need a little release". When I reached my door I remembered something Elijah said and it hit me.

"He does it for all of us"

My mom was there as I entered the apartment. She was still wearing her waitress uniform, so it looked like she just got home. I waved hello to her and dropped off my bag.

"Hi Liam. I'm sorry for springing that whole play-date thing on you today. I hope you weren't too bored over at that boy's house; I know they are a bit uptight."

"No... no it was fine. They were really nice. Elijah is... he plays some really fun games at home," I answered.

My mom scrunched up her face a bit and said, "Sooo... Would you hate me too much if we did this again? I made a lot more in tips today, and we are kinda behind this month. Maybe you could spend one afternoon a week at his house for a little while?"

I had to think about that. Everything that had happened was racing through my mind at the speed of light. It was all so weird, and insane, and kinda wrong at the same time. But there was one thing that I kept coming back to. It felt so great.

"No mom, it's ok. I don't mind going back. I had a really good time today."