Food Court

Story by sasukewuff on SoFurry

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Commission for Zero on FA. Kane just wanted to go home after a long shift in the food court... But the gym members across the way had other ideas. Thankfully, at least one of them has had eyes for the meaty liger for a while...

Kane was just grateful that the aprons work gave out were long. His pants had failed to be done up that morning, again, and the obese liger was forced to just make do with a belt encircling his impressive girth to keep the straining fabric up from the ground. His shirt was also doing a woefully inadequate job at covering up his midsection, a broad band of exposed tan fur encircling nearly four inches of his middle. He had put in the request for a larger uniform over a week ago, when the band had first been pointed out by one of his coworkers, but of course corporate just shot down the request and told him to try again next week; something about requesting too many uniforms per quarter. Kane couldn't help that he needed the uniforms, though; the liger was just a growing feline. Of course, that was the logic he used on the head office to get away with the first two requests for uniforms. The real reason for the need for those new clothes was his waistline, the same thing that was causing him issues at that very moment. For some reason, ever since Kane had gotten both the job and an employee discount at the Taco Cabana in the mall, he had been unable to stop gaining weight. Some of it had to be his diet, of course, but a large portion of it just had to be what was in the food. That was the justification Kane was giving... But really, he was shoveling down tacos and leftover food at the end of a shift as though it was going to run away from him. His eating habits were more akin to ludicrous binges, and the liger did know that to a point, but admitting it wasn't something that he was about to do.

Sighing as he finished changing into his work clothes, Kane gave a few pokes to the exposed fur on his sides and the large, protruding sac of feline blubber that hung unceremoniously before him like a sac of wet cement. He didn't necessarily mind the added weight... No, in fact, he almost liked it, but it was starting to become a little much for him. He was glad the Taco Cabana had wide doors in the back. Otherwise, he would have had more issues with work than he was already having. He could barely reach the food prep line over his girth, standing for more than a few minutes wore him out immeasurably, and just having to serve food rather than eat it was torture to the liger at that point. He needed the job, though, and the very nearly free food that came with it. He could have found another job, of course, but something about looking for work when you were more flab than feline scared Kane enough to keep him coming back to work every day he was scheduled, and some days he wasn't. Thusly, the feline just shuffled his way out of the doorway in front of him, cringing lightly and letting out a small squeak of a purr as he felt his frame brush both sides of the broad entryway. Enticed as he was unnerved, Kane did what he could to brush that thought from his mind as he worked his way up to the front of the store to begin his shift.

Working a rare afternoon shift meant Kane had to look across the way to the gym within sight of the gaudy entrance to Taco Cabana. It wasn't a large gym persay, but some of the members of that gym indeed were. Looking more like a way to show off their builds to passersby than a gym, the clear floor-to-ceiling windows were all lined with weights and other equipment that could easily show off strength. Kane had tried to go in there once when he was a lot... Less of a liger, and had nearly been laughed out for asking where the cardio in the gym was. A meatheaded place meant for meatheads was all that Kane thought of the place, but being that it filled a large portion of what he could see from the front of where he worked, he couldn't help but pay attention to what was going on in that gym between customers. The slow afternoon meant that there was plenty of time between those customers, and with the other 2 stores, he could see being a lingerie store and defunct bookstore, Kane had little to do but watch beefy furs get beefier. Something about it was enthralling, but at the same time, the liger knew that he would take his own build and the freedom to eat as he pleased with it over the hard work that came with being a wall of muscles. Being beefy in his way did have its disadvantages, but at least he didn't have to struggle with lifting bars for hours at a time... Just like what it looked like a Clydesdale was doing across the way from him.

That Clydesdale, Mac, could feel the eyes of the bloated feline on him and had for some time. Knowing he was being watched had set him to show off all the more, and he was having a few problems keeping up his usual routine with those eyes on him. Granted, the Clydesdale was used to being watched; he had a frame worthy of envy by nearly everyone in that gym, let alone most in society. Strong, rippling muscle bulged beneath the thin brown fur on his biceps, calves shapely and defined on his legs. His thighs were a bit softer than he would have liked, but still pillars of strength in their own right. Coupled with a rump that curved out in a shapely sphere and a defined back that showed off each and every muscle that he built up over years of training, there was but one 'blemish' on his frame that he could think of. A former powerlifter, Mac was no stranger to eating far more than most. That habit had stuck around as well, leaving a keg of a midsection that he sported with pride; he loved how he looked. He was also incredibly strong, with one flex shutting up anyone who would doubt his strength in an instant. He had no qualms with being the heaviest anthro in the gym, along with the strongest. Currently sitting on a bench using hundred-pound dumbbells as simple curling weights, the equine looked out at his feline admirer of sorts with a wry grin, hoping there was enough distance to avoid that grin being spotted; he wanted to show off without making it obvious after all. He also wanted to go and talk to that feline at some point, and had been saving a little note for just such an occasion. Of course, that would be making things obvious again, so instead, he settled for giving a good show and keeping his distance.

Kane let his eyes linger on Mac more than once over his shift, the rotund feline just amazed that what most would consider a fat horse could do so much with his bulk with such ease. It was astonishing to Kane, and the feline had to think that if he had taken another route in life, that could have been him. Of course, he loved sitting too much to even consider going that path anymore. Kane also wasn't one for the rules and habits that came with a gym, and as such, he was quite content to just continue being the ball of pure excess that he was eating himself well into. From how fast he was going through his wardrobe, he was only going to get bigger as time went on after all, and not in the same way that the horse across the way was either. The feline could dream though, so as he worked through the few hours of his shift, he did let his gaze meander over the gym time and time again, even stealing a glance into it as he finished off his time behind the counter for the day and headed back to change back into his regular clothing. His straining, overtaxed clothing that left even less to the imagination than his uniform did; the feline really needed to go shopping. That was an issue for another time, though, as Kane had a dinner date with a few pizzas and a new movie that he had picked up the previous night; he was anxious to get home.

Mac had finished his workout nearly an hour before Kane was off his shift, but the equine had stuck around the gym to spot a few of his fellow gym rats as well as to generally just enjoy the atmosphere that came with being in such a building. Finished with all that however, the equine was famished and sweaty; food and a shower were in his near future. He was able to take care of one of those tasks inside the gym, but he would need to get home in order to take care of the other, and as such, he was heading out from the gym when he noticed Kane leaving from the Taco Cabana across the way. The equine had to avert his gaze the second he noticed Kane; the straining elastic shorts and shirt that rode up a solid foot up his middle left so much feline exposed that Mac knew he would stare. He always enjoyed a fellow round beast, but to see the liger as large as he was, and wearing what he was without a blush or trying to hide his bulk... It made Mac swoon just with the sight of it all. He wanted, very secretly of course, to enable that liger to grow even bigger, even softer, and much, much fatter. It was a little desire of his he rarely let out to play, but seeing Kane in all his blubbersome glory stoked that fire in his mind like little else ever had.

As luck would have it for Mac, fortune seemed to favor him that day. He left the gym with three other regulars, all sculpted and chiseled hulks of perfect muscle with so little body fat that they scarcely had a soft part on their bodies. Lionel, Rick, and Pope all took pride in their appearance, the typical meatheads one would find at any strength-training gym, but Mac was friendly with them all. All joking and laughing, with Mac bringing up the rear as he stood nearly a head over all of them, the quartet stopped abruptly as they watched Kane sluggishly leave the Taco Cabana. Already lightly panting, the hulking ball of feline had to turn _sideways_to just get out of the narrow gap in the counter, his gut and round rear still heavily brushing either side of the entryway. All four came to a screeching halt, the three in front of Mac immediately gawking at the sheer sight of obesity, which was before them. The trio made a beeline towards the feline, the Clydesdale bringing up the rear with his eyes looking somewhere, anywhere else but Kane at that moment. Mac knew what would be coming next, and he had to hope that the liger could handle it... Or else he would have to step in. Handling those three would be easy enough, but satiating his newfound desire to feed and stuff that feline ball in front of him? That would be another story entirely.

The jeering started quickly, a few whistles from Rick and a piggish snort from Pope. Lionel didn't bother with noises, however, loudly calling out, "Got any extra grease for tubbo there? Looks like he might be stuck!"

"I've heard of corporate fat cats, but you must own the whole damn mall!" Another call, this one from Rick, made Kane's ears flatten back against his head. His whole frame seemed to droop as he exited the Taco Cabana fully, turning back ahead and facing the group with a downtrodden frown. Mac was tempted to step in right then and there, but he decided against it as he saw the tip of the liger's tail. It was curling up, ever so slightly... A sign that some part of him was involuntarily _enjoying_the teasing about his girth, an even better, or worse, sign for him.

"You got a permit for all that moving equipment?"

"How many X's do you reckon he'd need to cover all that flab up?"

"Cats are supposed to be stealthy," Rick started, having gotten close enough to reach out and prod at Kane's belly at this point. The leopard did just that too, sticking a palm into all that liger pudge and having it sink in well past his wrist before meeting resistance. "I don't think you got the memo there, whale."

"L-Leave me alone," Kane finally stuttered out, seeming to shrink down as his whole frame, tail included, now drooped. Mac was getting closer to stepping in, but every time he looked up, his eyes were drawn to that gut which was seeming to teasingly look back at him. The belly button alone on that massive table muscle was huge; Mac bet he could fit his entire fist in it with room to spare. He was enthralled, but the teasing was starting to get out of hand.

"Don't like the attention, Tons-O-Fun?" Pope chided, giving a slap to the side of the feline's sagging overhang of gut. The Clydesdale behind him shivered slightly as he watched the rippling wave from that impact resonate all the way up to the cat's chins.

"Come on, guys, let him be," Mac interjected rather forcefully. The poking and prodding stopped, but none of the muscular furs moved, still surrounding the liger like sharks around a seal. A very fat seal.

"Oh, it's all in good fun Kane. Besides, I think we may have found something even you can't lift." Both Pope and Rick laughed from Lionel's comment, all three of them looking back at Mac expectantly to see if the horse would take them up on that challenge. They even parted so that Mac could get closer to Kane, an invitation that the Clydesdale somehow didn't refuse. As he did get closer, though, he could feel the heat of all that weight emanating off Kane like an oven left open. He could smell the light musk of just being that stupendously overweight. He could hear the light pant that came from merely standing when one weighed in the hundreds of pounds. The sense of even being near such a colossally obese beast was nearly overwhelming Mac, but he managed to remain composed.

"You mind?" Mac inquired, looking down at Kane with both his arms outstretched to either side of the feline's gut. Kane didn't object, but he didn't agree either, he just looked down and didn't say a word. Kane took that as permission, sliding both of his arms underneath the large, heavy roll of buttery flab that spilled heavily over the waistband of straining shorts. Mac felt the liger shudder, and right there, he almost backed off. He had that flab in his arms, though, so the equine wasn't going to simply stop unless he was told to. He kept on going, getting his arms lost in the sea of liger that seemed to just keep on going and going before him, his own gut pressing into and then being smothered by Kane's far larger table muscle. It was a mountain eating one of its foothills, and Mac couldn't help but shudder at that feeling as he felt the soft, malleable flab of the feline pour over his. That shudder didn't go unnoticed by Kane, who looked up quizzically at the horse for but a moment before turning his gaze away again. Thankfully none of his meathead companions noticed, as they were all too engaged to see if Mac could lift the sac of blubber before them. Mac didn't really care what they thought in that moment, though, and instead was taking his time to feel the doughy warmth of Kane, and to stick that note he had been holding onto into the buried waistband of his shorts. Both parties were waiting to see what the horse would do, and indeed Mac decided to just draw it out to get more time with all that weight between his arms.

The Clydesdale ended up not lifting Kane, instead just backing off after a few more moments of contact with the liger and standing up. The three he was with all boo'd and gave dismissive handwaving, their fun clearly spoiled and the attraction of teasing the fattened liger having worn off. All three backed off right after, the group heading towards the parking lot to head home. Mac lingered with Kane for a few moments longer than they did, giving a look down at the feline and a quick wink before turning and following the trio out. Kane couldn't help but flush slightly at that wink; the whole experience had been a bit of a nightmare until that horse had come and saved the day in a sense. Of course, he was still incredibly embarrassed, but it was hardly the first time something like that had happened, and secretly... Part of him liked being reminded of just how large he was getting. Just not that much, nor that abrasively. Still, the horse had been close, and he had felt so strong... It was almost as if those arms had been a large blanket to keep him safe. That wink and shudder too, though? What had that been about?

Kane had little time to think about that, though, as he took a few steps towards the door. He paused, feeling something rubbing hard against his side. It felt off, and so the feline stopped and dug a paw underneath the curve of his lovehandle. He had to really reach and lift, digging under the large fold of flab to reach his waistband to tug at his shorts and fix whatever was chaffing on his side. He, of course, was used to that sensation thanks to his large, ponderous thighs that met all the way down to his buried knees, but this was almost painful. He found out why the second his paw found the irritation, there was a piece of paper stuffed into his waistband. He hadn't noticed it earlier, and was tempted to not even look at it as he guessed it was a receipt from his after-work 'snack.' However, he chanced a look anyways and was confused to find that it was instead a note, with immaculate handwriting to boot.

'I saw you looking, and I think you saw me look back.

Give me a call sometime.

I'll bring as much food as it takes to fill that tank

-Mac, the horse from the gym'

Beneath the note was a phone number, one that Kane was hesitant to use. However, if it was the same horse... Kane looked up, seeing Mac across the way and heading out towards his car. Hastily, the feline pulled out his phone from his shirt pocket; he could barely reach his shorts pockets after all, and punched in the number. He then fat-fingered out a quick text to see if the number was real and waited. Mac was nearly out of sight at that point, but the feline could still see enough of the tall equine to know if the message had gone through. The horse stopped a few moments after Kane had sent the message, seemed to look down, and then gave a wave over his shoulder before giving a big thumbs up. Kane beamed when he saw that, and carefully sent another text with his address and a list of foods that would make even the biggest of eaters balk at its sheer size. Another few moments, and the simple reply of 'Give me an hour' made the feline perk right back up as he clutched his phone with both paws in glee.

He was going to have company that night, and free dinner.