Walk of Fox

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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This was actually a story that i had actually forgotten about and never uploaded. Basically had done one pass and was going through it again to try and improve and just forgot about it. And since I don't know what all I was intending to do, just gonna upload it as is. I always thought it was an interesting concept with a lot of very subtle details about what is going on.

After spending so much of my day so far walking around and hunting the various rodents in this place I decide that I want to take a break for a few minutes. Seeing something of interest I move over and then hop onto a bench that is not a bench near one of the trees to the park of this strange little place and then sit down on it, panting slightly. Not a single minute passes before one of Them show up and sit down right next to me. I look over to examine this biped and find it is that of some old female that has decided to sit next to me. She reaches an arm out and her hand hovers above my back, as if to touch. I sit and allow her to do so, remaining completely relaxed the entire time. Even if she wanted to there is nothing that she can do that would hurt me so there really is no point in tensing up.

As her hand starts moving slowly up and down my back she begins to talk. At the present I have no means to understand a single word that is coming out of her mouth and I'm very certain that I will never gain that ability any time in the future. But then again I'm pretty sure that whether or not I can understand her doesn't really matter to this old biped.

I run across quite a few bipeds like her on a regular daily basis and all of them seem to want the same things. They probably all know that I cannot understand anything about what they say but that seems to always be enough for them. They're just very lonely, these bipeds are. All they want is for someone to come and ease that loneliness, even if for only a short while. All they want is to have someone to sit next to and talk to; to have someone who doesn't ignore them and acknowledges the fact that they even exist. And to that end I fill that role perfectly. I have no reason to ignore them and they pose me no threat so I've never run away from these bipeds. Some of the others of my kind here are much more wary of the bipeds and won't allow a single one of these to get close, whether they are harmless or not. Still, I will admit that it was certainly an interesting experience that one time one of them came looking for me. To have ones nerves wrapped so tight while on the alert and then to have something so completely harmless jump out after having hunted you down for a while is something to remember.

As she talks I notice that her face seems to come alive once more which makes me almost feel guilty when my stomach decides to end the conversation. Interrupted by such a complaint and knowing that it's pointless to stay here too long I stand up and stretch for a few seconds before hopping off the bench that isn't a bench in search for food. I turn back and look at the female again. She definitely seems more than slightly disappointed that we had to stop and even almost looked heartbroken but even with all that she still seems to look much the better for my simply sitting there listening.

Considering how well honed I have managed to keep my instincts the task of finding food is a rather simple and easy one for me. Not even halfway through the park I manage to find and capture a few rodents that I devour with relish. I have nothing against eating plant life, it's just my body is designed to work best with meat and I do so enjoy giving my body what it wants. Once full enough for the time being I begin walking out of the park so that I would be able to move to somewhere else on this place.

Whether or not I will ever end up seeing that particular female biped again I do not know. It is quite possible that I might but I would never notice. As is the case with all of the bipeds like her I'm more or less all she's got. I am fairly confident that not a single other biped will look at her and see her directly. Or at least not with the intent of being friendly. But though I consider it to almost be my duty to care after these bipeds when I am able I do not make a habit of remembering their faces. It's a policy that has allowed me to keep my sanity all this time. There are simply far too many of them and too few of me, to try to memorize who they are will only lead to my own misfortune. It is simply much better to remain detached from them and help them without having to see nor remember.

I slip through a particular portal and step into the corridor of white. These places are all over the place and make traveling to the places between all the easier. Though they are not necessary to get from one place between to another I do sometimes like to just walk through them. They are all very clean and empty. There is no scent here, the bipeds that are always ignored don't come here and there is nothing that can sneak up on me here. And then there is the silence. In here the silence is deafening. So deafening I can no longer hear the haunting sounds of the time before.

I walk past one of the side corridors and stop. Standing in the other pathway is another biped, this one wearing a suit. I am not surprised by the presence of the biped in a suit, I had heard the footsteps. From the size I can tell it to be a male but with his face obscured by the suit I cannot discern his expression. He points the thing in his hands at me and I watch him carefully. I watch the blinking device with caution. It is a thing I once might have understood but no longer. He stares at me as much as I stare at him. Neither of us are afraid of the other. He could probably do me serious harm if he wanted but I could do him just as much if not more harm. Neither gains anything by hurting the other and neither could attack without being seriously injured in the process so there is no real threat and thus neither has any reason to fear. After a moment I grow bored and move on, leaving him behind, leaving him to fulfill whatever purpose this place has for him.

I hop up and begin walking on the wall for a while. Due to the particular manner in which these corridors of white were made, once gotten used to the act of occasionally having to change which wall I am walking on there really is no more disorientation from doing so. No matter which wall you walk on the corridor looks the exact same, which can definitely make these corridors extremely maze like to those who don't know where they're going. I have seen some of the suited bipeds even walking on what appeared from my perspective to be the ceiling. It does, however, make for really efficient motion when you are trying to get to a completely different location of this place.

I reach a point where what would have been the ground drops down a large way. My ears perk back slightly as my mouth opens up in the equivalent to a grin. I move over and hop onto the far wall and face what would have been down a few moments before. I move over to one side and press my muzzle into the smooth surface a few times in seemingly random locations and then step forward and into a sort of harness that is much larger than I am. Once I've gotten all of my front limbs through the harness it suddenly collapses onto me, forming a very tight fit around my waist. And then it begins to move at an incredible rate. At its fastest it travels a distance in about a quarter of the time I could hope to do running as fast as I can. I notice a wall coming up in front of me and I start rotating myself up so that I would land onto this wall feet first. When I start getting close my speed begins to drop dramatically to the extent that I have to have grunt at first from the abrupt change in momentum but it slows me nicely enough that I just barely touch the new floor below me. And once I've touched this floor I take off again along this corridor. A short while later from doing this I find that once I've landed I'm no longer hurled forward yet again. Instead the harness slackens greatly and I back my way out of the thing where it then melds back in with the surrounding area.

It is a sad thing that these trips are one of the highlights of my day. To feel so much air being pushed past my fur is an exquisite feeling, even in such a deafening silence with no smells. Nevertheless I shake my whole body for a few seconds, to try and correct for the fur that that harness misplaced before beginning to walk again. They are a very efficient means of travel, at least compared to walking. By using these corridors of white I can easily travel what would normally take me a day to walk in just a short while.

I step out of the corridor of white and am suddenly flooded with all the echoes of the screams and noise; of the decision to take a measure that both failed and succeeded. Without that measure taken neither the bipeds in the suits nor myself would be here right now nor would there be a here. It was the right decision to make at that time and there was no other option. Despite this I cannot help but feel sorry for the bipeds that became ignored. It is because of my memories of what was before that I have taken onto myself to see to the task of caring for these bipeds. The bipeds in the suits almost never come out here, probably for the exact same reason. I hear the rustling caused by a vole nearby and quickly pounce and capture it and then devour it before moving on again.

Once done eating I find myself confronted by another biped. This one is much shorter than the other two, still just a child. He waves at me before holding a ball up in his other hand. He tosses the ball behind me and though I know for a fact that it is a ball I can never truly fetch I chase after it anyway. I reach where the ball is and grab at air with my mouth before trotting back to the little biped. I open my mouth near him before sitting down and pant as he decides to instead sit down and just stroke his hand like the female earlier for a while. But unlike the much older biped this one has a very saddened expression on his face. Though perhaps it is nothing more than a mirror of my own thoughts. It is never a good thing for anyone that young to become one of the ignored under any circumstance. I shake myself a bit before standing up again and trotting off, making sure not to turn around and look that biped in the face again.

A chime tolls from somewhere else in the distance and the place begins to grow darker. It is how it always happens. It is a luxury that I more than appreciate, the same with gravity. If nothing else in these places between it creates a sense of normalcy and ease to have such a familiarity. The corridors of white, for example stay bright all the time and there are other corridors I don't visit that stay dark all the time. I pick up my pace and head back towards my den as fast as I can. There is nothing more to fear once the light has gone down than there is when it's bright. The night dwellers are just as incapable of harming me as the day dwellers are but the bipeds that are always ignored that inhabit the dark times are far less interested in sitting and talking and far more interested in other things. As the darkness begins to fully settle over this place I reach my den. It is a den I find quite pleasant and comparatively roomy, as it was designed to be. I climb in and then turn around to face the entrance just in case one of the bipeds in a suit decided to pay me a visit during the darkness. And so I go about carrying out all the tasks I normally do while I wait for the place to become bright once more. I rest, I feed, I groom and I wait patiently until I begin the entire cycle again. And that is the entirety of my day. But of course you already knew that, didn't you little fella?