The Golden Goose

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a story I wrote some time ago as part of a trade with @hyruzon. A dragoness is excited to be offered a new job in a city but when it';s said she'll be 'making gold', she doesn't quite figure out what that means...

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

The crow squawked outside the window of Crystal's apartment, tapping insistently at the glass with its beak before cawing indignantly. The dragoness, previously asleep, opened a bleary eye, looking at the bird in bewilderment. "Shoo," she mumbled, sprawled out in her nest. She tried to go back to sleep but that infernal tapping continued. "Fuck off!" she moaned, then when the bird didn't, she opened her eyes again.

The furred dragoness stumbled to her feet, heading over to the window with her mind foggy and her eyes half closed. When she reached it, growling, she saw that the crow had a little scroll on its leg and she woke up at seeing that. Only mages used birds like this to carry messages, and only the old-fashioned ones at that; those were inevitably the richer, more powerful ones. All of the others, and the regular people, just emailed.

She slid the window open cautiously, holding out a paw. The bird hopped onto her finger at once, holding out the leg with the message and cawing insistently. "Hold on," the dragoness grumbled, taking it off of the crow. As soon as the scroll was in her paw, the bird flapped its wings, making Crystal yelp and jerk in surprise. The crow flew off, leaving a cloud of dust from its feathers.

Crystal sneezed at once, her nose tickling as she slammed the window shut. "Fucking birds," she growled, sneezing again before looking down at the note. What reason could a mage have for contacting me? Crystal wondered, opening the note. She immediately dropped it with a yelp as a 3D image, complete with flashing lights and the sound of trumpets, emerged from the tiny scrap of paper.

Prepared for it this time, she reached down and opened the scroll again, wincing a little as the trumpets sounded once again and reading the neon letters that popped from the enchanted message. You have been selected for an exciting new opportunity! Head Mage of the City Debri is partnering with the Treasury and needs a dragoness. This opportunity offers the potential to make a great deal of gold! You are one of the shortlisted dragonesses in the city that meet our requirements; go to the Treasury to apply if you are interested!

Crystal looked at it, a little open-mouthed. This was...unexpected. Though she did have money troubles, and the ability to make a lot of gold was immediately very enticing. She glanced down at the glowing note, the dragoness's tail twitching back and forth as she read it through again. "Well," she muttered, "this might be worth looking into..."

She turned the note over, the message vanishing as she stopped looking at it. There was nothing on the back and when she turned it back, the trumpets sounded again so she closed it hurriedly. "No more of that," she said, putting it down. She was supposed to go in for work today, but the way that the message had been delivered and the nature of the message made it seem time sensitive. After all, it said she'd been shortlisted; there had to be other nesses!

Crystal 'hmmed' to herself, flicking her tail. She could call in sick; her boss wouldn't be happy but if this went well, she'd be flush with gold. The idea was heady, making the dragoness very eager very quickly. She didn't even know that this really was from Mage Debri but that could be determined very quickly with a quick trip to the Treasury...

The dragoness wondered if she was leaping into this a little too quickly, but it seemed like winning the lottery! Thinking it over for only a few more moments, Crystal called her boss. Making something up on the spot, she said that there'd been a family emergency, and that she had to leave town for the day, maybe a little longer. At first, her boss was sceptical but some fake tears and sniffles from Crystal later and they seemed fairly convinced, the dragoness grinning slyly as she put down the dragon-sized phone.

Racing around her apartment, Crystal prepared to get down to the Treasury building as quickly as possible. She all but poured her breakfast down her throat, barely stopping to brush the worst tangles out of her long fur before she was rushing out of the apartment and going down the stairs. She almost bowled over a neighbour as she leapt from landing to landing, only pausing to yell back, "Sorry!" as the anthro scowled at her.

Luckily, there was a bus stop just a block or two down from her building and the dragoness couldn't get there fast enough. She began quite late at work so it was already mid-morning; the streets were fairly full and she was slowed down by all of the pedestrians, as well as the few other dragons that were walking on the path. Crystal waited impatiently behind the slow walkers, slipping by at the first opportunity. Why oh why couldn't I have wings!

She glanced up, seeing the shapes of the lucky dragons that could fly. As it was, she'd have to take the bus. The furred dragoness actually reached the bus stop in time for the next bus to take her into the inner city where her destination was. The vehicle pulled up just as Crystal ran, panting, into the station, forcing some anthros to scatter to let her pass.

Bus doors dinging open, Crystal had her paw on the small step up to the bus when she saw the dragon-area. Most buses could only fit one or two dragons on them, and this one was already full: an exhausted-looking black dragoness was sitting there as three hatchlings chased each other around her paws, occasionally shrieking in the high-pitched tones that only hatchlings made.

The other dragoness made eye contact with Crystal and shook her head apologetically, seeming on the verge of giving away one or more of her children as Crystal backed up, wincing at the grating tones of the little ones. Some anthros either boarded or got off of the bus and it pulled away, Crystal squinting at the large electronic board that showed the times of the next buses. The next one that was going where she wanted wouldn't be for twenty minutes!

She didn't calm down for the entire wait, moving around restlessly and tapping her paws against the ground. A couple other dragons came onto the station and Crystal tensed, but they boarded other buses, leaving her to jump aboard the one that she wanted. It was full of anthros but luckily, no dragons, leaving Crystal to sit in the cramped but manageable space. More anthros came onto it, filling the vehicle and crowding around Crystal, but at least she was on the bus.

It rumbled out and down dedicated streets until it reached the inner city, taking almost half an hour to do so considering all the other stops that it made along the way. Crystal anxiously and impatiently counted down all of the stops until she saw the sign for her stop flash by the window. "Excuse me!" she said loudly, squirming through the crowd as the bus pulled in. She was the third one out of the bus and onto the busy inner city platform, looking around for signs. She kinda knew her way around but didn't come here that often. Still, the Treasury shouldn't be that hard to find.

The dragoness headed in the direction that made the buildings get older and grander. There was the state government building, and opposite the Mage's Headquarters. Both were grand and imposing, almost seeming to be competing for dominance. Made of weathered old stone, they blocked out all of the sun, leaving the street below in shadow. Just a block beyond, there was the Treasury.

Crystal all but ran until she was panting in front of it. It wasn't as tall as the other two buildings, but it was made in the same style and in the same stone, with a dozen large pillars holding up the front. A marble staircase led a short way up to a pair of wide double doors inlaid with bronze and steel patterns. Crystal took a few moments to calm herself, breathing deeply to ease her panting, and then trotted up the stairs, nosing open the doors and slipping inside.

Cool, air-conditioned air washed through Crystal's fur, the dragoness breathing it in gratefully. The foyer of the building was wide and long, with a marble floor and pillars made of the same supporting the roof overhead. Tables and soft armchairs, with padded areas of the floor for dragons, were spread out, leading to a long desk where three receptionists were tapping on computers.

Still breathing rather hard, Crystal hurried over to the leftmost receptionist, a harried-looking sheep, and plonked the magical message she'd received down on the long counter. The sheep took a little time to look up at her, still typing quickly, but she did so eventually. "Hello. Do you have an appointment?"

Crystal nosed at the message. "I received this this morning, by bird. It said that I'd been offered a job here."

The sheep took the piece of paper and opened it, jumping and scowling at the sound of the trumpets. "Oh yes, I remember," she said, bleating a little in annoyance as she tossed the paper into a bin. "You're the first one to arrive, so I'm to send you straight down to the lower levels. Congratulations."

The dragoness let out a whoop as she heard that she was the first to arrive. I'm going to get the job! The sound earned her a reproachful look from the sheep as it echoed around the wide lobby, but she pointed at a set of doors nearby all the same. "Thanks," Crystal said, then paused. " wouldn't happen to know what the job is, do you?"

Already turning back to her computer screen, the sheep shook her head. "Nope, they'll explain it to you down there I think. Just go as deep as you can; the City Mage is waiting at the bottom."

Crystal bobbed her head with a muttered, "Thanks," and headed for the doors. She was quite curious; what job would pay well that an untrained dragoness could do? After all, that'd been the only thing that the message had specified.

Beyond the double doors, there was a wide staircase made of the same marble as the hall just before it. The stairs were wide and long, sized so that a feral dragon could walk down comfortably and without fear of tripping. It also wasn't that steep, which was nice; Crystal didn't feel that she was tipping forwards too much. There was a sharp turn every few metres, the stairs going down in a wide spiral.

Every now and then there was a landing with closed doors, Crystal able to hear voices on the other side, but she ignored them, simply heading down and down the stairs. It got steadily cooler, and soon she found herself wondering just how far beneath the ground the Treasury went. It felt like she was at least ten floors beneath the city already!

It turned out that she was almost to the end. There was one more landing before the stairs ended themselves in a wide marble hall, dimly lit by old fashioned fire torches along the walls. They cast a flickering, eerie kind of light over the dragoness as she walked curiously down the stone corridor, able to hear some voices at the end.

The hallway terminated in a large room, still made of the same marble as the rest of the place. There were a few desks and tables but the space was dominated by a large, gleaming vault door against the opposite wall. It looked very imposing, stretching from floor to ceiling and shut tightly. There was a wheel in the middle for the door to open, and what also looked like a very complicated magical lock, glowing softly with a green light.

Crystal stood staring for a few moments, just taking it all in, before she turned to where the voices were coming from. There was a side door over to the right, the oak door slightly ajar. Heading over, Crystal hesitated a moment, and then knocked on it with a paw, making it swing open a little. "Hello?" she said, peering into the room.

The voices stopped immediately, and there was the sound of footsteps. The dragoness backpedaled a bit as the door was pulled open, suddenly face to face with the Head Mage of the City, Debri. He was an anthro, an old wolf with a white muzzle and otherwise grey fur. Wearing long, flowing robes that were embroidered with gold and silver runes, he made for an impressive sight. Just beyond him was the mayor of the city, a feral dragon like Crystal. He was named Ryath and had scales of a dull red colour, four horns curving back from his head as he looked curiously at the furred dragoness.

"I got a message about a job?" Crystal mumbled, suddenly a little shy; these were the two most important men in the city.

"Oh yes. Crystal, isn't it?" Debri said, standing back and waving her into the room. Crystal jerked, a little surprised that he knew her name, and walked in, standing off to one side. Luckily, it was quite large; there was more than enough room for two feral dragons. "Yes, I remember you. Congratulations on getting here so quickly; you're the first, so the job is yours."

The dragoness gave a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you," she said. "I could really use this; the note said that I'd be making some gold, which already sounds way better than my last one."

For some reason, Ryath chuckled at that. "She's the one, all right," he said. "Good choice."

Crystal blushed a little and stepped about in place. " what does this job entail?"

"Oh, not much," Debri said. "It's fairly low intensity. We will require you to stay here as part of your employment. Accommodation will be provided, of course. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Um...yes?" Crystal said, blinking a little. This was getting weirder and weirder, and they still hadn't told her what was actually required of her. "I mean...I guess so..."

"Brilliant," Ryath said, nodding to Debri. The mage nodded back.

"Okay then," the anthro said. "Short introduction: we, or rather I, have discovered a relatively easy method of performing alchemy. Know what that is?" When Crystal shook her head, he went on. "It's the magical practice of changing other materials into gold. Very difficult, and long sought after. It needs a fair bit of magic, and of a very certain sort, the kind that is naturally present in magical creatures such as dragons. Hence your role."

He went over to a small chest that was on the side of the room, opening it and heaving out something very heavy from it. Crystal was momentarily dazzled: it seemed to be a collar, but made of solid gold. Dragon-sized, there was a gem on the front that glimmered like an opal, while also shifting and changing hues magically. It clearly weighed a lot, as Debri put it back down with a solid clunk. "This is for you to wear," he said, panting a little. "Only while you're employed, mind; it remains the property of the city."

Crystal glanced at Ryath, who nodded encouragingly, and then approached the collar. It was very fancy, and the way that the gold caught and glimmered in the was beautiful indeed. "You'll need to put it on before we can proceed," Debri said pointedly as Crystal stared at it. "It redirects your magic; since you're not a mage, you will barely even notice the process."

"Oh, okay," Crystal murmured, sitting back on her hinds as she reached for the heavy object, lifting it more easily than Debri had, but still noting the weight. "Going to be uncomfortable wearing this," she noted, putting it around her neck. It instantly weighed her neck down a bit but it was shaped to rest against her chest and shoulders some, so it wasn't too bad. There was a faint click from behind as a hidden latch closed. Experimentally, Crystal stood and took a few steps; it was impossible to forget that the piece of jewelry was there, but she wasn't impaired in her movements. "Okay, what next?" she said, stroking the gold idly with a pair and wishing that there was a mirror she could look in. It had to be worth a fortune, even not counting the magic involved.

"We go to the vault!" Debri said brightly, leading the way out back out of the room to the massive door, Ryath closely following behind Crystal. The City Mage stood in front of the door and did something to the lock, what exactly Crystal couldn't see. Ryath walked past her and touched it too, and she realised: only the Head Mage and the mayor could open the vault, together.

From behind the polished metal surface, there was a loud clank, and then ticking and moving, like clockwork was suddenly springing into action. Slowly, then speeding up, the wheel in the door began to spin, rapidly becoming a dangerous blur of whirling metal, before stopping with another clang. Ponderously, the door opened.

Unable to help being excited, Crystal peered past the metal, seeing that the door was at least two metres thick. Beyond, there was a staircase made of dark, roughly-cut stone. "Down we go," Debri said brightly, grabbing an unlit torch from a stack nearby and lighting it with a snap of his fingers. Eager to see the hoard of the city, Crystal didn't hesitate in following him, Ryath once again bringing up the rear. The stairs made a right turn after a couple dozen steps, leading down another storey or so before reaching another door. This one was an old-fashioned and mundane one, Debri unlocking it with a key taken from a deep pocket. As he did, Crystal heard the vault door above swing shut with a thump.

This new, smaller door opened with a screech from the unoiled hinges, Crystal stepping eagerly through it. After all, what dragoness didn't want to see a large hoard of gold? Beyond, there was a wide, circular room with pillars around the circumference. As she entered, magical light shone from the ceiling high above, like a miniature sun, illuminating...nothing.

Crystal cocked her head in confusion, not really understanding what she was seeing. The wide floor was supposed to hold the city's fortune, but it was almost empty. Here and there, there were a few grungy piles of silver coins, all no higher than her ankle, with a few small gold ones mixed in. "Where...where is it all?" she asked Debri in confusion, walking further in to see if there was any gold hiding in the alcoves between pillars. There wasn't. "I...I don't get it."

The small door into the treasure room shut with a clang, the lock clicking ominously. Crystal turned to see both Debri and Ryath staring at her from in front of the entrance...and exit. "The city is broke," Ryath said after a moment, waving a paw around. "This is all there is, so we're resorting to more drastic measures: you."

"Me?" Crystal said warily. Some part of her intuition was tingling, telling her that this wasn't right, but she wasn't sure why. "But you can make gold, can't you?"

Debri nodded with a shrug. "Sure, but the conditions have to be perfect. I spent my life searching for the secret of alchemy, and I finally found it." He made an odd motion with his hand but Crystal was distracted as he continued talking. "The magic is difficult, and far too much for one mage to do alone, made even more difficult by the fact that only the most natural of magics can serve as the source.

"To make gold, I needed a dragoness's body to make it, using her natural magics. That's you." He paused for a few moments. "While you're wearing the collar, if you fall pregnant, the growth of the eggs will be greatly accelerated, and they'll be made of solid gold. Once you've lain them, we can melt them down and use them to refill the Treasury."

For a moment, Crystal was agape, her mind reeling as she tried to wrap her thoughts around what he was saying. Pregnant? Laying solid gold eggs? "You can't be serious," she spluttered eventually. "I'm not going to lay eggs for you!"

The mage shrugged. "You will anyway."

Crystal growled, reaching up to take the collar off, to end this once and for all, but she stared down at her paws in shock. They were hidden, and she hadn't realised it. Somehow, while they were talking, Debri had cast a spell, causing black, rubbery mittens to appear around her paws. Horrified, the dragoness reached behind her, but without the use of her digits, removing the collar was impossible. She could barely feel the clasp, let alone undo it.

The furred dragoness backed away from the two males, lifting one of her paws to her mouth and trying to puncture the mitten covering her paw with her teeth. Her fangs skidded across the surface, leaving it shiny with saliva but unable to do any damage. She simply couldn't get any purchase. She suddenly slipped a little and yelped, realising that her rear paws were covered in the same, rubber squeaking as it rubbed against the stone floor.

"The second part will be kicking in too," Debri said offhandedly. As if sparked by his words, the gem on the front of the collar began to glow, cycling through a variety of colours before setting on a vibrant red. It was only a moment later that Crystal gasped involuntarily, staggering a few steps as a burning heat flashed through her body.

Her fur suddenly seemed sweltering, muscles burning a little as the magic rushed through her, racing from her neck to somewhere far more intimate: her sex. Her tail jerked up a bit as she forgot that there were two males watching her, whining in concern as her sex immediately felt odd. She could feel it suddenly swell, getting hot as her lips filled with blood. "What's happening?" she panted, resisting the urge to curl around and look for herself.

Another bolt of magic shot from the gem, through the gold and her body, and into her pussy. This time she couldn't help but clench down with a gasp, blushing hard as, all at once, arousal flooded her tunnel, dripping out past her folds. The sound of the drops landing on the stone were very audible in the silence of the vault room, Crystal realising then what was happening to her: she was in heat.

" didn't!" the dragoness gasped disbelievingly, shuddering. The need was beginning to flare up in her belly, making her pant as her instincts began to rise and urge her to find someone to breed her well. There wasn't even a buildup to her heat; the magic simply forced her into the height, the strongest heat that was biologically possible.

The mage shrugged again. "Heat's necessary. Ryath, you should get to it."

The feral smiled and started forwards, Crystal backing away at the same time. "Get to what?" she panted, forcing her tail tightly down and trying not to moan as her fur tickled against her folds; they were already insanely sensitive. Her scent was hot and spicy, enticing the male dragon with the pheromones of heat.

"You need to be bred before you can lay," Debri said, as if this was obvious. "Why do you think that Ryath is here?"

Crystal gaped at them for a moment, then backed up so that her rump was pressed against the wall, unable to retreat any further as Ryath came closer. "You can't!" she protested, feeling a little panicked but there was no way out but the door. Debri was small though, and if she could bowl him over before he cast a spell, the dragoness had a chance to get out of the vault.

She waited a second more, than bolted for the door, but Debri was expecting that. He raised a hand, twitching his fingers a little, and Crystal yelped as her hinds suddenly stopped moving. She glanced back in panic to see that a spreader bar had been conjured, keeping her hind legs immobilised and spread. It linked up to her tail, keeping it raised slightly. "Let me go!" she roared, making a little hopping motion to try and keep moving forwards.

Before she could get more than another metre along though, a weight landed on her rump, pinning the dragoness in place. Crystal yelped, looking back to see that Ryath had mounted her, his mass keeping her from moving anymore. The dragoness's tail lashed and she snarled back at him but the sound cut off as she caught sight of what was beneath him. Her scent had made the dragon fully erect, his cock visible beneath him.

Crystal's heat suddenly spiked again, the dragoness shuddering as she fought against herself. Part of her, the more animalistic and instinctual part, just wanted to submit, to let the dragon that had bested her sate her heat. The rest of her though, wanted the exact opposite. "Don't!" she roared at Ryath, but the dragon ignored her, positioning himself and shoving her tail out of the way roughly.

Squirming, the dragoness tried to reach back to bite, jaws snapping, but Ryath was too far back her for her to reach. She opened her maw to protest more, to say that this was rape, but her breath was driven from her lungs in an explosive gasp as the tip of the dragon's cock pressed in against her lower lips. The simple touch seemed to make it impossible to breath, her heat making her sex react with nothing but enthusiastic approval.

If her pussy simply being touched was enough to leave the dragoness breathless, it was nothing as to when he actually thrust forwards. The tip of his length pressed hard against her folds, slipping along with the help of her juices, right to her entrance. Before she could even gasp in another breath, her walls were being spread wide by the cock as it sank into her sex, Ryath moaning loudly.

A strangled moan left Crystal's throat as she drew in a shuddering breath. Her body seemed to have frozen, her legs immovable even if she wasn't partially bound. All the dragoness could think about was how her heated walls were stretching and wrapping around that thick cock beneath her tail, sending sparks of pleasure racing up through her spine. Her lips were stretched tightly around Ryath; he was unexpectedly well hung, definitely the biggest that Crystal had taken in ages.

Only when his body was pressed flush against Crystal's undertail, as deep inside her as he could go, did she get her voice back and the only thing that she could use it for seemed to be a moan. A long, low moan escaped her as Crystal's sex clenched down hard, her arousal dripping out around his length. Before she could stop herself, the dragoness humped back twice before getting her hips under control. Ryath didn't fail to notice though, laughing.

"Guess you changed your mind," he panted, chuckling in her ear. That made the dragoness snarl again, getting some of her resistance back. She bucked her head, trying to get her horns into him, but she didn't hit anything. Beginning to squirm and struggled again, Crystal growled, almost managing to wriggle out from beneath Ryath.

He growled though, biting into the dragoness's neck, just below her head. Crystal gasped, going limp beneath the male as the bite caused an instinctive reaction. She was still growling and snarling, but weaker, and even that stopped as the male began to thrust. The heated dragoness cried out, her growling cutting out as the resistance was literally fucked from her. The ridges along the cock pulled and rubbed at her slick walls, making her tighten and clench rhythmically, despite her best efforts to prevent it.

The bite on the back of her neck tightened as he thrust into Crystal with a growl, keeping her from doing more than squirming weakly. Ryath pulled out until only his tip was inside her, the dragoness's pussy flexing weakly as she was left empty, before he rammed back inside, right down to the knot. Crystal was rocked forwards, moaning out loudly as Ryath thrust at a rapid pace. She gasped every time that the knot pounded against her folds, the tip reaching so deep inside her.

Debri watched passively from the sidelines, giving no sign that he saw anything out of the ordinary; to the wolf, this was merely part of the magic that had to be completed. Crystal's cries turned solely to moans, her body overpowering her mind as it accepted the rough mating. Ryath was giving no care at all to the dragoness's pleasure, simply trying to knot her as quickly as possible so that he could cum, but Crystal began to climb towards a climax all the same. Her clit was neglected but with heat, her walls were so sensitive that it didn't matter.

In heat, orgasms usually came thick and fast, except when there was a real cock inside her. Then, if it had a knot, Crystal's body waited for that so that she and her mate could cum together. The dragoness whined and bucked, losing control of her hips once more as she reached the edge, just waiting for that large knot to enter her before she could cum. Ryath was certainly trying, the large bulge at the base of his shaft hammering against Crystal's entrance at the end of every thrust, slowly spreading her wider.

Ryath was panting, clearly close to his peak, and the knot was almost inside Crystal. She groaned again, pleasure turning to discomfort as her entrance stretched around the widest part of the knot. The male dragon pulled back one last time, readying himself, before thrusting forwards with as much force as he could. That drew a sharp yelp from Crystal, a burst of pain running through her as she was stretched too wide, but it was immediately overpowered by the orgasm that overwhelmed her.

The dragoness was dimly aware of Ryath roaring, but all her mind could focus on was that she was cumming as she was filled with burning hot seed. The knot locked in the cum but also seemed to do the same to her pleasure. It rebounded and filled her completely, diminishing at a snail's pace as her vent spasmed and milked at the cock powerfully. Crystal let out a strangled half-moan, half-howl of a sound, falling completely limp beneath the male apart from her trembling and twitching muscles.

She couldn't stop cumming for what felt like a solid two minutes, almost unconscious by the time that it ended. Ryath released the grip his jaws had on her neck with an appreciative growl at seeing the possessive marks he'd left behind. "She's a good fuck," he said offhandedly, making rolling jerks with his hips. That woke Crystal back up; the knot was far too large to come out, not without a lot of discomfort for her. The dragoness whined exhaustedly and pressed her sex up towards him, trying to relieve some of the pressure on her entrance.

Ryath wasn't to be dissuaded though, especially as Debri spoke up from the sidelines. "Better pull out," he said critically, eyeing the dragoness. "The process doesn't take long to begin."

The dragon grunted his understanding and began to pull harder on his knot. Crystal whined her objection, trying to move back to stop the large bulb from being yanked out of her, but Ryath put a paw between her shoulders, forcing her front to the floor and keeping her in place as he tugged. Slowly, and quite uncomfortably for poor Crystal, he worked himself free. With a sharp pop, the knot was yanked free, Crystal yelping once more as her hindquarters were allowed to fall to the floor, thoroughly used.

Cum ran from her used sex, the knot no longer there to keep it in. With the spreader bar, Crystal was stuck with an exposed sex, her rump rolled onto its side, so she tucked her tail down protectively over her sore pussy. Immediately, the male's cum soaked into the long fur and the dragoness growled but didn't remove her tail. Ryath had walked back over to join Debri, watching the dragoness intently.

For a long few minutes, Crystal wasn't aware of any change, simply recuperating. It was only when she tried to struggle to her feet, managing it with difficulty due to the spreader bar immobilising her hinds, that she felt...different, like her weight distribution had changed slightly. With no small amount of dread, the dragoness looked down her own body, seeing that her belly was rounder than she remembered.

Once the dragoness was aware of it, it became easier to feel; there was something heavy in her womb, maybe even several somethings. They were growing quickly, an odd prickling sensation accompanying the eggs inside her. Barely five minutes later, Crystal's sides were noticeably rounded, and still growing. The magic from the collar made it so that her skin and hide adapted easily to the fast-growing eggs, doing in minutes what it would naturally do over weeks or months.

It was clear the eggs weren't normal though; Crystal began to groan as the weight inside her pulled painfully on her belly, forcing it down. She was approaching the size of a dragoness with a full-term clutched and it was quickly getting unbearable. Quickly, she lay back on her side, but it was still uncomfortable, the heavy eggs pinching her sides from where they rested on the stone. Trying to get comfortable with a whine, Crystal rolled onto her back, the eggs resting on her instead. They were so heavy...but it was the most comfortable option that she had.

Paws resting on her belly, she could feel her belly swell a little more before the process seemed to stop, or at least slow to an unnoticeable rate. Crystal gasped and panted, barely able to move. The eggs seemed a thousand times heavier that what they should have been, pressing her down uncomfortably into the stone floor. She whined and looked towards the watching males, but there was no help coming.

A pang went through her lower belly. Crystal gasped and shuddered at the alien feeling of her uterus seizing down in a powerful contraction, crying out a moment later. "Oh good, it's starting," Debri grunted, crossing his arms and frowning. "Thought it would be a little faster than that."

For Crystal, the contractions were coming quickly, one right after the other. Her body clenched down hard, but the eggs were so heavy inside her that they barely moved. Slowly, very slowly, the one closest to it began to pry open the dragoness's cervix, making her whimper and squeeze her eyes shut. To complicate things, the collar's heat still hadn't abated, the dragoness's folds plump and wet with the forced arousal. She couldn't concentrate on that though, simply trying to breath slowly as the tip of an egg was forced into her tunnel, which immediately tightened around it.

Slowly, very slowly, the egg was pushed into Crystal's sex. It took ages and she was quickly exhausted; it was just too heavy to move easily, barely inching along when the dragoness squeezed down as hard as she could. It felt like the egg was made of solid lead, but the small part of Crystal that wasn't entirely focused on laying knew that it wasn't really lead. Her inner muscles rippled and clenched around the hard, heavy shape, unable to even stop lest it slip deeper into her again; Crystal had to push hard and constantly.

Being on her back wasn't helping matters either, with gravity working against her. There was a reason nesses didn't lay on their backs but it was too late; Crystal wasn't even sure that she could stand up at the moment. The spreader bar helped a little, forcing the dragoness to keep her legs spread wide. Slowly, she pushed and squeezed, feeling the heavy egg move up her sex until, finally, the tip poked free of her folds. She tightened her muscles to keep it there, panting hard as she looked down her body, past the swollen belly, with difficulty.

There was a glint of bright, shining gold between the folds of her pussy, slick with her juices and arousal. The act of pushing and clenching was exhausting the dragoness, but it was undeniably arousing too, and Crystal was still in heat. The egg was so wide and heavy, she couldn't help but be stimulated. She moaned out, walls rippling around the egg as she continued to force it out of her sex.

Ryath and Debri watched avidly as more of the slick, golden surface was pushed from the dragoness's pussy, Crystal whining and moaning, now panting for a reason other than strain. She could feel another climax building in her sex, rising up stronger every time that the egg slipped a little further out of her entrance. She was quite close to the widest part of the egg, her lips and folds taut around the metal surface.

With a howl, the dragoness began to cum, her sore and tired sex nevertheless clenching down hard. The egg crested and was then forced out of her, Crystal yelping and gasping as it rolled down her undertail and onto the ground, leaving her fur wet. Her juices soaked the fur around her sex, flexing weakly in orgasmic aftershocks as she lay there exhausted.

Debri came forwards and picked up the egg with his hands, grunting at the hefty weight. His grip slipped a little in the thick coating of dragoness arousal but he kept hold of it. "Oh yes," he said with a smile. "Solid gold, all the way through. It's worth more than a little; we'll be able to get the city out of debt easily."

Crystal couldn't speak, just panting tiredly, but she gave another low groan as more contractions made her womb clench down hard. Debri nodded his head towards the door, Ryath nodding in agreement. "We'll go get this melted down and tested," he said to Crystal, the dragoness beginning to strain as the next egg moved. "Stay here and lay us a fortune!"

The dragoness could only moan with panting breaths as the heavy gold inside her slowly shifted towards her cervix.


Life in the vault had gotten slightly more comfortable for Crystal, mostly because she now had a big pile of gold to rest on. No longer completely empty, there were now piles of golds coins scattered through the place, as well as some finer objects that had been cast from the same source: glittering crowns, gleaming swords, that sort of thing. Everything was immensely valuable, and it all came from Crystal.

The dragoness had lost count of how many eggs she'd lain since being tricked into the vault. Hauling the weight of the golden orbs in her belly had made her stronger, and eventually she'd been able to waddle a few steps before becoming exhausted. The ability to move at least a little was nice. With difficulty, she'd moved the shining heaps of coins into a semi-comfortable nook that she could recline in, the gold supporting her somewhat.

Not content with simply burdening her with eggs, Ryath and Debri had presented her with a new 'gift', cast from her first clutch: a heavy chain. It connected to the dragoness's collar and to the wall, making sure that even if she could have moved more than a few metres without a rest, she couldn't go much further than the centre of the massive vault. As it was, with the weight of the golden chain and the eggs, it was difficult to do anything at all.

The dragoness reclined with a groan. Running a rubber-mittened paw down her taut belly. The spreader bar was still between her hinds, keeping them spread, but it was better that way. Her pussy was still red and swollen, glistening with slickness in the light. The heat that she was in hadn't abated, leaving the furred dragoness needy and wet at all hours of the day. With her belly as big as it was though, she couldn't do much to sate her need. Her muzzle was out of the question and her paws could barely reach, plus they were mittened too. Curling up enough to reach her vent was exhausting. The only relief came from laying.

There was a distant clang, the sound echoing down in the vault. "Fuck," Crystal cursed quietly; that was the sound of the vault door opening, and there was no doubt in who it could be. Ryath and Debri came strolling into the room a few minutes later, the former holding a large leather sack with his tail.

"Morning, our fine layer," Debri said. Ryath didn't say anything, merely beginning to dump pawfuls of gold coins into his sack to take back upstairs.

"Fuck you," Crystal said, but she was already panting. She didn't understand how, but some magic made her lay whenever Debri wanted her too. Not only that, but she would only lay the amount of eggs that he wanted, leaving the rest of them stuck inside her with no way to get them out. Furthermore, after the first breeding, Crystal's body made the eggs without stopping, ensuring that she was always as full as possible with gold.

The dragoness groaned as she felt the now-familiar pangs of labour. Her muscles had been trained and strengthened, able to move the heavy golden orbs much more easily, and more quickly. Crystal couldn't stop a loud moan as the thick egg moved into her tunnel, her heated, sensitive walls wrapping tightly around it. Trying to resist the orgasm that arose was pointless, and the humiliation from cumming in front of the two males had worn off...mostly.

With the first egg cresting in no time, Debri smiled. "Ryath is going to be announcing a new infrastructure project today, along with quite a lot of tax cuts."

"Just in time for election season," the dragon added, lifting the bulging, now-filled sack with a grunt of difficulty.

The first egg popped out of Crystal, coated in her juices as it rolled down her undertail and onto the floor. The second one was already moving inside of her. "Yes, and we'll need to keep it up," Debri continued. "Why, with both of those campaign promises, we'll be needing your services, Crystal, for a long time yet...

"We can always use more gold."