Back To Sauria

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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After a few weeks of planing Krystal and Fox invited the others to join them on a trip to Sauria for the twins survival training, Rebecca was not happy seeing as how she was going to be light years away from the nearest mall while Marcus and Thomas toured the great fox and were stunned that they were actually inside the actual ship that lead the fleet during the aparoid war.

Peppy still piloted the great fox despite his old age and Falco remained a fighter pilot while Slippy stuck to the mechanics since he was the only one who knew how the ship worked, then the boys noticed Jewel staring through a window and heard what sounded like fighting.

"Hey what-whoa!"



Fang and Tamati were fighting full force as Fang broke out of a sommersault to deliver an overhead slash only to have Tamati block it as he created five clones of himself as they ganged up on him but because of his speed it looked like they were moving in slow motion and with just two strikes of his sword the clones were destroyed leaving the original to deliver a heel kick from behind.



Fang suddenly vanished in the blink of an eye and as Tamati turned around he found himself blocking another attack that produced a sonic boom but luckily the window and room was strong enough to withstand the force, the kids continued to stare in amazement as both combatants pushed each other back with blades locked close and when Fang wasn't looking Tamati brought up his right hand and delivered a strong right hook to Fangs cheek only to be countered with a heel kick to his forehead. The fight was a draw.

"Oh cool!!"


Everyone was suddenly called to the bridge as the ship began to shake a little, when they arrived the kids found themselves staring at a planet greener than the earth itself and a smile formed on everyone else's face leaving the twins a little curious.

"Children...welcome to Sauria."

Once they landed Krystal was the first to step out as she stared at jungle paradise, everything was as she remembered. From the green jungles to the sound of nature all around her Krystal was back after so many years, then Fox noticed a familiar saurian pouncing at him but instead he stepped aside leaving Fang and Tamati in the open.


Tricky; The prince of the earth walkers on sauria was glad to see his old friends again as he looked at Krystal and Fox who smiled at him as they patted his back.

"Everyone! it's good to see you again!"


"So heavy..."

"(Fang and Tamati) OUCH!!"

Tricky got off allowing the two to catch their breath and after a few introductions they went immediately to the nearest village while Fang and Fara decided to spend some time alone, as they neared a ruined temple Fara was amazed at the sight of it despite it being a total wreck but for Fang this place brought bad memories since it was the same temple where he was nearly killed years ago.

"Fang? you okay?"

Fang clenched his fist in anger as memories of him being rolled through the medical station and the sound of doctors voices echoed in his mind until Fara held his cheek and snapped him out of his daydream.

"You know...I thought I lost you forever when they told me what happened."

"Same here...but I remembered making a promise to you when we first met."

"What promise?"

"That I would protect you no matter the price."

The lovers then kissed each other as Fara pulled him in close while in the shade of the trees Jewel was happy to see her parents like that as she sighed thinking that it might be her one day. Back in the village Marcus and the others were listening to the villagers of StarFox sailing in from the heavens and burning the aparoids from their world while Fang charged in alone destroying them legion by legion.

Of course some parts of the tales were exaggerated but the team remembered it like it was yesterday then after the festivities Marcus and Rebecca saw their mom on a balcony staring into the stars with a sad look on her face and decided to see if they could help.


"Oh Rebecca, Marcus!"

"Are you alright?"

"I was just thinking of when I first came to Sauria...I wanted to find answers about why our home planet was destroyed...and why my parents were killed..."

"You use to live somewhere else?"

" see before I met your father I lived on this world called Cerinia...but I was sent into space at a young age so my planet was probably destroyed...When I came to Sauria I was captured and placed in a stasis crystal until your father freed me and ever since I met him i've never been happier and I never would've had you two."

Krystal hugged her children lovingly like any mother would, even though she never discovered the fate of her planet our found out why her parents died Fox gave her something she longed for; A family and one that she would be happy with forever.

The End.