Alternatives to Studies (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#200 of Short Stories

Someone fails to cram.

~ Down the length of largely empty hallway staggered the meerkat disheveled in dress and haggard in appearance. She slipped in amongst the group loitering outside the lecture hall's doors, coming to a stop next to the collie.

~ "Yikes, you don't look up to this. Too much studying at the last minute.", admonished the canine.

~ Raising a hand in her defense, the meerkat replied, "Room mate. You know how she is, and I couldn't just leave her like that. Out here away from everyone and thing she's known; No choice, really."

~ The collie, dubiously, "Then why even get out of bed this early, to show up and fail an exam."

~ "My family, was raised to keep on our feet. Make fate come meet our fists.", the meerkat's expression slipping into a tired grin.

~ The canine tone shifted to concern, "Well, that doesn't sound like a plan. You got one?"

~ Her grin untarnished, "First law, first line, every question. All the stuff what goes in, comes out. Then I go back and start simplifying."

~ The collie chuckled somewhat with a bit of a tail wag, "Ah. Partial credit, hoo!"