Tumble of Words (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#199 of Short Stories

The doctor speaks.

~ The small consultation office was complicated with various medical sundries and instruments, along with informational posters adorning each wall in turn.

~ "Know Your Patient Rights!", proclaimed red letters above what looked to be towers of fine black print, utterly illegible from the tiger's seat. She rolled her thumbs against each other, tail lashing about against the floor anxiously. However practiced she was at waiting in these rooms, one could never seem to get the hang of knowing which footsteps, which clipboard rattle, and which door opening would herald the doctor's arrival.

~ Without any obvious warning, the doctor stepped into the room. The racoon's attentions of the moment were on the chart he held, the tiger glancing up to meet his gaze.

~ The doctor started to speak, before catching himself, and pausing to search for a more hopeful wording to suit what followed to be said.