Drop Off Point (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#193 of Short Stories

The traveling kobold and dragon reach a new leg in their trek.

~ Under the haze of a moonless night, a dragon and kobold lingered outside of their car a short distance outside the fence line of the space port. After such a tiring journey, it was hard to be anxious even about the risky leg that followed.

~ "And he'll be getting paid once we're on the ship...", Randy spoke aloud to the Jake, the kobold trying to assuage himself as much as he was trying to calm the dragon.

~ The dragon replied, "That's how we know he'll do it.. so he gets paid.", patting the kobold on the shoulder lightly.

~ Running alongside the fence, an arc of flame became visible on its approach. Jake pulled the kobold closer, and stepped out infront of him as the tangle of flames came to a hard side onto the dirt.

~ From the patch of scorched grasses and remains of shrubbery, a phoenix looked up to the pair in a panic.

~ "You're here to meet Kelvin, in about an hour?", panting heavily. Her breaths were a mixture of smoke and flames, wings fanning a bit as though to shake off the smoulderings.

~ The dragon fixed his stance a bit taller, his posture a bit denser, "..Yes. Who's asking?"

~ Wobbling up to a standing posture, "Kelvin sold us out. They're on my tail, and they'll take you, too."

~ The kobold was already climbing into the driver side door when Jake turned to consult his boyfriend, "What now?"

~ Randy pointed at Jake and the phoenix in turn, "Get in. I'll drive, y'all figure out where."