Snow and Gas (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#191 of Short Stories

A rest stop, for the traveling kobold and dragon.

With the wisps of Winter a flurry about the outside of the car under the night-time lights of the gas station, Jake remained a curled up bundle of dragon and blanket in the passenger seat. The heater and fan of the car grumbled along helpfully as the snow accumulated on the windshield.

~ Out of the whirlwind of cold and snow and outside of the car, Randy opened the driver side door to lean within. The kobold held out a drink caddie, with three of the slots holding disposable foam cups.

~ "Hey, adorableurrito. They didn't have those hand warming packs, so I got you an extra hot cocoa.", setting the carrier down between the seats, "We'll get back on the road, once I clear the windows."

~ The kobold pulled the ice scraper from behind the driver's seat, "They gave us a free can coozie, for some reason.", which gave the shivering dragon a reason to smile.