Musical Pause (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#187 of Short Stories

A badger pauses her gig.

~ Through the dimly lit haze of the bar, the badger up on stage could see that a pair of folk off in the corner were standing rather angrily at something. She stood up from her stool, fingers not missing a beat or strum of the wooden guitar currently plugged into the amplifier. From the new vantage point, she could see the pair to be a coyote and ferret, who were expressing some matter of disapproval down at budgie who was cowering in a posture that did not belie any delusions of safety.

~ As her guitar's lingering hum faded from the speaker system's rattle, she leaned forward to note, "This'll be a moment.", setting her guitar down on the stool. The badger leaned over to pluck her favorite guitar out from behind one of the speakers. The neck was wrought iron, the body hammered out of copper. As she passed the microphone, "Free drink, for everyone who's ass I'm not about to kick."