Risky Noodles (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#173 of Short Stories

Detective Clip, jackalope of the law, accompanies her landlord and his date.

~ The small restaurant was a dull rumble of noodles consumed and groups chatting. Bell, the baker landlord of Detective Clip, was happily nibbling on several fructose wafers.

~ "MRphf.. this place actually uses the real cobalt in the flavors. Most places just, ya' know, use blue."

~ The kobold, Bell's date, regarded the pair of noodle bowls between himself and Detective Clip.

~ "Uh, ma'am.. Clip.. one of those is mine, the other yours, and mine is supposed to be super spicy.."

~ The jackalope was also peering down at the pair of bowls, nodding slowly, "..yeah, and they don't exactly label them.", the chopsticks in her right hand clicking in tune with a beat.

~ Clack. Clack. Click click click. Clack.

~ The Detective's left hand slide out across the table towards the condiments.

~ Clack. Click clack click. Clack. The kobold continued to look for differences.

~ "I suppose there's no clear way to tell them apart, except for one of us trying one?", the kobold dubious of the obvious path.

~ With a smile Clip replied, "Oh, I know another solution.", her left hand returning with the hot sauce fetched.

~ Over each bowl the bottle was poured in turn.

~ The kobold replied with a grin, "I accept your challenge."