The Dark Forest

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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Heavily inspired by the game Pokeslender. And, primarily, because the concept amused me.

I always hate having to drive through the night, especially through this place. No streetlights for miles and the road curves around too much. Those things combined make for a very stressful stretch of road. But unfortunately to take the road that goes around this forest would add an extra twenty minutes to my trip, despite it being a highway. Of course, the stories about this place don't help.

A few hapless idiots have been killed in this forest, devoured by something or other. Granted there have been no bite marks found on the corpses the remains, but considering all the carnage of the bodies it's not too much of a surprise. All that's been left behind of these victims are some blood, various scraps of skin and clothes and then a crushed skull. They'd only been able to identify any of them is because of the wallets. But anyone that would be foolish enough to still walk around in these forests all by themselves would almost deserve such a fate.

As I make a turn around one corner my radio makes a sudden loud screeching sound before cutting to static. I look down at the radio for a moment, trying to discern what happened but see nothing immediately wrong with it. I guess the station must have just had a power surge or something as my radio's auto-search function kicks in and quickly locks into a nearby station. Not liking that particular station I switch it to another one of my faved channels. When I look up again I see a small black creature standing in the middle of the road, staring me down. Cursing out loud I slam on the breaks and turn sharply to the side, attempting to avoid hitting the creature stupid enough to stand in the middle of a road. I lose control of my car while doing so and it careens off the road and into a tree, the impact knocking me unconscious.

I wake up to a sharp pain in one of my arms and when I look up I see that same creature as on the road biting into my arm. I cry out and kick out, trying to get it off me. It lets go easily enough and jumps out of range of my legs so that I can't kick at it again. It does give me a chance to get a good look at the thing. It seems to be just a pokemon, an umbreon to be exact and it seems very interested in me. It pants at me slightly and I notice that there is some blood dripping from its fangs. I look down at my arm and see to puncture holes in the arm. What's worse is that the blood coming from it is far darker than I would normally expect.

"Shit! Bastard poisoned me!" I curse silently to myself as I use my legs to push myself back, further away from the dark colored pokemon.

My back slams into something hard and it is only then that I realize where I am. Somehow I've been moved from the wreckage of my car all the way over to some sort of cabin. Though there is some lighting in this place it really isn't that good. The lights themselves flickering on and off frequently and the whole room looks like it's falling apart. Heck some of the wood even looks a little warped, all of which implying a place that has fallen to disuse. I reach over and find a sack of something or other and grabbing it with my uninjured hand I chuck it at the umbreon. It dodges my toss with vulpine grace but with that small motion I was given enough of an opening that I turn around and bolt up the nearby stairs.

I don't find any sign of a human presence in this building as I make my way up but I think that even if there was they probably would have been the one to have dragged me here. But that's the furthest thing from my mind at the moment. All I care about right now is to get away from this place and to safety. Hopefully I can get to my car and get at my cell phone or even just find someone who can call an ambulance or something. Not even thinking about it I notice a flashlight near the door on my way out and grab it before bolting out the door.

I seem to be still in the forest, which means that most likely that pokemon is at least one of the ones responsible for eating all those people, which gives me all the more incentive to try and get away from here. I can feel a tightening up in my chest and the arm that was bitten is throbbing, implying that the poison that is coursing through me is starting to take effect. So blinded by my desire to get away and the poor visibility of the location I am unable to really see where I'm going and slam right into a tree, falling over and skidding my knee against the ground. I breathe in and out quickly, clutching my injured arm as I try to get control of my situation. Taking that moment to calm down a bit I try the flashlight and find that though it does still work, it only does so barely. The light from the flashlight is very dim, only illuminating a small portion directly in front of me.

I stand back up and take a look around, trying to get my bearings on which way would be the best way to get back to get back to the main road but I can't see any distinguishing features beyond the building behind me. Looking back to the side of the building I hesitate, seeing a pair of glowing white eyes on an umbreon sized shadow around the back side of the building. The umbreon seems to be not making any sign of motion, as if it thinks that by not moving I wouldn't see it. I back away slowly, facing it the entire time, my heart beginning to race again. I look quickly to my side to get a clear layout of the nearby trees and when I look back the eyes have moved slightly closer. But once again while I am staring at them the umbreon doesn't make a single move.

"I can see you!" I shout at the figure, moving away from it at the same time and feeling my bitten arm begin to clench uncontrollably, almost making me drop the flashlight. The poison must be damaging my nervous system as it is becoming hard and harder to control that arm.

I continue in this manner for a bit, noting the pokemon never moves when I'm staring at it but moves closer whenever I look around to avoid bumping into a tree it moves much closer. Growing frustrated at being unable to escape I grab a fist sized rock and throw it as best I can as the pokemon, only barely missing it.

"Leave me alone!" I shout at it, attempting to stare it down.

Losing my nerve I stop just walking backwards and turn around and make a break for it, using my uninjured arm to hold the flashlight and illuminate everything in front of me so that I don't end up tripping into a tree again. I keep this up until I have to stop breathing so that I can catch my breath. I pant heavily, gasping in an attempt to bring more oxygen into my lungs. To help with it I slouch over and rest my hands upon my knees, though the arm that was bit definitely feels rather strange. I can barely feel anything in my fingers, which looking down seem to be the same, though the fingers are hanging a little loosely. The palm, however, looks to be a little tight, as if something is stretching the skin of my hand tight, but that's probably just an illusion created by the poison. My chest seems to be tightening up again, either from the poison or from the running I can't tell. It also seems to be spreading. Already my feet are beginning to feel tight in my shoes, my heels especially seem to be rather tender.

Knowing I can't spend too long staying still or that umbreon will catch up to me again I start walking again, though choosing for the time being to just walk again so I don't tire myself out too much. After all as far as I know running might be making the poison spread faster. I take a quick look around just in case and still don't see anything. Thankfully the umbreon isn't visible either, though whether that's really a good thing I can't really tell.

As I start walking again I can start to hear a strange sound off in the distance. It almost sounds like a mix of something growling and running water. But as I continue walking the growling seems to be the main thing getting louder than the water, causing me to hesitate a moment and quickly look around in all directions, trying to see if there's something nearby. But once again I can't see anything out of the ordinary. Taking a slight sigh of relief I turn back forward and start to walk again when I can hear a very high pitched scream and a split second later a large branch in front of me seems to have disintegrated, leaving the rest of the branch to falling only feet in front of me. Startled I fall backwards onto my ass hard, my rear end feeling like it hit some sort of root or something considering it feels like I was sitting on some sort of narrow lump, a painful one at that.

"Jesus Christ!" I shout out without thinking about it.

I stand back up, significantly shaken and begin to walk again, trying to walk around the fallen branch when another branch in front of me blows up. My back begins to convulse slightly, my entire body feeling tender and tight, as if I'm starting to have a seizure or something and I fall back to the ground. Damn it all! The poison must be getting to me. But instead of letting it win I try to calm myself, convincing myself I'm just having a panic attack from the falling tree instead, regardless of the fact I had never had a panic attack in my life. But after a moment or two of deep breathing I manage to calm myself that it seems to have passed. Though even if the convulsions have stopped my whole body still feels very tight and when I stand up I find trying to stand up straight hurts too much. Instead I begin moving in a somewhat slouched stance, walking as best I can on the balls of my feet as it also hurts far too much to try and get my heel down. Figuring that the attacks only happen in one direction I walk in a different direction, back closer to the way I had come.

My injured arm is effectively a dead limb at this point. Though it feels like I'm able to move my fingers I cannot see any motion in the fingers themselves. If anything, it looks like the palm itself is moving. On top of that sensation seems to be incredibly muted. Though I can feel the sensation of touch on the arm it feels detached, the same way one feels if touching someone through an article of clothing. Stretch marks have formed all along the surface of the arm and the area that that beast had bitten has formed a small tear and is bleeding somewhat freely if slowly. Cursing slightly at myself for having not thought to treat it beforehand I grip the flashlight as best I can in my mouth and tear a small strip out of my shirt and wrap it around the gash as best I can. Oddly the area feels more sensitive than the rest of the arm and I get a bit of goose bumps when the cloth disrupts the position of the hair along that part of the arm, hair that seems particularly long and dense. Worst part is my other arm is starting to get to be as bad. Though I can still hold the flashlight with it, my grip is difficult, as if the limb had fallen asleep or something.

I occasionally glance around but don't think I see anything. But then again I'm not focusing so much on making sure I don't see anything as I am on trying to keep myself from having another 'panic attack.' After a few more minutes of walking and finding that the poison has yet to progress any further the flashlight begins to flicker on and off.

"No, no!" I plead at the device as I bang it gently against my other arm, hoping to shake some more juice out of the batteries so that I can keep being able to see where I'm going, at least until I can find some sign of where I'm supposed to go.

I keep walking forward just in case and try to keep my only real source of light alive. Just as I'm tempted to try and see if reversing the order of the batteries will help any I hear a small snap of something right behind me. Swallowing quickly I turn around and find that the umbreon has managed to not only sneak up on me but is only standing a foot or two away. At seeing me see it the small fox-like pokemon screams as loud as it can. I fall back again, shouting gibberish as my body begins to convulse again. Thankfully the umbreon still seems to be either unable or unwilling to move so long as I stare at it but with the shock that's the least of my worries as the moment. My good arm is clenching hard, making me wonder if I'm going to either break the flashlight or just drop it and I can hear a tearing sound both behind me and in the injured arm, but cannot really see much through the blood. I can feel something start to try and come up my throat. At first I think it might be vomit coming to the surface but I can feel a swelling in my neck, pushing up more and more and is quite large, almost cutting off my ability to breathe completely. My shirt also seems to have some spots that seem to be growing wet though the thing in my neck is my biggest concern.

It takes every last bit of willpower I have just fighting that lump back down but it does eventually recede back to wherever it had come from. Thankfully the umbreon hasn't moved any, though it does certainly look like it's just waiting on something, like a dog would just before being given a bone to devour. After taking a few deep breathes I hurl the flashlight at it. The umbreon dodges.

"Oh crap!" I start chanting as the umbreon moved while I was looking at it. Not only that it roars at me in anger and my resolve flees.

Fighting the sensation of the tightness in my entire body and everything else going on I turn around and bolt. Last time I ran I seemed to be able to outrun it at least. So focused on trying to get away as quickly as possible I barely even register that I'm not running on two legs or upright as well but rather doing almost a crawling run on the palms of my hands and the balls of my feet. Even still I do seem to be doing quite well at the motion and attribute it to the adrenaline. I'm sure that the motion must have broken at least a few of my fingers, but with the poison numbing most sensation in the limbs I don't feel anything, though I can feel one of the fingers of my good hand fall off as I have run over it, the limb detaching completely and falling behind. Hopefully that beast will eat the finger and buy me some time. I see something in the distance and purely out of instinct I run over to it, finding it to be some sort of cabin. I bolt in and try to close the door, but finding that neither hand has any more fingers attached to the palm I just nudge it closed with my body and head before running for a place to hide.

I find a nearby staircase and half fall down it, my body not knowing how to move down the stairs in such a stance. Badly bruised I push off and hide in a corner, curling into the fetal position as best I can and rocking up and down as my mind finally starts to calm down just enough to start to realize what all is actually happening to me. The arm that was bitten no longer looks to be a human arm at all, but instead the foreleg of some sort of canine. What little light I can see would make it look to be a cream color in the few areas not still covered in my own blood. Above the tear from the bit I can see the skin is very frayed, leaving more of the canine arm below it. My other arm is much the same state, though starting at the hand, which has completely vanished to reveal just the paw. There seems to be many long, thick appendages sticking out from my ass and half curled up as if trying to hug me.

After a moment of staring at them the pieces all start falling into place and I start to hyperventilate. The poison is killing me after all, just not in the way I had expected. I can start to feel something pushing its way up through my neck again and I clench my eyes tight as I use the paws that used to be my hands to try and push it back down, as if that would be able to undo everything that had happened. After only a moment of having no more effect than to keep it where it's at I hear a small 'bree' coming from in front of me. I open my eyes in response and find that the umbreon is sitting down a foot in front of me, being careful to avoid the long appendages. The sight of the creature diminishes my ability to fight the thing in my neck as it moves up and up and I can feel it in my mouth, trying to pry my mouth open from the inside. Tears fall from my eyes as I can feel my mouth open up and a long, thin muzzle pushes its way through before everything goes dark.

The umbreon nuzzles at the ninetales' muzzle; half in a gesture of affection and half helping to try and clean off the blood. The ninetales is snapped out of the shock after a few seconds and repositions into a standing position and shaking off as much of the blood as possible, the umbreon having to bolt to get far enough away to not get drenched in the splatter. The ninetales stares forlornly a moment at the caved in human skull nearby, giving it a small, gentle lick before leaving it with the rest of the torn skin and clothes and following the umbreon out with the intent of getting all the blood off its fur as soon as possible.

The end.

No, really. This is the end of the story.

Stop reading already!

Go away! Shoo! Go do something else, there's nothing else to do here, that is all.



Alright fine. Here's the other half of the story.

Esheren was very reluctant to having to be the bait. It wasn't so much that he didn't understand the role he had to play or its importance and he did trust his friends to do their part, but standing in front of a busy road while a car is coming right in front of you is not at all a calming affair. But it was his turn that they were doing this and this was for him as much as anything. Thankfully for the umbreon everything went exactly according to plan and the car swerved off and right into a tree thick enough that would stop the car completely without flipping it or anything. Being so close Esheren beat the others to the wreckage of the car and the first to ascertain that the human inside is definitely still alive. The others weren't far behind though and after only a few minutes they had extracted the human completely without leaving any trace of their presence and began moving him to the cabin a mile or two away. They deposited him gently on the floor of the basement as Yiier, a lucario, comes into the small room with a small bucket and places it gently near the umbreon.

"Okay, you should be good to go. Now remember, only bite down hard enough to draw blood. You don't want to damage the arm. That'll be enough to start the process."

"I know, I know," Esheren replies. "Then all I need to do is scare them out of their skin to free their inner pokemon. Though I still have to wonder what would happen if I accidentally swallowed some of this stuff and they scared me? Would I turn into a pokemon?"

"You idiot," Amurizite, a sableye frowns over the headset in Esheren's ears, each of them using such devices stolen from humans to communicate quickly and easily over long distances. "You're already a pokemon. Absolutely nothing will happen if you get scared. And you better not screw this up."

Esheren shrugs as Yiier reaches into the bucket with a small brush and after Esheren opens his mouth, begins to coat his fangs with the dark green liquid. Once satisfied it's thoroughly coated Yiier stands up.

"It tastes awful," Esheren complains while Yiier starts to leave.

"Well it's not for you, it's for him. I'll be waiting for you out the back to help clean that off once the human flees."

Esheren waits until he hears the lucario leave before approaching the human, feeling very silly for just standing there with his lower mouth and tongue staying as far away from his fangs as possible.

"I theel so silly like this," he sighs once he can hear her leave the cabin. "Blah, I'the come to suck your thlood, blah. Nom," Esheren states in jest before biting into the arm of the human and just sort of hangs there with the fangs and only the fangs in the human's arm.

The human wakes up from the pain and kicks out at him, but Esheren was expecting such a response and so managed to get away before getting hurt. He tilts his head slightly, still trying to keep from tasting the foul stuff on his teeth as the human backs up and throws a bag at him. Esheren dodges easily enough, though they made sure there wasn't anything that would have hurt anyway. But with a blink of the eye the human had vanished up the stairs and out of the cabin. Esheren moves up the stairs and goes out the door on the other side of the building where Yiier is waiting with a cloth and a mint, using the first to clean the fangs and the mint to clear any taste of it left in Esheren's mouth.

"Thank you my lady," he bows slightly before going around the side of the building and sees the human apparently having tripped over a tree or something.

Being somewhat of a mischievous nature, Esheren doesn't feel like just charging after him, especially considering he had half expected to have to track him at least a little bit. So instead he decides to play 'Red Light, Green Light' with the human. Currently the human has turned around to face him and so he speaks softly, "red light."

As the human starts to walk away he hears another voice in his ear, "what do you think you're doing? This isn't a kid's game!" Lucas, a houndoom growls into his ear.

"It's my human, I'll play with it however I want," Esheren retorts, moving quickly forward when they turn away briefly, stopping again when they start to turn back.

"I can see you!" the human shouts.

"Well, duh!" Esheren rolls his eyes, "that's why I'm not moving. I know how to play the game after all."

Esheren's eyes tightly into a scowl when the human throws a rock before turning and running away, shouting something at him at the same time.

"Now that wasn't very nice. Green light."

Following the human isn't that hard to do. They aren't exactly a rather graceful creature and is breaking branches everywhere he goes. And even if he wasn't doing that his scent was plain enough that Esheren could use that alone to follow his scent. But he trots happily along after the human, noting that the scent of the human is starting to change, implying that the serum is having an effect.

"I wonder what kind of pokemon they're going to end up as? I wonder if it'll be another eon? That'll be nice, a nice little glaceon or flareon to play with. Um, human? You're going the wrong way!" Esheren shouts that last bit, noting that they're going towards a more dangerous part of the forest, one that has a somewhat quick and rocky drop into the nearby river that could definitely severely injure them if they fall into it mid-process, especially if they turn into a pure fire type.

"Well from the scent the idiot's plan at least seems to be having an effect, though they are getting too close to the restricted area," Lucas states.

"Don't worry, I got it. It should be easy enough for me to keep him from going there," Amuri adds.

"Don't let yourself be seen, though. This human's mine," Esheren comments possessively, hearing no response but a moment later hearing the sound of a blast coming nearby and the sound of a tree limb shattering.

"There, that should do it. And I didn't even touch your human, might have done your job for you, though."

Esheren scowls a bit, knowing that the scent starts to change rather quickly and is starting to be accompanied by a strong scent of human blood, souring the scent. Esheren sighs before sneaking up, knowing he's almost close enough to be visible again. He's certainly getting rather excited at the event, as the prospect and promise of the companionship that this will create. And filtering out the scent of human scent and fear she has a rather nice, pleasant scent, like roasted cinnamon. Seeing the human Esheren's ears whole stance perks up and he begins crouching closer to the ground. They seem mostly distracted by what's happening to them and the flashlight to even notice.

"Green light, green light, green light, green light," he chants softly at first but each repetition increases in volume and energy. Finally just before he gets there his foot hits a twig and the human turns around. "RED LIGHT!" Esheren shouts, letting all the excitement come out all at once.

The human falls back and shudders. It's quite obvious to Esheren now what they're becoming. And though it is a shame they aren't becoming another eon they are turning into a nice fire type to play with, one that will be quite fun as well. They seem to be going into the final stage as Esheren can see the neck begin to swell up with the emergence of the head, but they seem able to fight it back down somehow and in an act of cruelty throws the flashlight as Esheren, despite the fact he had been so good about keeping true to the game and never breaking the rules once. But as a flashlight would hurt to be hit with Esheren dodges.

"Hey!" he growls at the human, annoyed at the breach of rules, "That's not nice!"

The human squeaks a moment before bolting, running back towards the cabin on all fours, tails lagging behind slightly and bouncing with the motion. Esheren takes a moment to calm himself down a moment before following, knowing that the last thing he would want would be to start off their new relationship with him snapping at the new pokemon. When he gets to the cabin he can smell that the human scent has almost vanished and when get gets downstairs he sees them fighting the head back again. Feeling the need to be supportive of his new companion and make them know that he isn't mad at them he gives a reassuring 'bree.' Hearing his voice their eyes open up and upon seeing him that bulge rises up and quickly forces its way through his mouth. A second later the skull of the former human falls off, the brain no longer inside it and the remaining traces of skin and clothing fall off in shreds. Esheren moves forward, being careful to avoid the tails and gives them an affectionate lick. Shaken out of their shock they begin to stand up and quickly realizing what they intend to do bolts as far away as he can before they begin to try and shake the blood off. He still gets hit by a bit of it, though. But that's the least part of it. He now has a new companion and leads them out of this cabin, intent on having some fun after introducing the new pokemon to the others. Tonight has certainly been a good night.