1st December

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#1 of Camp Snow

It is Christmas again.

I was asked yesterday if I would do my Advents Calendar story-thing again.

Originally I did not plan to do it, because my wrist is not completely healed yet, but after the request I decided to at least try it.

I hope my wrist will not give in half past through the storyline.

For those who don't know: In this format, a chapter has around 2 - 3 pages (DinA4 around 1000 to 1500 worlds in average) and there will be a chapter every day from 1st December until 24th or 25th of december.

The story follows the time exactly, meaning that one chapter is one day in the story.

After a few not so nice feedback in one of the last year, I was reluctant to actually do this again.

As a warning for those of faint heart or increased sensibility: I will try to tag as good as possible, but I can't guarantee I get all tags you might have blacklisted. It will not be as extreme as the last one but has a lighter approach.

Please read the disclaimer and make sure you are only reading this, if you enjoy reading this topic and content.

To protect your fellow furs, please add any tags you may find critical for the "chapters" (please only add tags to the respective chapter). It might be possible that a reader experiences the content differently than it was intended (e.g. that someting is not NC but people might consider it NC).

Please be reminded as well, that I am doing this even though writing is hard for me right now and I am giving my best even though my wrist hurt.

Comments are, like always, welcome, but if you just want to rant about me fogetting tags or such, please spare me this year, because only reading complaints and bad comments makes me doubt why I should put myself through pain to provide the stories.

I do accept (and understand) criticsim and I accept that some might not always like the way my stories are written. But if it is a simple tag, then just add the tag yourself and (if your are worried about a specific topic possibly being in the story that might not be tagged and that you feel offended by) just avoid reading it the stories if in doubt.

Like always, your safety is my main concern, so please do not force yourself to read the story on the danger of taking any mental harm. The story is purely for enjoyment of those who enjoy it.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involved anthro animals of different species in a pure fantasy world.

The story (even if not every chapter) contains nudity and sexual contacts involving adolescents, cubs and adults.

If you feel offended by either of these topics or dislike this kind of stories or anything in the tags used, please stop reading here.

Only read this story, if you are of legal age for your country (usually 18).

If you find any crucial tags missing to prevent people from reading content they might not like, please add them to the respective chapter.

At the moment, I plan to add one chapter each day until Christmas. If you don't see a chapter at one day, first try to check your blacklisted tags. (It might however happen that I can't upload a story every day, so if even without the blacklisted tags you don't see the story, it is just delayed.)

This story does not reflect the opinion or likes and dislikes of the author but are purely for entertainment. For legal reasons all characters are, like always, considered being adult in this fantasy world. Please never forget the difference between fantasy and reality and leave everything of the story as a fantasy.

1st December

"Jen, did you pack everything?" the young white dragons rolled her eyes. "Yes mom, I told you so an hour ago!"

"Jenquifer Scallivan!" her mother said with a stern face and a bit of anger in her voice. Jen grimaced. She did not like her full name, which was why all the others usually just called her Jen. Her mother only used it, when she scolded her daughter.

"An hour ago, like you said, you told me you packed everything just for me to find out that you left the towels on the bed, where I put it for you, and the sleeping bag was still in the cupboard. We will not have time to pack tomorrow morning and we can't bring you anything if you forgot something."

Jen was excited when she thought about the next day. Her first vacation without her parents. Sure it was a big early, school did not stop yet, but Jen was not going to school in this city yet, because her family just moved to this country recently.

There were so many different things here. It was much colder than in their old hometown. The Scallivans moved far to the north because of a job his father got here. They arrived just a week ago and Jen had had an adventure every day, discovering the new town and things she never had seen before.

Originally, they came from Europe but apparently the new job Victor Scallivan accepted was only available here in northern America. Jen did not know what her father actually did here, and she also did not care too much about it.

She was an 11 years old girl that had different things in her mind than the job of her father or packing her bag.

Things like polishing her nails and painting them with the red nail enamel she got from her friend back home before she moved. She looked at her nails. As an anthro dragon she had white long claws that she polished to perfection. She just started to care extremely for her looks recently.

There had been a boy, a young lion, she had her eyes on in her old school, but before she could do a move further with him and ask him to go out with her, they moved away. But her interest in honing her looks was ignited.

Her mother sighed and grabbed her bag. "I think it is best if I check it." She said, opening the bag. Jen looked up to her mother in a shock. "Mom!" she complained. "I am not a kid anymore. I am 11 already."

Her mother did not stop but just raised one eyebrow. "You are not really acting your age." She just commented cold and Jen pouted.

Jen was a bit spoiled. Her father always got her what she wanted and in school everyone had been all over her. Parts of the reason everyone in school valued her was, that she was a rare species. There were not many dragons in the world and therefore everywhere she went, everyone was very nice to her and caring.

It was not just her, also her mother and father were always handled with a lot of respect are care. It had many advantages to be a dragon, because the species was much rarer than the others.

Jen, who deep inside was a rather shy girl, still had problems with being the center of attention in a strange environment or with strangers, but in her class, with the other kids she knew, she always took advantage of this and had others do what she said.

Actually, her best friend Frieda, a lioness and the one who gave her the nail enamel, was one of the very few her age, that gave her contra all the time. This had been one of the reasons they became so good friends, because it allowed them to face each other as equal.

Jen watched her mother check every item in her back and cross them off a list. Her mother was a very caring but also perfectionistic woman. She planned everything and hated if something did not go according to her plan.

"Okay, all done now, I think we are ready." Her mother concluded, when she closed the bag of Jen and placed it in the floor. "I will put this next to the door, so we can take it with us early in the morning."

The big clock in the living room gonged loud for eight times.

"Change into your pajamas and into the bed." Her mother said while clapping into her hands. "We need to get up at 5 and we need to be on our way by 6. Else we will not be in time.

"But my nails are not dry yet!" Said Jen and put the last brushstroke of color on her pinky nail. "What did you polish your nails for before going to bed?" her mother replied with a stern face.

"You just will get the cover dirty. Come here!" her mother closed in and pulled her arm up, while she had the polish remover on a cloth faster than Jen could pull away her hand.

She tried to struggle and pull her hand away but the afford was in vein. She had to watch how her mother removed all the color on her left hand, that she spent 30 minutes to apply there.

"You will not take this with you into the camp, hear that?" Jen sticked out the tongue towards her mother. And pulled her now clean hand back sulky. She watched her mother confiscate the nail polisher. She knew that she could not do anything about that.

The enamel had been her memory of her friend and it had made her not feel so lonely, but right now she was too excited to feel lonely.

The next day, her parents would bring her to the winter camp. "Camp Snow" was the name and it was a good hour away from their new home, in the woods. It was a camp for cubs from the age of 8 to 12 and her parents had enrolled Jen there to help her adjust with the new land and have some fun with other kids.

They had to still do a lot at the house and her father would be occupied with his new job.

"Off into bed." Her mother repeated while leaving the room with the enamel.

Jen slipped out of her pullover, the shirt and her skirt and underpants and pulled the light flannel pajama out of the cupboard. She looked at herself in the mirror at the inside door of the wardrobe.

Her whole body was covered in white scales and at her head, just above her ears, were already small bulges from where her horns would grow in the next years.

She turned her back to the mirror when she slipped into the flannel pants. She also had a night dress, but the pajama with pants and shirt was warmer and she preferred it in this cold.

When she pulled the tail through the opening of the blue pants, her pink scales under her tail, that continued under the pajama pants between her legs up to her belly and then slowly melted into the white scales at her chest, were clearly visible against the blue cloth.

The pink scales on her belly, between her legs, around her tail hole and at her tail base were not the only ting that interrupted the else pure white scales of her body.

Up from her neck and between her shoulders, a line of light gray scales ran down all the way over her hind and up to the peek of her tail, as if someone had straightened her out to draw a perfect gray line on her scales.

Jen shivered and quickly slipped into her pajama shirt, before she crawled under the warm cover of her bed.

There she waited for her father to kiss her good night and her mother to sing her a lullaby, which happened a few minutes after.

Jen had thought that she would not be able to sleep, being as excited as she was, but when her mother just finished the first verse of the lullaby of "Little Lilly" her eyes closed and she drifted away, carried by the song of her mother and with the burning excitement in her chest that followed her into her dream.