The Dragon Temple

Story by BlytheFerret on SoFurry

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Joseph was running for his life, panting and trying to catch his breath, hoping and praying that the gang that had just jumped him wasn't close behind. They had kicked the shit out of him and, with his close torn, a black eye, and one hand gripping at his pants to keep them up, he had barely managed to escape the raping that he somehow knew was soon to follow. He had just been lucky to grab his pants and pull them on, running and leaving his underwear behind, knowing that they were a lost cause, but he knew that he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He could hear their footfalls on the pavement as they gave chase, could hear their shouts from a few turns back, and he knew that he had to find someplace to hide.

He raced around another corner, his path becoming blurred by fear, and he found himself in an alleyway much like the one that he had been attacked in. It was the bad part of town, he knew, and it was late, which meant that there was just not going to be anyone who were out and around to be able to help. But then he saw it. There, at the end of the alley way, right at the wall that marked the dead end, he could see an old looking door set into the wall. Hoping and praying that it was unlocked, Joseph raced forward, his hand closing around the knob, and to his immense relief, found that he could throw it open easily.

With the door open and out of the way, he ran through the entryway and slammed the door shut, throwing his weight against it, one hand fumbling for the heavy bolt so that he could lock it. And finally, Joseph could catch his breath, with it still coming out in gasping wheezes and fitful coughs, especially after his burst of adrenaline and all of his most recent exertion.

But then something strange happened, and with a strange glow of warm light, a heated, tingling sensation washed over his body, causing him to shiver intensely, and the door began to dissolve before Joseph's very eyes. And, with that shock washing over him, he finally turned his attention to the rest of the room... no, the chamber... a chamber that was full of doors, no two the exact same, and each matching a different historical styles from different regions of the world. Medieval, fantasy, Asian, all kinds, even ones that he couldn't quite put a description to.

If Joseph had to be honest, this chamber felt more like a temple than a warehouse, which was what he had initially expected to find due to most of the buildings in this part of town being exactly that. But he didn't have much time to absorb the strange location, or to even process the implications of finding a strange, unlocked door right when he desperately needed to find and escape, because the tingling sensation that he had been feeling began to intensify. Raising his arm, he stared in shock as all of the hairs began to fall from it, almost like an invisible razor blade had run across his skin, and, moving to investigate, found that it hadn't just been the hairs on his arm, but all of the hairs on his body, from the nose down.

He gasped at the tingling sensation as it intensified briefly, before abating a bit, allowing Joseph to focus on running his fingers over his now baby smooth skin, his eyes wide. But, having let go of his pants, his hands having been the only thing holding them up, they fell to the floor around his ankles, and, without thinking, he tried to take a step, which caused him to trip, sending him sprawling forward onto the hard, stone floor. He managed to catch himself on his hands and knees, but as soon as he did, he could feel the tingling intensify once again, feeling it focus down in his crotch, a shifting down below causing him to look below him, between his arms and legs, and he watched in shock as his cock had begun to shrink away.

And though he couldn't see them, Joseph was fairly certain that his balls were also included in that shifting, and when the feeling went away, he subconsciously reached back to feel, his fingertips grazing the edge of his newly formed pussy. He stumbled back to his feet in shock, his pants laying forgotten on the floor, now wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of socks and shoes, his hat resting on the top of his head. He was panting once again, staring down in shock at his changed body, at the newly formed, hairless, feminine crotch that was officially between his legs.

After his initially horror, he loosely covered HERself with her hands, a thought about how he had to get out of there, even if meant having to pick one of the doors before him. Too terrified to delay any decision and terrified that something else might happen to him, he made a snap decision, moving towards the medieval door and pulled it open, forging his way inside. And stopped dead on the other side, the door swinging closed as he stared at the stonework walls and floor, and the MASSIVE dragon statue that was sort of positioned in the very center of the room, carved to lay in an undeniably suggestive position. Close to the door that had Sunday shut behind Joseph, a broadsword lay against a stand, somehow in pristine condition, not rusted, not damaged.

But he couldn't help himself, his gaze being drawn to the massive stone cock that was erecting itself from the statue's lap, almost as if it were ready for a ride. Embarrassed and flustered, Joseph forced himself to divert his attention to something else in the room, and because it was the only other thing in the room, his attention was focused upon the sword. He felt drawn to it, and without warning, or even thinking about it, he moved to pick it up, lifting it so that he could get a better look at it. But contact with the sword sent yet another wave of that strange, tingly feeling washing over him, a very sensual feeling of energy flashing through her, causing her to drop the sword to the stone floor.

This initiated the next step to Joseph's changes, having made it past the ante chamber, her gender changed so that he could enter one of the doors, but now there was a new wave. She practically didn't notice as the nails on the hand that she had used to pick up the sword had begun to grow sharp, animalistic, scales beginning to form at her fingertips and spreading lower slowly. It reached the base of her knuckles when the changes had begun to start on her other hand. She didn't know what she bent over to pick up the sword again, but as she did, the base of her spine had begun to press out into a small tail, the feeling very sensuous as he fingers closed around the hilt of the sword.

Joseph didn't know where she had gotten the strength to take the sword and drive it into the grout between the stones, the scales spreading along her wrists and forearms now, as well as beginning to wrap around her hips, her tail growing a bit longer. She stared down at the sword, and she couldn't help but feel that it was now at the perfect height, and for a moment, she wasn't sure what for until she felt her body move to position itself above the hilt, and, sinking down, she felt it penetrate her pussy, filling her hole slowly. This increased the rate of the changes, the scales reaching her elbows, spreading up her stomach and torso, and that was when more changes were added to the bunch.

The first that Joseph noticed was as her shirt began to stretch outwards, a pair of breasts growing on her chest, stretching the fabric, threatening to tear it open, in fact, starting to shred the fabric as it got to the point where it couldn't contain her. She felt her shoes grow tighter, before they began to fall apart as well, unable to contain the large, wicked claws and changing feet. Finally, her teeth began to sharpen, mouth growing larger, tongue growing more draconic, her nose beginning to flatten a bit. She let out a long, low panting moan as she sank down the hilt, slowly beginning to fuck herself with it.

Her tail, now three feet long, thrashed in excitement, and as Joseph raised herself up and thrusted herself back down, her shirt and shoes burst into shreds, her entire body save for her face, were covered scales. But her face wasn't safe, however, beginning to push out into a muzzle, horns sprouting from just above her forehead, and all of her hair simply just falling out, clear that she wouldn't be needing it. Her tail was now six feet long, her body mostly draconic, six inches of sword hilt buried in her pussy, a pair of size B breasts on her chest. Her clawed hands scaled her body, relishing the feeling of pleasure that washed over her, groping her breasts, her long, forked tongue snaking past her lips, panting in pleasure.

Finally the scales pressed across her face, turning her, fully, into an anthro lizard woman, but that was when the changes came to a stop, and her need began to plateau, the sword hilt no longer satisfying her. She needed more. She purred with the sensations of her newly formed pussy being stimulated, but it wasn't enough, her frustration building. Slowly, she extracted herself from the sword's hilt, her womanly fluids dripping between her legs and down the blade, and her eyes were once again drawn to the massive stone cock on the massive stone dragon, and her mind raised through all of the possibilities that it presented. Deftly, Joseph scaled the massive stone dragon, finding herself on its lap, HIS lap, and she glanced back at the massive phallus.

And without a moment's hesitation, she began to lift her hindquarters up and up, positioning herself just barely over the tip, her pussy dripping with need, her fluids hitting the tip and sliding down its length. It was so big that she knew that there was no possible way that it could fit into her, but she was filled with so much need, her crotch burning with a need to be filled, and she could only hope that this cock was enough to satiate her need. So without a moment's hesitation, Joseph brought herself down, slowly working her way over that massive stone penis, writhing in delight at how wide it was and how much it simply just stretched her opening, feeling it as a good stretch.

Breathing steadily, Joseph continued to work her way down that massive stone shaft, unaware of a fresh wave of changes, but not to her, but to the statue. She moaned in surprise, somehow that cock was fitting into her, but at the base of the stone cock, a knot was beginning to form, the area a bit wider by only a few inches. She brought herself to about halfway down the cock, her tail writhing and thrashing in pleasure, her mind trying to process the sensations washing over her. And yet the knot at the base of the cock was still growing, nearly as large and wide as her hips now. And she continued to not notice that, as she continued to moan and writhe in pleasure, as the grey stone of the statues head had become a wash with color, the eyes were filled with life and thought. She had awoken the dragon.

Joseph continued not to notice until the dragon spoke. "So my destined mate has come at last," he said, and out of shock, the female began to lift, so much of the cock on her that she was a little slow to pull off. "Ah, oh my god," she squealed, staring wide eyed at the massive dragon that lay below her. She continued to try to extract herself from his cock, but she was too slow, too much of it buried within her, and the male lifted his clawed hands to grip her waist, preventing her from pulling off. Quickly and roughly he shoved her back down his shaft, sliding her all of the way down to the knot as large as her hips, and she could feel that massive, bulging knot throbbing against her pussy. She gasped at the sudden intensity of the pressure within, the pleasure washing over her. It was brain melting.

The male didn't stop there, however, gripping Joseph's hips harder, and, with a gruff shove, forced the knot into her, causing her mind to blank with the extreme wave of intense pleasures her eyes widening and her mouth opening, but no sound had been able to escape as she felt the knot pop into her, amazed at how impossible it seemed. She was dizzy with the sensations, dizzy with pleasure, murmuring to herself mindlessly as she shifted to try and pull up, finding that she was stuck down. "How... how is this all inside of me," she asked herself quietly, amazed. "And why does it feel so incredible? Why doesn't it hurt? Is his cock magic too?"

Feelings of pleasure washed over her as she attempted to pull off, and Joseph stopped briefly, panting, and, unable to help herself, began to rock back and forth. This, in turn, initiated more changes, bulges forming on her back as she began to grow wings. She tossed her head in pleasure as they continued to grow, starting out small, and the movement knocked her hat, the only article of clothing that she had still been wearing, from her head, her tail elongating further, thrashing in pleasure.

More! She needed more! She was rocking fast now, trying to bounce a bit, her large, newly formed draconic wings snapping open, her B Cup breasts beginning to swell once again. And with that feeling she stopped, finding some clarity as she raised her hands to press against them, stopping her rocking. "No, please, not any more, not any bigger," she begged, panting. And to her surprise and relief, she found that as she pressed against her breasts, they stopped growing, and even began to shrink back to their original size, but the male below her had other plans. His hands lashed out, wrapping around her wrists, and they lifted her own hands up and above her head, lifting them away from her breasts. "No worries, it will be okay," he grumbled, and, with her arms restrained, leaned forward to allow his tongue to lash out over them.

The pleasurable sensation came back with full force, her breasts swelling massively and quickly, Joseph moaning loudly in shock and pleasure as they went from Bs to DDs, and then even larger than that, larger than they had probably been going to grow into. And by the time that the male dragon had released her, she was so overwhelmed by the sensations that instead of dropping her hands to try and stop it, they were there, punching at her nipples and massaging her breasts, only encouraging it. As she worked to stimulate her breasts, she was once again rocking back and forth, working the cock, stimulating herself all over.

And both she and the male were both overcome with climb to climax to think of anything else, the male bracing himself as the female worked herself on his cock. With one final thrust, both came, the dragon so large that he began to pump gallons into his mate, his queen, her stomach beginning to swell, the knot too large to let any of it escape, and as she began to cough up some of his cum, she could only think about how much she wanted more.

The temple had succeeded, the dragon was awake once more, and now he had a queen.