One Size Fits All

Story by Desmond Fallout on SoFurry

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"What do you think of this one?"

"Too tacky."

"This would probably clash with our cufflinks."


"Dude, you're not even looking at it!"

"Hm?" JT looked up from his PSP at his fellow teenager. Boredom was plastered over his face as it stared at the suit under discussion. "I'm still saying this is a waste of time and money, Kent."

The blond haired boy sighed. Before video games could reclaim priority he draped the suit across JT's arms. "Come on, man, its prom. Don't you want to graduate saying you at least tried?"

"I'd rather play that Halo:ODST tournament." Shutting off his game, JT stared at the garment forced upon him. A pretty standard button up suit, given that he did not care about its distinct looks from the rest of the hanging samples. Still, it would make a good blend in with the crowd. JT considered his options for a second before giving Kent another apprehensive look. "I don't seem to recall you having a date anyway."

"Hey, at least I tried asking girls out," Kent retorted with a laugh. Giving JT a jab in the shoulder he added, "Besides, no shame in going stag. It's not like there won't be a bunch of girls desperate for dance partners there."

The notion was a valid point, JT had to admit. Being in a JC Penny's though seemed to lessen its persuasive impact. "And what's wrong with getting an actual tux?"

"Oh dude!" Kent recoiled looking ready to gag. "Do you have any idea how much a night rental alone costs? No one will care about some imitations. We'll look just as good and can return them tomorrow at no cost."

"Still rather be playing Halo."

"And who bought you that game so he'd have a wingman for this?"

JT opened his mouth to counter, but found no appropriate response. "Touché."

"Great!" Kent clapped his hands together with a victorious smirk. "Go try that on. I'm going to go check for some accessory sales."

"Spare no expense, eh?"

The question went unanswered as Kent was already dodging between clothing racks towards the jewelry part of the store. Just as well since JT was muttering his distaste for his situation all the way to the fitting rooms. Things seemed pretty dead business-wise for this late in the afternoon. All the stalls looked void of occupants, so he ducked into the first one reachable. Once the door was securely locked, he hung the suit on the doors hanger and turned to set his PSP on the bench provided.

That was when he noticed the other clothes. Upon closer inspection he would have almost called them rags. All the outfit consisted of was a leotard and long, fingerless, gloves. The former was painted mostly in black, with stripes of green along its hems and one big spot of green covering the front of the torso. Around the belly area was a large white dot baring a symbol inside it. The exact shape was hard for JT to recognize; lantern, perhapes? Not that he cared that much, but it was amusing that it seemed designed for a woman. The neckline was cute pretty drastically in a V all the way down to the symbol for maximum chest exposure. He would have mistaken it for a sleezy swimsuit design if not for the shoulder pads attached to it. Like the gloves, they bore the same black with green outline pattern.

"I'd hate to meet the guy that was in here before me." JT laughed to his own thoughts, picking up the strange leotard with intentions of dumping it in the collection bin outside. That was when something small, yet heavy, landed on his left foot. Glancing down revealed a ring that had gone unnoticed before resting against his shoe. There must have been a green motif to this design, as it bore the same color as the suit, save for the black jewel head housing the green colored lantern symbol. JT felt his curiosity starting to peek, setting the suit down to retrieve the ring. Despite feeling made of metal it was rather warm in his hand. He was not much on jewelry, but had to admit it looked pretty nice. Thoughts began to ponder on the possibility someone left their stuff here. This was certainly not design seen often in a common store.

It was because of that JT could not resist the urge to at least try on his new treasure. Surprisingly it slipped perfectly across the appropriate finger as if designed for the size. He held it up for a closer inspection and smiled. It was not much, but maybe it could help make his cheap suit look a little more unique.

"Cool," he thought out loud. At least until he tried removing it to proceed with the business at hand. Despite his best efforts the accessory refused to budge from his finger. JT looked down and felt his jaw drop. The ring was slowly pulsing green light, growing more intense each time as it generated a heat slowly traveling down his hand across to the rest of his body. "What the fu..."

The green glow surged into a radiant flash, cutting off any explanative. JT yelped and stumbled back against the wall of his changing room. For several seconds all his vision consisted off was bright green. The soft heat erupted into a cold sweat, causing goose bumps all over his skin. All he could really do was clamp his eyes shut and wait it out. Breathes came out in labored pants while trying to keep a clear mind to avoid panicking. Slowly the green faded into a more familiar blackness. The heat seemed to die down with it, but left his skin feeling cold and oddly sensitive. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, JT slowly opened his eyes again. The first image he caught was himself being reflected in the rooms mirror on the opposite wall. An image that would have made him scream if it had not struck him senseless. The leotard that was supposed to be resting on the bench now decorated his body, along with the matching gloves. Of his old clothes, there remained no trace. They apparently vanished into thin air, save for the shoes and socks still on his feet.

"What the hell is going on!?" JT blushed wildly as he looked down at himself. Hands absently pulled on the suit confirming their realism before shifting his gaze to the ring still glowing softly on his hand.

As if in answer warmth surged down his spine. JT gasped arching forward on reflex as it struck his backside with a rough pressure. Surprise quickly turned to confusion as it did not dissipate as quickly. In fact, he needed a few moments to catch on but realized his spine was rapidly growing out against his buttocks. It pushed out and down, slipping through a premade hole of the leotard out into the open. Soon after the discomfort of the growth died down to leave him with the feeling of something large and fuzzy pressing between his thighs. JT blinked, whirling around to stare at his backside. What it revealed made his eyes grow to dinner plate size.

"Oh hell, I did not just grow a tail!"

Denial proved less than reassuring as that was, indeed, the issue. A new appendage dangled atop his backside; at least three feet lone with a very rich coat of blue fur, save for a bit of white across its underside. In fact, he could even make the tail twitch with enough focus. Although when he relaxed, it seemed to curl up and around instinctively. Reaching back to confirm that thing was attached to his butt did not help either. That only brought attention to his hands. Holding them up to his face in a daze, JT could only watch helplessly at seeing his nails growing at an insane rate. Their coloring darkened to a deep brown, becoming very thick and curved at the end.

"No! No!" JT repeated softly between gasps. Attempts to shake his hands free of their sudden mutation proved futile. "I did not just grow claws!"

Looking at them again caused him to exclaim even more claims against reality. As if such outbursts would somehow stop what was happening to his body. Slowly, the tips of each finger puffed out, turning bright pink as the skin firmed into rough pads. The palms swelled out in a similar fashion a second later before the rest of the hands warmed up in a wave of rapidly growing blue fur. A bit of snow white appeared around the padded undersides to compliment it.

"Jesus, my hands did not just become paws!!"

That was a bit of an exaggeration due to the onset of panicked thoughts. Each finger was still jointed and just as dexterous as any normal hand. JT's only real problems were his claws. They were proving very hard to scratch at the fur slowly creeping up his arms without cutting skin.

Although he instantly forgot about that problem upon feeling his ears twitch. Twisting back to the mirror, it took him a moment to realize what was going on because his ears were no longer at the appropriate spots. Even as he watched, they were slowly creeping up towards the top of his head. An invisible force tugged on them as they went, shifting the excess lob skin up into sharp triangular points. Like the rest of his effected part they grow a fine layer of the blue fur along their outsides. The insides saw more thick tufts of the white fur sprouting out against his otherwise normal hair.

JT almost went into a panic as he suddenly heard voices. But then he took notice of their topic and realized he was hearing people all the way at the check stands. Or perhapes he was more amazed at the way his ears were swiveling in the mirror to better catch the focus of his attention. Both were certainly alien sensations but an itching in his chest brought back the realization things were far from over.

Fur had encompassed the whole of his arms; a shimmering light blue with white spots around each pit. Slowly he alternated feeling each arm, marveling at a flood of new sensations feeling his own fur through paw pads. Peeking in through the wide cut offered a nice view to watch the hairs on his chest thicken in a large tuft before traveling down to his stomach in a thinner layer. His sides itched like crazy, quickly being overtaken by the blue fur. JT had to reach back to adjust the leotard as a very thick mat grow in and down his rump.

Leaning further, the spectacle was become more like some freaky werewolf movie. The blue fur continued its cascade down his legs, a bit of white trickling in between his thighs. Needless to say, things itched like hell when the fur vanished under the wool of tight socks. JT groaned and reached do to remove his shoes. He never got the laces undone before a cramp surged through both feet. The shoes themselves became painfully tight, causing him to fall back on the bench in with a startled cry.

A moment later the fitting room was filled with the sounds of fabric tearing. Just when things did not seem to get worse, JT felt himself surprised again to watch his shoes be rent asunder by his growing feet. It did not help that they were no longer recognizable as human feet. The soles were growing to be almost twice as long, with tips puffing out monstrously thick for walking support. Five different size toes had been replaced by four equally huge meatballs. Each digit possessed a large brown claw and pink pad matching the large one swelling up behind them. Of his little toes only small, barely visible, dewclaws remains poking through the blue fur. JT wanted to touch them, as if confirming those were indeed his limbs could be reassuring, but another cramp hit causing him to seize up. He grit his teeth while holding onto the bench, sharp ears allowing him to hear bones crunch along with feeling it through the dull pain. Slowly the heels of both feet rose up into an arch, forcing balance onto tiptoes. The shin bone quickly compensate by shrinking slightly, leaving him no taller than before the growth.

Not that height was JT's first priority in lue of the fact he had giant animal paws for feet. They were easily as big, if not more so, as the paws of tigers he had once seen on a trip to the zoo. The blunter, un-retractable claws did not resemble a cat though. Was he really becoming some kind of werewolf? Whatever forces were at work could have at least given him a more dignified outfit. All that remained of his old clothes now were scraps of leather on the floor and the tops of socks stubbornly clinging around digitigraded heels.

Itching resumed traveling up his neck, whipping attention back to the mirror. JT blinked a few times, watching iris's brightening to a golden color. A color that stood out even more with the white 'mask' of fur sprouting across his face, the blue taking priority of his neck and head. Only his nose seemed to remain uncovered, until he saw its skin fading to a pure black. The cartilage popped softly as it turned upwards slightly a bit of snot running as he reached up a paw finger to feel its texture roughening. When next he inhaled, JT was surprised at how well he could still smell the bacon he had for breakfast on his hand.

"Oh god!" He yelped when a preassure push at the insides of his mouth. "Not tha-AH!"

A symphony of bone crunches filled his ears. Bone structure altering in what was supposed to be impossible ways that slowly caused JTs mouth to bulge outwards. Lips thinned out as they gained a black tint to them, peeling back with his painful grunts to reveal sharpening teeth. His nose turned up even more as the lengthening jaw met up with it. The two fused together with their growth to form a snot and still continued to stretch out from his face. By the time it finally stopped, his mouth felt like it stretched a good foot out from his face. Crossing his eyes made it easy to see the black nose tipping it.

Shaking hands reached up to feel JT's face, running slowly down the length of a soft furred muzzle. They recoiled slightly upon feeling the teeth inside, sharp and pointed befitting for chomping up meat. Absently he looked around in wonder for where a soft rasping noise was coming from. Until he realized he was panting; elongated tongue hanging off to the side in an instinctive attempt to cool down. Already he was missing the ability to sweat.

Looking back in the mirror reflected a husky JT no longer recognized as himself. He had seen anthros before at school. There was even a cat running the register when they came in. However this was the first time he had seen one with paws instead of normal feet. It was hard to tell, but he thought their giant size made him a few inches taller. About all that remained was his hair that had somehow retained its sandy blond color and style. It would have almost looked cool, if not for the half nakedness the leotard forced on him. How was he going to face his family like this?

Hell, how was he going to get out this store inconspicuously?

The new anthro barely stifled a yelp as a light rapping on the door broke his daze. Kent's voice floated through the thin wood as easily as if he was yelling into JTs ear. "Hey, JT? You in there, man?"

"Y-yeah!" JT's voice came out in a whine way too animalistic for his liking. He quickly mocked clearing his throat, trying to sound more composed. "Yes, we're practically the only ones in this store."

A fact he could not be more grateful over.

"You would not believe the discount I got on some watches and cufflinks. Are you changed yet or what?"

JT blinked, looking from the door to the mirror and back. " say that."

Kent sighed with a soft grumble, probably not aware how easily he could be heard. "Dude, it's not that bad. Stop being so dramatic."

"Oh I'd beg to differ," JT said, unable to hold back a chuckle as the swishing of his own tail caught his attention. There was a strange impulse to grab for it, but it darted from her grasp upon twisting to get at it.

"Whatever, at least let me see my handiwork!"

The door handle jiggled, stopping JT's tail chasing cold. Before he could even think of diving for the lock it swung open to allow Kent entrance. Kent got only a foot inside before he also stopped abruptly. Lots of blink was going on as his mind took the precious second to process what stood before him. The idea he might have crashed in on a strangers changing room was quickly dismissed upon noticing the husky boy's hair and voice.

Once the shock of first glance wore off, JT felt his face going flush. Only able to watch helplessly as Kent's eyes scanned down, taking in not only his form but attire. The blush only deepened seeing his friend's mouth slowly creep up into a smile.

"Don't even..." JT never got to finish as Kent broke into hysterical laughter. Fortunitly, he was faster to react this time; clasping a hand over his friend's mouth while slamming the door shut with his other. "You ass! I really don't need more attention right now."

"I'm...I'm sorry," Kent said once he had calmed down enough for JT to remove his hand. It would probably be a while still before his giggle fits stopped though. "I mean...fuck man, how did you become a dog? And why are you looking dressed for S&M?"

"I have no idea!" JT rubbed his temples trying to sort out the madness befallen him. Even his insides were starting to churn from anxiety. Something cold and metallic on his hand bumped against his forehead, bringing a sudden inspiration. "Holy hell, I think it was this ring."

"That?" Kent took JT's ring hand in his own for closer inspection. After studying it for a few second, his childish glee seemed to return. "Oh wow! This looks just like a green lanterns ring."

"A what?" Kent's words barely registered to JT. A free hand rested on his stomach, wishing like crazy its insides would stop their mad dancing. It did not feel like any sort of stomach virus, but it was none the less discomforting.

His friend failed to notice the discomfort though, looking up at JT with surprised pity. "Don't you read comic books? They're like a space police force with super powered rings."

"Y-yeah right..." JT forced a nervous chuckle, knees starting to quiver. "As if people can suddenly become...nnn...NNNGGGH!"

"H-hey! Are you alright!?" Despite his concern Kent recoiled back at JT's agonized groan, unsure what to do aside from watching.

No answer came aside from labored pants with the occasional moan. JT leaned back against the fitting room mirror with both hands clasping tight between his thighs. His insides were churning vigorously, leaving him looking like he had just been kneed in a man's most precious part. That was certainly what it felt like. Some unseen force was clamping tight around JTs two best friends, seemingly hell bent on pushing them back into his pelvis. His hands confirmed this, cupping a male defining bulge that was rapidly flattening out against the leotard fabric. A sudden lurch caused him to gasp. Suddenly a popping sensation raced up his stomach, seemingly opening himself into an interior anatomy. And just like that, the pain had ended. But the relief that brought on was quickly replaced with renewed panic as hands roamed a now completely smooth crotch. In its place his pressing found a soft mound, housing a vertical slit that made him recoil upon discovery.

"'s gone!"

Kent just blinked. Despite having a clear view of the leotards change in form fitting, the idea was still processing in his mind. "Dud, what are you the hell's going on with your hair?"

"What!?" JT whirled to face the mirror. Another pathetic whimper escaped his lips upon witnessing pageboy hair going through years of growth in a matter of seconds. Long, shimmering locks cascaded down past his shoulders, brightening to a perfect blond by the time they stopped tickling halfway down his back. The head itself seemed to be getting smoother, more rounded with thickening eyelashes. It was starting to make him look like a...

"Oh shit!" JT barked when a tingle spread across her chest. That soon split to focus in intensity around each nipple. They soon stiffened, only to continue growing well beyond any normal arousal. She could actually see them creating little tents though the fabric of the leotard, looking more the size of silver dollars. Worse was the way the skin tight fabric rubbed against them, making her groan anew from increasing sensory nerves. When pressure started to mount behind them she clasped both hands down hard on the nipples, ignoring the mix of pain and pleasure that brought. Sadly, those efforts did nothing to surprise the growth slowly pushing back against her hands.

"K-Kent...could you...ah...leave the room?" JT panted hotly as she spoke. Her hands were rapidly losing ground as they were being shoved out by soft flesh swelling up under them. Already she could feel their weight, stretching out the leotard in a whole new way. Kent could not see that though. He was more stunned with the way JTs voice shifted up and down in octaves as she spoke. A brief vocal battle that was lost as she said in a female voice, "Like right now!?"

Her request was cheerfully ignored, Kent still staring in a bit of a daze as he heard bones cracking. JT suddenly arched her chest forward, yelping softly as her spin shifted into a more S curve. It suddenly felt like a corset was being squeezing her waist to create an inwards curve. Another series of pops followed the expansion of her pelvis. She almost lost her footing as the bone structure brought her legs naturally closer together, but never lost hold on the apple sized mounds continuing to pulse and grow against her restraints. It was becoming a hopeless battle as the hands themselves began to shrink. What little muscles she had were dwindling into petite, refined arms. Soon her puffing chest was starting to grow right through and overtake her fingers.

"Oh god!" She yelped, still unwilling to let go of the large round orbs straining her leotard. Its low neck cut left nothing to the imagination. Almost half of them were laid bare in their fuzzy glory. And they way she was desperately trying to heft them in her hands only created a tighter line of cleavage between them.

"Whoa!" Kent's attention, however, was focused elsewhere. JT having her back to him made it impossible to notice the unmistakable breast growing problem. It did, however, offer a spectacular view of the rumps. Much like watching two balloons blowing up, each gluteus slowly lifted up higher and rounded out with gathering deposits of fat. The seat of the leotard grew a little thinner as it was swallowed between the heart shaped butt checks that he always went nuts for in a girl. JTs thighs were not far behind, puffing out into a thick and sexy downward curve to compliment that physique. Before logic could tell him otherwise a hand shot out to squeeze the inviting derrière. The fuzzy mat made it just as soft as it looked while eliciting a startled yelp from JT. Kent had to admit that despite being furry and looking ready to bite him back, JT was starting to look really damn sexy in that leotard. "Dude! I think you're turning into a girl!"

JT felt her cheecks burn, not bothering to suppress a growl. Whirling around to face Kent again, she released the death grip on her chest to place hands on child bearing hips. No longer restrained by anything, her new assets surged forward another two sizes into ripe looking cantaloupes. Despite the firmness they were jiggling with every simple movement or heavy breath. "Oh gee, ya THINK!?"

Her eyes were boring daggers at him, yet his gaze had drifted downwards and was lingering there a lot longer than she felt comfortable with. Her head tilted before looking down. Somehow her cheeks got even redder while hands grasped desperately at the leotard to re-cover her breasts. Their sudden fall from her hands had caused them to spill right out of the already skimpy confines, flashing rosy pink nipples capping each of the large snowballs.

"Stop staring you perv!" She whirled around to help hide her shame. Not that it helped as almost instantly the fur of her buttocks felt ready to ignite under eager staring reflected in the mirror. It took quite a few deep breaths, but JT managed to calm herself enough to gently ease her bust back under their tight confines. If only that outfit did anything to stop their constant swaying she might have actually had the nerve to run to the exit. Instead she just sighed dejectedly, meeting the gaze of the anthro-goddess staring her back through the glass. It was the most she could do trying to ignore the flirtatious motions of Kent being reflected behind her. "God, first a cat and now I'm a dog. Who the hell keeps turning me into a ridiculous furry sex symbol?"

Only yards away, at the front of the store, a sudden sneeze startled a middle aged woman from her purse rummaging for credit cards. "B-bless you, hun. Are you alright?"

An anthro tabby, whose employee badge ironically read 'Cait,' wiped his nose before flashing a fanged smile. Without further pause he typed in a few keys on his register and continued scanning her selection of socks. "It happens all the time, ma'am. Someone must be talking about me."