Dragons in the Shower

Story by ijp290 on SoFurry

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Aerissa stood silently, gazing up at the two ropes which hung above hir with hir bright violet eyes. Shi was wondering what they might be for, hir still being new in hir mistresses fortress. Aerissa was a white dragoness herm. Shi had a very shapely figure, pert breasts, and a luscious rump and tail-both of which her mistress loved dearly. Shi had black horns jutting up from her head, from hir back protruded two powerful wings, and between hir legs-just above hir tight sex-a full sheath housed hir black, seven-inch cock.

Aerissa was in the slaves shower room, an incredibly vast space. The ceiling above hir arched up probably fifty feet, and the room was probably a couple hundred feet on each side. The slick tile floor was covered in about two inches of water, and was kind of slippery. Other than the two ropes above hir, and the archways in front of- and behind hir, the room was quite bare. The whole place smelled like fresh rain.

Shi was confused. Hir mistress had sent hir to the showers this fine morning so she might clean hirself up after last nights romp in the dungeon; a romp which shi, hir mistress, and the two dungeon guards who had stood outside the chamber door all enjoyed greatly. Right now, Aerissa was confused because shi couldn't figure out how to get the shower to turn on! Shi figured the ropes had something to do with it, but they were to high for hir reach, and hir mistress had prohibited flying inside the fortress. Shi looked down from the ropes, wriggling hir toes in the shallow water covering the floor while shi puzzled. Maybe shi could wallow in the ground water to get cleaned off?

Shi was about to lie down in the shallow water when shi was violently tackled from behind! The distinctively soft, feathered arms of hir mistress wrapped around hir waist as they both crashed down into the water, sliding several feet on the slick tiles; Aerissa sputtered as some of the water got in hir nose. Shi felt hir mistresses arms retreat from around hir waist as she sat on Aerissas back. Aerissa could feel hir mistresses sex lips pressing onto hir back, and the feathers on the base of hir mistresses tail brushing at hir butt cheeks as it swished back and forth through the rain-scented air. Hir mistress was cool, a sign of displeasure. Aerissa gulped discretely at what that might imply for hir.

The weight on Aerissa's back shifted as hir mistress bent over hir, her clawed digits pressing into Aerissas shoulders. "There you are, my little whore," hir mistress cooed in her strange, whispering fashion of speaking. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

Aerissa sucked in air sharply. Looking for hir? Hadn't she gone to the showers, like hir mistress has commanded? "W-why were you looking for me, Mistress? I-I came to the showers, j-just like you told me t-to!" Aerissa stammered, suddenly in a panic. Hir mistress should never have to look for hir.

Hir mistress chuckled into hir ear, giving Aerissa's ear a quick lick - Aerissa shuddered with slight arousal at the touch. The weight left Aerissa's back as hir mistress stood and flipped hir over onto hir back. She then sat back on Aerissa, her feather-covered nether regions resting on Aerissa's sheath, the soft lips of which parted to partially engulf hir sheath. Aerissa looked up timidly at hir dominator. Hir mistress-who's name is Sidoma, but guests from the surrounding countries always call her Dave, or Mistress Davier-was raptor-like in form, with two longish ears poking up from her head- just above her feathered crest, which draped down a short way past her shoulders. She was tall and lithe-physically about a foot taller than Aerissa, but thinner, and much more fragile looking. She was covered from head to toe to tip-of-tail in very soft, black downy feathers. Aerissa thought she felt like a pillow. A very aggressive and sexy pillow. Dave-while insisting that she was female-was in fact a hermaphrodite like Aerissa, if a little jumbled up anatomically. She didn't have a cock, her semen instead being shot out of a small opening under the tip of her tongue-called a tose. Her vagina served pretty much the same purpose as Aerissa's did in their case, but was used expressly for the laying of eggs in her species-called Manipulators-'proper' mating rituals. Her tailhole... Well... Wasn't really a tailhole! It was the access vent to her bodies artificial core-temperature control system.

"Well, you see, sweety, when I said the 'west wing,'" Dave bent down again, grabbing Aerissa's chin and firmly jerking hir head up before sternly continuing, "I meant the OTHER west wing!" She pointed with her free hand to the other side of the fortress. Hir mistress released hir chin, sitting back up straight. Smoothly, she brought down her gesturing hand and harshly smacked Aerissa across the cheek, her claws gouging three long, but shallow scratches into Aerissa's face. Aerissa flushed, berating hirself inwardly. How could shi have gotten hir directions wrong?

"S-so... What shower room is t-this?" Aerissa stammered. Dave's tail was swishing back and forth, causing her slit to jiggle slightly atop Aerissa's sheath. It felt good, especially since Dave's body temperature was rising now, almost back at the usual. Aerissa knew that hir mistress was having dirty thoughts about hir now. Hir cock stirred slightly within it's sheath.

"This," began Dave, gesturing to the room, "is where my pets bathe." She stated matter-of-factly, grinning. "You couldn't tell by how big it is in here?" Aerissa flushed even more. The room was rather large for only the handful of slaves, sluts, and servants the shi knew would be using it. Dave's tail was wagging so jubilantly now that the jiggling of her nethers it caused was driving Aerissa insane with arousal. Hir black cock began sliding out of hir sheath. This went unnoticed by hir mistress, however.

Much to Aerissas dismay, Dave stood up then, the pleasant jiggle of her sex disappearing, leaving hir with half an erection and-soon-no way to deal with it. "Seeing as all the... equipment I prepared is back in the other shower room, I shall have to go get it. Might as well play in here, since this is where you are." Dave said. Aerissa blanched and was about to protest, to say they didn't need any toys to play. Shi restrained hirself, however, not wanting to further displease hir mistress. To hir surprise, Dave didn't leave then. Instead, she grabbed one of Aerissa's arms and pulled hir a short way across the water-covered tiles, her feet kicking up little splashed which, to hir annoyance, hit Aerissa in the face. Dave stopped, kneeling by Aerissa, and jamming hir wrist onto a particular spot on the ground. She pulled open a little hatch in the tile, withdrew a short length of leather belt, and snapped the withdrawn end of that belt into a latch on the floor, binding Aerissa's wrist. Dave repeated this with Aerissa's other wrist, and then hir waist and tail.

"Stay," she commanded, standing to admire her handiwork. Then she turned and walked towards the smaller of the two archways, which was now to Aerissa's right.

A single drop of water fell on Aerissa's snout. Then another.

Aerissa balked, struggling against the bonds. She called after hir mistress, begging to be released from the torturous hell of that small, continuous drip. All Dave did was grin devilishly and twiddle her fingers at hir. "I'll be right back," she called before disappearing around the corner of the archway, the echo of her wet footsteps slowly fading into silence.

The drip continued.

Aerissa struggled against her bonds again, trying desperately to move hir head out of the path of that murderous drip. Alas, no matter how much shi moved hir head, those small droplets of water always seemed to find hir.

Shi whimpered. Then shi began to sob, tears flowing from hir eyes as shi cried in anguish at hir predicament. Shi lay there-in the water, with the drip-for maybe ten incredibly long minutes, sobbing, before shi passed out-somehow managing to sleep despite the drip of water.

It hadn't been long before shi was suddenly jolted awake by a deep, booming sound. For a second shi thought it might be hir mistress, fooling with hir. Shi looked around, but didn't see hir mistress anywhere. The drip continued on, ever persistent, and the booming sounded again. And again. It sounded a little like footsteps! Aerissa looked around, trying to decipher where it was coming from. It seemed to be getting closer, despite it getting quieter. Shi targeted the source as the second, larger archway to hir left. Shi fixed hir eyes on the opening, the sound continuing to get closer.

The sound was now quite small, resolving to a simple thudding and scratching of claws, making up the footsteps of what she supposed was a large animal. It wouldn't be too much longer now until she found out what it was.

Finally, to hir surprise, a dragon peeked out from around the corner of the arch. Shi didn't know hir mistress kept other dragons as pets; shi'd always figured hirself as the only one. Shi could tell it was a big dragon, for it's head was a good twenty-or-so feet off the ground. It was purple in color. Based on the configuration of it's horns-two jutting back with it's crest, with two smaller ones coming out a little behind it's temples-Aerissa concluded that it must be a Dread, and therefore-due to it's coloration-a male.

He rounded the corner, hesitating before cautiously entering the vast room. He moved slowly, slinking along like he wasn't supposed to be there, glancing around warily. He made his way over to the center of the room, sitting down under the very ropes that Aerissa had puzzled over. He looked up at them for a moment before rearing on his hind legs, grabbing a rope with his teeth, and giving it a good yank. There was a hissing sound, and the tedious drip on Aerissa's muzzle was suddenly replaced by a thin stream of water, like out of a shower head. The whole room suddenly echoed with the sweet sound of pouring rain, little streams bursting forth from the ceiling all over the place-at least one per square inch of the room. Aerissa relaxed with a sigh as the warm water rushed down and over hir bound body. Shi resumed watching the dragon, who had sat back down beneath the rope, his eyes closed, a contented smile on his face as the water streamed over his richly muscled figure. Suddenly he gave a whooping roar, leaping forward, snapping his teeth at the streams of water with glee. He landed, immediately rolling over on to his back, tossing and turning, laughing giddily in a very dragony way.

Aerissa felt a tickle at hir consciousness, a feeling familiar to hir. Shi tried to push it away, but couldn't as suddenly it was replaced with a gush of happiness! Shi couldn't help but beam as shi watched the dragon play in the warm water raining down from the ceiling, radiating joy both physically and mentally. 'So this one's a mind speaker, eh?' Shi thought to hirself. Hir mistress genetically engineered many of her pets to be able to communicate using brainwaves.

The dragon rolled over onto his back once more, his forepaws reaching down and rubbing at his belly. He groaned; a very deep, rough sound. He squeezed his eyes closed, biting his lip. 'He's masturbating!' Aerissa realized. Shi suddenly became very excited, hir long-since flaccid cock stirring to life again, poking out from hir sheath. The dragon lifted his tail to his asshole. He moaned lewdly, slowly sliding his tail inside himself. Aerissa could see his cock, now-and what a cock it was! He was about thirty feet away from hir, but shi could tell it was over a foot long, and quite thick. Hir pussy was starting to get wet, now, and not just from the water cascading over hir.

The dragon arched forward as he started to piston his tail into his ass, using his forepaws to massage both his stomach and the head of his meaty length. He groaned again, throwing his head back. Aerissa couldn't help it; shi moaned too.

This was a mistake...

The dragon immediately stopped, his eyes snapping open. He withdrew his tail from his depths and rolled over, gazing curiously over at Aerissa. Shi froze as he began to stalk towards hir, his cock bouncing with his every stride. He was upon hir in a second, lowering his head to sniff at hir. He looked hir up and down, sniffing at first hir erect cock and then hit dribbling, swollen sex. Then he looked at hir as a whole; through his mental broadcasting, Aerissa gleaned a very raunchy idea forming in his head.

Shi groaned as he started licking at both hir pussy and hir dick with one stroke of his massive tongue. He licked hir several times, even wrapping his large lips around hir throbbing member for a moment or two. Then he straddled hir, and easy feat for a male of his size. He lowered his hind regions over hir, his cock standing proud in hir face; then he started to hump forward. It was only slight, poking at hir face with the tip of is three inch thick rod. She got the idea quickly enough, opening hir mouth to admit him. His dick slid into hir maw easily enough, already being somewhat lubed by his pre. However, only three of four inches fit inside her face. That was enough for him, though, as he began eagerly humping hir, more pre drooling out into hir mouth. It tasted delicious! Had Aerissa had use of hir hands, she would've been stroking that massive meat to get more out of it! The dragon must have realized this, for a moment after he started humping hir, he stopped.

He backed down hir body some, reaching under himself with a foreclaw and slit through all four of the straps holding Aerissa down. Not wanting to wait, Aerissa immediately sat up and crawled over to his drooling maleness, taking it in hir paws and rubbing up and down it's length. This yielded a rather loud moan from the dragon, a glob of precum springing from the tip of his member and coating her breasts.

"Feisty, aren't you!" Shi said to the dragon, who responded by bucking forward, almost causing Aerissa to topple over. She caught hirself and immediately took the dragon back into hir mouth, managing to get a full seven inches into hir eager maw now. The dragon panted and grunted above hir as he humped into hir suckling mouth, a stream of sheer bliss coming through the mental connection. Aerissa moaned lewdly around his member, drinking down an especially large glob of precum. Shi sped up hir work, he couldn't be far off now if the grunts and groans were anything to go by.

All of a sudden, he stopped again! Aerissa whimpered as he pulled his member from hir mouth and stepped out from over hir. The dragon rolled over on his back once more. This time, however, he wasn't going to stroke himself. His tail whipped out and wrapped around Aerissa, who cried out in shock as she was suddenly lifted into the air by the appendage, being brought to hang above the dragons groin. The large male used one large forepaw to push his member do it faces upwards. He then maneuvered his tail, lining his maleness up with the entrance to Aerissa's pussy, and slowly beginning to lower hir on it.

Shi cried out, groaning in pain and pleasure as she was split open by his thick rod. Slowly, but steadily she was speared open by the thick pole. Soon the tip of his meat-only being about two thirds of the way into hir-came to rest against hir cervix. With a grunt, the male began pushing hir down again, forcing past hir cervix, his length entering into hir womb.

Aerissa yelped, instantly orgasming, hir tunnel spasming around his thick length; hir nectar rushed out around him, the milky substance making the scales of his crotch glisten. Shi moaned in the throes of ecstacy as hir cock exploded, shooting rope after glorious, sticky white rope of hir seed down onto his stomach. Shi was still cumming as he hilted hir, his cock visibly stretching out hir stomach.

The spasming and writhing of hir tunnel all around him finally sent him over the edge, also. His cock twitched and throbbed, spilling his hot seed into Aerissa's womb as he roared deafeningly, the sound echoing throughout the room, drowning out the sound of the cascading water. His seed soon filled hir, making hir tummy bulge with it's sheer volume. He roared again, bucking his hips up at hir. His seed began gushing out around his cock, coating the area connecting the pair with gooey, thick, white cum.

Slowly their orgasms died off, semen still gushing from Aerissa's depths as the dragon pulled hir off his cock, lying hir on his belly. They both basked in afterglow, the large male dragon murring beneath hir while Aerissa panted on top of him.

An angry hissing resounded throughout the room, barely audible over the thunder of the rain. The large male suddenly flung hir off, rolling to his feet with a yelp of fright. Aerissa landed hard on the ground, sliding a few feet off the tiles, groaning in pain and discontentment as she sat up. The torrent of water falling from the ceiling cut off, then, being replaced with the soft splashing of footsteps crossing the room.

"Well, well. What have we here?" Aerissa looked toward the voice to see hir mistress striding towards them-a briefcase clutched to her side-glancing between hir and the dragon. "Kalliar, did I say you could come to the showers today? Did I SAY you could have fun with my bitch?" Dave glared at Aerissa as she said this.

The dragon, Kalliar, sat down on his haunches, pulling inward on himself, trying to look innocent. He looked at the ground, whimpering, panic trailing across his mental broadcast. He shook his head, giving a cry of anguish. He knew he was going to be punished; it was inevitable when you disobeyed Mistress Davier, tyrant ruler of Regona.

"Just as I thought!" Dave roared in response, one of the few times Aerissa had heard her raise her voice above the usual whisper. Her words were almost incoherent, her vocal system not built to handle the phonetics of the standard, 'civilized' language.

Kalliar whimpered again, flinching back from Mistress Davier's roar. "Now get out!!" Dave roared again, throwing the briefcase down in the water and raising her hand. A blast of green electricity shot from her fingertips and struck Kalliar. He screamed in pain as he turned to flee, slipping several times on the slick floor tiles as the bolts lanced through him. Some stray bolts struck the water, letting Aerissa have just a taste of how strong the blast was. She winced as Kalliar finally made it through the archway, continuing to roar in pain and anguish as he scrambled down the hallway. She saw a couple spots of blood spreading out through the water along his path

Mistress Davier stayed where she was for a moment, seething with rage, the air slits on her waist pulsing quickly as her breathing tentacles flailed from the back of her head. She soon calmed down, collecting herself, and plucking the briefcase from the shallow water. She turned to Aerissa, her head cocked to one side.

"Forgive him, he's been quite obnoxious as of late." She stated simply. She continued: "I've lost my mood, now... You look bloated." Aerissa hesitantly looked down at hir stomach. It was, indeed, quite bloated, hir uterus being full with Kalliar's semen. Shi wondered, briefly, if she's get pregnant. Shi highly doubted it, though, as dread are quite different from hir species of dragon. The thought was still dreadful as it flashed through hir mind. What would hir mistress do if shi suddenly had a clutch of eggs?

Probably break them...

"I wasn't mad at him in the first place, Mistress." Aerissa commented, looking up from hir swollen belly. Hir mistress frowned at this.

"I hope you enjoy your day, as your evening will be quite dreadful. You are free to roam the fortress, but do not leave the grounds. I shall expect you in the dungeon before the turn of seven; you will receive your punishment then." Dave turned and went back to the archway, stopping only to let Aerissa know that she was going down to Ferror, one of the villages over which she holds dominion, to pay Gunther and his restaurant a visit. Then she left, leaving Aerissa to hir own.

By IJP290