Introduction to Manipulators: Linguistics and Phonetics

Story by ijp290 on SoFurry


Manipulators, being half machine, don't talk to each other the way you and I would. Sure, they use sounds, but the sounds they make don't form any coherent language pattern. This is because manipulators talk to each other using programming. Their Data Streams have the ability to send signals to other manipulators, like radio waves with walkie-talkies. The signal always originates from their mouth, and is received through their ears. This is because, unlike walkie-talkies, manipulators pass the signal on sound waves. Sure, they can communicate silently using the ENIC (See "The Brains, the Computer, and the Data Stream"), but that doesn't communicate emotion or meaning near as well as their standard language. When manipulators talk to each other, green lines appear and glow on their ears. These lines are part of their Data Stream, and run from the base of the ear up to the tip.

The signals passed between manipulators contain packets of code. This code can be in two forms: Parallel and EchoX. Parallel is, literally, the programming of life. Of mind, of consciousness. It's the usual form of communication. Using Parallel, a manipulator can communicate their exact meaning, and the complex emotions associated with what they're saying (more basic emotions are passed using only the sounds transmitting the packet). Parallel can be encrypted, so other manipulators may hear the sound, but only the designated manipulator gets the packet of code. Parallel is meaning without words, as all standard manipulator language is. It isn't tainted by alternative meanings to phrases, like English. Parallel can transmit the exact thoughts of the manipulator speaking.

EchoX is somewhat similar to Parallel. It's the programming of action. It's the command language of the manipulators. It doesn't force the recipient to do something, though. It tells them HOW to do it. EchoX transmits a goal, and the instructions for how to complete that goal. Used in tandem with Parallel, EchoX can be used to generate a picture of what a person is saying. If you're describing an event to someone, you can use EchoX with Parallel to transmit a little movie of what you're describing over to them, or build a picture of someone you saw there. Parallel will transmit the emotions and meaning, while EchoX will transmit the experience. Together, it's total communication. Like Parallel, EchoX can be encrypted.

There is a third language, and that is Fuzic. Fuzic uses phonetic structure, like our languages, instead of programming packets. However, Fuzic is hardly ever used. Only Flats and those that associate with them speak it, as Flat manipulators cannot speak in Parallel or EchoX.

Manipulators have a very wide range of sounds that they can make. From whale moans to bird twitters. They designate certain sound sets for different emotions. If they're angry, they may roar or screech at you like a velociraptor or T-rex. If they are casually talking, they'll probably use chatters, whistles, chitters, or chirps. If it's in their personality, they may sometimes use loud, raucous noises like barks for casual. If in an exuberant mood, they'll most definitely use a bark (among other cheery noises). While our language of love is French, the manipulators language of love is Chicken.

That's right, Chicken (and some turkey). Gobbles, clucks, and crows that you'd expect to hear on a farm somewhere. More on this in "Courting/Mating Rituals."