G.A.C.S Operation Reset Teaser

Story by Lukas Moon-Fang on SoFurry



Operation Reset**

The oppressing monotony of grey entombed the man as he stumbled drunkenly through the city's

underbelly. Once again he had spent all his weekly earnings on gambling, it was secret revenge

on his unfaithful wife. His stomach raising again with the pain of knowing his wife was lying in

the bed they had consecrated their marriage on with a different man that wasn't him each and

every night. Feeling the bile rise in his throat the man stumbled into a small alley and lurches as

the contents of his dinner tonight force their way back up his throat and onto the floor in front of

him. Little did the drunk know that his vomit had spilled onto the floor but had covered a pair of

very expensive shoes. The drunk, satisfied that his stomach was now empty, stood. A pair of

green glowing eyes dripped poison. The man not noticing the green glow turned about,

continuing his dismal walk home. Lighting cracked over head as the heavens opened unleashing

a torrent of water upon the city, the man stumbled startled by the sound. He brushed it off as

nothing and stepped forward. Suddenly his midsection lurched backwards, pain flooded through

the drunk's body. Falling to the ground the man clutched at the pain in his abdomen, it felt wet.

Wondering if he had somehow vomited over himself the drunk removed one hand. It glistened

red, a pair of bile covered shoes floated into the man's vision. He stared up at the massive

looming figure, its glowing green eyes glaring down at him. The scream that tore itself from the

drunk's mouth was cut short as the shadow's paw sliced open his neck. The pooled blood

washed away as the drunk died choking on his own blood.

* * *

The blue fluorescent glow bathed the small room as Tarien surveyed his surroundings. He

couldn?t do much more then turn his head; he was lashed down to a small metal chair. Trying to

figure out some way to escape his confines Tarien withered against his bindings. The metal wires

restraining him had sliced small openings over his body blood trickling from all the wounds. The

clang of the metal door behind him rebounded off the walls of his prison his feline ears twitching

behind him. The clack of heeled shoes pounded into his ears, spending time in this sound proof

box had left his ears starved for any sound other than his own breath. The owner of the shoes

strode confidently in front of the massive lion. Tarien stared up at the diminutive snake. He

balked at how short she was most of the transformed topped at least five and half feet, the small

reptile in front of him was lucky to be even five foot two.

"Tarien Kingsssss," she hissed, marking her already deceptive appeal fit her like a latex glove.

Tarien grunted in reply, "formerly known as Colonel King, leader of the G.A.C.Ssssss squad

known as The "Pride"? correct?" the snake asked, pacing back and forth her heels click clacking

across the metal floor. The bound Lion nodded when the snake turned to regard him, "Good

today is the day of your releassssssssse, that is if you will go back into the G.A.C.Sssssss


Tired and sick of his metal tomb Tarien King lowered his head in defeat, finally giving into the

demands of his gravekeepers. The small snake hmmphed and stalked out of the room. The sound

of boot drowned out her clacking heels as three guards rushed into the room. The dark cool

comfort of unconsciousness flooded through the lion?s body as one of the guards smashed his fist

into Tarien's head.

The dull constant throb woke him from the cool nothingness of his unconscious slumber. Slowly the world came into focus as Tarien's eyes pried themselves open; finding himself no longer bound the lion stretched his long unused muscles relishing in their new found freedom. "You're awake, it took you long enough," came a familiar voice from nowhere and everywhere. Startled the Lion back rolled off the gurney he had been laying on landing solidly on his feet. "Well, looks like the nanites are back online and working perfectly. Usually we put you through the normal physical tests but you're needed A.S.A.P," the voice continued. The mechanical clank of a door opening echoed through the empty metal room. Tarien moved to the door, and pushed his large muscles bulging slightly as he applied a small amount of force. The door swung outward surprisingly easy, as it did so a tall skinny otter was revealed. "The king has returned," Greyhem said sounding surprisingly like Rafiki from the lion king. Tarien stared in surprise at the otter Greyhem was his intelligence operative for his old squad, his call sign 'Columbus'.